Newspaper Page Text
Sifter iff A hi hi in in ! it in ioh. nr. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY, JUXEU 1SS2. NO. 28 4TH OF JULY ! flftll Be Celebrated in But ler ji the Grandest JStyle ever seen in the Southwest. Meeting of the Citizens at Evans, Hall Last Night. Yesterday's papers announced fiat there would be a meeting of the wns at Evans' Hall last night for purpose of perfectins arrangements jot the celebranon ot the fourth of July" in Butler. In pursuance of this proc'amation quite a number of substantial citizens gathered at the ball, bein? called together by Wral nieces of W ell-rendered mu- by the Butler Cornet and Reed Band. p fL Fulkerson .was chosen chairman, C. F. Burns secretary and Joseph Meyer treasurer. .The following committee of ar rangements was appointed : E. K. Carnes, C. F. Burns, T- C. Qlark, R. W. Daniels and T- E. Kellar. . It was. ascertained that Messrs. Endres and Meyer had made a con ditional order for fire works, and a .metionto endorse their action was carried. . , It was decided to select the mar shals of the day, and a committee appointed for the purpose made the following selections : Chief marshal, J. W, Hannah; assistants,. Henry Kaune, D. C. Edwards, Noah Ney H Green Walton. Geo. W. Mad- do C. T. Tracy, john Hoagland, Wm. Stone, Geo. V. Short and Wm. Simpson. : ' " On motion a committee on fire works was appointed as follows : Joe Meyer; Harry Deacon, A. B. Thomas and Andy Bremerman. This eemmittee will have charge of the display and will attend personal ly to the wot k. i On - motion a committee on grounds, whose duty it is to choose the grounds, see that they are prop erly cleared off, and seats, speakers and music stands provided, was ap pointed as iollows : Charles Endres, Gus. Bennert and Jas. H. Despain. On motion Chas. Endres was ap pointed a committee of one to attend to the supply of water and ice. On motion a committee on speak ers, whose duty it is to invite the proper persons and entertain them while with us, was appointed as fol lows: J. C. Clark, C. T. McFar- lane, Sam'l Levy, A. L. JYlcUritle and O. D. Austin. " : : rri a 1 j.1 t- . 1 . - .i.ue treasurer reponeu uwi uicic us iuy Jll iidiiu SOO j- v-w- ; The same committee which had made "the former solicitations was the turther collections and receive further subscriptions. . . The secretary was instructed to present to each paper in the citv r 1 1' copy oi tne proceeuin;;:, ioi publication, and, on motion, the , meeting-adjourned. The arrangements as perfected already are sufficient to indicate the magnitude of the celebration. The grand orator of the southwest, Col.' Jno. T. Crisp, has faithfully prom ised to be here. As sure as life and health are given him he will delight the immense throng which will gath er here with one of his masterly ora tions. Other men of eminence will claimed only when they say positive ly that we can depend upon them. " The two Butler bands are both engaged, aad the people of Bates ad surrounding counties know that fcawfll insure fine music. -.Two hundred and fifty dollars worth of fire-works have been or dered. This is enough to keep bur men busy from dark until II o clock and besides some of the pie ces will be made to order, and be the grandest ever brought to this country. The great industrial procession has been arranged and those who have een these displays know that they re something splendid. These things are settled. Every lady in Bates county who is on the celebration grounds in But ler on the Fourth of July, will be presented with a ticket bearing a number. One of these tickets will draw a fine $210 organ. The draw !n2 will be conducted fairlv, and to the country, the ladies of Butler will he excluded. The organ has been purchased with money raised by pri vate subscriptions and will positively be given to the lucky lady who has the winning ticket. Another boom for Butler's celebration. Arrangements are bc-sn made to have a more music ; to have a par ade by the "Mystic Krew;" to have a premium offered to the township, (leaving out Mt. Pleas .nt)vhich has the largest delegation present; business houses in the city uniformly decorated, and, in short, to have everything that the ingenui ty and money of our people can de vise and provide. .Hurrah for our celebration. MORE DEVILTRY. An Attempt at Jlobbery and As sassination at Chillicothe. Chillicothe, Mo., June 1 1,2 p.m. This morning at 4 o'clock, a sup posed attempt was made to rob the ticket office of the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad at this place, by a party of negroes, whose depredations upon public and private property are becoming to frequent to be much longer endured by a civilized com munity. At the hour named a num ber of these characters had congre gated at the stock pen, nearly op posite from the depot, while two of their number were appointed to be gin their tievilish work Henry Smith, night operator, had just opened the ticket office, which is located about twenty feet from the telegraph office and north of the passenger waiting room., while Fred Tucker, the night assistant was left in charge of the instruments. Approaching the door one of them urged the other, in loud words, to "go in and sei.d the dis patch." Entering, he asked one or two common place questions and then, with an oath, drew a . revolver and fired, the ball entering the right cheek near tbe corner ot the mouth and coming out back of the ear. Tucker was seated in a chair at the time this shot was fired and jumped to catch the assassin, who ran out on the platform. Closing the door, Tucker wheeled around to get his revolver, and in doing so, was in the act of raising his right hand to the wound when the accomplice fired at him through the window, the shot taking effect at the second joint of the thumb, the ball lodging near the wrist joint and disabling him from using a revolver. Parties near the depot, hearing the firing, hurried to the scene of conflict, which fright ened the gang away and probably prevented any further attempt at life or property. Mr. Tucker is one of the finest young men in the city, and his friends, to the number of 100 or more, including city and county of ficials, "are in close pursuit of these thieves and assassins. Tucker's wounds are not dangerous. Deer Creek Items. The weather is fine and warm. Plowing corn seems to be the order of the day with farmers. Wheat, oats and flax look as hue as I ever saw them at this "time of year since I have been in prosperous Bates county. ' Fruit of all kinds will be plenti ful. New potatoes are abundant. We are httving a very good school taught at Big Deer Creek school house by Mr. Putman. 'We also have one of the best Sunday schools in the county. Our house is 20x30 and will not near hold the peop.e who attend. The superintendent is Mr. F. M. Nichols. Politically we are all solid, but we would like to see some party put in nomination a straight prohibition ticket. We would give it a boom. It is time Missouri was waking ur on the whiskey question, and why should not progressive Bates lead off, as she generally does m every good work? May it so be. ' T. Woman's primitive beauty and vigor, which have been lost, can be restored and retained by the actionot certain constitu tional agents! These agents necessarily 1 l-t .... iiul antagonize ' all existing female irregularities and ex ! cesses, or obstructions which produce the ill health. I he remeu v musi umunu u locked up secretions, add iron to the blood, strength to th srstem and vitality to the nerves. Such a remedy is found in the use ot English Female Hitters & great triumph in the cure of sickly fe males. " ROBBERS CAPTURED. The Brookfield Back Robbers- Ran Down and Captured. Driven in an Old House They are Surrounded and Give Up. A GLORIOUS DAI FOR MO. Brookfield, June 9. For but one hour since the raid -was made on the bank have the robbers been lost sight ot by their pursuers, and tnen the trail was quickly found again and followed till the bandits were forced into a log hut in the depth of the forrest about thirteen miles south west ot Kirksville, where they FORTIFIED THEMSELVES and made loop holes in the sides of the house by knocking out the plaster batween the logs. From this point cf vantage the robbers OPENED FIRE OX THEIR BLOCKADERS and three horses were shot and two men hit with bullets, one getting a ball through the hand whice after wards imbedded itself into the stock ot his rifle. All night long the posse guarded the house expecting the men to make a DASH FOR LIBERTY under the cover of the n!ght, but no such attempt was made. It would have been a solitary failure, for in the bright moonlight every entrance or exit to the house was plainly visi ble to the watchers in the woods, while the shade of the thickly leaved trees kept the captors securely hid den from the prisoners in the hut. Nothing occurred during the night and the day dawned with sleepless men, both inside and ont ot the im provised fort. At 6 o'clock this morning, how ever, the desperadoes called out that they were willing to surrender, pro vided they could be guaranteed safe conduct to the jail. They expressed themselves as decidediv AViRSE TO BEING LYNCHED, and insisted on a fair trial, much after the style of Capt. Jack in the lava beds. After a short consultation the sher iff announced that the terms of their proposition were accepted and they were told to march out with hands up. Fearing a ruse the guard was kept up on all sides ot the house, and a strong line drawn up in front of the door and sufficiently under cover to be safe in case of treachery on the part of 'he prisoners. Soon the door opened and the "man with the long nose" appeared with hands only partially raised. The members of the posse had no confidence in him, however, and a H-1XDRED WEAPONS CLICKED as they were brought to bear upon him. His hands went up high,'right off. Then the other three followed him out and the sheriff went for ward and deprived them of their weapons. Seven revolvess and two knives were found. After some consultation among the officers it was decided not to leave with the prisoners for some time until further reinforcements could be received, as there is a pret ty general belief that the woods are full of armed desperadoes, friends of the bandits, who will ATTEMPT A RESCUE on the way to jail. The courier who brought this dis patch from your regular reporter, who is with the captors in the woods, states that the sheriff says he will bring the men here alive if it . takes every able-bodied ma in the state oi Missouri to do it. It is generally believed here that the posse will meet with trouble, but they are prepared to make it very unpleasant for the man who inter feres. The courier from the camp says two ot the men gave the name of Mason, one that of ,Fox, while the other man refuses to give his name. He is the man who acted as leader during the raid. It is not stated whether the money was recovered or hot, but particulars are momentarily expected. " Reinforcements have left here tor the scene of the capture and any at tempt at rescue will be met with desperate - insistence. Corsets! Corsets!! That new brand at the Factory Store. M. S. OOWLBS & CO. GARR? THE LARGEST STOCKOr Clothing, gents Funishing Goods Hats, Caps .Boots and Shoes, In the County, where nil the latest novelties and best goods, at the lowest prices will be found. W. T. WooDeir y STAFJLlri. anadl FAJMJff" &IffiEmniES t AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST (Dwnraitiry IProdluce Wa noted! nan IExcHaaiiDge Liawyerti. 1IEXRY A. HI CUM'DLEY, ATTORNEY A'i LAW, Butler Mo. Office east side of square, Edwards' block. Will practice in all the courts of Bates and adjoining counties, in the Uni ted States courts at Kansas City and Jeff erson Citv, and in the Supreme court at Jefferson fcity, nio-tt - S. 8. LASHBROOK. THOS. J. SMITH. LASH ROOK & SMITH, Attorneys at Iaw utler, Mo. Will practice in the courts of Bates and adjoining coun ties, Collections promptly attended to and Taxes Paid for Non-residents. Office, front room over Bates county Na tional Bank. na tf . JOllX b. ic S. P. FRANCISCO, Attor neys at Law, Butler, Mo., will prac ticein the courts of Bates and adjoining counties. Prompt attention given to col lections. Office over Hahn & C'o.'s hard ware store. 0 PARKINSON '& AERN A THY, Attor- neys at Law, Butler, Mo. Office west side of "the sauare. 22 A' HENRY, Attorney at Law, Butler, Mo. Will attend to cases in any court of record in Missouri, and do gener al collecting business. S A. RIGGS, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Office in Probate Court room. w - O. JACKSON, attorney at law, . RiitW. Mo., office over F. M. Crumlv's, Drug house on West side " 261-17-lf M. L. BROWN. T. HITSR CROCKETT. BROWN & CROCKETT, Attorneys at Law and Insurance Agents, Rich Hill Mo. Collections a specialty. Office on sixth street, under City Hall. HCLAY TUTT, Attorney at Law Butler, Mo. Special attention given to Probate business T Week. $a day at home easily made. Costly outfit free. Addres True & Co., Augusta, Maine. 16-iy a week la your own tows- Terms nnd 95 outfit free. Address H Hallett k Co., Portlasd, Maine. 6-iy Spring Wagon For Sale. A No 1 Spring Wagon, with new top and newly painted, for sale on good terms. Enquire of A, B. McFarland or at Times office, r , ' . n-ti The Danger of Tbe 8tock Marlets A man mav be incredulous enough to risk his money in the tickle mysteries ot a mercurial stock market bi t when he gets the Itching Piles, he goes straight tor Swavne's Oitmnt. Unlike the ulls and Bears of the Stock Exchange, who clean . 1 1 .-nJ.H ra&h. it return I VOU Wl VI -- I .. -:,h internet, in the wav of j allaying the intense Itching and insuring sweet repose." 2Qi-i2-im . l'hvslclium. JOHN PERRIE, M. D. Physician and Obstetricfan, Butler, Mo. Office and residence, house lately occupied by J. T. Graves, near East district shool. Reterence, Dr. L. M. Wright 22 297 JM. CHRISTY, M. D.f Homoepathic Physician and surgeon. Special at lention given to female diseases, Butler Mo. Office, North side square over Hahn & Go's. Residence, Ohio street, doors west ot Wyatt & Boyd's lumbe yard. i.?-tf DD. WOOD, Physician and Surgeon, Butler, Mo. Office over Aaron Hart's store. rp C. BOULWARE, Physician and JL Surgeon. Office north side square, Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chil ren a specialty. RA. BATI IURST, Physician. Altona Mo. Will attend promptly to all pro tessional calls. ivtf J, Everingham, M. D Residence west side North Main street E, L, Rice M. D, Residence east of sqr, with J, C, Clark, EVERINGHAM & BICE. PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS, Having formed a copartnership tor the practice of medicine and surgery, tender their services to the citizens of Butler and surrounding country, OFFICE 1st door west of Pentzers Furniture store. Calls attended to at all hours, day or night, both in the city and country. 241 14 RS. KELSO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office first door over Post office Butler Mo. 220- 12-tf Miscellaneooa. LCULBERTSON, Real Estate Agent, Rich Hill Mo., P. O. Box 342. . Cor respondence solicited. no 41-tf. DV. BROWN, Judge ot Probate, But- ler Mo. Will draw and acknowledge deeds, contracts, teases and all papers re quiring the acknowledgment or lurat of a clerk of a court of record. FOR SALE, A resident. lot in Cowie's addition, on Ohio street. Splendid location. Apply at this office. aovtf, FOR SALE or RENT Two or three houses in different parts of the city Enquire ot J. Everingham, D 273 1 J WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Plasterer. Otters hi service to the citizens cf Bate county in all branche of Plastering, in cluding Kalomining, etc. He has had a large experience, and guarantees entire fratisfactkm . s6tf "Per week can be-rnade in any lo OOvcalitv, Something entirely new tor agents, $5 outfit free, G, W, Ingram tc Co, Boston, Mass, new- SADDLE AND HARNESS ED. KELLER & Co- PROPRIETORS. South- tjde square, utler, M o., nesl door to Jeter's Jeweler Store We hare a full stock of saddlery and har ness. Goods firt.t- la.-s and sold as cheap as the cheapest. Honest work guaran teed. Favor us with a call. ity$m. 1 Buehner & Joseqh, Manufacturer and Fine Cigars. Large stock always on hand and or 27 3m ders promptly filled. THE BOLD ROBBERY OF JESSIE .TAMg, ARCHIjE Does not affect the yrice ot furniture ' In that place, where you can get a good walnut Bureau for 10; a breakfast table for S3.50 ; 6 chair for $3.9$ ; a good bed- sicso rer m gooa roc.ui( caiir ior 75 cts; a safe for $4.35; a cradle for $1.50. Also Keep In stock meal and flour chests, -and all kinds of furniture kept in a fcrt class store and the best sewing macMsf i the market. Oil cloth carpets, custaias wagons, trunks, yalices, glass, chrecoet sets and bird cages. My stock of under taking goods is complete. Will repair all kinds of furniture and saw brackets for carpenters sad builders. Now is the line to ge your picture framed. I will pay the fcighest price for walnut lumber Bring your chickens to me and take pic ture frames in return. Come one and sit and see mr mammoth stock before buying at other places. W. E. Leoxar, ix-tf Archie M. Mardlu .Kefir of Flnsl ef. Notice" is hereby given that tbe umJer- -14 .... .,4 ; . Af tfe wruui and Mt 1 Bigftiw wsm. v tr v Chamber: minor, has made j a just and true exhibit of the account 1 1 1 A . t LI. . ' 4 1 n J t ociwccn niniKU'iHi t filed the tame with the Probate court oi i Male icuntr, Miouri and that on the first day rt the next August term, of aid court, he intends to ak said eurt tor leave to make final settlement ot his guardianship accountsand or ni Ji, charge as uch guardian, GEORGE W. Cowxey,. 244 Guardian