Newspaper Page Text
! A Bargain S. W-Green's Son, No. 74 Beek-i man St., New York, has serrt us j volume two of the Library of Lni- j versal Knosvledge. The public are j already familiar with the peculiar merits of this cyclopaedia. Ihexol- umebefoieus contains SSo pajjes, cmfcracmx all the titles m A not in- eluded in the first volume and most , i 3,rr cafS' exam, nation of its contents confirms, UUi hiffh opinion otthe work as a whole. 'h'u, w.rmiorti manner in which the department of biography is treat ed, which does'so much to give the Library of Universal Knowledge its high position as a work of reference for American readers, is exemplified in this volume. One seldom refers to the Library for biographical in formation without obtaining what he seeks, and the ir.tormation is brought down to the most recent period. 1 he biography of this volume includes Tames: G. Blaine, N. i- Banks, P. T. Barnum, Edwin Booth, II. W Beecher, Sarah Bernhardt and Brad laugh. An article of seven pages on "Banking," to which we call par ticular attention, explains the general principles and methods of banking, defines terms peculiar to that busi ness, gives an account of the Bank of England, with much information as to its capital, issue and deposits; and also contains a history of banking in the United States, including an account of the old United States Bank, the different systems or State banks, the "wild cat" and "red dog" banks which were at one time so notorious, and the present national hanking system, to which last is ap- pended"Vtable of interesting sta- iisiics, snowing me iiuiuirn ....... in the United States, the distribution of banking capital, and the amount of deposits ; and the article concludes with a short sketch of ancient bank ing. The whole article presents a most instructive view of the subject of which it treats. A curious article on "Beards" gives an account of the various fashions which have pre vailed from time to time in wearing hair on the tace, and furnishes much amusing information in resrard to the habits of different peoples in that respect. We learn that the Moslems carry combs about with them and carefully dress their beards after prayers, the devotee remaining on his knees during the operation. AH hairs falling out in the process are carefully gathered up and preserved for burial along with the body, the Moslem himself frequently deposit ing them in the place where he ex pects to be entombed. The article on kBaths" contains and interesting lic baths prevailing in ancient times, and describes the elaborate toilet performances through which the bathers went in those days. Among other noticeable articles in the vol ume are those on the Austrian Em pire, Bees, Biology. the. Bessemer process tor manufacturing steel, and the Book Trade. The reader will find every kind of information,' rang ing from the "Babylonish Captivity" to "Base Ball," and from "Botany" to "Billiards." We take this onnorlunitv to com mend the Library ot Universal Knowledge to our "readers. They can not do better than to buy this work, which is brought by its mode rate price within the reacn ot au. A Democrat's View. We give space for the following, not that it may prejudice anyone, but our colunis are- always open to .the public, and especially Democrats. Ed. Butler, -Mo., June 6, 1SS2 EdTimes: Are the wishes of the candidates for the various offices in Bates county only to be consulted ; or, are the people who compose the Democratic party of the county to give up their wishes as to the time of holding the primaries, and turn over the control of the campaign to the cjmdidates ? We have cen tral committee composed ot repre sentative men and if they should think it best for the success of the party to change the time of holding the primaries, let them do it without any dictation whatever from any of the aspirants. Satisfy the wishes of ' the people and success and a glori ous victory will cover our efforts. A jailor had received strict orders not to keep any prisoners in solitary confinement. Once, when he had but two in charge one escaped, and he was obliged in consequence to kick the other out ot doors, to comply with the regulations. Buclmpaiba.- New, quick, complete cure j a urinary affecrions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases $i at druggists. West'n Mo. Repot, Merers Rivmi .V i n.. Knui Pit.- Mn VKvl.l.N ATTEMPTED TBAIN ROBBERY . Fonr jien Attempt to Rob a Tram in Texas. t , Dallas, Tex., June At - 0.clock this morninS the north bouml tirpr - lhc Missouri Pa- Clfic ruAroad was flawed at a point a mile and a half ntath of Denton, j in a cut surrounded by dense thick- j ft Vs soon as it stopped four i masked men boarded the express car. As they appeared in the nar row passage the express agent, the mail agent, the baggage master and one of the armed guards, who, in anticipation of a robbery, had armed J,T.t: Ktji the train nail stopped, were ready to open fire on them. Taken at a disadvan tage, the robbers fled without rei turning fire. The guard ran out and got a fair shot at one of them at a distance of ten paces, and it was thought he had been killed, but a search revealed no olood or cviden ces of the fact. A sheriff's posse, soon after day light, went in pursuit. A short dis tance from the scene of the attempt ed rob bervlthey found the dead body of a man with his mask still on. He has been identified as S. P. Shclto'n, of" Johnson county, Texas. This I, .Viitr 1 i rr"i i 1 f rfM 1 CVcIllllg iiuiii.i iwi' on. i .1. . on ic m Tin '.it ipnmn. . , . -ri . His name is Joe Carter, of Denton county. He had just completed serving out a two year's sentence in the penitentiary. He is a son of John Carter, a respectable citizen of Denton. He surrendered and turn ed state's evidence. He says the other two robbers were strangers, being in the county on'' a few days Tt I .1 Ua rvKKonr l? X lit: V uiaiuiEu mi- iuuuh). 1 1 .1 K. r..(.,woc trt lkl'"S U,C" ...., 1 j:..i .u f,n Cf.,f. hindefinite about them. The of- fixers are still scouring the country tnr thfm I v --- i Springfield Sun: About two months ago . L. Clark arrived trom his southern sunny home near New Orleans and took a high position in Fellow's Wagon anop as toreman C . t-. . r n n .1 tifrbinfv lniiirtrvii'nf I i i i- and being ot a joviai, sunsniny uis- u v,f -.ft,..- . a good hand to drive away the blues. He was one of the leading tamA pJrw r , T- u.. i 1 Minstrel iruapc uiai nas i down the sauntlct of defiance and kept all the traveling troupes of the day away from the city, who care more for their laurels than they do for money. Lsut an evil day came with the closing down of the shop on account of an over production of wagons tnrough an under-consumption by our system of class legislation and Clark found rh:it h; had over conU:iicd his cash in riotous living. Last night he drew a heck on the bank lor $32 to nav some little bills and bv a - " r strange oversight, "put F. 1L Fel- lows name o.i it instead of his own, V . ; ; . , . , . ' paid to his lanloru tor toaru, geinng iv 1 - - $17 in cash back and then skipped the "dad sastcd" town. He will be ke pt in green remembrance till he is heard from aain Joplin Herald: The Missouri Pacific construction train -hove in siwht vfsicrdnv afternoon on the hill east of the city. f esse James ghost "must have been the presiding: spirit over the Brookficld bank robbery on Wed nesday. . Though dead bodily- the lnnuence of Tesse s life still lives to J harrass the citizens, violate the law and disgrace the State. Skin Diseases Gart-6. fr Fraiier' 'Matrix Ointmnt- Cures as if by magic, Pimples, Black beads or grafes blotches and Eruptions . I I .1 1 t . 1 l on xnc lace, icmiog uic vicar, iirj:ii- thy and beautiful. Also cures itch, bar- beV itch, salt rheum, tetter, ringworm, scald head, chapped Tiands, sore nipples sore lips, old, obstin.ite ulcers and sores, aic. mkui msease. r . uraKe, esq., iieve- land, O., suffered beyond all description from a skin disease which appeared on his hands, head and tace, and nearly des- t roved his eves. The most careful doc - tnrlmr tailea to he!n him. anA afr all had tailed he used Dr. Frazier's Magic! Ointment and was cured bv a few apnli cations. ; The first and ot ly positive cure tor skin diseases ever discovered. For Blind, Weeding, itching or ulcerat .ed Piles Dr. Villiam's Indian Pile Oint ment is a sure cure. Price $ i .cxx by tiuii i. 5ent or man on receipt ot price, httv HENRY & CO. Snl PrrTr'l - --"i" 6a Veset Street, New York f.'itv .ti t r .ti . " For micui . v no-uaw iy True to the spirit and admiration to. Thos. Tefferson, Virginia sets down upon the effort, and brands it an act of vandalism to remove the remains of her great Revolutionary sa-e and statesman from the soil he loved and to which his life was chiefly devoted. Beneath an old hickory tree in the county of Albe marle, the dust of Thomas Jefferson nas rcsted for over a halt century, it was h;s fast request to be buried there by the side of his beloved wife, and friend Dabney Carr. To re move his ashes now after these long years of apparent neglect, would be sacrilegious. No, better let there- mains lie undisturbed, shaded by the branches of the old hickory tree at Monticello. and proceed in accor dance with the resolution and appro priation of Congress, to erect the $io,ooo monument to his memory. How to Save. All hard worke's are subjeet to billious attacks which mavendin dangerous ill ness, Parker's Ginger Tonic will keep the kidneys and liver active, and by pre venting the attack save much sickness, loss ot time and expense, Delay at such times means danger. Detroit Press. See other column. Mayor E. A. Burke, of. the New Orleans Times-Democrat, and C. II. Baker, ot the Picayune, fought a duel on the 7th. Five shots were exchanged, and Burke was shot through the thigh, but not . HinffmiK i ne weauons usiu . . were revolvers. Money for a Rainy Day. Vtr siv vars mv daughter was sick from kidney and' other disorders, We had used upour savings on doctors, when our dominie adv ised us to try t-arKer s Ginger tonic. Four bottles ettected a cure, ad as a dollar's worth has kepi our tamily well over a year, we have been able to lav bv money tor a rainy day," A Poor Man's Wile. 22-im In his letter declining to stand for ... , . t . Ulli;ca3 n 1 m , - , . HT . .... .W, ir. I3iame says: -rui iCwiy-w..v years I was continually in public, arm x iCi.. a wageuy urai nas . i i r Ai changes m tne poncy 01 me r,nvernment . DeeD changes, we shouiti remark! The whole states man.tjke pohcy inaugurated by Gar field has been turneti bottom side up- wards by Arthur & Co. . Tli ritixens of Brookheld and vi cinitv. thoush in Missouri, are pur suing the tour bank robbers with the alacrity and spirit that Minnesota did the loungers. It tne results oe thi same count one more for Mis soun lustice PILES! PILES! PILES! A sure cure tound "at last ! Xo one r.. differ! A sure cure tor Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by ur. winiam, an in called Dr. William's In dian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 2 5 or 30 years ctanrlino Xr one need suffer five min ute after applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine, potions instrument anu electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allavs thfe intense itching, (particularly at night atter getting warm in bed,) as a poultice, gives instant ana painiess rcuci t.nd is prepared only for Piles, itching of tne private parts, ana ior noming eic. 1 Keaawnat me non, j. .i. vumuuen) of Cleveland says about Dr. William's scores ot i'Ue Cures, ana u anoras me j pjeasure to SS1V that I have never found pleasure to say anything which permanent relie o-ave such immediate and lief as Dr. William's Indian VJIUUIICUI . For sale by J. G. Walker druggist or Fd on receipt ot price, $1.00. oaile HENRY & Co., Prop'rs, 62 V esev Street. New York "The truth alvvavs pays in the end." is a time-honored adasre. It I. t . . . .1 is suDDosed that is the reason peo pie are often so chary about resort ing to it in the beginning. A Nevada newspaper says that 'in the absence ot all the editors of I ceedetl m securing the services oi -a i , genticman to euutnis numoer. Weakly and Sicily Persons! .Vanv persons who are weak and sickly at this season of the vear are at a loss to know how to restore their health. It has lately I 'Cen found by experience that the use ot Speer's Port Grape Wine is one ot the best restoratives known. Physicians, clersymen and temperance advocate . , . . " a- in and thus aid the cause of temperance and moderation. It is especially recoromen- ded to families tor its puntv, exquisite ! . , , , . 1 flavor and health v properties. Medical men certitv to it valuable medicinal powers. Mr.'Speer has been tor Tears engaged in the'raising of grapes and per tecting this wine, and it requires a four years process betore it is St for tor mar ket. X. Y. Baptist. . F. M. Crimly & Co., have procured f SO' son- direct trom the Vineyards. It is I - excellent for females, especially for those i wj with nursing infants. IO&27 2W sm j OiMAStt OF THE I l. X S SuJm, ML JFsWAYNES' Piin.Et, Soke. Ji'VV, M OINTMENT. BlOTCHES, JPf - Rash I -j On .ccou.t or At- EavewciAS. 10 unwniTiii B.iXlM 1 I A -mM o ! 1 : ITCM B V. aaOWa ST S ojl'o. M A I TW GREAT CuRC ne k ffj ro ITCH.NO Pu.ES." K St Da. Sav A Son, Face. Ef (VV k I Jr. MONROE TAYLOR ESTABLISHED 1S44. e 113 WATER ST., NEW xoxtik. These goods Lave no equal in quality and handsome style of package. Satisfac tion guaranteed or no pay. Ask yonr grocer for J. Monroe Tavxo&'s Gold Medal Soda. Saleratus, or Baking Powder, and consult our best interests t y giving it e trial yea r llnnti ai.rl STiook mailt- til inlT. The best and all kinds of lt-ather used. They caknowledge no superior. Kepiiiring oromnilv attended to.-a Shon north side square, between H. Weil's and thr Palace liote. BUTLKIJ. MO. vl 111 issouri pacific The Direct Route FOR ALL S IN "Kan nas, Colorado, 2Tew Sesico, California azid Tesas. 2 Trains Daily VIA ST. LOUIS. EAST NORTH 2Trains Daily FAST IDC SU?ESI0E .OKIUSTIOS A. A. TatMAfiie Gen'l. Manager. F. Chandlkit Gen'l. Pass'r Aent H.V, pe??tz::i5 DKALKR IX FITJflTLJlJi:. BABY. CAltKIAGl: I all atyies aw !r.- . Jul Siri! Alwys iq Kni Mtlf ujmI tiin:iJi-l " -hort unc Oi.iers may ! U'U at F. Kti stable altpr nieht or en iti.iy. Biuler. Mo v 4Hm -JLli UfL WsW: J a try vr a-55rfce vi stxkxi i ii t jr a i y- -r. Back' Ache POSITIVELY CURED BT Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Rr&Mas Why vnoy arc lrfrt4 to All Ottaer Vorou llater or External Firat. BecanB they poeM aU th merit f the strenetbening porous plaster, and contain n ad dition tharcto the newly ditcoerel powerful and active vegetable combination whlcU acta wita in creased rubefacient, etiroulatinc, iedailte and counter irritant effects. Second. Barauae they are a genuine pharmaceutical prep aration, and so recognized by the profession. Third. Hecanse they are tha only platters that relieve poiu at once Fourth. Because they will positively cure diseases which otner remcaies wu uui e iwi- rifth. Because over 5000 physiciani and drugelata hare : ' . : 1 k. Kaw .m annarinr tA All voluntarily icblaucia ium v. ul.t . . j: - . c n u. bI t . . otoer puuiera or DNKua Sixth. Beranse the mannfacturera have received the only medals ever given for porous plasters. Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster! SEABURY & JOHNSUN, jlanniacianng uwnua, new HURE RKMKDV AT I.ANT. Pre SSrtJ. K MEAD'S Medicated LUKnana uuniun ruiaicn. l ' 1 K B. D. BUFORD & PO Rock Island, HI. .Man usc t unrs ot SULKY AKO GANG PLOWS, Steel & Qhtilei Fiona. CULTIVATORS, listing Plows, COMBINED LISTER AND CORN DRILL, Harrows, etc., etc. Branch Houses. ST. LOUIS, Mo. KASSAS C1XT, Mft. ST. PAUL, Minn. ST. JOSEPH, Me. COLLHBLS, O. XILWA6KEE, Ws. OXAIIA, Xeb. Write for our Diary, mailed free dr.ttier Gl 7 St. Charles Street, tsu UnaZr located thaa any otberPhrticuo la bLion R, cUt papers showand aU old realdenu koow. by pb- ture.Urinarr BrPhilitlc or aCercuriaLA-ffectiona of Throat, BKU or sums earaa bhmt. rriTntr. BrjermatorrfaaesBeraaaBebllitr and ImpottB cy atheiseitoI8M-Abir.aTil aJg- emiaal eaiaatoaa. iMltI.toa tire BMiiwry.abreteal eearraka ty aoctetr dsriac marriac Improper. eud KMaltatka at SaoTtffiSS fraVaad InUed. pmpkWw. L'Timi Mini 1 " awl tiTSiail irr arrr Onra KiARRIACE!pJ$ pfWfs. J GUIDE! lOKf SMOOTnajMBaaa-r mam. aaav w laaneami m - - - 70S CIMMUt 9Xm SJT.LOUW, H coatiaue la cmrpeTalei I hiaa. Deaa, Tmpalenry. all liiis e ! j taaaeMea;. roaaa.Me. uimarrw few Safe. Diaaaaaa ur frtnatwtf cat mm lor life raaam iatriciisaS1aaiis rapcaaoaiirawealiB rARmACECUIDEroT tarn, vmntwtv 'YOUTH and MANHOOD THE MS EASES OF A GUIDE TO HEALTH WITH TT A PHTBICIAN of year's vuiMunvmc. "Hjoir syste-a with Draft, Jmt act ibis Book and avoid .Qaaeka. bs free" aad Electric Belt Haaa. aatfa- tin i tkna: -kih It. aVTBaTaaaM. PrifiA SftCtat THE PUBLISHER, Baa 234, Mil ashes, Wle. poxvsaw SI ulmntw r!ui -t-mt tar Ulnl. Wkim aad nralr4 -a Kicaoac artMliiW. 1 t vrtf tmr UttrfOw. r rmmliihc fc . a.rt rimts aa4 (Mr iahTa, tarf kwiMMiilK .-aiwnm maliii iaim, Dlf. lilTi s l v a ac, ac Ms aa JEaTTAJaXlaaUklk VCJC TaUBTT TKAJtS. TSontlva IaarxCit.Oaarlaa, St. 1mSM 1 C J f I A. frr THE GREAT Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Langour, Nervous Hxhanstion arising from orer work or excess of any kind, AND FOR Female Weaknesses. IT PREVENTS Malarial Poisoning and Feyer and Ae, And is a Specific for Obstinate a a a "w- a av PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLEl SIX FOR W.OO SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERJL MEYER BROS. A CO. hoi eeale Amenta. Kaaaas Ciry aad St. Loala. aU THE BEST REMEDY FOB Diseases of the Throat and Leu Jlwrar-vo . In diseases of the put' Zll aCaSai monary organs a u!a and reliable remedy H invaluable. Atbb'i Chkiult Pkctokal a) m,mK m vmiiaiI,. ami ia , o therao eminently mer ; its mo connaenc a 1 the public. It is ssct. the medicinal prloc pies ana cnrauT w toes of the finest drags, olunnifrall united, fit f snch power aa to laama , tna greatest pwwuw ! efficiency and unifonB. ItanlMinltl. ftatrikM PECTO a thM foundation of all pulmonary diaeasea, atfording prompt nUet and rapid cures, and is adapuS to paUenU ei .i.Vim RMinvwMvnailatahia the yoangeat children take it readily. Is rdinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, urODCnius, ibhibuhi vwwiuwi Sor Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, the effects of Atek's Chsbbt Pkv tobai. axe magical, and multitudes are at .. . . I li. mrm nuailj preacrreu mm nhwh w""" w timely and faithful use. It should he kepi at hand in every household for the pro tection it affords in sudden attacks. Is Whooplna; COUKa ana ajoaaiainFuaa Utere is no otner rtmeaj ao juMKWKmmm, soothinir, and helpful. Low prices are inducements to try soma of the many mixtures, or syrups, mad of cheai ana ineneenve ingreuwaia, uu vna(n tin raratfra nnaliaeL can afford only temporary relief, and s sure toaeeeive ana aisappouK wo Diseases of the throat and lungs demand active and effective treatment; ana it, dan gerous experimenting with unknown sal cheap medicines, from the great liability tia these diseases may, wnue so nroea win,, lunl mnatnA nr ifumraltle. LM Atcr's Chkret Pbctobal, and yon mj .a . a u. ji a connacDuy expec. -no uc- reui. standard medical preparation, ot knwn vm Al.ywrllwhl fillPQtlV ralaVaT ind 11 saf Lsuvn irAjou v a-w F -s cheap as its careful preparation and n knowing its composition, prescribe it in toes practice. The test of bait a century w proven its absolute certainty to cure ail p monary cempiainis not aircauy reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., rracUcal aa4 Analytical Cheaalsts, Lowell, Mass. SOLD ST ALL t01TS BTKaTWBSSS. I' THE UTEI AXO ITS RJUCTIOKS. IT haa beeoow a w.11 MteUMwl tm flMttt I la,a aawaiam aumm u whlea tae aw 9 (aaUlrtaaabjeanMlathaflrvtBlMfraa aea eaUy Ua Uxaaat, bat at the aaaM ttata ee is aMatUBiMWtk Tka nwa Maea. aa lm iililliitnil aa llnna thlm acKaa. ea In tta aaaaaa ka bqxulttaMt alae taa mh fin nisnil a " " ATTnm UUsU IseaaUr a aaar af iiawe as sea wa mm er lees aatesit, aa4 waea this lUeforHta amrly falfllua m f eU afcjaawaaaaie aaaatar treat i& u ikn. iiilaawOfcH f wUeVat abaJVkae beaa rUj4 M.a'.SSUMMl llBKLTAtl (sseelaat tsisst Itueuatk. 8ath; '-- sua v ElaCOflMiac! rattaii'ir: (dva-WCtkr ImmtfUmlmi t'.pat'A. flSHiV wmiiwciiaa BITTERS tmi !k-eae- 4m a aar CURES tabr fl itSutt a AUClSUStSCnii; LIVER KIDNEYS jWawai 'jntcwaia. tiiaifa lai raaaawd te aiatHirn! STOMACH AMD Hntt If tlaaa. aatf. imli'i Kf tu ariclaau aadTiar. fcr aH I'W ofiaiafctAd' taire la anj asadlcla M .a taal aa l PKlCEj DOLLAR. j3 aad brtOK swr-La- TOsKtMa is Ita I";,T- ilUSS VCH.1SIS.& ranks abo-a aU !t U-trlaL If Baaaoaa lle. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CP- ST. LOOH A'-O K.X CtTV. ST .4 CHERRY! KRL. in