1 y
Owing to the backward spring and our TREMENDOUS large stock, we find in each department cer
tain lines of goods left from our spring sales which we INTEND to PUSH regardless of Cost or valuation
Profits were made early in the season and we can now afford to give the public SLAUGHTER
PRICES that will wake things up all along the line.
Mead the Slaughter ILSst take the Cunreinit while the TTide is in youir IFavonv
We make a clean sweep of all
surplus stock anil the prudent buyer
will avail himself of this opportuni
ty, dress goods that sold at 65c, re
duced to 40c ; per yard, dress goods
that sold at 50c reduced to 37 i-2c
per yard, dress goods that sold at
40c we are now selling at half price.
Desirable summer, dres snoods tor
12 1-2 and 15c per yard that sold
readily at 25 and 30c.
Wash poplins and Knickerbocker
suitings only 5 cents per yajd.
Buntings '
50 pieces black and colored bunting,
come early and see them tumble.
summer SilKs.
We have a lare line of plain and
fancy colors, these goods are splen
did 'value at 70 to 75c. Look out
we have opened fire and they go at
the sacrifice price of 50c per yard.
Black, tros Grain Milks.
Good values at $1.25, 1,50, 2,co
and 2,25. Now as the tide is in your
favor you may have them at 90c,
$I,I5 1,251,50.: ,
3 Pieces Colored Suran Sarins.
The best goods in the world for
$1,00 per yard we will sacrifice in
this clearing: sale at 65c per yard, do
not fail to seethese goods. ', .
IO Pieces of Black Colored
Strictlv all wool, sell everywhere
at from 60 to 65c and we have con
cluded that these goods shall not re
main on our shelves - we will effer
them for a short time only at 37 1-2
cents per yard. s
sweeping Redactions
On table linens, bed spreads, tow
els, crashes, table oil cloths, lace
curtains, plain and fancy mulls, and
suisses, jacanettes, victoria and per
sian lawns, tarlatons, piques, mar
seilles, bias tucking, dress trimmings,
fringes and passamenteties.
Fancy Goods and Notions-
In this our clearing sale of the
season we will offer a large line of
goods consisting of ladies and miss
es lisle thread gloves, silk mitts in
all colors, silk gloves, ladies neck
wear, hosiery from the cheapest to
the best, at extreme low prices.
100 setts collars and cuffs, former
price 35 to 50c we have concluded
to dispose of them. Do not get
frightened if we should offer them
at the small sum ot 10c per sett.
. . Fifty Pair All Linen
Rfivere cuffs former
price 50c we will now fire out at 15
cents per pair.
Twenty-five Dozen
Ladies linen collars with plain and
embroidered tips formarprice 10,-15
and 20c are now offered at 5c a
piece. Call soon they will not re
main long at such a price. 1
of every conceivable style ana quali
ty at prices that no one can grum
ble at.
Boots and Shoes
Now is the time to buy
boots and shoes at .fabulously
Men's Plow Shoes
$1.00, former price $1.50, . full
t stock brogan shoes, sizes 6 to 1 1 at
$1,25 former price 2,00.
Men's Fine . Alexis Shoes.
sizes 6 to 11, former price
$3,50, we advise you to buy them
now while you can "get them at the
sacrifice price of $1,90 cents
per pair.
60 Pair
Men's buckle calf shoes, sell all the
world over from $3,00 to 3,50. At
this our Clearing Sale look out
they go at $2,50 per pair.
60 Pair
Boys shoes, buckle and button sizes
1? to 2. former price $1,75 and 3,00
have been reduced to $1,35 and 1,50
per pair.;
A Full Line
of calf and kip boots which at pres
ent season we consider an Elephant
on our hands, we will not mention
.the price. Come and look at them
and you will be sure to buy.
100 Pairs
Ladies Newport ties have been re
duced to $1,00 a pair former price
36 Pair Ladies Shoes
2 1-2 to 7 the best $2,00 shoe in the
60 2? air
Kid and Goat Button sizes 2 1-2 to 6
?ormer price $2,75 vc cannot wear
them ourselves, there being too
many and they will not fit usso you
can buy them for $2,25.
Big reductions on everything in
this line.
25 Suits
sizes 33 to 36, which are worth $10
00, $12,50 and 16,00, These goods
are Spring weights of light and dark
colors, we have reduced them to
$7,50, 10,00 and $13,50.
25 Men's Cassimere Suits
former price, $12, so, 15,00 and
17,00, we will now offer them for
the next ten days in order to reduce
our stock at $9-50, 11,50 and 13,00.
Be sure and look at these goods, as
they are decidedly cheap.
50 Pair Cassimere Pants
different styles which are worth $2 .50
to $3, we have concluded to , sweep
them out and will offer them how at
$1,50 and 2,00 a pair
100 Odd Cassimere Vests
will be slaughtered in this sale at
from 75 cents to $1,75. '
55 Hew Orleani
Blue linen check suits, a splendid
"cooler" for anybody and on ac
count of scarcity ot ice we will en
able you to keep cool and offer you
this splendid suit at $4,25. '
, ' We Carry
The largest line of white vests of any
house in southwest Missouri, and
now as the 4th of July is near at hand
and vou no doubt must have some
refreshment of this kind, we cordi
ally invite you to examine this line
and see if our prices will fit you.
Linen pants, sold all over the coun
try at $1.25. In order to close them
out we will offer them at $1 a pair.
Furnishing Goods
One lot ot white shirts, which we
bought at the late "Sheriffs' sale"
and overstocked us in that line, we
will offer to the trade at 90c
: Men's Un dersnirts.
Worth 50c, 75c, $1, 1.25 have been
reduced to 25c, 50, 75, $1. These
goods are all seasonable and very
cheap at the prices.
We Carry
AJcomplete line of men's, boys' and;
children's bats, which we have also,
reduced. -.
is always complete, showing the latest noveltigsality ffdg. that wilI always be the lowest for the
1 11 1 J
'-J; t:.
,15. i .' .
We can show alliffii
vv v ; ;r; and you will be convinced at; PHce- v -
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11 5 Zl 1