Newspaper Page Text
' to-- Is BUTLER, mSSOTJRI, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 1SS2. VOL. IV. NO. SO GOD'S 3IAN. That is WhatGnitean Kays he is Arthur Thinks Different. The Cabinet Refuses to Him a Respite, Grant AND GUJTEAU MUST HANG. Washington, June 24. Theattor ney general, to whom all appeals and petitions presented to the President, bearingupon Guiteau's case had been referred, submitted an elaborate rc- ' ;"port to the cabinet last evening, re viewing all the points presented in favor of the respite, and recommend ing it be not granted, on the ground that insanity of the prisoner had been iuliy established at the trial. ; Thc report was generally discussed and unanimously approved by the ' cabinet, all oi the members of which were present. An understanding was reached that nothing should be disclosed as to the decision of the cabinet until after it should be made known to the prisoner. Rev. Mr. Hicks called upon the attorney general this morning by appointment and was informed that the cabinet had decided hot to interfere with the execution ot Guiteau's sentence. Hicks thereupon drove to the dis trict jail and informed Guiteau of the decision. Guiteau has sent the fol- .lowing message to -his spiritual ad- - ,'vfser: ''Rev. Mr. Hicks ; ; Go and ' see Arthur and shake your fist in his face. Tell him I made him president by ' my inspir'atidnj and he must give me ,'an unconditional pardon, and if he ! "does not, God Almighty will blast 'him forever. I, tell you, Brother Hicks, I am God's man and God ' ' ; takes care of His o.wn." 1 ". The friends of the condemned man : still profess to hope. Keed says he :'(( 'does not dispair, and he will make another appeal to the President at Ui aurirpct nnnnrtnnihr. Tir. Tt:ird U',', Ufi here:foc New York, last evening, but 1 is expected to return. Miss Chevallier $will, have a conference with Dr. Godding and Rev. Mr. 'Hicks this evening, to determine up : on their future action with: a, view .to obtaining a stay of execution. THE COMING REUNION. Of Ex-Confederate .Soldiers, in This City, Next Angus;. The committee of arrangements for the next ex-confederate reunion in Missouri, met in this city, to-day, : to inaugurate their work. There were present, Gen. John S. Marma duke, Major Jno. N. Edwards, and Capt. A. A. Lesueur of the com mittece, and Col. Robert McCulloch, of the committee on transportation. The reunion is to take place in Sedalia, beginning" Tuesday, Au gust I v Eycry ex-confederate sol . dier living in the state of Misso-iri, is eligible to membership in the socie ty, whose object is to promote good fellowship among eld comrades, to preserve the history and records of the war so far as may be, and to give aid and relief to needy com rades, their widows and orphans. Distinguished cx-confederatrs of other states will be invited. Ample preparations will be made by the hospitable citizens of Sedalia to en tertain the thrcng that is expected, which it is supposed will reach quite ten thousand. As the historical , feature of the gathering is thought ? to be an important one, each person who attends will be asked to furnish -," a short personal history of his con nection with the army, and it is . urged that all, shall refresh their minds as to dates in order that what , ,is given may! be accurate. The- following committees, pre viously appointed, are requested to perfect their work as rapidly as pos y sible: ' . On Constitution and By Laws Gen. D: M. " Frost, Capt. T. B. Bashaw,' CapfV James H. McNama- Oa Historical Data Col. J. H. R. Cundiff, Col. Waldo P. Johnson and Morrison Munford. Committee'"- on transportation Col. Robt. McCulloch, Col. Eliiah Gates and Major Thos J. Fortis Committee on invitation ot disr Vft IAW-W.."" - - - - other states who served with Mis souri troops Gen. Tohn S. souri troops CJen. ohn o. Alar- maduke, Col. R. i. Musser, Col. T T. Donovan and Major Edward Cmnli'him. All the above comirictecs and the committee on arrangements will meet at the Garrison house, Sedalia, for final consultation, Monday, Au gust 14th, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. The last named committee and the committee on transportation will meet a committee of the citizens of Sedalia, Monday, July 3. Upon the heads ot those even who were young during the troublesome days of war the silver threads begin to mingle with the dark, and fast fleeting time admonishes them, if they would once again gra-p by the hand their comrades of many hard battles and harder marches, that they cannot too long defer the oc casion. Besides, there are poor and broken down confederates, nrave hearts some ot them, whom misfor tune has overtaken, and for whom no government pension can be ask ed, who deserve and should receive the help which their more prosperous brethren are so well able to extend them. And then thei e are the resting places of the dead, which should be made hallowed, where, in some instances, thev are not allowed to go to des truction and decay. . It i therefore hoped thut every ex-confederate in Missouri wilt attend. Bazoo. If y.?ur "head ackes," if you hue dys pepsia, or are bilious, with torpid bowels, one or two doses of Bailey's valine Aperient will cure you. It cook the stomach, acts pleasantly upon the bowels and costs only 50 cents. It is used by physicians iripiace of sickening, nause ating pills, as its action is more pleasatt and speedy. 30-rt. A young lady writes to "Brick" Pomeroy as follows? 4.4 Would I be safe m marrying a young man whom I love, and who professes to love me, and is handsome, well educated and has plenty ot this world's goods, but is addicted to strong drink, but says he will abstain after marriage, when he has' sown his wild oats? I am an orphan and write to you as a friend for advice." Pomeroy answers about as follows: "You had better get into your coffin, pull the hd down yourself, and be conse crated to your mother earth, than marry a man who drinks. There are thousands of poor women made wretched by listening to the promise of, reformation after marriage. If you do not want to get into your coffin, take the most obnoxious piece of old meat that you can find and take it to your bosom for a husband, rather than marry a man who is de bauched, degraded and debased by strong drink." By reason of the Tewish e&odu from Russia, house property in Kief has gone down ten percent, in value. In south and west Russia all build ing operations -it a standstill. Fortunes for fariaers and Mechanics. Thousands of dollars unb- saved bv using proper judgment in taking care of the health of yours"lt and family. If you are llillious, have sal ovv complex ion. poor apetite, low and depressed spirits, nd generally debilitated, do not delay a moment, but g at once and . procure a bottle of those wonderful Electric Bitters, which never fail to cure, and that for the trifling su' of fifty cents. F. M. Crumly &: Co. No. Sold bv The Russian papers announce that collections are being made at the Russian university to purchase a wreath to place upon "Mr. Darwin's grave in W estminster Abbey. Free of Cost. AH persons wishing to test the merits of a great remedy ae that will positively cure consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis or any effection ot the throat and luntrs are requested to call at F. M. Crumley & Co's. drug store and get a trial bottle ot Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption free of cost, whicn will show vou what a regular dollar-size bottle will do. No. 1 Mrs. Langtry h as becun to un derstand something . of American advertising. She took a special trnin from Edinburg to London, at a cost of $500. T I a melancholr symptom of serious mommy tr.-u : j - j the use of English Female Bitters. 30-2t. Gray hairs prevented,dandruff removed the 6calp cleansed and the hair made to grow thick by the use of Hall's Vegetable j Sicilian Hair Renewer. A number of young folks viewed the beauties of Butler from the dome of the court house yesterday. A cross, peevish frettul wife is quite un happy to herself and to her whole house hold. But she to be pitied, she is a sut ferer from a multitude ot female ills that have prostrated her mentally and physi cally. She needs some great wonder working iron tonic and female regulator, to relieve the monthly troubles, and for this purpose English Female Bitters stands ahead of all others. It acts upon the lemale system with ynering certainty never failing to give entire satisfaction to married and single ladies. One bottle often cures a case. 30-2L It Has .Been Known for a long time that Fred Dorn is the boss barber of Bates county. Try hi? hair cutting, dyeing and shampooing. Soilness, Gentlemen. The best evidence in the world as to the quality of a piece of work, is the sat isfaction given to all interested. In every instance, work executed in the Times office is guaranteed to satisfy; if it does not do this not ane farthing will be charged for the job.' The business men of Butler know this to be true from past dealing with us, and we only speak ot the fact here to remind them 'of the advan tage derived from bringing their work to the Times office. , tf. : To the Business Men of Butler Those of you who are going to take part in the industrial procession honld be making your preparations. The time draws near and if you de lay too long you may not be able to secure a. wagon. Don't put it off longq- but act at once. Hew Bus Line. We tx now running a new bus line completed and from depot and hotel and all pa of the city. Calls left at the Fred Evans, brick livery stable will be carefully nn4 promptly responded to. 2-tf Evans tc Morgan. ' " SCHOL OF MUSIC. MISS IDA U KELSO, Teacher Piano and and Oan music, front room over post office. Friends and patrons invited to call. 2o-tf Buelmer & JoseqK Manufactureriind . V 1 WholeaIe Pewits 1m Fine Cigars. Large stock ahvaj s on hand "irid or 27 3111 ders promptlv filled. THE BOLD ROBBERY OF AT Jk. RCHIE Does not atrect the price ot turniture in that place, where you can get a good alnut Bureau for $10; a breakrast table for S3.50 ; 6 chairs tor $3.95 ; a good oea stead for $2.40; a good rocking chair for 75 cts; a safe tor S4. 25; a cradle for S1.50. Also keep in stock meal and flour chests, and all kinds of furniture kept in a hrst class store and the best sewing machine in the market. Oil cloth, carpets, curtains, u-ncrrtnc- trunks, vnlirps. cflaSS. ChrOOUet sets and bird cases. My stock of under- tal-ino- crrtnric is rnmnlfte. Will repair all kinds" of furniture and saw brackets for carpenters and builders. N ow is the : ime r, mitr nirtnn frairwd. I Will I13T iv v g the fcishest price tor walnut lumber Bring your chickens to me ana lane pic ture frame in return. Come one and all and see my mammoth stock be to re buying at othep places. W.; E Leonard, ' PI AW OS ORGANS Pianos 9rGo cf tStoo!, Cover and Root; Elegant Square Grand, 3 springs, toll Agraffes, every improvement, only $245. Cabinet Grand Uprights $aio and f jcpv Other Grand Holiday Bargains. lubilee Organs $55 up (Stool and Book). Ex celsior, stvle 42, Five sets of Reeds,. 15 stops, only $87. "Oriental," style x6. Ten sets ot Reeds, 20 stops, only $ij;t No "Bogus" 6ets of reed or "dummy, sotps. All sent on 15 days trial, freight tree if unsatisfactory- Fair and honest dealing guaranteed. Sheet Music Splices Piano, Organ, or Music . Catalogue tree. MEXDELSSOWAHO V M 1. OOWLE8 & CARRY THE IiAHCEST STOCK OF Clothing, gents Furnishing Goods Hats, Caps, Bootsand In the County, where all the latest novelties and best goods, at the ; W. T. Woolery STTAPJLIL annd IFAJCT (&MOPCISIHIIIES Duiiiffittiry Produce Waimtedl To the People. When in Butler, always call c n Gus. Bennett on the south side and get your meals. His restaurant can't be beat. - A chew of Happy, Thought is economy. r 14.3m a. Car Load. A car loadof Salt just received at 2jtf Charlie Denney's. Gentlemen whose beards are not of a oleasina shade can remedy the defect by the use of Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers. a&'tO il'iO per day at home. Samples wortntc tree. Aaaress oubnhi Portland,, Maine. 16-iy PhYSlciniiM. JOHN PERRIE, M. D. Physician and Obstetrician, Butler, Mo- Office and residence, house lately occupied by J T. Graves, near East district shool. Reference, Dr. L. M. Wright. 22297 M. CHRISTY, M. 1., Homoepathic Physician and surgeon. Special at tention given to female diseases, Butler Mo. Office, North side square over Hahn & Co's. Residence, Ohio street, doors west ot Wyatt & Boyd's lumbe yard. lS-u DD. WOOD, Phvsician and Surgeon, Butler, Mo. "Office over Aaron Hart's store. rp C. BOUIAVARE, Physician, and X Surgeon. Office north side scfare, Butler, Mo. Diseases ot women and cnii ren a specialty. A BATHURST, Physician. Altona Mo. Will attend promptly to all pro .sional calls. 1 V11 veringham, M. D E, L, Rice M. D, Residence east of 6qr, with J, C, Clark, Jence west sice Main street ITEKINGHAM &-RICE. PH1CIANS and SURGEONS, Havingfenned a copartnership tor the practice medicine and surgery, tender their se rices to the citizens of Butler and surrofcding country, . OFFICEUst door west : of PenUers Furniture ore. Calls attended to at all hours,jiy or night, both in the city and comp. - 2414 S. KEL3, M. D. Physician and Sure eon ice first door over Post i office Butler 22o- 12-tf - neoua. TCULBERTSONJleal Estate Agent, j.ri4 Hill Mo.. PO. Box XA2. Cor- resnondexice solicited. no 41-tf- DV. BROWNr Judge Probate, But . ItrMo. Will draw ad acknowledge deeds, contracts, leases aAall papers re- aniHn? the acknowiedgmeaor lurat 01 a desk of a court of record. X?OR SALE, A resident loflp Cowie's r mAAMrvn- on Ohio" streetltSplendid ! location. ADPlTatthUoffice.V, aovtf. A 1 at& e sr - AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST The Climax Bed Spring Manufactured by Cruzan & Madden, Butler, Mo. To whom it may concern We the undersigned citizens ot ttutier after having fairly tested the merits of the above named bed springs, do most cheer fully recommend them to parties desir ing a good bed spring, beheveing they haye fullv sustained their claims. A. Duncan, L. H. Renick. J. . Keller, Chas. Denney, W. T. Heath, J. M. Steele. C. T. McFarland. W F Maddy J R Simpson S A Riggs A Watson J M Douglass J H Sisson John Caven J 51 Catterlio Read this. Bridgeford & Hupp wlil letter 4th ot July bunting at halt price. Job work done up in the latest style and at the lowest prices, at the Times office, 2-tf $66 a week in your own town. Terms md $s outfit tree. Address II Hallett Si Co., Portland, Maine. 6-iy Per week can be made in any io S)OUcality, Something entirely new tor agents, $5 outfit free, G, W, Ingram & Co, Boston, Mass, Lawyers. IIEXRY A. JICC;iXDL.EY, ATTORNEY A'l LAW, Butler Mo. nffir east side of sauare. Edwards' Mnrk. Will practice in all the courts of Bates and adjoining counties, in the Uni ted States courts at Kansas City and Jeff erson City, ana in tne oupremc lumi j jenerson t. ny, S. B. LASHBROOK. THOS. J. SMITH. TASHROOK & SMITH, Attorneys at 1 i.nw utter. Mo. Will practice in the courts of Bates and adjoining coun ties, Collections promptly anenueu vt and Taxes Paid tor Non-residents. Office, front room over Bates county Na tional Bank. tf. JOHN S. ic S. P. FRANCISCO, Attor nevs at Law, Butler, Mo., will prac tice in" the courts of Bates and adjoining counties. Prompt attention given to col lections. Office over Hahn & Co.' hard ware store. Q- ARKINSON & AERN AT HY, Attor neys at Law, Butler, Mo. Office west side of the sauare 22 - A HENRY, Attorney at Law, Butler, Mo- Will attend to cases in any court of record in Missouri, and do gener al collectinc business. "VI T O. JACKSON, attorney at law, ? T Butler, Mo., office over F. M. Crumly's, Drug house on West side , 261-17-lf" m i aaowv. T. HITKR CROCKETT. BROWN & CROCKETT, Attorneys at Law and Insurance Agents Rich Hill Mo. Collections a specialty. Office on ixth street, under City Hall, i - CLAY TUTT, Attorney at Law Butler, ilo. Special attention jjiven to Probate bun-" SA. RIGGS, Attorney at 5 Law and Notary Public. Office ia Probate Court room. GO. Shoes, lowest prices will be found. inn IEscHnaimge ShenflTi Sale. Bv virtue and authority of a transcript execution issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court ot Bates coun ty, fiissouri, returnable at the Jul term, 18S2, of said court and to me directed in favor of R. A. Atkison and against E. E. Switt, I have levied and siezed upon all the right, title, interest and claim of the said defendant, or, in and to the follow ing described real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: The northwest ouarter of the southeast quarter and the northeast quater of south west quarter and the northwest quarter of the northwest Quarter of section 22. and the northeast quarter of the north east quarter ot section 21, and the south halt ot the soutnwest quarter oz section 15, and the north halt of the southeast quarter and the south half ot the south east quarter of the aortheast quarter ot section 15, all in township 41, range 33, also the "west halt of lot No. 1, ot the northeast quarter and the southwest quar ter of the southwest quarter of section 5, township io, range , also the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of sec tion 17, township 41. range 31, aiso tne northwest quarter of the southwest quar ter of section 32, in township lo, range 29, also 30 acres off of the south side of the so'uth half of lot 2 ot the southwest quarter of section 30, in township 41 range 32, also the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 11, In township 3S. ot range 30, also 20 acres off ot the west end of the east half of lot 2 ot the northeast quarter of section 4, in township 3S. of range 29, and south west quarter of the southeast quarter of section 33, in township 39. range 29, also lot 2 in block 2 in Christian and Condee s addition to the town (row city of Butler. And I will on Saturday, Tuly 15th, 1SS2, j between the hours of nine o'clock in ihe forenoon and c o'clock ia the afternoon of that dav, at the east front door ot tho court house in the city of Butler, Bates 1 count v, Missouri, ell the same or so inuch'thereot as ma be required, at pub I lie vendue, to the highest bidder, tor ! cash, to satistv said execution and costs. JAB. K. IMPIOJl, Sheriff of Bates county, Mo ticrllTft Sale. Bv virtue and authority of a traascript execution issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Bates county, Missouri, returnable at the July term, 1S82, of said court, and to me directed In favor of A. E. Brainard and against James Stover," r hive levied and seized upon all the right, - title, ' interest and rlaim of the said defendant of) In and to the following described real estate, situa ted in Bates county,' Missouri, to-wit: Lot 4 in block 6 Walley's addition to the town of Butler. And I will on Saturday, July 15th, 1882, between the hours ot 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock ia the afternoon of that day, at the east front door of the court house In the city of Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much' thereof a may te required, at public vendue, to the hiVhrst bidder, tor cash, to satisfy said execution and costs. J. R. Sjmpsox, Sheriff of Bates county, Mo. "TIT ANTED A situation . as a domes I V Uc. Good references given- Ap ply at Times office. . . .- . . . '-"-it. V