Newspaper Page Text
A tsfkt wttu VOL. IV. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23. 1SS2. NO 3S Tin Grand Clearance A J Si r "vi lid D AT fair 1 - I n r Will continue for a SHORT TIME. ue list lalre lee 11 largest and best stock of MET Ever brought to Butler. Remember we are Making Sweeping Reductions in all lines. Xow is your time to secure bargains. We have just received an elegant line of Piece Goods for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Everything new and nobby, come and see them. We are making great reductions on During our clearance sale, don't fail to examine them- Remember the place, HEi&'S CASH Carpet North Main Street, Next to Post Office. M S. OOWLES & CO CUEV- THE LARGEST STOCK: OF Clothing, ents Furnishing Gods HatS.Caps, Bootsand Shoes, In the County, w here all the latest novelties and best goods, at the lowest prices will be found. W. T. Woolery ? AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST (Country Produce Wanted in Exchange Land For Sale in Bates County. Consisting of well improved farms with good orchards, on terms to suit pur chaser; also unimproved lands. Buyers will do well to call and see JAMES HOW ERTON, at the Adrian Hotel, at Adrian, Mo. 32-6111 Wanted! Any farmer within three to five miles of Butler who has a smooth, well-improved tract ol about 200 acres and de sires to cell cheap for ch can find a buyer immediately by calling on 37-4t Sims Tucker. Dissolution of Co partnership. The co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm .name of Mcdintock & Burns, i- this day disolved b mutual consent. Mc: LIXTOCK & BURNS. Butler, Mo., Aug. 10, iSSj. Notice is hereby given that the under signed have this day formed a co-partnership for the transaction ot general met chahtile business under the firm name f Kurns & "o- M. L. Burns, C F. Burks. iiutlei, Mo., Aug. 10, 18S2. 37-3t otite to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that the contract for the grading and ditching of the road leading south of Hell's ilill to Rich Hill will be let to the lowest and best bidder, on Saturday, Sept- 2, 1882, between the hours of two and four o'clock AH parties desiring to bid will be on hand prompt. The contract tor grading this road will be let in sections. S. W. Frederick, A. B. Woods, M. L. Wolfe, A. Xeiti'se, Commissioners made known on the 37-t 2tl;ellMiieou. I'll VMiolit ue. LCULBERTSON, Real Estate Agent, Rich Hill Mo., P. O. Box 342. Cor respondence solicited. no4i-tf. DV. BROWN, Judge ot Probate, But- ler Mo. Will draw and acknowledge deeds, contracts, leases and all papers re quiring the acknowledgment or jurat of a clerk of a court of record. FCR SALE, A resident lot in Cowie. addition, on Ohio street. Splendid location. Apply 'at this office. xvtt, "t 7"anteT A T T tic. Good ply at Times office. situation as a domes- references given. Ap JOHN PERRIE, M. 1). Physician and Obstetrician, Butler, Mo. Office and residence, house lately occupied by 1 . Oraves, near Jiast district shoo!. eference Dr. L. M. Wright 22 397 FEED STORE Ohio Street near the Baptist church E, P. FA1RCHILD, Proiriesor. Keeps constantly on hand a complete supply ot feed consisting of Corn, Bran, Oats, Flour. POTATOES, snirHrL,uirir, &c. Feed will he deliveredfree inside the city, Give me a call when you need anvthing in mv line. 3 lt Specifications ground. Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia. This well known State Institution has been in successful operation since 1S39, and having been reorganized by the act of March 3, iSSj, with a new board of visitors, and the re-election ot the old Faculty, is now preoared to supply, upon the best terms,-the distinctive advantages ot a general Scientific and Military School upon the basiVof the U. S. Military Acad emy at West Point, and upon tne same system so successfully pursued before" the war. The Faculty which once included Gen. Stonewal Jackson, Gen. R. F. Rodes and Com. M. F. Maury, now consists ot the following Superintendent and Pr fea sors : - Gen. Fraoci. H. Smith, LL. I, Super intendent and Professor Math, and Moral Philosophv- Gen.T.'H. Williamson, Pror. Practical Eng., etc. -j,:.,- . , , , CoU S. hhip. Com. CadeU and ProL Tactic.-.- ' Col. j. M--Brooke, Prof, t hystes. Col. M , Br Hardin. Prof.. General and Applied; C6fiois5rv, etr f.'ol. 1. M., Prof. Modern Language. e-; - - Col. 1- T- L'rejl, Prof. arh.and Logic. Col. J. i- Itor.ison, Adjunct Trof. riemistrr. Etc. . -.-'. , t ol. E. vchofc, Prof- Civil and Military 'Enghineriittf and Astronomr. Under the direction of an efficient Fi nance ComraT tee of the Bowl of 'if.ifors and with an efilarjed ' anmtitr tro-a the State, expense of cadet are" reduced to . i- Smmos ooens rieit. 1. Jor information appoinuncni. ac- ; dresa GenF- II- SMITH, Sup't. j Agents Wante1 for Sullivan's. Ireland of To-Dav ntroduction bv Thos Power 0'Conne, .M.P. Centuries ot English oppression set forth. It describes Ireland's ruin and frH rtrtilJ l rftf"rirntion. It frhows how the land was confiscated and the indus tries destroyed, It explains the land league, the land act and the Coercion Bill, contains 32 engravings and map in colors. Price only $2.00 per copy. Sales immense. Send 50 cent for lull outfit and begin work at once. For tull partic ulars, address f . C. Mcl urdy & o St. Louis Mo Agents Vantetl to canvass for the OCCIDENTAL HARRIAfiE ASSOCIATION Forr siulfli. Ark. Thi i one ot the most successful ot the many organization of tne kind vet chartered. Assessment email, benefits large. For particnlars apply to J. C. SAUNDERS, Sect' 4934-3w Fort Smith. Ark. Notice of Disolntion. The co-partnership heretofore existing between Geo. L. Smith and Wm. A.Scott. under the firm name of Smith Si Scott, i this day -dissolved by mutul consent, U m. A. Scott retiring. 36-2t , Butler, Mo., Aug. I, 1S82. JM. CHRISTY, M. U., Homoepathia Physician and surgeon. Special at tention given to female diseases, Bu'.ler Mo. Office, North side square orer Hahn & f'o's. Residence, Ohio street, 4 doors west ot Wyatt & Boyd's lumber yard. 15-tf DD. WOOD, Physician and Surgeon, Butler, Mo. Office over Aaron Hart's store. T. C. BOULWARE, Physician and Surtreon. Office north side square. Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chil ren a specialty. J, Everingham, M. D E, L, Rice M, D, Residence west side Residence east of North Main street sqr, with J, C, Clark, EVLKIMJHAM ic KICK. PHYSICIANS anl SURGEONS, Having formed a copartnership for the practice of medicine and surgery, tender their services to the citizens of Butler and surrounding country, OFFICE 1st door west of Pentzers Furniture store. Calls attended to at all hours, day or night, both in the citv and country. 24T 14 RS. KELSO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office first door over Post office Hutler Mo. 220- 12-tf Luwjer! A HCMtY .ft. ICfiI.II.EY, TTORNEY A'l LAW, Butler Mo. Office east side of square, Edward block. Will practice in all the courts ot Bates and adjoining counties, in the Uni ted States courts at Kansas City and Jeff erson City, and in the Supreme court at Jefferson Citv, "'Oft S. B. LAhHBROOK. THOS. J. SMITH. LASH ROOK Si SMITH, Attorneys at Law utler, 5Io. Will practice in the courts of Bates and adjoining coun ties, Collections promptly attended to and Taxes Paid tor Non-residents. Office, front room over Bates county Na tional Bank. tf. TOHN S. i: S. P. FRANCISCO, Attor fj net's at Law, Butler, Mo., will prac tice in" the court of Bates and adjoining counties. Prompt attention given to col lections. Office over Hahn Si Co.' hard ware store. 0 Great Demand for Beattj' Organs. Heattr's Beethoven Organ is meeting with wondertul sales. Nearly two thou sand were ' manufactured and shipped durif.'g last month from his factory at w ashington. New Jersey. A special ten daT offer is made to ur readers in an other column. . - v, . PARKINSON Si AERNATIIY, Attor neys at Law, Butler, Mo. Ofice west side of"he sauare HENRY, Attorney at Law, Butler, . Mo. Will attend to cases in an court -of record in Missouri, and do gener al collecting business. T O. .tACKSON, attorney at law, If Butler, Mo., office over F. 11. Crunlv', Drug house on West side 361-17-lf SA. RIGGS, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Office in Probate Court room. t ! U. L. BXCnvX. T. MITEK CROCKETT. BROWN CROCKETT, Attorney at Law and Insurance Agents, Rich Hill Mo. Collection- a specialty. Office on sixth street, under City Hall" CLAY TUTT, Attorney at Law Butlet, Mo. Special attention given to Probate businrs