OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, August 30, 1882, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1882-08-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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A Ghastly Horror.
Last Saturday the community of
Jarshall ana vicinity were mrow n
U0 a frenzy of excitement by t he
Ming or a man's body hanged Dy
ke neck to a trc. The body Was
(rst discovered by a youn man
who in
.1 - . . . . i
Ivnucn ine wuuu.i one aim
foiles north of the fair grounds, fount!
brown woolen hat which appeared
,be almost new. This naturally
Ixcited his curiosity, and on looking
Iround he discovered among the
mbs ot a tree a human body, ilast-
tning to the city he notified the au
thorities of what he had .seen and a
ary. led by Tustice Ilawlev, at once
hpaireu to me spot, woservation
svas unnecessary to convince an ine
ody had been in its present position
or some time. Axes were pro-
lured and the tree felled, when it
ras found that the body was in an
:ilyanced state of decomposition, the
azzards and worms having alrsady
xwn to feast upon it. Nothing
found upon it to lead to its
jjentification beyond the clothing and
i plain gold ring upon one of the
facers bearing the initials "F. S."
The clothing and ring were ulenti-
jed by Jacob Webber as belonging
r- .i XT' 1
0 a UCimaii riiiiu iiumvii x ieu
jchmidt, who had left Marshall the
i6th of august saying he was going
1 I f . T 1 1 V ....
jway. uerore leaving ne jeic a note
sith his landlady, Mrs. Scheaffer,
requesting her to pay certain bills
wed by him amounting to aoout o
30t of funds deposited by him to the
iank and to retain the balance of his
deposit, which was about $70, tor
xr own use.
It is not positively known it Smith
jied at his own hands or by ioul
jmcans.as his body so hung in the tree,
a to be supported by the limbs and
he could, had he desired and been
a .1
conscious, easily nave preventea
'strangulation. Smith was by oc
cupation a saloon keeper and ad
dicted to hard drinking. A bottle
partially filled with whisky was found
in one ot his boots, which hung on a
twig near his head, having been re
moved from his feet.
The body has been fully identi
Sed as that of Fred Smith. He was
jas about 40 years old a quiet, in
offensive man. On Friday night,
Wore he disappeared, he told Mrs.
Sheaffer he had seventy dollars in
the bants ; that he was going away
nd might not return ; that if she
would get it and pay his debts
about nine dollars she might have
the rest. This was the last seen of
him until found, as above stated.
The body was much decomposed the
crows having picked out his eyes and
eaten up most of his face. Sedalia
A Hew "Snap."
Oil Citj Blizzard.
A chap came into the Blizzard of
fice this morning and asked the local
explorer :
"Did you get on to that snap?"
"What's that?" asked the scribe,
as visions of a ood item came danc
ing before his goggles.
"Why, that railroad business.
Didn't you hear about it?"
"No; what was it?"
"That kid fake. You must have
heard about it, didn't you?"
"No, 1 tell you ; 1 just came to the
office a few minutes ago, and haven't
been around anv. Lon t keep me
waiting, please; what is it?"
"Why, a woman had a baby on
the train."
"No, is that so? That'll make an
excellent item."
"But that isn't all The same tram
ran over a man."
"Good enough! The Blizzard will
sell like wild-fire to-night. I'll have
the boy wet down an extra sheet or
two. But where did the woman have
the child on the train. ?"
"She had it in her arms."
The scribe looked up in astonish
ment, for a moment he telt as
though he had swallowed his gullet ;
but. reprainin'j- bis composure, he
o c
asked :
"And where was the man. when
the train ran over him ?"
"Under a bridge," answered the
ch;ig, as he walked away.
"Well, lemme tole you, sah ; I'se
bin in dis world longer nor you hab,
an' I hab seed heeps o' tool carryins
on, but neber befo' hab I seed' de
cowntry so ni on to a crashus."
"How is that, Elijah?"
"Well, sah, I had done tole you
dey was gwine to stop cleckshuns."
''Why, no they are not, Elijah,"
argued the editor.
"I tole you dey' am, sah, dey
mougnt as well try to be a nigger an'
"Kongo n Eat.,
The thing desired found at last.
clears out
bugs i?c. boxe
tor "Rough on Rats. It"
ruts, mice, roaches, flies, bei-
not steal watermillions as to carry on i tv
The house neglected to pass a vote
of thanks to Speaker Keiferyesrerday.
A Delightful Novelty.
Ladies prefer Floreston Cologne be
cause they find this lasting combination
of exquisite perfumes a delighttul novel-
a 'leckshun wid out whiskey. It can't
be done, sah."
With this Elijah shuffled off down
the steps shaking his head.
Whoa, Emma,
foe Medill in Chicago Tribune:
"Back I say!"
The silver foam of the sea was
splashing in rythmic cadence on the
white sands of the beach, while
here and there a fleck of wavering
light from the signal buoy Sardine
Shoals that dreaded spot beneath
whose treacherous waves so many
goodly ships freighted with precious
burdens from iar Cathay and Mus
kegon had disappeared forever
brought into bold relief against the
western sky. Giroffe McL'losky's
off foot as she stood by Bertram
Perkin's side that soft June evening.
"You do not love me," said the
girl, speaking slowly, or you could
not speak so cruelly. On this beau
tiful night, when the hills aie suf
fused with amber haze, through the
stars glow and throb in silent splen
dor. we should think of naught but
ove pure, passionate love, that
will bind our hearts together in a
chain whose every link shall be a
kiss ; whose every fold a sweet ca
For an instant the man did not
reply. Then the girl stretched forth
to him her bare white arms, that
glistened like marble in the glowing
dusk, but he heeded them not.
"Will you not speak to me, sweet-
keart?" she said, an infinite pathos
n the words'.
No answer came. Again the
outstretched arms pleaded mutely
and with pitiful eloquence for the
or that was never to be. Eooking
at the girl with a hauty, almost Vice
f res t Davis expression on his lace,
Bertram again said: "Back, I say."
With despairing gleam in her
darksome eyes, Giroffe turned away
and began to sob as if her crest
would break: "God help ine,"
she said in despairing accent?, "I
cannot back."
"Why not?" asked Bertram.
"Because," was the reply in tear-
stained tones, "my polonaise is too
eternally tight."
In several
counties of Ireland the
still threaten to resign.
He Fears the Worst.
"Look hyar, Mister Editor, I'ze
klimed nnsixoairof vo'rekyparpetid
teps to git some onlitenment about
flisprostitutionable party.
"What's that. Eliiah. don't you
tteatl prohibition party ?" wheezed
the shirit ftriiror. ? - '
wYps mIi Hat's wat I sed. d.tt
prostration party."
"Now. boss. I want to know it dey
m orivimr tn toll vou wite folks an
udderniggers wot we am a gwine
to satisf v our invva rds wid. Dey am.
am W? An' r.h a cole, damp
nawnm' we hab got to wavym up on
sniff o' well water, we hab, hab
e ? An' den dey ain't gwine to hab
any moah tdeckshun days?'
'Oh, yes. Uncle Elijah, they
Still ha vk !-; -irc "
"Why, man alibe, you done said
dey was o-ivii-if tr. stnn" de suoplv ob
fcolfctinv gin." . ,
"Sovve did." -
Ohio Street near the Baptist church
Keeps constantly on hand a complete
supply ot feed consisting ot
Corn, Bran, Oats, Flour.
4 1 II XtrT UJFT
Feed will be deliveredfree inside the city,
Give me a call when you need anything
in mv line. 36
It is one of the peculiarities of the
American oeople to devote all their time
to business, without regard to health.
In this rush for money and fame, many
lives are ruined, which, wi h proper at
tention and a timely use ot a proper cor
rective, could be saved. For this pur
pose there is nothing equal to the Prickly
Ash Bitters, It relieves the system of all
impurities, purifies tl e blood, and, by as
sisting nature, restores original health
and vigor. ii-im
Chios has been shaken by an earth
Worth Remembering.
Now that good times are again upon
us, it is Tortn remembering that no one
can enjoy the pleasantest surroundings if
in bad health. There are hundreds ot
miserable people going about to-day with
disordered stomach, liver or kidneys,
when a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic
would do them more good than all the
medicines they have ever tried, i-im
-1 -HT Mm .
if ft -.-p?
-1E A. 1 TCI IT
Hardware Iron, Steel;
upphes, Geo. W. Brown's Corn Planters, Ilaworth Check
. 1 . ,
overs. iasauav u kv ' nws. aninn t.... 1 n ... ... 1
Moiison Hand Plows, Buckeye Cultiyators, Buckeve Grain Drills,
Cultman Taylor Threshers and Engines, Mineappolis Twine Binders,
Combined Reapers and Mowers, Empire Combined Reaper and Mower,
Racine Spring Wagons, Roval St. Tohn Sew.nt
- -- --Jfc .1.T AMIII U11V1 IjiI"
utu,r arm u agons,. Harrows, Road Scrapers, etc. The largest stock
nd best assortment in Bates Co. North-East Cor. Sqr. Butler Mo.
Let Ilin Who Wins it Bear
the wiaui."
"He who cures the ills ot flesh," auoth
the sage, "is even greater than he who
conquers in war." certain it is tnen,
that Dr. Swayne has earned the laurel of
greatness, tiis Ointment tor skin diseases
has been the means of releasing thou?
sands from the indescribable horrors of
that complaint. The best evidence ot
an article is obtained by a practical test
and the unsolicited indorsement ot those
who profit by its use. Aug 1, im d&w
Remember all diseases of the stomach
and intestine-", urinary and digestive or
gans, cured by using Brow n's Iron ii-
ers 40-01
Hew Bus Line.
We are now running a new bus line
complete to and from depot and hotel
and all parts of the citr. Calls lett at the
Fred Evans brick livery stable will be
carefully nnd promptly responded to.
2-tf - Evans c Morgan.
Tor Sale
Two houses and lots, 3 rooms each, one
with pantry and barn, in West addition
to Butler, on Ohio street. App y ' to .1
W. Chambers. 3S-2111
For a Clean Shave
Go to Crouch Bros, shop, near southwest
eorner of the square. They have a neat,
comfortable room. IQ-tf
Don't Ferget
That Dick Hurt keeps a first-class barber
shop at the southeast corner of the square.
He has neat and new furniture and
perienced barber. Try him. 6-tf
Virginia Military Institute,
Lexington, Virginia.
Thia well known State Institution has
been in successful operation since 1S39,
-inH having been reorganized by the act
of March 3, 18S2, with a new board of
visitors, and the re-election ot . the old
Faculty, is now preDared to supply, upon
the best terms, the distinctive advantages
of a general Scientific and Military School
upon the basis of the U. S. .Military Acad
my at West Point, and upon the same
system so successfully pursued before the
The Facultv which once included Gen.
Stonewal1 Tackson, Gen. R. F- Rodes and
Com. M. l Maurv, now consists ot the
following Superintendent and Pr-fs-
sors: .
Gen. Francis H. Smith, LL. D, Super
intendent and Professor Math, and Moral
Philosophy. .
Gen.T.'H. Williamson, Pror. Practical
En. ctc
- Col. S. Ship, Com. CaHets and Prof.
Tactics. .
Col. T- M- Brooke, Prof. I hysics.
Col. M. B. Hardin, Prot. General and
Applied Chemistry, etc.
:ol. !'. M. Semmes,
.Languages, etc.
Col. . W. Lyell, Prof. Math.nd Logic.
Col. J. H. Morrison, Adjunct Prof.
Chemistry, Etc.
Tot. E. W. Nichols, Prof. Civil and
Military Enginnering and Astronomy.
, Under the direction of an efficient Fi
nance Committee of the Board of Visitors
and with an enlarged annuity trom the
State, expenses of cadets are reduced to
lm.-t rates. 'Session opens Sept. 1.
Vny fnrmitinn iif aooointmcnts, ad-
dress Gen. F. H. SMITH, Sup't
as finished, some new rooms will be for !
rent on west side of square. Also the
rooms now occupied as an office by
Everingham & Rice. Jf.V
Bates County Stock Sale Column.
Prof. Modern
.Agents "Wanted
to canvass for the
Forr Smith. Ark.
tkj nw ot the most successful or
v. minr organizations of te kind yet
chartered. Assessments small, benefit
larae. For particnlars apply to
,1. C. SAUNDERS, Sect'?
: s i 4-34-3w .FortiSmith, Ark.
at Butler,
month, at
Regular stock sales
third Monday in every
sale yard.
T. G. Houston, Supt.
Charges for selling: Horses and
mules uer head "50c ; thoroughbred
cattle per head 50c ; cattle per head
25c ; sheep and hogs c. Where
there is no sal;, half price. Yard
ing free.
Parties wishing to purchase stock
of anv description, or having stock
t'iey desire to sell at aboye sales, can
.;Ctrm the agent by mail or person
ally, stock wanted or for ale, and it
will be advertised in this column
free of charge.
T. V. Riley, Agent.
Office at RUey & Dickey's livery
stable, Tvet Dakotab street. Next
sale Monday, July 17th, at 10
Y APHTSIC1AN of 23 year'
xprleBce. pouon
vonr system wiin utukb, i fei
Uits Book nd Told Oiucks,
"Pre-rintion free mna tie""'
brhlch it expoie.. Price 35cts. Addrw
THE PUBLISHER. Bon 234. Milwaukee, Wa.
IVMr Mem aad W-hm wbe suffer
Um Scrrs aad PhTncl I.bil
iii, Pranxor FhMWi iy
Ukeir buy gloomr
in aaicklr ud radicallT crd.
ThKBdTiRitapiaboi . 1 Omob owth) jl
Ma; ak-s di-se ul moOx f cu ax mmltd oa ipnkcUum.
Rich Hill Barg n House."
OaU aa eo my 5, 10 15 sent Qvokt
uemJ llir Ooods
h icialf jr.
I Ostrich PliiMies,
I anil Fvathet- CJIcaued,
Vied huiI Curled.
34 i:a4f Park Avenue
T. A. CLEFFORD, Proprietor.
Dry Goods & Groceries
JLals:otli Street
Southeast Cor. Sqr.
Daily Papers and Periodicals always on hand.
A. S.Martin & Co
ttler in Staple uml Fancy Dry
Good. Notions, MUlinery, ladies
Furni-hrtig Goods, Cloaks, Su.t?, 1
Carpels. Groceries and Qeenware
I tak pleasure in announcTi) ro
the public that I have located in
Butler to make it my futuro home,
utid have the lrf;nt :tnd hest as
sorted atoek of clock, wntchps and
jrwHry and speeracifs -yer brought
to thi.a market, which I will m1I
cheap lor cash. Il.ivinir hal many
years experience in the manufac
ture of wsttehea and rlocks in Ku
rope. I am now prepared to repair
watches and clock, no matter how
complicated nor how badly they
have been abueed. By hiiuiu
litem to ine, you en have them pti
uitgooti running ordwr and iruaran
tee atistactio
ail kin da ! Country Produce
A entirely neic antt enlarged edition com pJt 9 in 13 Tolir.
Is Superior to aH Other'
my o
othar CjrckifjeAi.
itfty oter C J em
it coataim mn ntVcr tia an
It U brought up to a ltf r dat
It nbraca orar TitU. liinz ms: r-' i
of UiimWl'l tncyckifedta, mr. :-.'- SSit '
Ita trp laiTje and r-tusx ; its Tmy-r. "?rrrrm-.
If prie in Cloth being R2rJ f-rr t.
It prte in. Sharp bring p' r rt.
Its prism in Hmtf Ritia briny 4 prr .
gperim pagaa (cat to any addrau cm anlieation. Agent
vaatea m a9 pari of the eouawy. Ltb1 Tia
viht partita. Scad (or circular.
S TT. GREEN'S SOX, Pnbllshw,
7 amd 78 AtfaM St., jr. T.
We bay entirely lor Spot Cash
and defy all competition
on pa mo
ju""V , e
old stand of M. S. Gowriw & Co.,
nd cordially, invite everybody to
isit nf. and wive inorey by so doing.
1 cubes dyspepsia, tmimmsJ
S Z TV ? - 1 7 -?-Bf i

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