Newspaper Page Text
i i other. There was a howl a Comanche war-whoop vi murmur, a wnisoer, The Home of Oold La Cruces Republican. - t A storv about which there is a then, as he was released, 1 fascination which it is impossible to ..u.. vmt h-ar men tell it, is that of the "Home of Gold." Some where in Southwestern New Mexico, m the Sierra Madre, it is enclosed in high rocky walls and accessible only by a secret passage, which, is known to but few, in this extraordi nary place. It is about teR acres m extent, Has running through it a stream, which waters it thoroughly and makes it a perfect paradise, with its exquisite flowers and beau tiful trees. In it are thousands ot birds of the most beautiful plumage. Running across it is a ledge of pure gold about thitty feet wide, which glistens in the sunlight like a great golden belt. The stream crosses this ledge and, as it runs, murmurs around blocks of yellow metal as other streams do around pebbles. The ledge of gold is supposed to be solid gold and to run down to the centre of the earth. The legend is of Indian origin and around it clus ter a number ot Indian stories, in which the name of the ill fated Mon tezuma occurs frequently. The de scendents ot the Axtecs believe firmly that the day will come when Montezuma will return and free them from the dominion of the de scendents of the Conquestadorcs. They believe that the money nec essary tor this work will be taken from the Medre 'Ore. The secret into the entrance into the valley is carefully guarded by a tribe of In dians living near it, and among them it is only communicated to the oldest men, amid the solemn ceremonies of the medicine lodge. Having such a story to work upon there is little wonder that the vivid imagina tion of Mexicans should have built upon it tales ot men who have found this wonderful place. One is that a certain lose Alvarez.while wandering through the mountain in search of game, saw the valley from the top ot the wall. Finding he had no hope to enter by climbing down, he took up his abode with the Indians who guard the canyon leading into it. The daughter of the chief fell in love with him and betrayed the se cret to him. Exactly how she found it out they do not tell. Having been shown the entrance, Jose-wen in and would possibly have gotten away with some of the gold had he not weighed himself down to such an extent that he could not get up the declivilty at the lower end of the passage. He was discovered and the Indians sacrificed him on To iit-cZt Diarinoa. i)i:irrh:if fi J.- a ifuri'iiaint that the ku- arms "cleared themsef IEan famijv S!Jfiernure from nt this time Horace Edmonds, colored, 01- t;,.in brother, and should stood ot upon the manner; be treat.d vcr. careiuj;v-!n order to re nt but he ilew, sneutiing stftre the bowel to their proper strengut. blood, protamtv and rmyThcre is a wine in New jersey ;;nd sold everp jump. He novy apptbv our druggu, ca'ied Sp'eers Port the lower extremity ot h:s iGrrare w ine, which i hein used trv limb looking much like aucclistuiW in diarrhoea caes. In iact, ham in white canvas jacKet-tis concedcd lv chini,is to contain jm,t Aim in b w.u1M.uu h .)rorerties as gradual! v check the tone rendezvous of the country phe mius:,i;;tiC tf;mate inst :he.e tt. some solemn facts no. Uint Thc winc u rich in given away by the professio ecXctllenf tonic, Wecping has become the adulteration - . . ' Evening Post. add a word of solemn "'"crmenti in the towi. and add torn boys who are apt to v- lhe sVs.cul 0 Us lo witltanc mpial with strvchnine an . i . ;r condition, nrncri that tn ft rmspn vou , i- r or sale hr t. M deadner. Cases are know annarentlv robust vounsf ' i , -1 , Crumlv -V: Co. 34-3 ;-im. the i r .1 : - .. .- . . gone sira'giu iioui mew four cars were wrecked in beer, leaving an nprotecU!ine) during Monday night, lady to mourn the loss of ca ' has often happened. Ai Useless FugUt. ..- it U a notorious fact t To wcrrv about anv liver, kidnev or COi cked barrel of ink is extiurinarv trouble, especially Bright dis flammable and treinendceaseoraiarctes, as Hon bitter never plosive much more SO tlaiis ot a cure where a cure is poss-ibl .12-zt has idone to Mh. Marv Livennore know thi suffrage convention. Th the practice or some euuui. injr the original poetry in N three-months-old paste p sublime-ate compared tow. lnrrin IK n lt:lttv IIOVVI c t..c byanyotherin its .neilo-.v juciness, rich ,-jt- plosion of twenty-seven inly -jrirl lhr flitnrial naste- ill . - j . . ... r.,u.,A(Vm-Mn;r.lorilw '""" and in summer it is dcitc Arthur ewporh VI i lie lsr Sic tils Ict-sous. Speer's i'ort Grape Wine is unexcelled ness ot ilavor or brilliancy ot color. Physicians sav it is si;perior to imported and mashed nineteen boys "e agreeaoie ana reirc.iang than claret nlavino-seven UD in the -'ergvmen use it, tor us in the -ic,o.ulcu usc ,l 101 purirv, as a A mnnn thp irMshfi . nnlr J"""u,lun win. mis wine is -ell was the favorite son of M kno w" and jitfy appreciated tar weakly B. Anthony hence the lenndes anJ aged persons, and for corn she has ever since blowi""-, Z K :,L rram,-v& his phase tastrophe can't well be toe -!iac'Jtiil' Oiffeictiee E5e- deplored. i'.t--n IViij itml Iiiitoso- We trust the boys will t o -ing. But thev won't. If ' It sounds very poetical to say "man's keeps in repair, andourpr inhumanity to man makes countless thou of boys holds out, we sh: sands mourn," but whv not apply the nail factary in the spring, principle to the. more practical side ot it to be distinctly understa the subject, and render the quotation pay neither personal da: thus. "Swaynt's Ointment on account doctors' bills ; nor while of slopping the itching caused by th lots of "sorts," we don'! Piles has made countless thousands well "sort-up" lots ot boys and happy." There weuld be sound choose to sacrifice minora iOKic in this but poet are never cheertnl, at the shrine of the art lies are tr)e ? Aug. ,f j.nj-d&w boys. New Cowan (Co sencr,r The grand lodge of New York -J Odd-Fellows is in session. Got His Does- Mobile, August 21. I county, Alabama, the 1 1 bundle of papers disclos organized plot among the the golden ledge with all the terri lih monies otthe Azte" " She, in despair at losing 1 "Good Bye, Girls." herself from the high wall Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 13. valley below. Hundreds Mary Krezdorn, aged 9 years, tors have spent months daughter of Councilman Hem vKrcz trying to find the Madre it is scarcely necessary to out result. A Fatal Affral Sedalia Democrat. From a gentleman fr the Democrat learns of a which took place at thad Saturday night. The pa related are as follows: heavy set man named B who is a brick moulderj visited Stephens' salooi night, having in his possd of boxing gloyes which and engaged in a play boxing with various partil It was not long, howeveri drink or other cause angered, and, laying asid proceeded to knock body who came in his re Anions thq dorn, was drowned here to-day unde distressing circumstances. Alter Sunday school this afternoon she left her home for a walk with Sadie and Laura Crousc, Emma Davis and Flora Rock, and the party went to the river bank at the north end ot the Union depot. A sand boat v: 8 fastened there, and Flora Rock and Mary Krezdorn ran out upon ir. While the girls were playing on the back end ot the boat, which had swung out into the cutrent, Mary fell off. The girls tried to catch hei but she was too far away. She sank, came up, held out her hands, sank again, came up and said, "Good bye, girls," and disappeared forever. A man ran to the bank Hut could not swim, and did not attempt to save her. A great crowd ot people gathered and remained until late in the night, while draggers and dive! worked. t he body has not been bare fists grass, or rather floor, w found. man nam ;d f reeman Bur brother Charles Burden. Independent Republicans no mi knocked down Freemainated candidates in Main yesterday, sprang to his feet, drew a Strikers at Wilkesbarre, Pa , and plunged it into arn'and Cohos, N. Y., returned to work V arne, after being stabtvcstcr(.,v several other parties and tl' ' " ' the floor and died almost ; Three men were fatally injured at Burden and his brother wSullivan, Tnd., yesterday by the in jail. Sunday an inque boile- at a sawmill. on the body of Warne anc T " : , , . . , . V . , L. II Lewis, druggist, ot Cedar ale, renuered that he came to v ., ... . , , . . , , , , ., . Kansas, writes: "I have sold 'Prtckly from a knife wound in thc . . ... 4 , .- . . - , . . ice itters tor the past seven or eight ceived at the hand of Fret , . ' a 1 1., i 1 earst ar'U consider them one of the most den, and that Chas. Burd " ,. , , . . .... cessory thereto. On a i,ltf. proP"et"-v " eo,cinf 1 hancle' hearing yesterday the Bur as,,s ev,"tf b-v the cont,n,Ii! increase in j . -i . ss ics ana the aimost uni ersal satisfaction committed to iail to await ... , , dc j .1 which attends their use. ?;-im large of murder in the h . , The supreme lodge of the world, A striking: example ot t rr:rru,t 'c . - 1 , , , . r , ivnignts 01 fythias, is m session at which are to be found in Dcti0;t country printing office was . u , the Messenger office rece: Hardware and dry goods men mysterious dangers which were heard by the tariff commission its machinery, ooze from -esterday lie in wate in its paste : " : ., scintillates from the editoi anton has a magnetic well. Mr. Horace Edmonds, cc The English made another recn thirteen, has long had a nissance in torce at Ramleh jester en this office tor wet day? daw - ? days, and particularly, ' days. On Saturday he The French press criticises the customary visit, and whiU action of the English in seizin the being made readv on the canal. ' cautiously placed his ham r."' , impression arm, where its llocn training for the czar's ly caught -between the i'?rV.V,t,on havc beon kiH-d by "and roller arins, which p,h't- bout one-quarter ot an ij The largest andbest stock of locks, I latches and binges in town at j A. L. McBride & Co. New, quick, complete cure d a urinary affections, smarting, frequent or diftii'iilt urin.-.tion, kidney diseases. 1 at druggists. Wcsi'n Mo. iijeixt, Meyers I.ros. i ., Kansas Citv, Mo. 200-7-ly The jrince ai Montenegro start6 tor St. Fetershurg Thursil.iy. any sillv people despise the pre cious, not understanoujg it." I'.ut no one despises Kidney-Wort atter having given it a trial. Those who have used it agree that it is bv far the b st medicine known. Its action is prompt, thoroughand lasting. Don't take pills, and other mercurials that poison the svstcm, but by using Kidney Wort restore the natural action of all the organs. The first new cotton bale recede; at Dal'as yesterday. was s-iir.ivy skin. Wells' Health Rene'.vcr. Absolute cure for ner.-ous debility and weakness of the generative functions. i at druggists, W'est'n Mo. Depot, Meyers & Co., Kan sas Citv, Mo. 200-7-h John L. Sharkey was stabbed yes terdjy by James J. McBride. Butler tale and Female Academy will open f r its tenth year on Sept. 4th, 1SS2 for particulars address J. M. Najlor or L. 13. Allison, Butler, Hates countv, Mis souri. ''Ji-m Patrick W'als'.i was yesterday found guilty Ot the- murder of Martin Ley den at Dublin. Drn't I x-i Vi th-r. House. Ask your druggists tor "Rough on Rats." It clccr out mts, mice, nedbugs, roaches, ve-min, :le:is, unK, injects, ic. IS A SURE CURE for all diseases of the Kidneys and LIVER It specula actum on Ja mot important organ, enabling ft to tbxow off torpidity and Inaction. altnrmatlTic ttialwaHTij iiniailnii yf Mm He. and by keeping th bowala in firea ormrt1tToTi,mna:iararilardiaelrK. are'hiOQa.diaiiaiilla fattnatad-i r Wart wmsnrely reUsv and qnieklyeara. u in BpMns; tonnsnaninsjlam. erery on ah ob Id l its lliismuli nwi nf II 1- SOLD IV MUfleiiTl. trlal. FOR CHILLS ANO rfVEH Bilcrld Palter OFTHtELOOO. Pric. SI.OC. ST TV. L I T tt w.r.rrl 4fJ yt h A. nanus files cTOkunu are muistur.-. i-jniir., iu hinn, wure at night; wemja if phltwoi ui -e crawling about the rrctuui; the private faru ar ..fteu aSeeted. Ala pleasant, ecno.iiical and i- wtive cur. Swatne's Oirtjiektw mipwior to any article in the market Sold bjr druggists or end .Vj ct. 1:1 V-ct. b'Un:t. 3 Bozea.1.2. A.lnrw. I S it vc A s..v. l'hi..P HULL. VflPonGoonSTovLi n tit only Vapor Cook Slovo that has stood the tost off years. AND OrVBf ESTIEK and FKBFXCT SHISFACTIOV. 75,000 noa ih use and growing In favor wherever used. Does every description of Cooking, Wash iner, Ironintr, Fruit Cuming, and all other domestic work heretofore done by the ordinary cook, stove. For SumtfVn they axe Iadispcuabla. Ko insufferable heat, soot, ashes, or dirt as attached to the old method. Special inducements to Agents In un occupied territory. Send for illustrated trcular and price list. HULL VAPOR STOVE CO feBeca St Cor. Casual a. CHYKXaITD, O. BR.OTTTIEH CL7 St.Ctrles Street, St. Losl9,3Io. a mralar aradoat of two MadioalOollaM Jiaa hrm lj- located than anr other Phraidaa la St-LoitU, k city papers ahowand all old raaidanta km. Syph liia, Oonorrhcea, Olaat. Strietura, Orcnitia, Bup tu re,Urinary SypbiUuo or aCercurial Afrectiou 1 r Taroat. Strln or Bonos cuiwd Saf air. Frltlr. pennatorAaaBezaalDabfiltv and Impotea cy m the result of Self-Abnas,asxual escpuse la n. turer jraarar osar bralnworkrodnelas mrwnw- waslonl einlasiooa. dabUlty, dimness ofriKht, defc Cire memorr. pbraleal daearvsrstaa toforlely mm t usionof ldsss Joss of sexaal power.aiaht lo-, ri Icjios marring improper, cured. OpnaTiltiilli a thee or by aaail frea and iaylWd. rumjAW cm wrap. Mailt' loss sant by mall or ssprsm. tir .'usranteed. Where doubt existsit is frankl? tr k. MA RRIACE s. GUIDE t storr.amll toltLaa Itia traa to m , 'ctlowlngsobjeota: Who may marry, who wti v,uchood,womanbooa,'nrsicai aeoay. n ne i.vry, nowhappiaesa maybalncraaeed, cffectH of - luw;y and axosas, and many more. Thoe marrt. -A . . ntemplaHnc marrtaae should read it u e ku; a u dtr lock andkey. C6 Cts. by mail In mow or ih tn. Engliah Qerman French read or srk-n. I g it k or tho s''; lUnca: ot .--r;r.- rxji-iy, Dtifeetire Memory and Liordttrs brf.u! 1 u bySslf-Abuseu Druxtfist h:i theinjrredwut''. s oiyOnrwtiTe I pat , 619 Bt.ChP.rlPH, r-t Ijui "'i'i. ?rr. Chesnut S St.Loule, Mo. to:.! .v - vt-nliauss to cureSpvnnatorrhcea, KvminaiWv. . n3ss, I IE potency, r.U f.jrpjn of Syphilis. (Sua; rhcea. Gleet, Urinary or Bladder diseases. li cntcaesenrod in a fftrdurs. lieus nilfi'-ji r fmniseif-abiiw.orexpoaure cored for life witu M . icedicine. Advlcofree. CharKesJov. Odlorvir.-. i ; a st-ict conndence. Symptom Book for two st -m ; CARRIAGE GUEDETV, The majority cftMmUU oftk kSMit I 'fjf arif-r ft-om a m'ermngettient of tho Liver, cn-tinff ItotH th itawses anA hwtla. In order- to effect m emre, is timsiary to rtmert the emmee. Jfrefr- ani SlufgUh aetiem f the BoeWe, II asar.he,Bichn a the Stentaeh, Pai - f he Hack omO. Xoiv, ete indieat thai mt IAnarimat fault, thmtnmtmrere- yMifg ieeifte,mee fo emmhle ihtm orpamt .rJC cC iwpiTfffe. rc?-Ty Au ni ttera tu-e e?r : ia r., m . (f etf jW this pvrpo XUey aro imi'd. in. f irir action ana? effective a a mm re; rrr pteamant tm the tmetmmnd totem easily by Loth ok Udren. ewat ealaflf. To hre rTf-: 't rj to dlrrctimut, they eyre a (uanci'ixiRinMVWrOySpepclAf irMral Xebt!lty,HatttnaICots sipitloxi, Diseasecl XCIdneys etc., etc. a Blood rnrifler ty arr rnnperior to any other medirtmes elimneing the system thoroughly, and, intjtctvlitg neee life and eneryy tw teav ralid Zt im m medicine and not M iBtOxicatJng smrave. ui ?sse isiEcisT rtn rtictvt am irrrnr, .3d take Bsothar. TB1CX. 8XXJ0 per Bonis, f fCY SSK E5TTERS CO.. SOLE PRQPRSETtHft 1 --a .C Fir Ctzr. Ha M UmmW M AT AT MAT sT T AT M AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT A SLAT M If WT ' ?r. n prrpt Pill avoc hl-i.- ffciin f , - fither iron nmianuJ; 1 hare used Dk. llAma'a Ibom Tomio in tnv nractiee. and In t . twentT-Bre Tears in medicine, have never found anTthlnr to s4ve th results th.t iD Si . . Isow Tome does. Ia many eases of Kervous Prostration, Female DUessea, OytprtsJs, and inlm. coTertehed eoadltlon of the blood, this peerless remedy, has in my hands, made some wonderful 7,,tZT Slut Wash Avenao. - is nrrrssiiy in my praruee. St. Ixns. Mo.. Not. ssu. 1881 ltffieee color to the Neod, natural healthful Ume to the digestive organs and nervous system, making it applicable to tirwral Debility, Lamm of Appe- tite, Prostration of Vital JPoiecrs and Jwtpotence.f MANUFACTURED BY THE OR HARTER MEDICINE CO.. 2IS M. MAIM ST- ST. louiv SIMS & TUCKER, LAND AND LOAN Examiners' of Land Titles And also represent he most reliable Foreign and American Insurance Companies, They make a specialty ot safely investing money 011 improved farms. BUTLER NATIONAL Bl Aulltot izeil Capital. $200,000 Capital Paid up ; 30.000 BOOKER POWELL, President T. W. GUILDS, Vice President. Wm. E. WALTON, Cashier. C. C. DUKE As't Cashier Dr. T. C. Boulware, W. H Irwin, Judge J. H. Sullens, Dr. N, L, Whipple, A- L, McBride, M. L, Wolte, Judge Booker Powell, C, H, Dutche; John B. Ellis, A, II, Humpr rey, Green W.Walton, T, W, Childs, R. D. Williams. Wm, E, Walton, Receives Deposits subject to check at sight, Loans mone.y, buys and sells ex change, and does a general banking business. Correspondents. Merchant.' National Bank,. . Kansas Citv Valley National Bank St, Louis, Donell, Lawson & Simpson. . New York, OTHER STOCK HOLDERS: G, B, Hickman, S, Q. Dutcher, R, D, Williams, Frank Voiis, John Pharis, Henry Donovan, J, I, McKee, .1, R, Estill, C, C. Duke. M, A, Maynard. Your business is lespectfully solicited DATES COUNTY National Bank, BUTLER, MO ORGANIZED IN Capital paid in, - - S 7:5.000. Surplus - - S 20.000 Large Vault, B nrlar-Proof Safe Tvitk Time Loc. We are prepared to do a general bank ing business. Good paper always in demand. Buy and tell exchange, receive deposits &c, ice. DIRECTORS. Lewis Cheney, J. C. Clark, Dr. Elliot Pvie Hon. I B. Xewbt rrv E. P. Henry, I. N. Mains, Dr. J. Everingham, I. P. Edwards, J. J. Rvan, W. J. Baxd, Dr. D. I. Wood, J. M. Pattv, Geo. W. Miers. V. Coleman Smith. F. J. Tjgard. . OFFICERS. LEWIS CHENEY -J.C.CLARK - - -F. I. TYGARD - - President Vice Piesident. Cahir. Dealer in Furniture and Undertaking, ALSO Burial Robes, FOR EVtRV SIZE AGE AND SEX. ! Call and get prices Don't be led Astray By the peculiarly worded advertisement sole ot rival routes, cotten out for the jmiuc in ucieiving ine puDlic. ASK ANY TICKET AGENT (Except those working for a competing road) Which is the Shortest and Quick est Route from St. Louis to LOUISVILLE, CIXCIXXATI, WASHIXCTOX or BALTIMORE. And vou will be told the ID. & We HB'y. Its trains leave St. Louis alter all trains of other lines have departed, and arrive in advance ot all other lines at Louis ville and Cincinnati. It is the nly line with Four Daily Trains running' evrjr car through with out change. The only line by which you can secure tickets to New York, Boston, and all other eastern cities, via Washington and Baltimore. The only line with through cars from St. Louis to Oakland, Deer Park, and the tious resorts to the Virginias. Tne only line with revolving Parlor Chair Cnrk. The only line by which all classes of Passengers are carried on all Trains in Through Cars without paying extra fare. If you leave St, Louis on a night train by any other route than the Ohio and Mississippi, you will be compelled to change cars' at midnight or pay extra fare. The onlv line with through cars from 8t Louis to Washington and Baltimore without chanije. 7 4 HOURS the Quickest ROUTE to HOCUS the Quickest ROUTE to UAlri.MOIlE, -THE Ohio & Mississippi Io the popular route, the most comtort able line to NIAGARA FALLS, Lake Chatuqua & Saratoga. And with its co nections forms a very desirable route for New York, the Palace sleeping coaches in use on this road, which are run through without change, are the most comfortable in the World. For lull ped rcliab e information, pleae consult with Ticket Agents ot Connects ing lines west ot St. Louis, .t 101 AND 103 NORTH FOURTH ST. In St. Lovis. V W. PEABODY, Gen'l Superinterdent. W. B. SIIATTL'C Gen'l Pass. Agent. G. D. UACON, General Western Passcn--ger Agent. St. Louis, Mo. 33-tt. Generous Rewards OK., Tte Story of the Se-wir. Siaefclnes- - o A handsome little pamphlet, blue na go cover, wnn numcrouf cnt granngs, will om . GIVEN AWAY to any atlalt person calling for itf any branch or sub-office of the 25m er Manufacturing Company, or will be sent by mail, post paid, to any person living at a distance trom on office. The Singer JYfanufacturinq Co Principal 02ce,34 Union rtqare, 6ni 1 ADRIAN MO. j 31-1 vear NEW YORK.