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6 ffl r1 2 C VOL. IV. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1SS2. XO 40. Grand Clearance 7" AT PJ lUil n3 P fU 0 Will continue for a SHORT TIME. list -. 03 n . fe II 11 M 6 Mm largest and best stock of m Ever brought to Butler. Remember we are Making Sweeping Bednctions in all lines. Now is your time to secure bargains. AVe have iust received an "elegant line of Piece Good for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Everything new and nobby, come and see them. We are making great reductions on c SI IT During our clearance sale, don't fail to examine them. Remember the place, CHRISTOPHER'S CAS Oarpet uw w North Main Street, Next to Post Office. M.S. OOWLBS & OCX CARRY THE LARGEST STO CKOF Clothing, gents Furnishing Gods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Jn the County, where nil the latest novelties and best goods, at the lowest prices will be found. W. T. Woolery TAFLE anal &MCEIHLmE AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST IRroduee Wanted in XExcliainge (Doniratiry - . Obituary. DIED : MRS. PIICEBE P. WELTON. Mis. Welton's maiden name was MerriU. She was born in Deposit, Delaware -county; New York, in 1S35I She married Oscar Welton in March, 185c;, and was converted to God in 1S56 jn Broome county. New Yo'rkj from which time she has been an acceptable member of the Methodist Episcopal church. About four years ago she came with her husband and family to But ler, Mol, where she has since resided. She died on August .20th, iSSa. Sister Welton leaves four children, all of whom are living in this place, who, with thir . father, feel keenly the loss that has - fallen as a shadow across their life's pleasant path. The piety of ihis lady was so pure and unobtrusive as to be prized most by her family, who knew her bet. Thus, whilst they feel yreatly her absence, the sadness and loneliness is softened by the pleasant memories of her life, which was spent in teach ing them virtue and christian kind ness. For three months before death the physical sufferings of Mrs. Welton were continuous and often intense, which she bore, for the most part, with fortitude, having a strong desire to live for her family's sake, but feeling perfectly prepared to die when the body could hold out no longer. For Sale. CHEAP A desirable property on North am street, house with four rooms, a never failing well ot water, good stable, wood and coal house, shrub bery, &c. Lot 10S feet front by 12 rods def p. For terras apply to G. W. Holt, at the store of iiurns & Co. tf. iow. ok the: FURNITURE . I am now prepared to sell Furniture lower than ever before I will sell a bu reau for $9.50; a set ot chairs for $3.50 and everything lower than an house in this or Bates county. I alio keep trunks, valises, croquet sets, oil cloths curtains and the BEST Sewing Machine in the market, oil, and all kinds ! sew ing machine needles, also buy walnut lumber. Mr undertakers' gods were never more fomp etc, all sizes ot coffins j . - alwars on hand. Milliacryll)e)artinent Superintended by Mrs. Leonard. We have a large stock of new goods and our trimmer who has been employed by B. Leibstader & Co., Kansas citv, the past season will trim in the in the latest st le." call and price our goods before buying elsewhere and we will rule you in price and quality. - W. 25. Irsoaard, i: . ' v 1 ARCHIE, MO. Agents Wanted for 'Sullivan's. Ireland of To-Dav ntroduction bv Thos Power 0'Conneu, iM.P. Centuries ot English oppression set forth. It describes Ireland's ruin and the people's desperation. It shows how the land was confiscated and the indus tries destroyed. It explains the land league, the land act and the Coercion Bill, contains 32 engravings and map in colors. Price only $2.00 per copy, bales immense. Send 50 cents for lull outfit and begin work at once, t or tull partic ulars, address . C. Mc' 'urdy & to St Louis Mo Great Demand for Beattj'a Organs. Meatty's Beethoven Organ is meeting with wonderful sales. Nearly two thou sand were manufactured " and shipped during last month from his factory at Washington, New Jersey. A special ten day offer is made to our readers in an other column. Aoticeto Contractors. Notice is hereby given that the contract for the grading and ditching of the road leading south of Hell's Mill to Rich Hill will be let to the lowest and best bidder, on Saturday, Sept-2, 1882, between the hours of two and four o'clock All parties desiring to bid will be on hand prompt. The contract tor grading this road will be let in sections. S. V. Frederick, A. B. Woods, M. L. Wolfe, A. Xeptcne, Commissione made known on ths 37-2t PhvHictaiiM. JOHN PERRIE, M. D. Physician and Obstetrician, Butler, . Mo. Office and residence, house lately occupied by I. O raves, near district snooL. eference, Dr. L. M. Wright 22 Vff Specifications ground. xrustee ale. "lyilEREAS, V.artha Sliger (who de fy clared herself to be single and un married) bv her Deed of Trust, dated .January .:3rd, 1SS2, and recorded in the Recorder's office ot Hates county, Mis souri, in trust deed record book, No. 27, at page 329, conveyed to the undersigned trustee, to seen re "ihc payment of a note in favorv of V. B. Fav, beneficiary in said Trust Deed fully described, the follow i- g described lots, tracts, or parcels of land, situate lving and being in the town(nowcity) of Butle , in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: All of the west half of the north halt of block twelve (12 j in Christian and Con dee's addition to the town (now city) ot Butler; and, whereas, the said note and the interest now accrued thereon is past due and remains unpaid and the said F. B. Fay as leeal holder thereof and bene ficiary in said Trust Deed has applied to me, the undersigned trustee, to sell and foreclose the said lien for the payme t of iis said debt, now, therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power and authority in me vested by said Deed of Trust and 'in performance ot the con dition and provisions therein specified, I wtll as trustee, as aforesaid sell the said piopertv at public outcry at the eastern door of the Court House in te said city ot Butler, Missouri, on Saturday, September 30tli, A- D- 1882, between the hours of S o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'c'ock in the atterno-n of that day, to the higrwst bidder for cash in hand to satisfy said debt and interest and the costs of executing this Trust. A. L. Sixs, Aug. 30, 4t Trustee. M. CHRISTY, M. 1., Homoepathi Physician and surgeon. Special at tention given to female diseases, Butler Mo. Office, North side square Over Hahn & Co's. Residence, Ohio street, 4 doors west ot VYyatt Sc Boyd's lumber yard. DTwOODTi'hyslclan and Surgeon, Butler, Mo. Office over Aaroa Hart's store. rp C. BOULWARE, Physician an L Surgeon. Office north side square, Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chil ren a specialty. J, Everingham, M. 1 Residence west side North Main street E, L, Rice M, D, Residence east of sqr, with J, C, Clark, EVEIUXGlf AM & KICK. PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS, Having formed a copartnership tor the practice of medicine and surgery, tender their services to the citizens of Butler and surrounding country, OFFICE 1st door west of Pentzere Furniture store. Calls attended t at all hours, day or night, both in the city and country. 241 14 S. KELSO, M. D. Physician an4 Surgeon. Office first door over Post office Uutler Mo. 220- 12-tf LawjerM. S. II. LASH BROOK. THOS. J. SMITH. LASHROOK & SMITH, Attorneys at Law utler, Mo. Wit practice in the courts of Bates and adjoining coun ties, Collections promptly attended tm and Taxes Paid ttor Non-residents-Office, front room over Bates county Na tional Bank. n2 tf. JOHN S. &c sl PrFRANCISCO, AttoT neys at Law, Butler, Mo., will prac tice in" the courts of Bates and adjoining counties. Prompt attention given to col lections. Office over Hahn Si Co.'s hard ware store. 7 PARKINSON & AERNATHY, Attor neys at Law, Butler, Mo. Office west side of the sauare 22 A HENRY, Attorney at Law, Butler, Wo, Will attend to cases in an court of record in Missouri, and do gener al collecting business. T O. JACKSON, attorney at law, ?f Butler, Mo., ffice over F. M. Crumly's, Drug house on West side 261-17-1 O A. RIGGS, Attorney at Law aad l5 Notary Public. Office in PTatr Court room. li;? 1 1 a iaco sim. CULBERTSON, Real Estate Afnt J.Rich Hill Mo.. P. O. Box ml Cor respondence solicited. no 41-tf. DV. BROWN, J udge ot fmahmtt. But- ler Mo. Will draw aaJirfl n wsrlesfg deeds, contracts, leases ao4 mil pa pi is re quiring the acknowledgment or "jurat of a clerk of a court of record. Land For Sale In Bates County. Consisting of well improved lanrn with good orchards, on terms to suit pur chaser; also unimproved lands. Barer wtU do well to call and see JAMES HOW ERTON, at the Adrian Hotel, at Adrian, Mo. 32-om