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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
1 (S ). mm LV. IV .III II III III if o I v . VOL. IV. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 1SS2. NO 4tf &MMMT0PMMM WRECKED ! The train laden with our tremendous stock of Fall Goods from the Eastern Factories, ;ha:ving;feoeiv Iwcked, ; occasions a delay which we can't avoio However, we have received a part of our FALL STOG and the greater portion yet to come, we feel assured, will begin arriving this week. Watch this space in the next issue of the Times. CHRISTOPHER. M. S. OOWLBS & CO. C&Slxre" THE LAECEST S 1CCECI Clothing, g9nts Funishing Goods Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, fn the County, where all the latest novelties and best goods, at the lowest prices will be omul. W. TT. WooIeiry STAMaSS amtal IFaMDY &ffiIDDIEIHllIIBS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST Coiiimiiry Produce Wanted in lExcIlBaniige 0 I; i: i, l! ii 'j m.'. m i mi XXJ I: tr ?0 OP ft.. BEY G 00B Clothing and Notions, Have and are arriving daily at Gassidva Pitkin's, l'llVMM'tttllM. JOHN PERRIE, M. 1). Physician and Obstetrician, Butler, Mo. Office and residence, houoe lately occupied by J T Grave, near Eat district shool. Reference, Ur. L. M. Wright 32297 M. CHRISTY, M. D.,' Homoenathla Physician and surgeon- Special at tention given to female diseases, Butlei Mo. Office, North side square over Hahn & Co's. Reidenee, Ohio street, 4 doora west ot Wyatt & lioyd'h lumber yard. 15-tf DI. WOOD, Physician and Surgeon, Butler, lo. 'Office over Aaron Hart' iitore. rp C. BOULWARE, Physician and X Surgeon. Office north side square, butler, Mo. tUeateof women and chil ren a specialty. J, Everingham, I. 1) E, L, Rice M. D, Residence west tide Residence east of North Main street itqr, with J, C, EVERINGHAM & KICE. PHYSICIANS ami SURGEONS, Having formed a copartnership for the practice of medicine and Murgery, tender their nervices to the citizens of Butler and surrounding country, OFFICE in Everingham' new brick wet side quare. rails attended to at all hours, day or night, both in the city and country. 241 14 RS. KELSO, M. 1. Physician and Surgeon. Office firM door over Post office I'.utler Mo. 22r n-tf L.HWJITI. (SMBEmOPEEK '-i- - 3 ' T"ii 7 '' -..x -; ,w.-' r J - it - " -- r - . .. , . '' "-' ii'- "'-" - North Main street, next door to post-office Down Ooes thei nRx-ices 9 THEY MUST and WILL be SOLD Now is your time and assidy & Pitkiirs is tlie place to get you r jtj (Roods aiad Ootltinink . B. LASHBROOK. f TIIOS. J. SMITH. I ASH ROOK & SMITH, Attorneys at J l,aw utler. Mo. Wil practice in the courts of Bate and adjoining coun ties, I Elections promptly attended to and Taxes Paid tor Non-residents. Office, front room over Bates county Na tional Bank. na tf . JOHN S. 61 S. P. FRANCISCO, Attor nevs at Law, Butler, Mo., will prac tice in the courU of Bates and adjoining counties. Prompt attention given to col lection. Office over Hahn & Co.'s hard ware store. PARKIN SON& AERNATHY, Attot neys at Law, Betler, Mo. Office west side of the souare 2' A HENRY, Attornev at Law, Butler, Mo. Will attend to cases in aay court of record in UiMuri, and do gener al collecting busincii ' O. JACKSON, attorney at law, ? Butler, Mo., office over F. U. Crumlv'K, Drug houe on West siJe - -if": : i 4 A. cordial invitatioiijiis- :retenq . to call and see us. We yntt iiike pleasui e in showinir you -roods and srive low prices. Next Door to Eateowttl50atil I I M 1 1 tt II 0 SUf. DV. BROWN, Judge ot Probate, But- ler Mo. Will draw and acknowledge deeds, contracts, !eae and all papers re quiring the acknowledgment or jurat of clerk of a court of record. A to 4 per day at home. Samples worth c free. Addre" Stlnson & Co., Portland, if mine. tfrtj 48t a week Ii. vnur own tows. Terms xnd S ? outfit free. Addres II Hallett Mc Co, Portland. Maine. $7? m frk. $1 z a day at home eauilv rr.aA-. f'Obtly outCt free. A ddre True" & Co., Augusta, Maine. lG-tr If -