Newspaper Page Text
"He'p Me Across, Papa!" From the Detroit Free Press. There was anguish in the faces of those who bent over the Mittle white bed, for they knew, that baby May was drifting away from them, 2ing out alone in the dark voyage where so many have been wrested from lov ing hands, and as they tried in vain to keep her, or even to smooth with their kind- solicitude her last brief sorrows, they too, experienced in the bitter hour of parting pangs of death. Thev only hoped that she did not suffer now. The rings of golden hair lay damp and unstirred , oii her white forehead ; the roses were turned to lilies on her cheeks ; the lovely violet eye saw them not, but were upturned and fixed; the breath on the pale lips came; and went, fluttered and seemed loth to leave its sweet prison. Oh, the awful, cruel strength of death, and the weakness, the helplessness of 1oy? They igwho loyed-fher, better J than lire could not IHi-l a ham! to J V .'- . .- ix avert the destroyer j 'they could only watch and wait until the end should come. Her merry ringing laugh would never again gladden vheir hearts ; her little feet . would, make no more music-as they Yart pattering to meet them Baby May was dy ing, and all the house was darkened and hushed! Then it was the shadows fell in denser waves about us, that she stir red ever so faintly, and our hearts gave a great bound as we thought 'She is better! she will IiveC" Yes, r she knevr us ; her eyes moved- frotn ? one face- totbe other with a dim, un-" certain gaze! Oh! hovy good God was to give her backL How wo would praise and bless Him all oijr JiyesJ -, She. lifted . one dainty hand 'cold almost pulseless, but bet ter, better we would have it so!w -anti laid it on the rough, browned hand ot - the rugged man who sat nearest to her. His eyelids -were , red with weeping,' but now a - smile , lighted all his bronzed face, like a ' rainbow as'he.felt the gentle press- ure of his little daughter's hand the . mutei imploring touch, that meant a 'question.'. -"-J; . . WWhatisit, darling? he asked in ' broken tones of joy and thanksgiv ing. She could not speak, and so we raised her on the pretty lace pillow, and her we white face .shown in the i twilight like t fair star, or -a -sweet : woodland flower. , She lifted her heavy eyes to his ; 'eyes that even had the glory and the promise of immortality in them, and reaching out her , wasted like arms,' said in her wearv, flutter-like voice: ''Help me across, papa!" Then she was gone! We held to our breaking hearts the trail, beautiful shell, but she was far away, whither we might not follow. She had crossed the dark river, and not alone. "Over the river the boatman pale "arried another, the household pet. She crossed on her bosom her dimpled i i nanus. And fearlessly buk: entered the phantom Vi e telt it glide from the silver sands, j Aud all our sunshine grew stranelv I dark." - . ' ! Oh, ' Infinite father! When we' weary and di.ssappointed ones reach out pleading hands to Thee, wilt Thou take us even as a little child, and help us across over the moun tains of defeat and' the-, valley? of humiliation into the eternal r-st o t . Thy presence, into the green pas-j turcs and besides the still waters, j into the city of New Jeius::k m, I whose builder and maker is God?" : j n Iiuiiossibillt). Deserving articles are always tppreci ted. The exceptional , cleanliness of Parker's Hair Balsam makes it popular. Gray hairs are impossible with its oc casional we. t. ... t $ont. lf Im fH-K5!'Zar'bas-'8QC: .to Moscow, j -r , ,:r rl v ',rrP"at,o win r ) . take place sccrctlvC'C II - A Vexed Clerffynnw. i -. Errn the. patience olob'woui3 become ,v-exauted were he a preacher and, ea- deajfoxlng lo interest his auaience tv-hile a i in v-T were keeping ug an incessant couch- TCr rr. .1 - ... 1 ' k -- ii. impossiwe. tor to be I -.heard. Yet. bow rerr easv m all this! - e aroidti by simply using Dr. King-S ! 5 New D scoverv for consumption, coughs ' ''- and bWS5- Trial b ules ivirt ! F iI. Crumiey & Co, drug store. Noli The Original Uncle Tom- Indianapolis' Times. It has long been rumored, and K., many believed, mat -Mrs. o,,, u ... . .1 thor ot "Uncle Tom's Cabin." drew the character of Uncle Tom from an old negro who formerly lived here and whom she met during her visits to her brother, the .Rev. II. Y. Beecher, while lie resided in this city. In order to verify the story,'" if true,' the editor of the Times wrote to Mrs. Stowe, calling her attention to the matter and asking for a statement of the facts in regard to the- origin of the character of Uncle Tom , Follow ing is her reply : v Saco, July 27, rSS?. Dear Sir : In reply to your in quiries I will say that the character of Unrle Tom was not the biography of any other man. The first sugges tion of it came to me while 111 Walnut Hill, Ohio. I wrote letters ior my colored "cook to her husband, in Ken tucky. " She told me that he was so faithful his master trusted him; to come alone and unwatched to Cincin nati to market his farm produce. Now this, according to the laws ot Ohjo, gave the man his freedom, since if any master brought or sent - his slave into' Ohio he became "free; de facto. But she said her husband had given his word as a Christian to his master that he would not take - ad-j vantage otthe law his master prom ising him his freedom. Whether be 4 ever got v 't or no? i know not. it Was somefdur or five'years after when the Fugitive Slave law made medesi rou&'of showing wbatf';slavery. wasf that I conceived the plan of writing the, -..history of a,-faithful yChristiarv slave. After I had begun the story I got at the anti-slavery rooming Bos- ton the autobiography f fosrah Hen son, and introduced soingXih1 most ttrftiiug "tncidents intAr rn-y- story. The good people ot England gave my simple, good friend Josiah enthusiastic- wt!come-as fhe.Uocle Tom of the story, though he was-alive, and wefl . - and likely long to live, and the Uncle Tom of the story was buried in a martyr's grave. So much in reply to your inquiries. I trust this r plain statement may prevent me from an swering any more letters on this sub ject. Truly yours, II. B. Stowe. Are There Such Banks aVl'hese. . Wall Street Dallv N'ewsii vy . . . The bank cashier arid two of the directors "have "itist finished a fcrrnft- dential chat m the bank parlor when in walks the secretary with a news paper in his hand and observes: "There it is againWnnother -cash-ler embezzles $30,000 and skips." " "Ah!" says the first director. "Ah!" echoes the second. "Ah! that reminds me," adds the cashier. "If you hadn't happened to mention it I might have forgotten it entirely. Fourteen years ago I began to rob this '.aiik oi a few dol lar jit a time and cover my offense by false entries." "No!" by the three in chorus. "I have taken $13,500 up to date,. I and vou have not missed a dollar of it. i can't restore Sio of the sum.'' "Your bond !" yells the president. "Xcithersigned nor dated. "replies ' thw 1 a Ku.p i . . f "We'll put you in prison!" "And my friends will get me a par- ! Kl'Jll III MX IllOIUUS. '"But think of the disgrace I "Pooh! Think o: the injury to t!.e Dank, rather. The easier lights- a twenty-center am' Pl5ts ids feet on the table, and the trio retire to a corner, vhiper, nod, agree, and tiie president returns ar.d sa vs : ' ' , , : j "Young man, here is $500 to take i you on a vacation for six weeks : o-o aud, reyain your Jost health, and if you certificate of 3" character ; write us and it shall be forwa rded by j first mail 1 L- cor:oTiPATiofj. IpvteaaiqBklHa "lf f tewala Jiiliii t 1 ft ii ggiX 'Vv ,)Z " Woman's True Friend.. .. rripod in need i a. ?trie d indeed i This hone can deny, especial!.- -when as- f eistance is rendered when, one ts &oret " . - . - . , disease, more oarticularlv those complaints and weaknesses so com mon with our female population. Every j woman should nuw hat Electric Bitters are woman's true friend, end will posi- tii-oK- retort? her to health, even when a 1 ; .. ..: 1.. avs otner r cieim wu nigH;iii proves our assertion. 1 hey are pieasui.i to the taste, and onlv cot 50 cents a bot tli. Sold by F. M. Crumly& Co. No. 2 The Mexican National jail way has been accepted by the govern ment engineers. Don't Foiget That Dick Hurt keeps a first-class barber shop at the southeast corner of the square. He has neat and new furniture and ex perienced barber. Try him. 6-tf Twenty persons were killed by an explosion of fire damp in a Ger man mine. Advocates of prohibition need have no tears ot "Prickly Ash Bitters," as it i a medicine," and by reason of its cathartic properties cannot be used as a beverage It is manufactured trom the purest ma terials, and acts directly on the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. As a blood purifier it has no equal. Is pleasant to the' ta6te -and effective in its action. Sept, r, im? Ben: F. Butler w:;s .nominated for governor by the Massachusetts Democrats. It you have ' any " wheat, " oats," or flax seed to sell, vou will make money by seeing Lefker at the Empire Mills, or Lefker Si Brown at the Depot before sel ing,. they are. buying for .shipment and pay the highest market'prict; 33"tr The steamer Northern Belle re covered the bodies of the captain and crew of Asia. , j r - " " : - a -js i Beware r!iMiration. The delicate odor of Fioreston Cologne is entirely novel. Look tor signature ot 1 1 Ucoit CUw,. N , n each bottle. Sept. 1, im Gen. Neff gocs,to Cariyle,-111., to aWtver to' two charge of riorie steal- How ii was Oone. 'IIowdo you manage," said a lady to her friend, "to appear so happy and good natured all the time?" "I always have Parker's Ginger Tonic handy," was the reply, "and thus eas'iy keep myse$ and family in good health. When I am well I always feel good natured." Sept 1,1 m The:. District Amalgamated asso ciation aiYungstoi$n, O-, has voted to return to work. : v For Sale. CHEAP A desirable property on North Main street, house with tou rooms, a never failing well ot water, good 'stable, wood and coal house, shrub betjv&e. Tot 10S feet front by 12 rods det-p. For terms apply to G. V. Holt, at the store of tJurns & Co. tf. Kotice of Final Settlement- Notice is hereby given to aii creditors, and others interested in the estate of Franklin Davis deceased, that I. A. S. Davis, Administrator of said estate, in tend to make final settlement thereof, at the next term of the Bates county Pro bate Court, in Bates county, Stat? of M is ouri, to be held at IJutler on 'he 13th dayoi November, 18S2. 42-4t A. S- Davis. j Wanted! To get a situation in private families tor two voung ladies, aged respectively 15 and 17 years, to do general house work for their board and attend school this whiter. A r specce, . ppleton Cit.v Mo. Tor Sale Two houses and lots, 3 rooms each, one with pantry and barn, in West addition to Butler, on Ohio street. Appy to . Chambers. as finished, some n;w rooms will be tor rent on west side of square. Also the roojais now occupied as an office Everingham & Rice. 27.Vtt bv For a Clean Shave Go to Crouch Bros, shop, near southwest eorner of the square, comfortable room. They have a neat. " Vi-tt Money to loan at six per cent wi h smml com j missions or esiht per cent without com- j '' mN-ion i" : r I K Irii-' i- 1 - f X.aa 3?or h -s in Sats-slCoaatw I ! - - - - j I Consisting of weH improved rarms with i good orchard.-,, on i nns to suit pur- tctasrif also ursirtipruved iands.- LVvers j ''.- . . - -.- ,, : ' n ,.rc .,. j LwiH do well to call and see JAMES HO . fERTON, at the Adrian iloteL at Adrian, - - , ; !; - -;"" ' - " - ? . r-. Ti -f.i ! r T A-r)v i , . ' , i r oi stoves will arrive .it A. L. Mc- uncle; t Lo s nirxt ,v,cck.f ; j Order of Publication. I STATE OK MlsSCUitl, j Cou. ty of Bates, j5- In the circuit court or Hates countv, Mis souri, in vacation, September o, iSSi, the State ot .Missouri at the relation and to the use of F. l . Trimble, col lector of the revenue ot Bates county in the State ot Missouri, plaintiff, vs. John W- Clem, defendant. Civil action for delinuuent Taxes. i "Vow at this aav ccmes the plaintiff ; 1 herein bv her attf-me, i etoie the t-r.dersigr.ed clerk ct the circuit court of fates county in the State ot issouri, in vacation and ti!e petition and a!H- davit, stating amongst other things that the above named defendant, John YV. Clem, is a non-resident of the State of Missouri; whereupon it is ordered by the said clerk, in vacation, that said defend ant be notified bv publication that plain tirt has commenced a suit against him in this court by petition and affidavit, the object and general . nature of which is to enforce the lien of the .State of .Missouri for the delinquent tafces of the years eighteen hundred and seventy-six and iSSo,' amo'.inting in he aggregate to th sun of .307- together -.vHth. interets, costs, commission arid fees, npon the following desrrihed tracts of land situ ated m Bites county, Missouri, to-wit: East half of lot 6, northwest quarter ot section k, township 39, range 31, and that unless the said defendant be and apoear at the next term of this court, to be begun and holden in the city ot Butler, Bates county, .Missouri, on the second Monday in Novembei, iS2, and on or before the sixth day thereof (it the term shall so long continue, and if not then before the end of the term,) and plead to said pe tition according to law, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment ren dered according to the prayer f said pe tition, and the above described real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is fur ther ordered by the clerk aforesaid a copy hereof be published in the i utler Weekly Times, a weekly newspaper print ed and" published in Butler, Bates county, Missouri, tor tour weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least four weeks before the first day of the next term of said court. A true copy from the record. : r W itness my hand as clerk afore- : Skal. ; said with the seal ot 6aid court T I hereunto affixed. Done at of fice in Butler, on this the 9th day of September iSS. J. R. Jenkixs", 41 Circuit Clerk. Order of I'nliltCHtiou. ., - , t 3 i State of Missouri, 1 i County of Bates, " ' In the circuit court ot Bates county, Mis soun, in vacation September 9, itJSj, the State ot Missouri at the relation and to the use of F. M. Trimble, col lector of the revenue of l!ates county in the State of 38 issouri, : plaintiff, ; vs. Charles D. Miller, defendant. Civil action for delinquent taxes. . "VTowatthis day comes the plaintiff JLl herein by her attorney, before the undersigned clerk Dt the circuit court of Bates countv in tlie state of Missouri, trr vacation and files her petition and affi davit, stating amoagat other things that the above named defendant," Charles. D. Miller, is a non-resident of the State ot Missouri. Whereupon it is ordered by the said clerk, in vacation, that said de fendant be notified iy publication that plaintiff has comthnced a suit, .against him in thi court by petition and. affidavit, the object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien ot the State of .Mis souri ior the delinquent tares of the ears 1S73. S7, 'S75 J876, 1877, '878, 1879 and 18S0, amounting i . the aggregate to the sum of .13,09 together with interest, costs, commission .and jees, upon the fol lowing described tracts ot . land situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: The northwest quarter of the southeast quar ter ot section S, township 39, range 31, and that unless the said defendant be and appear at the next' term of this court, to be begun and holden in the city of But ler, Bates county, -.Y.'is.vouii, on thesc-cond Monday in November, 1SS2, and on or, before the sixth day thereof (if the term shall so long continue, and it not then be fore the end of the term,) and plead to j said petition according to law, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered according to the prayer of said petition, and the above described real estate sold to satiofy the same. And it is further ordered bv the clerk aforesaid that a copy hereof be published in the Butler Weekly Times, a weekly news paper printed and published in Butler, Bates county, Mi souri, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least tour weeks before the first day ot the next term of said court. A true copy from the record. M itness inv hand as r T clerk aforesaid with the seal ot ; Seal. : said court hereunto affixed. . . . m : i . ..StHi- ,Ll sJIilCC IJ1 JUliCX, Oil this the qth day o September, 18S2. j 41 J. R. jEKKfxs, Circuit Clerk. Trnstee'n ;iie. "VtIIEREAS, vartha Sliger (who d--ii clared herself to be single and un married) by her lieed of Trust, dated -January -3rd, iSS;, and recorded in the Recorder's office ot Hates countv, Mis souri, in trut deed record book, No. 2, at pjige 39, conveyed io the undersigned trustee, to secure the payment of a note in favorv of V JJ. 1'av, beneficiarv in said Trust Deed tul y described," the j rollowi g described lots, tracts, or parcels j ot land, situate lying and being in the iu uituv. cit ui a uue'.a iMusiuiuUf, Missouri,to-wit: - AH of the west half of the nor h halt of blocttreive ( 1 2 it, Christiair. and oii-i dee s anditton to tne wn OaAw city) ot Burtierand,--vhereas the sold. note, and ! the. interest, now accrued thereon - iar-ast i due and remains unpaid and the said F. B. Fay as leeal holder thereof and bene ficiary in said Trust Deed has applied to me, the undersigned trustee, to sell and f foreclose the said lien for the payme t of i'is said debt, now, therefore, notice is i nereoy given mai r.y virtue 01 uie power r and authority in m nested bv said Deed j of Trust and in performance ot the con- I ditions and provisions therein specified,! wl" a trustee, as aforesaid sell the said j Poperty at p-blic outcry at the eastern doorot the Court House in te said citv ot B . Missouri, on ' i fiatj a n. IPJJO -" J ? . . iuua f between the hours of S o'clock in the torenoon ana o cock in, tne arternon of that dav, to the hishit bidder for cah in hand to satu-fy said -de8tt and .'interest I and the cost of executing "thi Trust. - J - -l- 3IMS A. L. McBRIDE &CO., Having the largest stock ot goods in Southwest Missouri to select trem can and will give you bargains in GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. ! ! I j j 11 4 -4- t -m ssk-vv.ixi ii1 . 1 w 4- . . . -ivu kiiiuo. ui 1111, v:ijn.i mm Miuui iron "NVOr uperior Cook T lie Larsr est E9CF Where the -best goods; for the least money, will be guaranteed Don't Fail to See Our Stoct H BEFORE BUYING. South side Sqr. - - Butler, Mo PERR1E. M. D. Dealer in Drugs Patent and IVoprietary Medicines tancy and toilet so:'.pi' tooth and hair brushes, g:: r,:id putty, stationery,, oils and varnishes, tobacco, and cigars. Choice ine nd liquorx ior medinnai ui.-. Physicians oret riptions carefullv con' founded. It i the climax of perfection, to Miit t!;e rruit sarden or the orchard ii not can I afford to buv h lirer hi:t cn I atVord to do without one. Tb c .J can pay for it in twenty day from the wastmpr fruit. No equal 1 '- -'Send tor ilinslKsted rataTo4;ae - farrn will par sc' web . a specialty. -. Give tiieri) a aid ami prico their goods before buvmg elsewhere. AGENTS FOR BRIDGE, BEACH & CO'S., Celebrated stoves Xorth side public square, Butler, Mo. Harness.and Saddlery j House, 4 , sir door East of Factory Store. W. S, BO A'DE? . J. PEUHJE & CO West s;ido c r3q.uc.o, 3-atler, Mo. 37"' AVE YOUE FBUIT I'y buying the AMERICAN Fll UIT D 11 YEB 11 t At -A-ni5- 3i 4 Trustee. 25 3v Prairie C-ity, Gen. Wet em