Newspaper Page Text
tn Neighborhood Votes. Boliver Herald: The engineer of the 'Frisco company finished the j survey of the line between Lebanon j and Bolivar last Friday- ! . . c , , z? i i ! bpnngfield Express: It ,s stated , lhat Lh TrTlTTrJn?f! bought Ihe Loclede & I t. ocott sail- road at tee sherili s sale, will con struct the line from Lebanon west to Nevada City, Vernon county and thence extend it to Kansas City. Springfield Express: Five men were killed by the premature explo sion of a blast of ten kegs of powder on the new railroad 80 miles east of here last Friday evening. Six Others were seriously if not fatally injured. The names of the killed are: Gordon McDonald, foreman, mm w -mr a m r Win. n.ariy, rat. ivictjuire, vm. Freeman and one unknown. Mc Donald's remains were forwarded Sunday to his wife and relatives at his home in Wilhamsport, Canada Springfield Enterprise : Bob Taylor an outlaw of Knoxville, Tenn.,vho some months ago killed a theriff and deputy in that state to release his brother who was being taken to the penitentiary, tins morn ing the boarded west-bound passenger train at Lebanon. lie was followed by Sheriff Goodall and Deputy Sheritt Jolm Estes of Laclede county, who a short distance this side of Lebanon approached Taylor and ordered hin to ihrovv up his hands, instead of which the outlaw drew his pistol, when Estes fired upon him, killing him instantly His body was taken off the train at Marshfield to be car ried back to Lebanon. For these particulars we are indebted to Rev. C H. liriggs who was in the car at .the time of the killing. Appleton jfournal: Montrose is .to. have a bank. It will be owned by H. S. Martin & Co. Capital stock $5,000. Jophn Herald: A Walker, Vernon county, man has over 1,600 oushels of apples on twenty trees another evidence of southwest Missouri's adaptability to fruit rais ;ng. Carthage Patriot: Mr., Snider, of Preston, lately took some Jasper county apple to the Indiana fair, at Crawtordsville, and he obtained the highest premiums. Hurrah for Jas per county. Eveiythmg going Dem ocratic this year. joplin Herald: F. M. Hicks, editor of the Pineville News, has been arrested for bigamy. Hicks was married to Miss Annie Cloud, an estimable lady of McDonald county, ami it now comes to light that he had a living wife at that time. , - Joplin Herald : Sheriff Jones ot Jefferson county is supposed to have eloped with a woman he was keep ing for several weeks," leaving, his wife and children terribl distressed and his bondsmen and other credi tor somewhat enraged. Carthage Banner: Yesterday a woman's suit of clothes and a hat were found on the bank of Spring ritnerT near the ford on the Avilla and Sarcoxie road. The dress was of figured calico. There is a mys tery about the maiter which leads the citizens ot that vicinity to sus pect that a murder or suicide has been committed. Nevada Ledger: A shooting affatr occured on Tuesday night at the depot, for which one chap lost the use ot one arm for the present. The would-be thief was attempting to enter a freight car in which there were valuable goods, when he was discovered bv the night watch and captured, when he attempted to run, whereupon the watchman turned loose his little gun, and down came the same arm that had made the at tempt to rob poor Jay Gould just a few moments before. Wc under stand the thief was allowed to go on his winding way to the bosom of his family instead of being taken to she county jail. Why was this thus? JStockton Journal: Uncle Tom my Jackson ot Saline City says he drove the first wagon that ever was driven into Santa Fc. This was in iSit. Iil(ll:m airptit M cfiiHii-mhlv has feudered his rc-sin;!i;on. Tl. s,. ... . , , retary ot the interior declined to ac- cept it, pending the investigation now in projjress. a ire ut.tgauuu ot uetroii mer chants arrived in the city Wednes day and were entertained by com mittees from the Merchant's and Cottou exchanges. . About thrbe thousand churches in rhe United States and Canada arc represented in the Universalist gen eral convention that assembled yes terday at Philadelphia. An unknown bov shot himself fa tally at Jefferson and lar k avenues j Thursday. A Husband's Love. . oomeranj. It is eas enough to vm a nus- band. Most any attractive little dumpling with a bright eye and a coaxing voice can gather in a noble husband, but it is prettv difficult to NobJ(. h-.isband. are ticker than the hair on a dog. but . (llfficu,tv :s to (lraw out their true nobility and secure it at home. If the wife onlv understands her ! business, she can introduce the j j soothing racket in her new field of j ; ooeration and walk awav with the whole business. Most men like to j be loved and soothed. There is j something in the man's great rough 1 earnest nature that can be won quicker and easier with gentleness, and nic than bv the losric of the I 1 . . 1 broom-handle and a Diiious course bread and milk ot reasoning with diet. We have seen a girl who under stood her business take a reformed road agent by the nose, so to speak and lead him through life in such a way that he wouldn't know but that he was boss of the ranch. So per fect was the delusion, that when she asks him to bring in : scuttle of coal or eet up in his night shirt to kill a burglar, that he knew was nothing but a bobtailed cow lour Hocks away he always went, and he went as though he counted it a mark of spec ial favor that a poor unworthy worm of tne dust like hstn should be sought out, and delegated to go and chase a lame cow, nine vacant lots with an old barrel stave ani clothed in a brief authority and knis undershirt. GRAND RIVER TOWSSHIP. Its old Settlers Something of Hi rain dwari.. The suDiect of this sietch was born in North Carolina, Feb 2?rd 1007, emigrateti to JMissowr ana m Clinton, Henrv county, was-married January 183J, to Jane Swift a na tive of Kv. In March they settled in what is now section 36, Grand Ricr township. Their nearest permanent neighbor was dish a Evans, 4 miles south. One of the "transient class that ever float 'along the hordes of civilization, lived one- and t half miles from them, but he soon left. Land here was put hi market in 1S30, and he entered So acres. 'I heir xpenence was about the same as all of the pioneers. He went to Lexington once a year to trade. There was one little store at Harrisonville, where a tew things could be got. That w& also the nearest post-office. The young timber that skirts Elk Fork of all sizes up to a fqpt thick has grown up since hc.settled here. The first preaching was !sv a Presbyterian named Gilliland of Rose Hill. The services were held at private houses. Two settlers, Swift and Sears, who had large families, built the first school huse and hired the first teacher. His name was Xuckles. Mr. Edwards became crippled by a rheumatic affection of the hip 1'oint and haring "picked up" the dacksmith's trade he work ed at that when he could no longer follow the plow. He was not troubled during the Kansas war. When the civil war came on h:s sympathy with the cause of the south was very strong. lie was ''out and out" and made no j effort to carry water on both shoul ders. Being unable to do military duty he remained at home till order No. 1 1 was is.sued when he moved I to Henry county and remained till : the war closed. He lost his stock, buildings and fences during the war j and after it was over he returned to j his land and notwithstanding his age and crippled condition re-established himself and has a comfor table home. He can walk onlv with the aid ot a crutch and cane. Mrs. I Edwards vet lives and is able ! j to look after her household affairs. I t They enjoy the confidence and re- j jpectot a large circle of acquaints n- 1 j cvs. Their son David served j ; through the war in the confederate j arm v. ie now lives near his p:tf- CiUS :uul 's as one ot tnc su; i ' stantial citizens ot Grand River Tp. j He has sen.ed . a meniber ot tne j j countv pnurt. j j ' I HAS DECN PROVED JKIDMEY DI0EA0E0.I qKIHTATa, Kidwqr-Warta omee. (dmar-i z miutyoamknoBBr TXTJDf DO n m ttia ctaaaaae and restore healthy actlaavJ Ladies. JS2? Sea it will eat pnnpUy and eaaatr. a. aoxn wr ajj. Txuxiawn, & h.3i& a vb.h " I . Sometliiag IZovt Under tiie Sua for 1882. " - - (&& .1 And there is honey in the Gum. The HIVE can be . c:JA Of! the WeSt SslCie Ol BREAVINGTON Is the place f vou wish the running gear of your bodv to last vou ten vears longer votiv.i!! 1 ur your lUJofB. cfi?33 Which are pure, fresh and Queens, Glass and Tinware, Doufcle the largest and rwcest stock in ke citv. -o- Country Produce of all kinds kept on hand at B. & B. and the two B's. The handsomest and by far she most accommodating and polite clerk to watf on you i our TOE B. with the two B's. BREAVTN GTON & BROUGH. $10,000 O DRY GOOD ClothiBg and Notions, Have and are Down Goes CassldiFa FitMn's. 11 i i THEY MUST and WILL be SOLD owis-your time and is the place 0Pdv (&o4Mll mid AT BED ROOK PRICIH A cordial invitation is extended to all to call and see us. "We will take pleasure in showing you goods and give low prices. y ,x r Door to Bates found at the old stand of U QuUlin tile KUDlIC OQUare k BROUGU S. 1 I " nil TOD JU1JL lit JL JJ sweet as Honey in the comb. SY0GK arriviuir dailv at Hie Pi ices, Oiissidy A: Pitkin's to get vour vI'lotDiiiiig9 eountv Xatiortal llaiik XjQUIS HOFFMAN North Main Street, pav cash tor rurs Pelts. - Tallow, - Beeswax,, Feathers, Rags and old Iron. SPOT CASH, And Don't You For Get $..(t1 IT. V. PENTZ M DKiLKK IX F'lJI-tTVITfJW.K, BABY OA IZ J A i Z - it Hi! f tyies ami pr.res, 033(1 Hearss Always 1.1 Hand COFFINS Mkrie and tiirnisht'd mi short nfuo Oiders mar be left at F. Kvuns stable alter niirhr r on fSiunlnv. Butler. Wo Lyons & Nolf (North Main St.1 Two Doors South of The POSTO FF1CE Dealer in GROCERIES AND- QUEEN SWAltE BUTLER, MO. i m. 1 , Vi A. moatuct-d u ir.uui r i "'.3. ttomt JirtittitHHi. Tyrn'.nmtta.H . 1 VJir-n OR. WA3D & 0 Ko- U M. BEfDRE AND AFTER Flsttrie Appliaacet art tent oi 30 Days' Trial. 72 MEN ONLY. Y0U33 OR PLD, : 7 HO r raffcrinc from Mzbtous Draiunr, i TV LMT VlTitTTT. LhCK OF SRTC FOHTB AND Timi, Witnn Vumiui, ud all tlww diiu? ! e a Fzksosak 5iTr rmluij from Asrsv and Otscs Causes. Speedy relief tni ro::ip:te mte i ratio Ot HSAtTH. V ioob and Wax b.viij . . : m rrnn. The graadeat diHOuverr of th Ot5t-:r. laoneforlUuAtmuJl' i.ap'1.: :n t. Adorers ft jroiTAie EITC9..K": THE is now made for the fonrth year and Has a record of nnqnalifted tmccess. It was the first made and has been btonght to perfection while oompet ing and imitating TnachinfiH hare been made for only one or two seasons and some of them are advertised this year for the first time. It uses email inexpensive cord, never fails to bind every handle and is the LIGHTEST DRAUGHT, HOST DURABLE :AND BEST FINISHED MACHETE in the market. Any one who bays the Deeeesg Bindes avoids every chance of trou ble or failure in the harvest. MANUFACTURED BY William. .Deerii2& CHICAGO. Xsaafaetarcr also of I BEFOHE AND AFTFTl 1 HOT! REPUBLICAN PROSPECT j THbOLl UE1.IAHLE"NEV.SPAPFK' ' A Journal For tho South aad vw I t j In issuing us Propci:tus for iSSj-'fc? lr j Missouri Kkih-blicav point t the com. j pleie ti'ltillmcnt ot all its pa!,t promUe, j During the lat year, ( w ith the openim, j ot ni!- lines oi coimmink-.ijion, spreading in every direction), it nas j;n:ailr jn" creased. its telegraphic Kcrrice; augiWn, ed its corps of editors, reporter and cor respondents; improved its mechanical features; bettered it system ot conden sing and arranging the "news; an main tained in regard to the character of it, contents, the reputation it ha long hrfit throughout th whole .Southwentern country as the BEST EWr.l'KR t'RIXTEl. The REPi Bi.icis has distanced all t tempts at rivalry or competition, and u now the only Democratic English newt paper published in St. Louis. It kupport ot the principles of the Democratic part is universally recognized as strong in logi whilst moderate and conservative in tone. In its exposures of the corruption, pmflil gacy and evil tendencies of the Republi. can party, it is tearless a"d aggreskivt. Jiut it is in the material interest of tlk South and West agriculture, commerce anil the mechanic arts that this paper unus 11s vviuest ana most productive held Next to collecting and commenting upon the most interesting news ot the day, it. energies are devoted tw the progresi and prosperity ot. THE GKK.Vt MISMKSIP I VM.I EV And the tributary regions, r rom ii. columns mere sensationalism is carefulh excluded, w th the view of making it ' welcome visitor to the purest home cir cles. To the fanner, merchant, trader, manufacturer, banker, or business tnanel ay class, it in indispensable Its finan cial and commercial reports arc full and reliable, kvery movement ot trade, com merce, transportation, c, is faithful!. recorded. With all this, it finds room tv a large quantitr of miscellaneous reading mauci w give variety ana cnicriainmcK. GET YOIR NEIUIIBORSTO SI BSCRIBf. The support and pride ot a first-els newspaper is a large subscription list. Tit cost, of course, is immense to the con ductors, but trifling ,t the reader. Marvr not ask our friends, who have been witA us so long, to aid in extending our circs, lation still further? If your neighbor a not a subscriber, show him the Ueitiu can and have him send in his name, talk it up. Increase the clubs. TERMS IN ADVANCE. TElt.nS Ol' NUBrtClfll'T.OX. Ily Mall lsfasFi. Daily, iodudinx sunduy, per vear...!i a Dailv, without Sunday, pcrycar. it It Sunday paper, peryear Tri-Weckly, (alointay, Wednesday and Friday) pervcar Weekly, (2 numbers, per year..... Daily," delivered in the city, per 5 0 I week NEWS UKAI.liRS Regularly supplied by u or by the Louis News Co. at cents a copy. All subscription's are pavable in advanc and d scontinued at the end ol time ftai tor. TERMS TO AiKXTS ?' Postmasters and others itctingas aga for the circulation of the Rki'idlic' may retain twenty-live per cent, on ! scriptions to the "Daily and Tri-Weekli; and ten percent on subscription to tit Weekly. HOW TO SKM MONEY. Remittances may be made by drafc money order, or registered letter, at o risk, tjive nost-otlice address in lull. eluding state and county, aitd addrtv Mo THE HORWS A J Cirocer House OF ! wvll ki;oin and oorulr ftand oh the y.nut side of th wiiiare, nrc U-adiuz lh- ftHOCEKY TBADK I tv- BUTLBK. JT Their pfock onioi ol Veetl Flour and the ht qiuUiij of Stavie and hancy Groceries, (.Ias, Qiieeiware and i:fW THE 1 ARB AT ! Thaii any lii In ihfl rltr, '' i therefore lo not fear eompr.." ' They a libernl pricr for fn i roiia'e of l!.cir irniiiv enttaHK' , will gladly ailend i. icir j anv and nil time. Good- Vliven-I in lli" "' i'ioniitfv. 1 Chas. DensY.