Newspaper Page Text
JTrabie Mo. PaciOc n. n. . ,r.Tn & SOL THKRX BkAXCH. Jr leave Butler daily as follows: Tr4in GOING NORTH. TeEP-ess (daily) iLAa. accommodation . -. . . Nevada r vntTTH. :25 A M :25 p m ! JVv Teta Express (daily) 9 o i m S accommodation 12:15 m evau F K Cakkes, Agent. . Secret Socienes. MASONIC. Rutler Lodge, No. 254, meets the first iurday in each month. Uiaroi Chapter Royal Arch Masons, Va. 76, meets second Thursday in each mGouley Commander Knights Templar lirts the first Tuesday in each month. I. O. O. FELLOWS. Bates Lodge No. 1S0 meets every Mon- fiuUer Encampment No. 76 meets the jnd and th Wednesdays in each month Plivicinn. JOHN PERRIE, M. D. Physician and Obstetrician, Butler, Mo. Office and residence, house lately occupied by firaves, near i u uiuit.i wuui. Reference, Dr, L. M. Wright 22 297 JM. UllKloi x, i-, noniocpaima .Physician and surgeon. Special at tention given to female diseases, Bullet Kin Office, North side square over . r.rr. . r w 1 II 1 I- Hahn Hi Co . rtesiacncc, vniu tircci, 4 door west ot Wvatt ex. moya s lumocr yard. 5-" r D. WUUl'i I'nysiciau anu ourgeun, JJ. Butler, Mo. Office over Aaron Hart's store. rp C. BOULwake,, rmsician ana X Surgeon. Office north side square, Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chil- ren a specialty. i HENRY, Attorney at Law, Butler, Mo. Will attend to cases in any court of record in Uisssuri, and do gener al collecting business. T O. JACKSON, attorney at law, VV Butler, Mo., office over F, 11 . Crumly's, Drug house on West side 201-17-11 MiiicellaneoaM. DV. BROWN, Judge ot Probate, But- ler Mo. Will draw and acknowledge deeds, contracts, leases and all papers re quiring the acknowledgment or itirat of a clerk of a csurt of record. $5 to $20 per day at home. Samples iTorth $5 free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. 16-ly &6S a week In your own town, terms find $5 outfit free. Address II Hallett fc Co., Portland, Maine. 16-iy I, Everingham, M. D E, L, Rice M. D, ir tj ... . -r .J r C North Main street sqr, with J, C, Clark, EVERINGHAM & RICK. PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS, I laving .formed a copartnership tor the practice of medicine and surger.v, tender their services to the citizens of Butler and surrounding country, OFFICE in Everingham's new brick west side square. Calls attended to at all hours, day or night, both in the city and country. 241 14 RS. KELSO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office first door over Post office Butler Uo. 220- 12-tf Lawyern. S. B. LASHBROOK. THUS. J. SMITH. L ASH ROOK & SMITH, Attorneys at Law ,utler, Mo. Wil practice in the courts of Bates and adjoining coun ties, Collections promptly attended to and Taxes Paid tor Non-residents. Office, front room over Bates county Na tional Bank. JOHN S. H S. P. FRANCISCO, Attor nevs at Law. Butler, Mo., will prac tice in" the courts of Bates and adjoining counties. PromDt attention given to cot lections. Office over Hahn & Co.'s hard ware store. Q TiARKINSON & AERNAT11V, Attor Jl neys at Law, Butler, Mo. Office west id 01 the sauare 22 When you want a neat high-toned out fit torn drive don't fail to eive them a call. 45-. Win T. Ford ot Kansas City, writes "The demand for 'Prikly Ash Bitters in this city as come under my observation has been simply enormous, and, al though averse to recomending proprie tary medicines, I am thoroughly con vinced that tor those special diseases for which they are recommended they have no equal, and give eminent satisfaction to those who have used them." Oct. -ini Moses Butler was arrested in East St. Louis Wednesday, charged with the murder of his wile, who was found dead in bed some time ago. A coroner's iuiy had decided that she died a natural death. True to her Trust Too much cannot be said of the ever laithtul wife and mother, constantly watching and eariug for her dear ones, never neglecting a single duty in their behalt. when thev are assaild by disease and t e system should have a thorough cleansing the stomach and bowels regu ated, blued purified, and malarial poison exterminated, she must know that Elec tric Bitters are the only sure remedy. Ther are the best and purest medicine in the world andonlr ost fiftv cents. Sold by F. M. frmnlev & Co. No. 4. An effoit is niakinjr to have the last increase in capital stock of the Union Generale declare! void antl the directors made responsible for the deficiency of 20.oco.rjoo francs. FIFTEEN YEARS A BLANK- A Southern Gentleman Loses Himselt in 1868 and Finds Himself in 1882. A Curious Case of Walter Phil brooks A Lamentable Eelapse the Result of Yieltline to Iutoxlcants. From the Globe-Democrat. Cases are numberless wherein persons have suddenly disappeared and then been found in some locality more or less distant without able to tell how they came being there. The temporary suspension of the ne.nory is not an unfrequent failing but .uch an illustration of it as be came known at the city hospital yes terday is remarkable. In February 1S81, a man named Walter Phil brooks was picked up by the police, and, beinjj unable to give an ac count sf himself, he was sent to the insane asylum and placed in care of Dr. Howard. He labored under the hallucination that he was a Harve, France en route to London. He culd give no account of any thing that had taken place since 1S67 but was familiar with events that had occurred prior to that time. He had been a soldier in the Confederate army from Alabama and had resid ed near Alobile. Being educated and accomplished he soon enlisted the sympathy of several parties, who proceded to investigate his antece dents. It was discovered that in 1S67 he left Mobile and sailed for Harve. He was supposed to have returned to the United States, but little information was obtained con cerning hira. When he left Mobile he had a sister residing near that citv. It was discovered that she now lived in New York, and a cor respondence took place between her and the authorities. By careful at tention on the part ot the physicians at the asylum, after a year's treat ment Philbrook's mind was consider ed restored. The veil of fifteen years was gradually lifted. Being press ed with his abilities the health com missioner gave him a situation as book-keeper ia one of ths institutions which position he held for ix months. It was then discovered that he had a great liking for intoxicants. He was found intoxicated on several occasions and at length he was re- lieyed of his position. At that time there were no symptions of insanity about him. Subsequently he was discovered in an inebriated conditio and a few davs ago was sent to the city hospital to be treated for alco holism, lie was sobered up nut it was the SOBRINESS OF INSANITY. Alter the effects ot alcoholism had been removed it was discovered that he no longer recognized anyone about the hospital, many of the offi cers of which he had previously been well acquainted with. Health com missioner h rancis was informed 01 the matter, and called at the city hospital to see him. "How are vour " said the commissioner, rni. brooks appeared surprised, and very courteously informed the Commis sioner that there must be a mistake somewhere, that he did not know him. Philbrooks was then asked where he was, and replied that he was "at this hotel in Harve awaiting for a ship to take him to London." He was informed that a communi cation had iust been received from his sister in New York asking about him. He replied that it all was a imt:ik ; that he had no sister in New York : that she resided in Mo bile. It w as then discovered that he had no more recollection or knowledge of anything that had taken rlace since 1S67, and located 1,1 itr at Mobile, where he left her w hen he sailed tor Harve. He was virtually in the same condition iv:i when sent to the asvlum in February, 1SS1. He was agai tor warded to care of Dr, the asylum, and placed 11 in Howard. Don't Waste Money tin tradin extracts when vou can buy a lafting perfume so delighttullj tragrant and refreshins as Floreston rologne. Oct i-im If you want job work done so neat and so cheap it will make the tears tnnkle down your cheeks, come to the Times office. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The bef.t salve in the world tor cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, c ilblhins, orns a:id all skin eruptions, a id posi tivlv cures Tiles. It is guaranteed to wive nerl'ect satitaction, or money rc- 0 j - - funded. 1'rice 2.5 cents per box. v-tl For sale bv F. M. Crumly & Co. Mil'ions OiVHn Away. Millions of bottles of lr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, oughs and P" ri,t have been jnven awav as Trial nnttle of the larsre size This enormous j '. outlav would be disastrous to the propri- j I etoi, were it not Sor the ras-e merits po- ' ' scssed bv the wonderful medicine, t.'all at K. Crumlv & Cos Drug Store ' 1 and get a trial bottle Free, ana trv vour- elf, It nevct .iiis to cure. No 5 LYDIA E. PINKHAr.rO VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Ig a Portttvg Cnre Tmr n OtN Palafal Cesaalalats ul Wpaiaeeswa M eoual to ear fces female psIaUaw A JW'.rlne for Women. invrnted fcy a Wonts. Prepared by a IV 0 ma a. l it Crrtnl S JJ-al Mara.' Km Uw Daws af HiatMT. C7"It roTlvoa the droopin? spirits, inrlgorates and harmonizttii the organic t unctions, gives elasticity and flmutesa to the ftep, restore the nattuml lustre to th ye, and pl&nta oa the pale cheek of woman the freeh roses of life's spring and early summer time. tSTPhysiciant Use It and Prescribe it Freely.-C It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pads, weighs and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. For the care efKldaey CesspUlatt of cither eex tkle Coaapou U rpassed, I. YD IX K. PIXKHAsTS BtOOlr PCRiniR will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of man vroman or child. Insist on having it. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared at 2i! and t35 Western Avenue, Lynn, sUas. Price of eithtr, fx Six bottles for $5, Sent by mail in the form of pilH or of lozenges, on receipt of price, tl per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose Set. stamp. Send for pamphlet. No family should bo without LTD la K. riKfiAJfS TJVEa PILLS. They cure constipation, DUlouaness, and torpidity of the liver. S3 cents per iw. 49-80UI by all Draarfstav-Cl 0) Over 5000 i Druggists AND Physicians Have Signed or Endorsed the Following Remarkable Document: afeie aehTTrTnhneTm,'Wiiiifnf--- inr Chasnlsrts, SI Piatt Bt., New xoxX : CrwaUeneFertkepmfawywrJw frawi ml el wjtsVM brsMttdsl ot POTOUs) PU- trB. Tfcysieimn and the Public prefer BtmeB'i CjofcB PofonsPjagtoT to all others. We eonatder them one of the erj few reliable hoixaeliold remodioe wortiiy of confidence. 'They are superior to all other Torona Plasters or Idnixnenta for external use. Bcwann's Catdne Plaster is a gntdne Parmaeeotleal product, of the highest order of merit, and so recognised by physicians and draggists. When other remedies fail get a Ben son's Oapcine Plaster. Terx will be disappointed if 70a vse cheap Plasters, XJnixnents, Pads or Blec trical sTagnetie toys. MURK KaHEBT A" JUART. Psiee SSci MEAD'S IMicatid CORN ase BUNION HASTEN. PO8T A CO'S American CUARAKTEED THE BEST. STRONG. STEADY LICHT. IX TIKES C'EU THAN STTTMliT XAM MUDX, ana the OKI, X one tHt nstecsi suact lowers trie wick mm ihom In cat. iw tke? OO. ZJberml Cor fost c cor.ffAirr, ManufBcturrs and Patontoes, CINCINNATI, OHia 4br this stylo of rSILADHiPIIA BlaaKK. Araai to any cupi tb market, Mmi mrr, bps SMisiatUto2MnxrmneI6br ffmrnp siyovss. Tntssiinei evlo i Ago. All Hachinos warranted fee S years. Send for IHuetrat-d Ch nlar aad Tewtlimniiwls- Akircs CHARLES A. WOOD a. C U aLfrasiIx j ' IfW" Pi ! Aitam fm Hi 1 1 nl iliU1 fSw Sever Falls t Best ore irrr Fades Hair tsdavouafalcuar. aco.aaatl aUara(gwts. Get GiBfer. Baeaa, Mandrake, btilliagia and many of the best raediciaes known are here ootn bincdintoaciediciaeof such varied andefiective powers, as to make the greatest Blood Pun5er&the Best Kealta aid Stmgfii Kettorer Cer liui. It cures rrpepni, Rhciuratism, Fleepleswess, all diseases cf the Stomach, Boweb. Lunst Liver, Kidneys, and all Female Complaints. Hi you are wasting away w disease, use the Tonic to uli (.onsunipuon or any Cisease, use the Tonic to-day. it wui sureiy ht'Dvou. Renieniber! itisfartupenorto CKiers, Esseoces of Gui jtr and other Tontcs, as it butMs upthesytera without intoxicating, sec and$x sizes, at all dealer in drugs. N one genuine without sisnatureof li:r;xix & C..v" Y. SeriHor circular LABUE SAVIXO IX BITTING TK DOLLAR SIZZ. 61? St-Caarles Street, St. Louise, A reanlar sradnate rftwoMsdicalOoUeeM.nns bean ioaget located than any other Physician m M.Uuu, city papers saowanaaiioia resuieniii..ijk'- iMn snowanu aiiota iwwnwi'. " . " kOrrhosa, Oloet, Stricture. Orchitis, ilos- itia. ture-Or; sypiuiiuo or siercuriauiiitt-viu of Throat, 8DennsoiTlavSxtuaibtUty and ImroMi.- III m III III lllllllll Mnn,rr,wu. cy as the result of Self-Abase jeinlc .3 ma turer years,or over brsinworkjprodaclnf caminal emisaiana, debility, dunne 01 s-;bt. ortee tlve memory. Physical deeayversiaa tovc.:y oa fusiooof ideasjoasof sexual power, nhiht lp-s,ren derins marxiasa tmproper cured. Coau. .ot i " -offlce or by saad frso and invited. Para:h.rt one stamp. Uedleines sent by mall or eipre;. i uir JraViateed. Where doubt erfartaU is fJanU-ua. CARRIAGE pJ gf 2 mm I GUIDE! . . ssa. S BP P aewhc4asory.walltold.aa itia true toUIcoa thj frllowin. W ho may marrr. M an nooa. w "- " ' t. i : .(Ml rfMMV. Who rhouM koarry,nowiiiii""" Inersssed, eflects f el- cmtemptactns; ma dtt lock and key. ler look and Bay. SB cts.'w' -j - " "vZ tasjn. ITnf n uwimu - FREEEK " "nT " -' of Idei forthesp.iy MM Of P. ' ' ssinrisa Lost Maahood.Nervou, (i ... 1 ,-.9 1AmM A v.rallin Lt j Lw.Ielwal ySelf-Abai UOaratlve CKstlve Memory and Disorders broucLt onb; Loui st'e!ll0 St-CharlesTgt. Loois.Mo. Ti u. hAlBoradtntiS. 1 Inst' Dr.JACQUES 708 ChssnutSt, 8t.Louls, HM continues to eareOpennatorrhasa, Bemmi ens: uosa. Impotancy, all forma of ByphUla, Gonsr rbcae, Oieet. Urinary or Bladdor diaeaaea. FU oentesseaeored in few dayJ Weaves "' trom seilbuae, oresposure oared for life with sale medioinat Advice f rew. Ohamws low. Call or write In strict confidence. 8ranonaDcktortwo stamp marriage; guides THE UVEI ANB ITS FUNCTIONS. 'haabisssMawUestshllshsd faet thettae lull is ifilmi T--r-1- -'- faaUiy ia surdwet arlae la the first pife from tojssuTtlarawt,bntattkessmeSjseeael Ilia msstTssjnrlaal The vanona blood, oa Its re tnra to thahaart, passes thronch this oisaa. sd m aisvwr. liswin tna unpanaiae,ae atso uo skhwh whlan are ustsssry to awsnws mm mn as iw aaloarsU to ttslrt ta tssraoawal of wast mate rial A a, are el Unloosed . Fro m this it ia easily seen s A4vsr u nam so bws " ruw ly f nlfil its oftleo of re- lassev mw hi sioos. n, carryina with it the bat allows it to pans tnronsn, natanns ot whlen it -""' BBVW vwmm rvuwvwu. With '!, na n. . antaisan a blood ood thawnotesys-j -sa a, IPRIRITI V AIM Ua baoomes ed.and no orcan et Koawrlyparforml: uiUon anlasatt BITTER8. The resaltof rears of study, experfsa'nt suppllodwtthruBB BLOOD to snaintnln meaioal researen and Draetlee of Dr. lt sstrensin. do too B. T. Bhxkuam, lte tj IJver becomes ail importnatAua onrmarer, ana. i auccess m herever wben one hnathe feel-l logot bolus; assd Isaul- fioiectruar- oontnuauy Ured-wom antyior tta merit. Drastleprr- cut, is eon -ctluated.' gatives Er. 1 nitctsndenl thl at else cj to Filer. 1BITTERS of remeUi s can have H-r.clsohe.; -.r'iSoJlo-w Co isples'n ; rrupticr. ofSKln.ei-!.! but one ef fect thrtil is by their J III CURES KlALLDlSEASESOFTHE; Ition to te- .. ' . t. .... LIVER rsnre r;J . thcraauybei -T8 teo g(i,ivcrljo-jt I.. KIDNEYS STOMACH AND system. n remedy Is Nwiuirod to SlUeri nets directly on the Idver. McuietnaVrel U, rt MllMlni. 1 . Kidneys. ltaalf of BOWELS. ;Bto m sen, AsBowala, acctunuia-, tions. and; in miiao 'yeteflect'vl imitniiJ and Is ill restore n so ita ristnal Stresrth and Visor. 111 ALL DRUGGISTS pleasant to s the taste as H For all the! oomplainte' of Uaiakind there ia no madielne PRlCElDOlkAltf anyoonuai ana is as aaailytckon by children asadnHa. that oquala1 bbiXsi Wasfu BITTrRB ia a of rare merit, and not an intoxieottabervrsw and belna parely veaotaMa In ltaoompoaSa) can be utldatall times ws&braefloial reeuits. It is not bat tordoransmsBonta of too oraana menUooed. tt la s sptctpa tsa as BIiOUUrUttulJUtriOlivnniuiiHui -sarationa. Ask your druggist forit, and strait a faStrlaLlf he has none onhand. aak thatlt be or dered for yon. PRICKLY A8H BITTER8 CO.. aoxji Fsorazaxaasv T. LOUIS AH KAW8A8 PITY. MO. TUTTS IPDLLJ SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. bsek pwt, Pn undsr the ; Bbouloer blade, fullness aftor ratine, with d in clination to exertion cj Doay or t" i Irritability of teinp-r. Low epints, with I BteslmxoYhaTinK nesleeted pmr duty, WMJ-mesa, IiBsinsa. Flnttgrins Headache geners'-ly over the ngnt i eUeane, witn ttful dreams, higaiy colored Urine, ana rOMSTIPATIOM. lull's Pitts eaperisOIy df sack e, o. do ?''JrM tnVmMmTZJrnrSTl tb. system is SuiSed. Price g ceuts. sa Sarraat-ai. TO TPS HAIR DVE, ISi-M-c by asiiiKl' t,-n- A nsl MrL us MfUMT yT- SEW VORK. Cestif"' fe,sf -i a. ii Is n F I a r a a j w ai EH W.J a I 1 . . i. t. I 1 I 3 ftKVTi.s-MicN; 1 nave asea ue, iuktis i i ionic tm my prmru Oi,i,n.T wears la medicine, nave never foond maythtaut to rive Um Isox Toxic doe. Ia many ease of Karros rroaxratioa. reanaie povensaed coadinoB ot we dimi, inis peerosa mneay, naa u my nanus, tuaoe sosoe womlerral cares. Cases that have baffled some of oar most eminent physicians, have yielded to this (treat and Incompar able remedy. I preeenne it m prexereace to any iron preparation mafle. in raft, surli a rowpouBd as Ob. UaJtrut's Ibox Tokic I, a necessitT in my prarUce. 1K. BuBKBT M lrlX4. St. Loris. Mo.. Nov. SSth. l. SIM Waah AvfSM. It pives rvior to t bUol, si smrsl saaltfcW so the digestive organs mmd it apDUesUs to Oesseresl tite. rtsrrisriow or t'Uml JPlsaWf-B stsset sUMm-. MANUFACTURED BY THE OR HARTER MCOICINC COs tl N. MAIN STW ST. LOUIS. C. BRICKER, liavins; purchased the interest of Thos Berrvhill in the LIVERY I North Side cl the Public Square, 1 am now prepare i to rurnifii tne verv iicm oi TEAMS Ott -hort notice. My terms are reason able. Also keep good Saddle Horses. A cordial invitation is extended to the miblie and especially those in need of anvthtng in mv line to can -- - - , and ee me. c. BRICKER. BUTLER L TJTJrEXi, MO. Aulhuiizett Capital. Capital Paid up 50.000 BOOKER POWELL,. President .Vice President. Cashier. .A't I'ashier T.W. CHILDS, Wm. E. WALTON,.. CO. DUKE, Dr. T. C. Boulware, C, II, Dutche. John B. Ellis, A, II, Humpr rey, Green W.Walton, T, W.Chi Ids, W. H. Irwin, Judge J. II. Sullens, Ur. rs L., w nippie, A. L, McBride, A. L, Wolte, R. D. Williams Judge Booker Powell, Wm, E, Walton, Receives Deposits subject to check at sight, Loans money, buys and sells ex change, and does a general banking bus iness. Correspondents. Merchants' National Bank,. . Kansas Citv Valley National Bank, St. Louis, Donell, Lawson & Simpson. -New ork, OTHER STOCK HOLDERS: G, B, Hickman, R, D, Williams, S, Q. Dutcher, Frank Voiis, Ilenrv Donovan, J, R.'Estill, M, A, Maynard. Tohn Pharis, J. 9 m.- V, C. Duke. Your business is lespectiullv solicited HATES COUNTY National Bank. BUTLER, MO ORG ANIZED ITS' IS1"I. Capital paid in, - - S 75.000 Surplus - - 520.000 Large Vault, B urglar-Proof Safe with Time Lock. We are prepared to do a general bank ing business. Good paper alwavs in demand, teuy and ell exchange, receive deposit etc., &c. DIRECTORS. 1 Lewis Chenev, Dr. Elliot Pvle j E. P. Henry, 1 Dr. J. Everingham, I J.J. Rvan, I Dr. D. D. Wood, J. C. Clark, Hon. J B. Newbrrry I.N. Mains, !. P. Edward, 'XV. J. Bard, I. L Pattv, V. ;oleman Smith. 1 Geo. V. . Miers. F. J. Tvgard. OFFICERS. LEWiS CHENEY . C. CLARK - -F. I- TVGARD - n frrn U I LLU NAT ONA 1 Pre!-dnf - Vice P. evident. . - Cashier. Ji TssHsisrfsew mf JVs- tomULf Jrwes, iHwnm Jsssrfcemslfltwswfcarisasis yslrtslli Wtsw fW wWy prrytmrmlim eeVwss thmt fiil mot Uwlm sA teXA.OflillrsftwirtitV othf-r trow f.rryorwf i. ee, ana in an eaperlectce of reasuts tnat 1U. llAtrraa's Diseases, Dyspepala. and an tso. 'Don't be led Astray j By the peculiarly worded advertisements j ot rival routesl gotten out tor the bole j purpose of deceiving the public. ASK ANY TICKET AGENT (Except those working for a competing ! road) Which is the Hhortest and Quick ct Route from St. Louis to LUl'lsViLLEs rJXCIWATi, WASIIINGTOX or BALTIMORE. And vou will be told the 4D. & ML IHl'y. Its trains lea c St. Louis after all train of oilier lines have departed, and arrive in advance ot all other lines at LouU ville and Cincinnati. It is the onlv line with Four Dailj Trains running every car through witl out change. The only line by which you can secure tickets to New York, Bohton, and a I other eastern cities, via Will ington and Baltimore. The only line with through car from St. Louis to Oakland, Deer Park, anJ the famous resorts to the Virginias. Tne only Chair Caro. line with revolving Parlo The only line by which all clauses ct Passengers are curried on all Trains in Through ( ars without paying extra fare. It you leave St, Louis on u night train by any other route than the Ohio anJ Mifisifcbippi, you will be compelled to change cars at midnight or pay extra tare. The onlv line with through cars from St Louis to Washington and Baltimore witlumt change. 7 4 HOURS the Quickeat ROUTE tt HOI KS the Quickest ROUTE v ISA1.TINORG. -THE Ohio & Mississippi I the popular route, ihe most comfort able line to NIAGARA FALIiS Lake Chatuqua & Saratoga. And with its co nection forms a verf desirable route for New York, the Palace sleeping coaches in use on this road, which are run through without change, are the most comfortable in the World. For lull ped reliab e intormation, please consult with Ticket Agents ot Connect ing lines west ot St. Louis, at oi AND 103 SOUTH FOURTH ST In St. Lovis. PEABODY, Gen'l Suerintei dent. V. ILSHATTUC Gen'l Pass. Agent. BACON. (Jeneral Western Pase ti G. D. ger Agent. St. Louis, Mo. 33-tt- Money to Loan On Farms at 7 per cent interest ani Commission on 3 to 5 Years fmu- with privalcr oi paymgclor I due it lc.rcd. Money iurnlshed or I hrrt notice. W. E. WALTON WtC MttASfSw YOUTH and MANHOOD A COIOE TO MEAtTM MriTH OUT MEOICINC BT A FUreiClAM SS year's experiene. lKa't pmmtmm Mr system wttfc pnm, bwt pes (rils Hook and avvld Qwacka, "PreserlptloB. free Br.icy ei pmmm. bnaa. wbtch itespoawa. Trie asets. AwSiiM THE PUBLISHER. Boa 234, Mil saw, Wis. TSaT .111 4 I V