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She rat VOL. IV. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1SS2. XO 48 COIMNti HOME- DEEPWATER. GOUSTr ITEMS. Ybe German Liberal Soeietj of Johnson County Endorses the Democratic Party. Warrensburg Journal-Democrat At a meeting of the Johnson coun ty German Liberal Society, Oct. 23, iSSz, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, to-wit: VVhereas, The Republican party bas separated from the true faith, has exchanged principles for fanati cal sentimenty, adopted wild ex tremes, instead of moderations, and in this nnrl other states into full league with the church, thereby at tempting to violate one of the funda mental laws of our republic, and Whereas, We believe it is. pre eminently the province of the family to teach morals, and that our poli tics ought and must be divorced from our religion ; and Whereas, Wr believe the Dem ocratic party to be a conservative and progressive pary, keeping step with the times and the requirements of the people, a partv opposed to all extremes and fanaticism, ot what ever kind, being a true defender of the personal rights of citizens, and Whereas, We rejoice over the administered rebuke to fanaticism in Ohio, and nope that like attempts at ths people's liberties by political or clerical extremists, will be put down in like manner in every state in the UnioH. Therefore, be it Resolved, That we will, in good faith, give our support to the Demo cratic party in the coming election, and will continue to do so as long as our liberties and personal rights will be vouchsafed by the same, and Resolved, That we earnestly call upon our German brethern in par ticular and all liberty loving voters irrespective ot nationality, in gener al, in this or any other State ot the Unmn to give the Democratic party a hearty and unequalized support. F. X. Wagner, President. John Opp, Secretary. The following is a fair sample ot DomiUii-an r-rrnirtinri- and IS IVUl-fllVM" " - - 7 calculated to excite indignation in everv patriots breast. It is a special dispatch to the New York Sun : lA.shSntrfnn Oct. 3. "What do the women employes in the de partment do when Mahone's circu- 1.1 rouc thpm ?" was asked ot a post-office employe. "Cry?" was the laconic response Tlin rhev call him a scoundrel." "One lady from Virginia, a widow with six children, on a $"5 salary, .vac nstpsspd When she re the circular she burst into Sh was advised to appea t Xfr nulLis. chief of tke dead lttr office She did so, and rep resented her struggles to live on her salary and her inability to pay. He said it was a shame and an outrage, and told her to go to Frank Howe, who is the virtual head ci the post office department. Mr. Howe heard her pitiful story, and then told her frankly that her only chance, was to anneal to Senator MahonC. "And it I refuse to appeal to him or to pav it, will you protect, me sne asked. "That T cannot do." he replied "Renntnr Mahone's wife has a coufm who is in the post-office department on a noo salarv. She was born in Virginia, but appointd from New York. She has not been assessed." 1 ! Items of Interest to the Public From Our '"Busy" Correspondent. Deepwatkk, Oct. 26, lS$2 Editor Times: I see no items from our part ot the county, nor have I seen for some time past, so as I think we are entitled to a short space in the old Times of our county the standard paper. I will note a few as they come up. Road overseers have been busy for some time past and I believe they are doing good work generally. J. Schoalt has rented his pasture farm to two men from Illinois for $3 per acre. Mr. Walker has also rented his for about the same, so I am told. I also understand that W. H. Shelton has purchased the A. H Horn farm, 40 acres, ior $15 per acre. Good for W . II. There is to be a Sunday school meeting at the Presbyterian church including the 4th and 5th of Novem ber; all lovers ot Sunday schools are cordially invited. New school house to be built in Johnstown on the foundation ot the old one burnt a short time ago. Dr. McFarland has returned to Johnstown again to peddle pills. Success to vou Doctor. Billy Betz has took her in at last ; Dudney of Johnstown has done like wise. May your lives be happy. boys. Busy. South Mt. Pleasant; as Itemized By Jonny Brick. Entirely Satisfactory. Ladies wishing a perfume that com bines novelty deiicacy and richness, find Floreston Cologne entirely satislactory, Nov. i-im. The Leaven at Work. Sedalia Democrat. Simultaneously with the action ot the Germans in Johnson county, Missouri, there comes the news that Volksblatt, of Louisville, Kentucky, e the German Kepublican organ 01 that city, has suspended publication. Its owner and editor, Mr. Y . KriDDestapel, eires the reason tor his action in the premises. He says : "The new phrases which has en tered into politics has alienated many srermans from their om politi cal relations. Since the turn affairs have taken in Ohio, and since the fatal blunders the Repablican blun ders the Republican blunders have made and are still constantly matting in favor of sumptuary and prescrip tive legislation, I find it impossible to publish a German Republican newspaper. I have received letters from all over Kentucky and Ohio telling me to stop the paper, and so many of my subscribers, have otop ped, all Germans, that L nerfer to quit right now, rather than lose any rjiore money." This tells the whole story. Here is a newspaper which for twenty eiht years preached Republicanism nnro ,inr1filf1- There came a re volt in Ohio, and to-day this veteran ionrnn 1 is a thiner of the past, being HcHinllvsiamned out of existence in some little time over a month. Who can say now that the October storm in Ohio was not a veritable tornado ? South Mt. Pj-easant. j Editor Times : Growing wheat j looking fine j Apples selling in the orchards at i 25 and 20 cents per bushel. j , 1 1 . . u ( corn nusKing now ccui uj uc the order of the day. Uncle A. S. Badgley, J. C. Lu 'cas and a few others contemplate forming a copartnership for the purpose ot sinking a coal shaft in their immediate vicinity, as they are pretty sure of striking a good vein of coal and think there would be "mil lions in it." There is some sickness now in this locality A. Rowden and wife ami one of his sons are very sick with something like malarial fever Dr. Christy in charge. Miss Nellie Evans is also sick and has been tor 1 nr a weeks and we learn is no O T better, Dr. Gibbens, her attendant. Our young friend Wilson Miller, of StClair county, 111., is on a visit to this neighborhood and is now a guest of his grandfather, A. Sf Badgley. Mr. Thomas Dunn and one Mr. Smith also of St. Clair county, 111., are busily traversing the county in quest of good farms, ! either to buy or rent, as they are well pleased with Bates county. The first meeting, tor the season, of the Mt. Pleasant Literary Society will take place on the first Thurs day night of November. The school in this district (No. 4.) is taught in a skillful manner by Miss Adda Butler, one who knows how to manage the girls and boys, and most especially the big boys. When we see the playful schollars caper ing and prancing over the play ground and giving their heads an occasional' scratch (for the reason best known by a school-boy) we can't help thinking of our happv school days. Jonxv Brick. M W CO., Clothing, gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, In the County, where all the latest novelties and best goods, at the lowest prices will be found. T. WDeiry STAIPJLIE and IFACTT (RIIBODCDIEIHIIIIBS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST CaMnimttiry IPiroflflwice Wanntedl Sdd IBscDnannge NEW DRUG TORE, -5 Keep Constantly on hand a well Selected Stock of A Diflcnlt Problem solved. The desira for stimulants is becoming a monstrous evil and how to overcome it It a serious question with reformers. Parker's Ginger Tonic fairly solves the difficult problem. It invigorate bodv and mind without intoxicating, and has brought health and happiness to many desolate homfs. Knquirer. See other column . Nv. i-im. Three men are locked up in New York charged with attempting to blackmail Walter Malley, one of the brothers charged with the murder ot Jennie Cramer. The Height of Telly. To wait until you are in bed with dis ease you may not get over for months, is the height of folly, when you might be easily cured during the early symptoms by Parker's Ginger Tonic. We have known sickly families made the healtb ' iest y a timelv use of this pure med icine. ' "bscrvrr. Nov. i-im Highly ; Ef teemed. The youthtul colors and rich, lustre are restored to faded or grav hair by tho use ot Paiker's 1 lair Balsam, a harmless dressing highly esteemed lor its perfume and purity, - Nov. 1-1 m Detective O'Nell has been paid the $1,000 reward for the arrest of Fepperhorn. : Bucklea'a Arniea Salv. The best 6ahe in the world tor cuts bruises, sores,-ulcer, alt rheura, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, c ilblhins, t orus and all skin eruptions, aad posi- j tively cures Piles, It i guaranteed to give ' perfect satisfaction, or money re- Bemember This. If vou are sick Hop Bitters will surely aid Nature in making you well when all else tails. If vou are costive ar dyspeptic, or are suffering trom any other of the numerous y m 1 diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is j-our own fault if you remain ill, for Hop Bitters are a sovereign remedy in all sacn complaints. If vou are waisting away with any iorm ot Kidney disease, stop tempting Death this moment, and turn for a sure cure to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible sick ness Nerv ousness, you will find a "Blam in Gilead" in the use ot Hop Bitters. If vou are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your system against the scourge of all coun triesmalarial, epidemic, billious, and intermitent fevers dv the use ot Hop Bitters. Tf vmi have roueh nimple or sallow skin, bad breath, pains and aches, and feel miserable generally, Hop Bitters win irive vou fair skin, rich blood, and sweet est breath, health, and comfort. In short the v cure all diseases ol tne stomach, Bowe's, Blood, Liver, Nerves. Kidney's, ttright's Disease. $500 will ne paid for a case that it will not cure or help. That poor bedridden, nvalid wife, sis ter, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of health, by a few bottles ot Hop Bitters, costing but a trifle. Will y ou let them suffer Oct. i-im- pros Oils, Varnishes, and Everything in the Drug Line. It&Ci: XL- Prescriptions Carefully Compounded both Day and Night. Havni" opened a new Drug Store on North Main Street, and having had many years experience in the drug busniels we zordially invite the public to call and see us. We guarantee our drugs to be pure : and ur pnees ae low as any place m the city. Give us a call. 1 HKUa. . . j fti..--- ,u,r K. Tr- I a Sherman's method. ti ipt am Lure as rcnain as uay iunu u " - With safety trom the dangers of strangulation and without the injury trusses in flict Those wishing proof should send 10 cents tor his book, containing likenesses of bad cases before and after cure, also endorsements ot professional gentlemen. Ministers, Merchants, Farmers, and others who have been cured. Trusses and Rupture soone - or later affect the nervous and mental system, bring on organic dis 1 . . . , c,w.;l st-cirM. malcinc the voune man old eases, impoiency, ucsiruy c.uij. .. , " and the old useless Principal office 25 Broadway, New York. For the comenl ene of Western patients Dr. Sherman will be at his office, cor. 3th and Market streecs, St. Louis, Mo , from November 1st to December 20th. 4-41' It you want to with. issouri pacific RAILWAY. The Direct Route FOB ALL P0IN8 IN Colorado. fur. Jed. Price 2.? cents per box. v-tt For sal bv F. M. t'rumly & Co. Mm. Martin in chrge of the mulinery department ot A. Martin & Co. would be glad to sec her many lady customers. Mahnne is assessing the Virginia j department clerks m Washington at the rate of $25 n every $600. For a Clt-an Share Go to Crouch Bros, shop, near southwest corner of the square. They have a neat, comfortable room. T.o-ti Betel Property for Sale- The Olive House, on southwest corner of the square. 3 ast opposite the Opera building, is now tor sale on reasonable 1 terms. Call on or aaores 4$.tt. w J- Lansdown. ' Heoje and Let for Sale. Situated in the northwest part ot the city ; house ha four rooms; size ot lot 165x80 A good well aad other improvements For further information apply at this effice. 45-t For improved land call on BenB. Caxtesbvhy, j Farm for Salt. rent a hue leave it j j have a small farm containing 61 Hen. B. Canterbury j acres which I will sell at a bargain. The i insnrovements consist of a house with 4 . . n rooms and cellar, and out buildings, For a good farm any where in Bates o. plentT ot fruit OI an kinds, and plenty of cation Baf B. Casisebiev. living water. .Located 4 miles south- . ' j west of Johnstown, known as the Tom : Harm n place. 1 erms reasonable. 3t T. W. Crew. t ai , . . - . , ' hi p It you want to sell town property eave . Settlement. it with Hmc B. Cantercrv 1 Notice is hereby given to all creditors, j lonrf others interested in the estate ot 1 mmoaniesi Elisha E.Fraaee deceased, that Johnaon For ,nureace 1 reliable Administrator ol said -estate, in tend to make final settlement thereof, at the next term ot the Bates county Pro- bate Court, in Bate county. State ot 1 Missouri, to be held at Butler on the i 13th day ol November, iS8i. ' Jomxsox Hii.l, j 4 Public Ad'wr. 2 Trains Daily VIA ST. LOUIS. can on Bex B. Caxterury For Abstracts or Titles call on Bex B. Castkhbi-rv It ou want toeII a farm put ittvith Bbn B. Caxterbi hy. If you want to borrow money on 3 or 5 years time call on Bbn B. ''aterbirv If vo wlnt DsTTre teed Pow ers of Attornev, Leases, &c written call on ?en B- Canterbi-rv EAST and NORTH 2r TransDaily Take Jo tic -Xotice is hereby given to all parties who wish to par their tax, that I can be found at the county treaiurei office on and after November 1st. A II. Bki.i- FAST TQ&SffBO iCCCZLTO A. A. TaLMACie