XO 49
w. 111 u in. in in
And the Democratic B anner
Waves in Triumph Over
Them All.
From Ocean to Ocean The
Heavens Ring With Dem
ocratic Glory and
New York, Massachusetts
and Connecticut Fall
into the Democrat-
s I in
While the Count so Far in In
diana and Penysulvania In
dicates All 0. K.
nis, Sandwich, Cohassctt, Ilinham
and Hull, which gave s total vote j
for Lonnr in in iS?o of i.d.6? and for i
S -it sj
Butler 523. now give Hishop 1,190
and Butler S20.
Butler's pluralty in Boston with
some wards to hear from is , 13,642.
In 1879 Boston gave Long 18,268
and Butler .23,50s. Leopold Morse,
democrat, tor congress, defeats
Bowman in the Fifth district by 9
small majority. Theodore Lyman,
civil service independent for con
gress in the Ninth district is defeated
by John W. Candler. Gov. Long
is probably elected to Congress
from the Second district.
Total vote tor Boston: Butler,
30,340; Bishop, 19,719; Butler's
plurality-over Bishop, 13,621.
-At the republican state committee
rooms no doubt is expressed of But
ler's election, the only question
being tho sum ot his majority. The
returns show great gains for Butler
ana a falling off in the republican
The democratic state committee,
up to 9 o'clock, received returns
from 197 towns and cities, including
Boston, that gave Butler SS,So7;
Bishop 74,34Q. The same towns in
1879 gave Long 75,207, Butler
61,192. Butler's gain, 13,600.
Col. French, chairman of the
committee, puts Butler's estimated
majority in the state at 16,000 to 20,-oco.
two years ago by a combination be
tween his party and the republicans
is overwhelming.
fcven Kansas Tumble to the
Racket, and St. John's Case
is Gloomy.
All the townships in the county
but two are heard from. The en
tire Democratic ticket is elected by
a majority ranging from eight to
twelve hundred Lefker's majority
will be a. least Soo while Neptune's
will reach to 600 in all probability.
Sim Erancisco's majority will be
near 600. The victoiyis complete
and beyond Democratic expecta
tions. Twelfth District.
Harrison ville. Mo., Nov. 7.
Only two towns heard from, but the
indications are that the whole dem
ocratic county ticket is elected. Mor-
11 have 1,000
majority ;
Topeka,Kan., Nov. 7. This has
been a cold day tor St. John, pro
hibition and woman's suffrage, in
Kansas. The situation here to
night is extremely gloomy tor the
saint. When seen by the Times
reporter about 10 o'clock he was
looking and feeling as blue as a tur
key gobbler the day before Thanks
giving. While the St. John men
n.oved around with an air of despon
dency and gloom, anti-St. Tohn men
and democrats paraded the streets
in great crowds, cheering and sing
ing. The returns come in very
slowlv; but, until near morning,
" . , .1 t i
the eacer and entnusiasuc nac it-
mained about the different headquar
ters eager to hear the latest news.
At his late hour the indications are
strongly in favor of Glick's election
by a good majority. The republi
cans are now condemning St. John
in the strongest terms, as being per
sonally responsible for the disaffec-
Xew York.
New York, Nov. 7. A large
number ot persons hav been arrest
ed for false registration and illegal
voting by the United States marshal
on warrants issued, man) of them by
Chief Suoervisor DavenDort. The
A f 1
last betting on the result for govern- j
or of this state is as follows: $1,000
to $250. that Cleveland will be elect
ed, $1,000 to $500 that he will re
ceive 30,000 majority and $1,000
even he will have 50,000 majority.
The polls opened at 6 o'clock.
Between that time and noon the bulk
of the voting was done. On the
east side a very heavy vote was poll
ed. The Democratic state and
county ticket received a tremendous
vote. Many republicans did not
vote either Folger or Cleveland.
The Commercial Advirtiser, a
stalwart, says that the lookout for the
ReDublicans are gloomy enougn.
Cleveland seems to be polling the
full strength of his part. The full
Republican vote is not coming out ai
all. At the present moment it may
not seem rash to say that Cleveland's
. t- u f..ll.r
majoniy 111 lui niy win u- xut
60,000. The support to the citizens'
ticket is a disappointment. 1 he
Republican disaffection has had the
most to do with this.
The president did not go to the
polls until after 3 o'clock. He voted
at 402 Third avenue, and was ac
companied by his brother, Maj.
William Arthur and his messenger.
He voted the Republican state and
connty tickets including O'Brien for
county clerk.
Returns indicate Cleveland will
come" down to Harlem river with
from 20,000 to 25,000 majority.
S. S. Cox is elected to congress in
the Sixth district by 10,000 majority.
Th total vote is as follows:
Cleveland, 62,659 ; Folger, 24,556.
Clothing, gents Furnishing Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
f n the County, where all the latest novelties and best goods, at the lowest prices will be found.
Nashville. Tenn., Nov. 7. A fair
dav was favorable to the regular
Democratic ticket, and a heavy vote
was nolled all over the state. The
indications are now that Gen. Bates
vote will larerelv exceed the Demo
cratic vote of 1SS0 tor both Wright
and Wilson. In many counties
Bates has so far polled the full Dem
ocratic vote.
The Kansas City Times of this tSon and change ot political senti
. ment in Kansas. A prominent rail.
morning says :
Mr. Graves has about 3,500 ma
jority in the district, and has prob
ably earned every ward in the citv.
Messrs. Gill, Wallace, Murphy, Lu
cas and the rest ot the democratic
ticket are elected.
Connecticut. ,
Hartford, Nov. 7. The vote will
be verv close, a light vote being poll
ed. The day was tair and the vote
quite lull. Throughout the state
there has been a falling oti from the
vote of iSbo. The Republican loss
Is very much greater than the Dem
ocratic. Waller, Democrat, is elected gov
ernor by 4,000.
7. Both
VVilmmorton. Del.. Nov
,-v .,t;.-c r-lalm the state. A lull VOtC
is being polled. The majority eith
pr wav w ill be in the hundreds. Re
turns are coming in slowly, and in-
dicate that tne uemocrais nave cai
ried the state by a small maioriry.
Sew flapire.
Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 7.
Private advices to prominent politi
cians indicate the probable election
ot Edgerly, Democrat, for governor.
Republicans claim the, election of
Haines, Republican, to congress in
First district, although the Demo
crats do not concede it. Both
branches ot the legislature will be
Republican. The Republican coun
tv officers of this county were elected.
ment in Kansas. A prominent rail
road lawyer remarked this after
noon that if St. John is defeated he
will be considered a martyr and the
people will flock around him to his
eternal glory and universal populari
ty. The republican state central
committee moved its headquarters
into Rossington, Johnson & Smith's
law office on the Sixth avcr.ue,
where instrument was piacea
and the returns received. The re
publican politicals were gathered
there in large numbers early in the
evening, but as the dispatches were
read giving majorities tor Glick and
a greatly reduced majority where St.
Tohtt received any at all they grew
of (iAQr and went home. At
31bA um. :
the democratic headquarters at Lib
ertv Hall a Urge and wildly enthu
iastic crowd was assembled ana
remained until a late hour, cheering
the good news to the echo.
Pen ass -lvti ilia
Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 7
cold misty rain this morning,
rnntrarv to expectations the
W. T. Woollen y
(Dowimihry Produce Wanntedl nm IBxcDiannge
For Grooda
Keep Constantly on hand a well Selected Stock of
3d) as?
Tr5' 'If 'If I
Oils, Varnishes, and Everything in the Drug Line
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded both Day and Night.
1r onw rilar in the citv. uive u a tau.
iUT " 7 -
rtirpp hours' nolhnsr showed only
i;rht vote. Towards noon the
thpr became somewhat clearer
and the vote increased. Everything
,.-i- nvnrallv mi let. althoush the
police had to be called this forenoon
to quell a disturbance in the utn
ward. Scattering returns from the
a lare democratic gain
over the vote ot last vear. Pattison
Koe nrwli.nhtediv carried this city
and will have a pluralty of over 20,-
000 in the state. Post, democrat, is
elected 111 the Fifteenth district.
The indications are that the house
will stand 150 democrats and 90
republicans, again of 15 democrats.
Last year tne senate nau tinu
crats; this year it will have 12.
Bmgham, republican, is eiecieu
to congress in the First district:
O'Neill, republican, in the Second
district : Randall, democrat, in the
Third district and Kelle, republi
can, in the Fourth district.
It you want to rent a house leave it
Kith. TJen. B.aaterb urv
For a good farm any where in Bates Co.
call on Bes B. anterbvry.
For improved land call on
Bex B.'-Cantekblry.
It you want to sell town property eave
it with Ben B. Canterbi ry
Farm For Sale.
1 will sell my farm ot 80 acres, 3 milts
northwest ot New Home, Bates countr,
Mo., on terms to suit purchaser. The
fan., is hedged in to itself, with two good
wells, and within one-halt mile of church
and school house. Also one 40 acre
farm, situated 2 miles west ot Walnut,
Bates county, Mo., on terms to suit pur-
chaser. Address me at ew uome,
Bates co:;nty, Mo.
49-6t. w. I'-
For insureance in reliable companies
can on Bex B. Canterbury.
For Abstracts or Titles call on
Bex B. Canterbury
It you want to eell a farm put it with
Missouri. Thiktentb District
springneld, Nov. 7. A lull vote
has been cast at the election in this
countv to-day. A great amount of
scratching was done, and the
definite result cannot be reached be
fore wornmg. Returns received in
.i;at a small maiontv in tnis coun
ty for judge Fya, the democrat for
congres. The democrats claim the
election of Judge Fyan, democrat,
to congress. " The greenback vote
does not appear to nave cui any
figure in the election ami tne ucicai
Calif rat.
4an Francisco, Nv. 7. Election
in the city is very quiet- There wa9
much scratching and probably wme
will be elected on both tickets, but
the commonly uttered opimn is
that the democrats have a majority
of from two to three thousand on
j the general ticket-
Notice is hereby given to all creditor,
and others interested in the estate ot
fclisha E. Frazee deceased, that Johnson
Hill, Administrator ot said estate, In
tend to make final fcettlcment thereof, t
the next term ot the Bate county Pro
bate Court, in Bates county. State ot
Missouri, to be held ' at Butler on the
13th day ol November, 1S82.
Johnson Hi Li,
Public Ad'mr.
parties who have not given in their
If you w ant to borrow money on 3 or 5
vears time call on .
If vou want EWds Trust Deeds Pow
ers of Attorney, Leases, &c. written call
on flEX B. ANTE BURY .
Htl Pr.prty for Sale.
The Olive House, on southwest corner
of the square, jest opposite the Opera
building, is novr for sale on reasonable
Complete returns from several
Ihu'ik hru hm r?iins frr Bu'.ler !
- j ngurc 111 uit.
o.ul ! f-,ll,nn. tr in R prtiiblicau i .f ii .. -.it thp cTccnback candi
vote. The towns of ChaUiam, Den- i date for congress, who was elected
Lexington, Nov. 7. bo far in the
Seventh district P. Blackburn, dem
ocrat, has 8, 106; Ashburry, repub
lican, 2,162. The returns are com
ing in slow. The democrats claim
the district by 4,000 maionty.
terms. Call on or address j
45.tt. W.J. Uiwcown.
Haute and Lot for Sale
Situated in the northwest part o the city;
house has four rooms; size o lot i65sSo
A good well and otlxrr implements
For further information applv at Una
assessment list will pleae!call and make
out the same without turther notice, on
or before Nov. 13th. jS8j, as alter that
date I will ascertain all who hac neglect
ed to make out list and make double as
usment ot property owned by them.
Ben. B. CaxtersukY. j
Township Assessor.
All partSe who have ot pven ia their
assessment lists will please call and make
' out the same on or before Nov. 13th i8Sa
as after that date I will ascertain all who
have neglected to make out list and make
double assessment of property owned by
Ben. B. Canterbiry.
Township .ncsor.
s a m
Holland Bulb for Fall Ptentiu?.
Double and Single Tulip, per doen
50 crnts-
Crocus bulbo per dozen jocent.
Named Hyacinth, all color. 25 each-
Ck s. I. RoBAR.n.
Greenhouse we'. Ft. Scet! St. 473
Drowoed In a Vault.
ScdalU Democrat.
Concordia, Mo., SepU 36. Alj
bert Kopperbnnk, the fiveyear-!J'
son ot Henry Koppcrbrink, of thifr
place, while" playing in the livery
stable yard ef his uncle, this alttx-
noon about s o'clock, fell into the
privy vault and was drowned be
fore anyone had missed him. Hi
remains were discovered and takes
out of the vault alout even o'clock,
he having been missed and ftearc?i
intitutcdbout that time. Ilia par
ent are heart-broken over theevect,
and !iave tl- sympathy i the entile
' comiuniu.
"verweck cn be made in any
0 ''v Sometliine entirely n
; otraei. . $5 otttt free. V', Incai