Newspaper Page Text
b Earnest Affair Between an Edi tor and a Young Man. Arknw Traveler, 50,iie time ajjo an Arkansaw pa per published an article concerning ;, well known politician. There was an evident lack of compliment in the article, and thtjuolitician was grieved. Calling: his son, a young man who was studying for the ministry, the faber said : "Son, during your theological studies you did not neglect your mus cle, did you ?" "No," replied the young man, rolling up his sleere and displaying well developed arm. 'I am pleased to see that you have neglected nothing that may be of uie in your business. The editor of the weekly Lash, a paper pub lished over in Longhorn county, has insinuated that I am a liar and an eminently recognized thict. I do not think that in justice to our fami ly pride I can allow such a departure from pleasantry to go unpunished. I am not feeling very well, myself, and I would like for you to go over and maul the gen tleman." "I will go," replied the young man, "mainly to be revenged, but partly to exercise myself, especially, as I have an appointment to preach in an irreligious neighborhood next Sunday, and will want practice." The youny man went. When he entered the office he found the editor feeding a 'possum that he had put into a barrell for fattening purpos es. 'I am the son of the noted Mr. Latkins," said the young man ad vancing. "Oh, you son-of-a-gun," mused the editor. "Are you talking to me?" "No : I was addressing the pos sum. "You have slandered my father and I can maul the iniquity out of you." "You are the biggest tool I ever saw." "Are you addressing me?" "I'm talking to the possum' "Prepare yourself for a death struggle. "I'll choke the life out of you in a minute." "Me?" "The possum. " "Defend yourself." "Look out?" The struggle was characterized by and impressive earnestness. The young man suffered. The next day the noted politician received a letter wrapped around the lorn fragment ot a human ear. The letter read : ''Enclosed please find the remains of your son." A Mother's Love. A gentleman who arrived in Hutte M. T., Thursday night, from Mis soula, related to a Miner reporter the following story of hardships encoun tered bv the iucoming Missoula stage, Wednesday night. He says a lady passenger was only prevented from pershing in the passage over Flint creek hills, thirty-five miles west of Deer Lodge, by the prompt and heroic remedy applied by the driver. The lady was accompanied hy a 3-year-old chick, and as the cold became more intense, with motherly instinct she took her own wraps to protect the child, until her own shoulders were covered only with a thin shawl, which was en tirely insufficient to ward off the freezing wind. The premonitory drowsiness was soon observed, and H became evident that the woman would freeze unless prompt action ws taken to revive the circulation of her concealing veins and arteries. The driver was notified, and without saying a word, .immediately lifted the woman out of the coach, and, loving her by the roadside, mount ed the box and drove off. The la dy afterward said she was too much benumbed, bcth physically and men- Wly, to take in the situation, but she realized her child was being carried away from her, and started to run after the stage. The driver uiain kined sufficient speed to keep a lit tle ahead of the distracted mother tora distance of about three miles, when he topped ant! helped her in t the coach. She was wrapped m blankets and overcoats offered by the gentlemen passengers, and mad the balance of the trip without fur ther suffering from cold. MISSOURI MATTERS. Burglars are making raids on the towns through Lawrence county. Our farmers are feeling good over the prospects for fall wheat and early spring. Two hundred men have recently been discharged from the works at Pilot Knob. A Pennsylvania capitalist has lately purchased 19,000 acres of timber land in Ripley county. A lol!inger county boy of fifteen stands six toot one inch tail and says he is still growing. Hugh Shepherd gave $t 1,000 for the George Rectus farm of 340 acres ear Lone Jack, Jackson county. Joplin voted almost unanimously to issue $20,000 of bonds tor the erection of more school buildings. John Munn has sold his 340-acre farm, located 1 1-3 miles west of Maryville. to W. T. Garrett for $10,200. The Daviess County Court has fixed the license on dramshops at $450 a year, vvhich is an increase of $150. Mules and horses are being sold in great numbers to shippers in Cen tral Missouri at unusually good prices. The total valuation of prapertv in Grundy county is $1,332,802, be ing an increase of $415,863 over the year 18S1. A Mr. Parker has rented a farm near Springfield on which he pro poses to erect and conduct a cheese factory. James Rickman sold 80 acres on Salt Creek, about twelve miles north of Brunswick, to u Mr. Herring, from Maryland, for $1,850. Missouri farmers are still shipping droves , of i'.il hogs at $6,50 and droves of fat beeves at $4,65 with plenty ot corn left on hand. Jacob 11. Moslcy has sold his farm of ioo acres seven miles cast of Columbia tF. M. Lelley,of Wood ford county, Ky., for $3,000. The McDowell property, consist ing of 1, 1 jo acres ot Saline county lands, was sold during court by Com. V. IT. L-atcher for $46,920. The Linn county court has made an order for the people to vote on building a $35,000 court house. The election is to be held March The Henrv county Democrat re ports that peach buds in that county are dead. Supposed to have oeen killed by the excessively cold weath er. Dr. S. V. Elmore sold his home farm, two miles east ot Trenton, ot 420 acres, to a Mr. Horner, of Thorntown, Ind.. for $13.5000, about $33 1-3 per acre. An explosion of 450 pounds ot dynamite last week at Iron Moun tain, vvhich killed James Dolan and a mule, was telt like an earthquake shock for thirty miles around. Soap is made in large quantities at Hanover, Jefftr.on county, out of rock and chemicals. Immense quantities are shipped East, where it is usetl to clean woolen gocds. Texas comes to the front ngain this time with a record of five gen erations ot the same family living in our midt. The only one ot the last generation is about a vear old. During the thunder storm 0:1 Thursday night, February 15. Mr. J E. Bender, of Holt county, had four horses killed by lightning. They were all standing around a straw stack when killed. Mr. John Davis killed the fint snake ot the season m Crawford county on the 16th of Februry. It was nearly two teet long, a water- . moccasin, ana was out m tne sun shine, '-taking a walk." j A large number ot the farmer 111 j the counties along the river have not yet gathered their com, and the re- ( cent flood ot the Mississippi- River j damaged their rrops to a consider;- ; hie extent. "SIITL!J'Iloufcef Stock Raneh, Small Water works, or deep and rTi abJ? o'4K?i Irrigation, where there is no rock, OUR OLD RELIABLE RLST WELL AUGER will find Water at every trial. PRICE OF EARTH TOOLS. o" I?JlC-h Earth,Auger, wirh Derrick Irons, Turning Levers, 6 fee bet Gas Pipe Shaftings and couplings S 100 00 -Same Rie, with Shaftings tor 100 feet. - - - - . . . uooo Over icooof these Auger" in use. Printed instruction, and guarantee ent when tools are shipped. In erdering earth tool send half the amount with the order, and pay balance when vou received the tools. For Artesian Well or anr WetU where Rock i round, our EAGLE MACHINE is the I'HAPION" of the WORLD and is shipped on trial that U, a man tent to set up and test until cuatomer is satisfies before any payment i required. PRICE OF DRILL TOOLS. Best Eagle Machine, with 500 lb drill, 2 six inch Z bits, Horse Power, and '00 teet rope, with man to set up and test. - $45000. Same Rig, witho Horse Power, Engine and Boiler, Smoke Stack and Belt, - - - $oS 3 Same Rig, without Engine or Power, 0'0 Several ot these Machines are now in each state. John Elliott, Lipan, Hood coun ty, Texas, writes me: "I have set up four of vour Eagle Machines, All give ood sat t act ion." K. S. Seaton, Lampasas, Tex., write me: "Mv Eagle" Machine is doing good work, as is also the one vou old Mr. Martin of this place. I want another in the Spring." We have low" freight contract, and prompt delivery guar anteed. Please order direct or send tor descriptive catalogne. No. 7 t lv. O. ItUST, St. Joseph, Io. v muiiliAss. HEBE AT LAST. After Long and Weary Waiting Re Uaf is brought to those Who Heed It. "Well Pat," sa'id an Orange county Physician .to a complaining Irish pa tient some years ago, "for that pain in your chest you had better go heme and put on a mustard plaster. I can't think this minute ot anything better. And by the way, added the doctor turning to a friend, "I wish -somebody would invent a leal good plaster something actually helpful tor such cases as Pat's. Maybe they will some time, when it is too late for me to use it. When "lienson's Capcitie Porous Plaster was placed on the market about ten years ago the doctor's hope became a tact.- Because of the rate medicinal vir tues inherent m it4 its rapid action and sure results, the Capcine is fast displac ing the slow-acting plasters of former days, tor all affections to which a plaster is ever applicable. Price 25 cc- ts. In the middle ot the genuine is cut the word "Capcine." Seabury & Johnson, Chemists, Sew York. 15-jt mm lummy, tkm I trtllMM TWO OTTLA FK&B. to- mmj Hlni. Sir, and T. OL iMtmi V. T. A. i.'K"PJi. MlFaarl su. !rw Tort. I AT) F. L. POND, ot Aurora, 111., j LAYais meeting with wonderful sue-I cess in the cure of Cancer. Those af- j fiicted should not fail to consult him at j once. CANCER. . ! FBEE! CARDS AaD CHROKOs. We will send free by mail a sample set j of our large German, French and Ameri- ' can ( : romo Cards, on tinted and gold ' grounds, with a price list of over 200 dif- j terent designs, on receipt ot a stamp for 1 postasje. We will also send tree by mail as samples, ten of our beautiful t'hromos, on receipt of ten cents to pay for pack- ; ing and postage; also enclose a confiden- ; tial price list ot our large oil chromos. i Agents wanted. Address F: Gleuon & I Co, 4fi Summer Street, Boston, Mass. I CURE FITS! I sy cure 1 not moan merely to stap thom u-t a time sad thn have tbrm return arain. I mean a rnVt cal cure. 1 hare made Ui Hisease of FITS. KPII-EPSI" or FALLING SICKSli-SSa lifo King ftndy. Iwimntr; Temdy. to care the worst meets. Becaase otner hTi failed norem for fiot now receiving nenm. 8end nr. nre f r a treat i and a Free Hottla ot in; Icr:iiiibkr rwv.Mv. Glre Kxrtn and Poet Office. It cu;a y-., . iSUir fnr s trial,' and I win enre you. Addre; Ir. IV e. ROOT. 1 Peari St.. Xw Tur Nerada Nursery. Mr. T. ti. lloiiiton, ot the tirntot Am- j broe & Houston, Nevada nursery, is here with men" to canvas Sates countr ! for th spring delivery ot nursery stock.! In addition to men brought with him ; they have employed Mr, O. J.W'eiton, a i resident ot Butler tor the five year ; and who has had liitee years experience in the tree busine and is well and fa- j vorably known. The company ask al! ! wishing stock to wait for their agents, as j thev vniarantecd all stock to he a repre- I sente and true to name aivvn. i tf S5 to.$'iO per day at home. Samples : worth 5 tree- Address Stinson Co., i Portland, Maine. 1 6-it cpranPYiorj. ! NHwwHi r mf eb Umw; mj itm f M ttwaHHKU T mm mi U van klad u( ittmr M Tinners' Stock ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY Excelsior ST. LOUIS, MO POSITIVELY CURED BT Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. KfMOBS Why hry ar VrcfrvreA to All Other Porous,. Plastura or K.x.trl Rental. l!ecn they possess all tho merit of tha '-ragLheniog porous plaster, snd contain in ad dition thereto tbe newly discoTered uowerfui and .irtire vegetable combination which arts with in- cresea mnetacient, siimaiaung, xxiauve ana connier irritant ettects. Socostd. ncaaw they are a gennins pharsaaeentieal prep. .irr.iion, aaa ma rocogiwzea aj ioo proiesaioo. XbirtS. IUcbuis they are the only Rasters that relievo pain at oueo. rotirtb. ISecause they will positively enre diseases which o!her renediea will uot even relieve. Fifth. Becaune over CO00 physicians snd drogtrlfrts h avc voluntarily tesunea tnat iney are superior to all otbor plasters or medicine for externa! use, Sixth. Because tba tssnafsctarers have received the niy medals ever given for porons plasturs. Benson's Capcine Porous Easier! SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufacturing Caeminn. New Turk. AH U R"Elt EM Km" AT lVSiT. Porn Jfflirte. MEAO'3 &kdk:ated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. Latest Edition has 118,000 Vords, ( 3000 more than any other .English Lictionary,J Four Pages Colored Plates, 3000 Ingra viags, (nearly three times the number . in any other Iicfy.) also contains a Biograplt ical Dietionarr riving brief important tacts concerning v tXMj notea Ancient Castle. 1. Kost. Z. XJntw-DrJdro. 3. Wicket. 4. Sally-port. O. Peiieollla. e. Outer Walla. 7. Pareaet. 8. Baaapart. 9. lopbolea. 10. Eaeatcneoa. 11. Bulwark. 13. Kacatiiie. 14. CelL 15. Donjon. 1C Barracks. 17. BarDaean. IS. Watchmaa. 1 9. Turret. SO. Chapel. XI. Belfry. 23. State Ceort. S3. Merkraa. 24. Ksabrasmres. IS. Sentinel. The abore, from page 203, shows Lb ralue of the xuiutrated vesmtions in Webste Cnabridged Dictionary. Among Uk. nanr that could be cited are tbe following: Beef. Boiler, Castic, ColMULEye, Horse, Molding. Phrecoloey, BTelin, Shipe, op. 11S4 and 1213) Steam Engine and Timbers. These U picture define 343 words and terms. It is tit best practical Ensllsa Dictionary I vorterty tomem. 'senaou. G.ftC. WERtUM CO, PabT9. ingfie!4,Kasn. m Ache 1 persons. g artswti Lemde BflattoFamEie DEALER Hardware Klacksnuth s Supplies. Geo. W. Urown'a Corn Planters, Ilawurth Check Rowers. Cnsa.Iay bulky IW, Canton Clipper, Furst and Bradley and Mouson Hand Plows Buckeye Cultivator.. Bucket Gr-in DrilU. eultman Taylor Threshers and Engines, Mincappolis Twine Binders. Combined Reapers and Mowers, Empire Combined Reaper and Mower, Kacme bpnn? W agons, Royal St. John Sewing Machines. Bain and La liell, .1 arm agons, Harrows, Road Scraper, etr. The lar-ed stock and best assortment in Bates Co. North-East Cor. Sqr. Butler Mo. I tslse plisure in iiiiouiicinz to i he public that I hart locnted in Butler to make it my luture lioine, and Uxe the lnr;-t :nil In-st a ortrd stock ot clock, wxlches and jcwHry and upociaclearver hroujrht to tht market, which I will sell cheap tor cash. Having had many years experience in the manufac ture o w.itche and clocks in Eu rope. I am now prepared to repair watches and eim-k. no matter how eniirpli'-ated nor how ba.lly they have Iteen ubtied. Bv hrinsriiu? IJitein to me. you can have then puf fntrood running order and jruaiaii tee oattstactio FRANZ BERNHARDT. Butler, Mo AT TUDE BOOKS AND STATIONERY. NUTS, CANDIES, TOYS ETC., IN LARGE VARITIES. Daily Papers and Periodicals always on hand. NEW LIVERY STABLE. WALLACE W. II ILL. (Formerly ot Hill& Evans,) has leased the property knows'as THE WALLEVJiARN. South Main street, and offers ior hire al reasonable rates, Good Saddle and Carriage I lores, light Buggies, Cai -riasres and wagons and everything in the lively line. Also a large wagon yard ana plenty of feed and living water tor the accomodation of the pub lic at reasonable rate. THE V ALLEY BARN, South Main street, it tf WALLACE HILL, Proprietor. t AMSbaa A Bka aa mm siA s sa AllAlUVsyMAM iTryltClowX CUBtS UTSFtKIA, IKUIUtSIIUJi HtAUAUiiC a BIUUUic). P PKPMnmriT BROWN MEDICINE A MC CO.LuvDnrarrm.KAJi. si Aiiswaasnass TLEV. A. L HOJBwS3 Writea: After a thorough trial of the purifies TBX3X TOMIU.I take l-Jfcaro in statuur taat I care oeen BLOOD ureatiy benefited by it use. Binisters and Pub lic Speakers will itad it ot the greatest value where a Tonic is neces sary.. I weonuajniit as a reliable remedial asrent, poaaeaairir tin-ao-abted nutritive 6Ji4 Xi-'. M CM. S. 1 -2. 1 r-x2E zzs. rm. hahter zsediciots co., v. zjss rr.. zz. vzx ITS Iron, Steel NEW .1KWKLER. STT OIFIFDCE Ithaca Calendar Clock. A Perpetual Mechanical Calendar connected irith the meat superior Eight aud Thirty Dajr (ither weight or spring) Clock UoTemeni. I f INDICATES ERPETUAU.Y The ZWy ot tk Month, Thm Manth of the Tear, Thm Maar of tba .Day, Th Day' of tha Wsak. XAinryaorraxs it tss Ithaca Calendar CUx V Co Ithaaa, Bf. V. XW VORK OFFICE WITH IfATEEBl BY CLCK CO., TSo. 4 Corttand St. Calsadars Priatei la all 19anaage. It ia iJiTniMi c avcry plae mi bwinen m aecaaaitjr rai"er aoosrhoid. Muafaaaml ia wnai atyWa ri ligiaa vidalr ia pricaa lo auit tiw va rkxi waaii of tha pblc. An clocks are thorcnrfih Rtutated aad caicadanMnhaiucaltror(l ibrrin0i the changes of cigbt yean t time bvfora leaving ibe ENQUIRE OF YOUH iEWELLtf flk si mWWWmW A ttlifiiA Never Fails!? A. wiiI1m of Pt teurimi of Jrom, frntviam Hark, mmd I'hoep harms i a jmlatabi form, for DemUty, Jjomm of -Appe-Ute, M'romtrmUom. of fuat fomvtrm UUinJUjitmmm Me. y u 19 mrnvvv 'X cozuhogt IE a moot CTWiuro ranaay nor the debilitated vital forces. s