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LOCAL ITEMS. The blue grass is faejpninf; to sbuw it green blade. It seem to us our circuit court come in a very inconvenient season, for a majority of our farmers, Isaac Tumblan, of Mino town ship, lost his little on aged about three jean, a few days ago. The small boy who has been flipp- ;,, nirkels, had better look a little out. the grand jury meets this week. Wrio-ht &l G tonus have made - m some much needed imp ovemtnts in their stoic room, which a.d greatly to its looks. Lost on the streets of Butler, March 9th, a small jet arrow ear rJn The finder will leave it at this office. Our farmer friends Will COnter favor by sending or bringing us in stock items from the different por tions of the county. If there is a Democrat within the city limits that will not vote for Judge Brown for Mayor, we would like to see the shape ot his head. The many friends of uncle jack Ryan, will be pleased to learn that he has so far recovered from his se vere spelt of sickness as to be up and about again. There is a cat ranch in Cleburne, Tex., with no less than 500 tabbies, of evciy color known to the feline 'spectrum. They all live in pens once devoted to wheat threshing. It is only a tew more days now until the Democracy will have to j wine out the rads as am. rut oa your armor boys and lets do it up with Brown. Personal Henry Livingston anu Thomas Berryhill, leave tor Texas nextMon day. E, C. Elliot, an old Butler boy, returned from New Mexico last Thursday, where he has been for the past two years railroading. P. S. Hughes ot Spruce town ship, pulled 'he latch string ot the booming Tie the other day, and reported several farmer plowing in his neighborhood. Jas. Lalollett, of Summit town hip, lettfor Saxton Buchanan coun ty, this week to make it his future home. He was one of our best citizens and were sorry to loose him Pat Murphy sports the nobbiest bridle in the county It came direct from Mexico through the express company, and is a present from Johny Lee a triend in that country. C. H. Moore, ot near Altona pulled our latch striag bright aad early Monday morning and had his name enrolled for the booming Times. Good luck to Mr. Moore, and may his shadow ntver grow less. C. H. Morrison, residing near Virginia in Charlotte township, called at the Tikes office Thursday last. Mr. Morrison wa? so unfortu nate as to loose hi house by fire the day before. Mr. M. is an honest, upright citizen and merits sympathy in his loss. TXJXBSS FOH SALE. Seven span of three year old mules tor sale on terms to suit purchaser, at j ie Warner farm two miles northwest of Butler. '34l j 1870. BENNETT & WHEELER . O. TllOHPaiON. BUTLER DRUG HOUSE. OIF j J. H. HITSHEW 6l CO. is now readv tor business with an excellent new assortment ot j pure Drugs and druggisl sundries. North side square, Butier Mo. ; Dr. L. G. Hayes, of Dana, was in town attending court Monday and called at the Timrs office. THE CREATION. EY MATT IE C. PARKS. Still was the temple ot the universe, Tho sparkling o'er with genu ot purest Hgnt ' anting, to pare its furthest outer court Where angels seldom trod, ome meaner tone Emeralds and jasper, gem of duller hue. Yet needful in their place. No paintal toil Ot miner's arm in cavern deep; no search Ot months and years in desert lone and wild: No diving m the treacnerou -aeep was here. But ith a thought of love, a smile,, word God's wisdom, formed the jewels that he sought Each one a world-the Temple, then, how vast! We understand quite a number ot ur most enterprising farmers have already commenced plowing. A little early gentlemen, but better ear ly than late. The wheat crap throughout the county looks well and promises to give a big yield this year. This will give our farmers who have been for tuiate enough to sow a crop early money. It would be a good idea for the County court to look after the shade trees in the court yard and have them topped. They are bcau.iful trees and it will be a shame to neglect them. Dave Gilhert, ot Mingo township is feeding 106 head of four year old steers, which are doing well. H. B. Cbelf, ot the same township is feed ing 60 head of hogs for the June market. Judge Gantt, arrived in tho city Monday moraine and opened court. He is suffering with a severe attack ot rheumatism, informed us that he got up out of bed to come to Butler to hold court. The priests of St. Louis' church, Oswejo, refused to let the members of a grand ai my post enter the church to attend the funeral of a member unle caps and badges were removed. The once famous Wil'iam and Mary college at Williamsburg, Va., the Alma Mater of Jefferson, Mar shall, Monroe and Randolph, had only one student last year, and is now closed. John Pulliam, of Mingo township, lost hk house and contents, including his meat and a small quantity of wheat, a few days ago by fire. Mr. Pulliam is a newly married man, just starting in life and the loss falls heavly upon him. J . Blaagy , of New Home township sold one day last week ioj acres of coal land to T. C. Farrow, ot Hol den for $35 per acre. Mr Farrow, will move on the place immediately and engage in raising stock. He already ha a largo stoek ranch in Kansas. The Republicans met in the court house Saturday night pursuant to call to nominate a city and township tickat, after whereas, whereas, where as, resolved, resolved, they conclud ed not to make any nominations, and all go as you please. Mr. Jbd YVarderman, one ot our best and most responsible citizens, has purchased the right to Bates county for the sale ot the Test Wash er, quite a number ot them are in use in this city by different parties whose names c an be seen in another column, and are giving perfect sat isfaction. Tho Germans will remember, oa election day, it was net the Butler Weekly Times, that said they were a Deer drinking, whisky guzzling in fidel set of heathens. Stand by and cast your votes with the party that is in favor of free speech, free press and the greatest amount of personal liberty to ail classes. To do this you will not forget to vote the Dem ocratic ticket on election day. We are pleased to note that our esteemed triend Mr. W. H. VVarn ock, formerly with Hahn Sc Co., has accepted a situation with the justly popular dry goods firm of Burns &. Co-, Mr. Warnock has many friends in and out of the city who will be glad to learn this ; he is one of the most popular clerks in the city and will do his best to please all who favor him with a call. Mr. E. Vanghn, of near Rich Hill gave the Times a pleasant call a few days ago, and gave us a very forcibly minder of his presence. Mr. Vanghn is one of our very best friends, ami it gave us pleasure tm shake his honest hand. Married, at the residence of l- H. France, in Shawnee tswii!hip,Tue Uy, Match 6th iS by Rev. A.' M. Thompson, Mr. . VV. Short to Miss SJalhe A. Wilson, both of this county. The Timm wishes the hap py couple lone life ami prosperity. Mr. W. R. Johnson, one ot New Home township's young and most prosperous farmers and stock men called on the Times last week, Mr. Johnson had just retarded from Johnxon county where he had pur chased 154 head of cattle 9S of them three year old steers which he is now stall feeding, the balance, fifty-six, are high bread short horn cows, which he will keep for Weeding pur poses. The cows were bought of Dan Quick, a famous stock man of Johnson county. Mr. Johnson, de serves much credit for the enterprise which he displays in trying to raise the grade of cattle in this county. There is nothing that pays so well The age had grown grer, while bounties space Shone brighter every hour, with added suns: And still uncheered bv lieht, were depths profound Where curious Seraph near had winged his flight Or fallen spirit, dared to hnd his war. Called trom this void unknown, by voice divine, Earth into being sprang a lurid glob Ot liquid heat a wavelets sea ot death Where raylass gloom, and silence, held their throne. Silence so deep, no whisper of lisjbt breeze No murmer of blue water, no soft strain, Ot music wartad from soma far off world 'er tippled o'er its breast; a soundless ea Waiting; God's vaice, to bid its billows wake. And now that voice adawn the stillness flaats Sweeter than angels' harp "Let there be light." The darkness speeds away to outer space And light rejoices o'er the new born warld. Again He speaks, and light-winged Zephyr's come From the calm waters lift the clinging j mists And bear them upward to the blue ex panse. To longer silence reigns. The unchain ed wave, Rear their bright cresU, and call unto the wind And the winds answer back in lovous shouts. Anon they sink to rest in murmurs low And whisper softly through their echoing caves, Or, w.ien the starm wind rushes madly bv And lightnings read the air, and Ihua- ders burst They wildly lash the meeting heavens. and roll With awful raar, around the treaabling globe. j Two dars had passed, unmeasured by a ! sun Two slay of weadrous work, from eve ta morn, While bendin; o'er tha scene, the cir cling skies Smiled calmly dawn, upaa a shoreless sea. ..-'." Then spake The Word again, and from its depths Tbe hills obadient rose! peaks Bur.t front their watery stretching shore Rolled back the smitten surge- from their feet Till want the mandate forth tnat set their bound Jio farther go hore shall Tour pride be stayed Soon otr the naked earth, a beauteous rob Ot verdura, jewelled with rich flower, waa thrown. Tall cedars waved their heads on barren eliffa Aad in the dewy rales, the giant fern Fringed the bright stream rejoicing bv: Rejoicing, hasted to salute her king, ! And ocean bowed his crested head, and smiled E're long, night shadows chased away the day, When lo! came forth the moon, in brieht array To greet the new-throned monarch on her brow A diadem, and round her steps the guard Of mvraid stars, proclaimed her Queen of Night. Another day dawned bright and fair; and when The sun rusumed his sway, and trom his throne Showered golden beams upon tne wak ening earth; At once, from forest shades, and bloom ing bowers, From hill and dale, burst forth a chorus loud, From thousand tiny throats. Up from the grass The joyous lark rose circling to the sun. The tairy bird of Paradise, the birds af nigh. The soaring eagle and the timid dove With all the counties tenants of th air Called into being by that Voice of Power That morn the mrstery of life began. Ocean, through all its caverns heard the call ad sudden teemed with lite strange monsters plaved, Mid tossing billows, and in sunlit seas Bright creatures sported with the laugh ing waves. The sixth dav rose and with its dawn appeared A new creation, nobler still, than all The various habitants of sea and air, And perfect in their kind; la all their poweis Complete, and fitted for their dwelling place. Some gambolled o'er the hills in fearless 3v And some peered wonderiag from the sheltering shade. There was no pain, no defect, n decay- But fitness beauty, order, ruled, the whole, Aad God beheld His work, and "it was good!" But yet, amid them all He found I'ot one That knew the hand that formed it- Then once more The word omnipotent went forth ''Let us make mn In our own imase, pure, immortal, wi-e To know the evil, and to choose the good." He spake, and it was done. Man wake from dust A wondrous being moulded from the clay And re-bed in innocence and majesty. A mind to know, a will to execute A living spirit kindles by the bieath Ot life divine. A three told nature, his "A little lower than the angels, crowned With glory" only less thelr's. God's work Is finished, and behold, "'tis very gaod!" (Originally published in Clinton frm- ucral, Dec 1S74.) Secret-sors to C. S. WUKKI.ER ft. CO. DKAI.FHS IX IHlarclware, Kroce.aies, Iron. Steel. Wagon Wood-work. Hat h Fence Wire. Bulk Seed. ;in, FABB& MACHINE R? We cordially invite the public to call and examine our good and prices and see for themselves that we keep none but the be.t Northwest Cor. Square - - HUTLER, MO. Til R n T7 8LO Sstate AND INSURANCE AGENCY, LOCATED IN THE "TIMES" BUILDING, I Respectfully solicits all person having real estate to sell, to call and leave description and price. of property, where . same will he advertised free of charge. Parties wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call ami ee us. We have now on our books the following Real Es tate for sale. 40 acres ,outheat ot Butler, good t,, -,.,. ,.( . . , ., . orchard, new barn comfortable 'dwell- w STuS'. ,? ? iT ing house, never tailing water, a destra- ' ble location. ! ao acres, 75 acres in cultivation two ! house, good out-buildinps and an - c i .7 -"-- ' lent young orchard. The ahote will be 180 acres 8 miles southwest of Butler, Kold ail together or In traits to ault P? about 160 acres excellent timber, balance chaser. nne prairie cioe 10 coal mines ana rail road . House and lot, in Wet Butler, be sold at a sacrifice. Will House and lot in the northwest part ot town, corner lot, good house with five rooms, good Manle. new picket fence and new sidewalk. i6oacres 4 miles north of Butler, new Business House and lot, in Adrian, dwelling house, good out buildings, land house 18x40 leet, lot 25x140 feet, good !o wten t bargain. This the city of Butler, one t the most desira- roPert.v '"H on'.v be offered at the prf ble location in the city. lent pike until April isl, 1S83. ! Ilnusn and lot on North Wain !rrrt. ( "oue aim jot in north east part ot Commodious house in good repair, good lowt,t good house ot 4 rooms, also excel stable, large lot and fine location. This lenS ''vcJ' ot "atcr. is a verv desirable property in one ot , the best neighborhood or Butler. BUTLER PRICE LIST. As furnished by BADGLEYS & GIPSON, THE BOSS (iROrERS. A d farm ot 1 so acres ithtn one niile t Butler, good buildings and fences, al so good feed lots and a quarry of superi or sand stone 40 acres of unimproved land onetniSe 200 acres of land in Linn county, Kan sas four miles trom Trading los Mills, six miles from Pleasanton, 80 acres in cultivation. rnnd timhpr. -o;ntirtahl house and stabling, bearing o chard. I souih f Butler, good location, fine build This farm is particularly adapted toslock ! inS place. Owner goinjr to leave and U raising. Sugar creek runs through the j determined t. sell. tarm and supplies it with never tailing j The grange j tomb, and Wheat, - - - - t 00 per bu. orn - - - 32 " Potatoes - 75c per bush. Apples yreen - 50 to 75 per bnsh. j Bacon ... - I2i" I Lard - - - - 12 j Cnickens - - . - j 50 don. Turkey .... Sc" lb. j Bucter - - - - 13 " i Eggs , toe" doz i liried Apples - 6c lb. j " Peaches - 52c " ' Tallow - - - - 5c Beeswax - - - - tS " water. Plenty of prairie and timber good rangcadjoining the premises also saw mill within a tew rod ot timber, Mouse and block in south-wet part ot town. The house is a Kd frame bricked in between studing contains six rooms, there is i little over two acres in the block. Plenty of good fruit, 2 good wells stable, summer kitchen, out-houses and good fencing. House and lot in east part of town on Dakotah street. House contain goo! rooms, gooa well 0.1 lot, will be sold al a bargain. A fine residence with about ? aeres or k-rge frame isoue and good lot "' North Main street, good taole plenty vi fruit and good water. Will be sold on terms tc suit purchaser. 120 acre 31-3 mile northeast of sut ler, 100 acre under fence, Soto 100 acre farming land, balance timber. Never land adjaimng tne corporate limits of failing water, good timb;r, range Butler. Excellent fruit of all kinds, plen- stock, comfortable house. Will be ty of water, yood outbuildings. This is ld at 25 per cent les-i than actual value one of the most desirable country resi- dences in nates cauntr. ! alt in good reaair. lmproew.ents House and lot in north wej.t part of Hoes, Rakes, Spading-fork and all j citv, good frame house 38 by 30 with two kinds ot teei good, low down tor cah j rooms back, new stable, good cistern ta at A.I. VrRBinKJrrn i kitchen. Lot 132 by 264, also 3 vacant V acres ot land mostly timber 1 mile r Butler, excellent stone quarry a fford itig the best ot stone tmr buildings af hide walk. 120 acres, In leejw.-iter townblp, known as the J, II. Fletcher farm, excel- iu astiacent to above ororertv each lot 13a bv 264. Will be sold all together or "J u , ' abUt 50 fCrf !S separately to. uit purchaser, all very d- ""l"10" bf,nc pssturc, plenty w a lUsWC 1 IU i KfAMl s Kasiiaa Flax Ssedta Loan To the iarmers ot Bate cuntv:;town " rooms, new barn 20 by 36 it and other I have" secured a limited amount of j - - t bMJdir.g., good orchard. Price imported Rusiau Flax seed, which I j 160 acre, of timber, within one ruile t ' '- ' ' - am authorized to loan m fair and j ru ro- A good cham-e lor saw-roill 120 acres c mile nortJi weat of Butler. iivinor trmtt Tklc ' i A .s i ! men. Two ar.A ,... .w.. arA . : - -" ...... . .in V V 1 ' - - - , . jwvfi .1. 1 UUIHil "X pcu amJ of u c Mloenor aur,tv. hav- i m gearing orchard, 80 acre in cultiat as raising and feeding cattle, ausi of ; m of the fourth day, broke nr ind j coarse the better the breed the better I nsen, . .... ... Vk. . 1. . . . 1 .- tne cattle. wnn .1 bo .to.l ... "" " r. k-r, rce zmrtn the Sun, In regal robes of many-colored ftame. j At his approach the azure arch heaven an!: and the dv.n.i.ges over the com- j the depo, Hou-e contain, 4"r can SSSS ""l,w.Bu j " ceiient iualitv- This isa splendif r.efg?- plumper 1:1 form, it not only Yields ? ou- bort ood wfl! be old chean. 1 .... 1 more ot Bates county fanners fol lowing his example. He aU de livered 105 head of stall ted cattle to j From pole to pole, grew radi Luke Roberts ot Holden, Tanuarv clouds first which he had previously sold t white, blushed rny red with that gentleman at five cents, firing in vour tock item. more per acre, hut threshing ma t chines can save it belter than the ; common seed. Parties desirin onie 1 i f this seed should appH- early. , IJIIX A. LtFiLKR. ? ti-lni. ICmtisre MiM. ! joy; , Jirtii Irctr. lier lest top, sneuifi.:ii Tiie nev -atf.rr ha- j'-iet received ;.sl K Ji fjj d ?n tftacL. V !,aie iow thirty-three lot. is HampIireyV addition to the ciiv r,f Kutlr.r tor I a,'.di!ion -Jteated directly outh f the famine part of t'-e citf. t Luu tA. -f-z iu ck -.:-t--n .'i x 7; feet up' to 178 1-2 z 150 feet, valued from $w . to Si;;, an i"e and loratii:. This property will in a .i.r.T tin be j rfn vseirt-'fcV. C'i'i Tk' :iit ran 1 avr rfoice. - 'A