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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
Sic flfettkr in si fifties. ffrPlk Ml ii i i hi hi hi hi hi roL. v. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY MAY 30 1SS3. NO 2 DEAD SURE TMIM NO LOTTERY, NO BAIT, NO GAME OF CHANCE. (ft " 1 jro ics WHAT YOU WANT rails 11 WBflW. A Q09RBB8 flWflffflfflt ftUODaaQ DuDuQuuD U GQljOU DClju 0 QUOu In order to inaugurate an unprecedented activity in the Dry Goods, Motion and Carpet Line Wa have determined that for the next 30 davs we wft will allow to everv customer buviner a bill of goods from us to the amount of ONE DOLLAR, a discount of 10 per cent, from the bill. We mean business. No one need take any chances, but all share alike to the extent of their purchases. We are Determined to Make Things Move. Remember the place, North Main street, next to Post office. CHRISTOPHER & JACKSON. BOTJLW&BE SPRINGS. The Wonderftl Curative Power of the Water. A STRANGERS TBS TIM ONT. The curative properties of the Boulware Mineral Springs lately discovered south of this city contin ue to become more wonderful with each trial by those afflicted with kid ney trouble. Charlie Griffith, of Denton Texas, has been visiting friends in Butler ior the past week or ten days. For Several years Mr. Griffith' has been troubled with kidney complaint, and pow goes about on crutches from paralytic rheumatism. While hear p was induced by tnends to visit 'the Boulware Snrinors. although - s r igainst his inclinations as he had tost confidence in all water power over his disease. Having tried the water only a few times, Mr. Griffith hands the Times for publication the following testimonial, that the afflict ed world may read and be benefited s he hopes, from his own experi- tnce: HIS STATEMENT. "Within the last three vears I have visited and tried the waters from the following springs: Hot Springs Arkansas: Mineral Well Plo Pinto Texas ; Oil Spnnes Indian Ten ito- W.Sulpher Springs Hopkins countv Vexas; Eureka Springs Arkansas ki White Sulpher Springs Virginia ; mn but little or no relief. Having 3me to Butler to visit friends, was aduced by them to try the waters of e Boulware Springs, and to my rpnse and joy I experienced more et frm my first visit to them than Uad from all the other springs I fed visited before. The water act- better on my kidnev's than anv- ffcog I had ever taken in medicine water, and relieve me of a se- re pain in the kidney's and irreta Sotofthe bladder. In connection h the above trouble I have been dieted with paralytic rheumatism. Jad I believe the water has had some ct upon thur, tor I am feeling bet ter than 1 have for years I cheerful ly recommend the Boulware Springs to all people who are afflicted with kidney or nervous affections. My home is in Denton, Denton county, Texas." Charlie Griffith. The Democrat Union Veterans organization of San Francisco is starting a presidential boom for Ros-ecrans. Baxter county, Ark., has been vis ited by a tornado. Great damage to property is reported, but no lives loat. There is great excitement in Waynesboro, Ga., over an attempt to indict prominent citizens for ex pelling Chinese from the place. Isreal Weinstein, injured in a rail road accident on the Pennsylvania line, failed to recover damages be cause he was traveling on a free pass. The board of equalization has. re duced the assessment on seventy-two miles of the Hannibal and St. foe brarjeh lines from $10,000 to $7,500 I a mile. The Kirb-Lanier feud near Baton Rogue has already caused the death of nine men. One or two others are missing since the last fight, and are supposed to have died in the woods. The president of Mexico republic has declared forfeited the contract of a Washington company for the drai nage of the city and valley of Mex ico for failure to deposit guarantee funds. Trustee's Sale. Whereas,J. F. Cunnigham aad Emma Cunningham, his wife by their deed o trust executed on the first day ot May 1S82, and duly recorded, in the' recorders office mt Bates county, Missouri, en the first day of May, 1S83, in book No. 23, at page 499, conveyed to the undersigned trustee, to secure the payment of a cer tain note fully described' in said deed ot trust, the following described real estate, in Bates county, Missouri, viz: the south east quarter of the south west quarter of section twenty-three (13) township forty (40) ot range twenty-nine, (29) contain ing forty acres, more or less, and whereas, said note is past due and unpaid. Now. therefore, in pursuance ot the terms and conditions in said deed of trust fully set forth, and at the request ot the legal holder of said note, take notice that I will on Wednesday, June 6th, 1SS3. at the court house door in the City of Butler, Bates cownty, Missouri' ancl be tween the hours ot 9 o'clock in the fore noon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, expose to sale al! the right, title and interest otthe said J.F.Cunningham and his wife, Emma, ot in and to the above described real estate, tor cash in hand to par said note, interest and costs. V. V. Duke, Trustee. A special from Dallas announces the explosion of a scheme to get pos session ot large tracts mt land in Mexico. A Southern syndicate had arranged the matter with some Mex ican politicians, hut a disagreement occurred and the plan fell through. Sheriff's Sale. y virtue and Author of a general exe cution issued from the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Hates county, Mis souri, returnable at the Tune term, ot I said court, andjto nie directed in favor ot Nichols Shepard OC Co., and against J. G. Donohoe and Daniel Smith. I have levied and seized upon all ihe right, title interest and claim ot the said defendants I. G. Donohoe and Daniel Smith, of, in and to the following described realestate situated in Bates county Missouri, to-wit: The east half ot lots 2, 3 and 4 ot th north west qr. sec. "1, twp 39, range 32, in Bates county Missouri, and I will on Wednesday, June 20th, 18S3. between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and t o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much theTot as mar be required, at public ven due, to the highest bidder far cash to sat isfy said execution and costs. Wm, F. Hanks, Sheriff ot Bates county. Rockville Globe. The elegant new Union depot beine built at Se dalia from the material of the cele brated Rockville sandstone quarry, will be completed bv June 1st. Our , quarries are becoming noted all over tne united Mates for the quality ot stone and inexhaustible quantity. Stray Notice. Taken up as a stray by M. I. Wetfe, o Mt. Pleasant township Bates county Mo. on April 29. 1SS3, and posted before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace in said township, one sorrel mare, 4 years old and 14 1-2 hands high. No marks or brands perceivable. Appraised at 35,00 br D. W. Simpson. W. F. Hanks and R. J. Starke. j -5-3- 2i B. Meik, J. P. J TARKINSON ic AERNATH Y, Attor ! X neys at Law, Butler, Mo. Office west side of'the sauare 22 Dry Roods, CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES, Having bought the DRY GOODS & NOION STOC Z Of A. S. Martin & Co., we are making a general Closing O Tout Conev room under Palace Hotel. "Very Hespectfully, M. S, COWLES & CO YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND A LARGE tt ax mri l 01 - " O 0 Lit STOCK OF SHOES EAST SIDE SQUARE. AT BOTTOM FIGURES AT MAX WEINER'S. T- B. HAFT Right at the Lower Scale, south side square, keeps a full line of STPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Queensware, Glassware and Wodenware. Also a full line of good substantial Dry Goods and Notions, Boots, Shoes Hats and Caps, all sold at prices that defy Compeeition. 25-tf. NEW DRUG STOl 5e r r y IS t Keep Constantly on hand a well Selected Stock of srg.A32 r ssk sp oils, Varnishes, and Everything in the Drug Line. FIRST DOOR WEST PALACE HOTEL Prescriptions Carefully Compounded both Day and Night. Having opened a new Drug Store on North Main "Street, and having had many years experience in th dry busniess we cordially invite the public o call and see us. We guarantee our drugs to be pure and nr prices e low as any place in the city. Give us a call -.. BERRY BROS. TRUNKS? TRUNKS? TRIUNE? New stock, new styles and new prices. VA1LHS1ES!! VaILHIK! In great abundance, new and nobby styles, all and look. Mc Farland Brothers. j