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I LOCAL ITEMS. Circuit court convened Monday. Tb'e public schools of the city close Friday. The City Council meets in regu lar session to-morrow night. Farmers, don't let your dogs fol low vau to town. Its dangerous for ;bedogs. Until fuither ordered by subscrib en the Times heretofore going to Marvel will be sent to Virginia. An old lady of foreign birth was on the streets Friday with a mad stone for which she refused $1,000 Everybody is coining to the circus Saturday. But leave vour dogs at home. The Marshal carries a shot gun. Mr. Wemott, of the New York meat market, purchased last week 25 head of very fine young steers for slaughter. A representative of the Times re turns thanks to Mr. L. G. Haggard, for an enjoyable ride behind his fine blooded $500 team. Gus Wyard,has purchased a stock of trunks, and hereafter will keep eood assortment in that line oi good s. The Rich Hill Coal Company has mandamused the county court in the matter of the assessed valuation of the Coal Company's property being raised by the Board of Equal nation at its meeting: in March. The Presbyterian people held I floral services in their church Sun day. The room was very elabor ately decorated with flowers and evergreens, presenting to view a beautiful appearance. T. T. Smith, and T. T- Smith, were appointed by Judge Gantt, to defend Sarah Ilollingsworth uuon the charge of poisenirjg her child. The plea will be insanity, we pre sume. Our friends of the Republican have been frequently complimented of late with the proverbial "handsome bo quet." What's the cause? Is it the politeness of the the editor or the bcautv of the local. W. J. Allison, Allison, both ot and Miss N. f. Princton, Kansas, were married by his honor Judge Hawkins, on May 31st. The cou ple appeared to be about fifty years old, and spoke not a word of happi ness or sorrow. Fred Dorn,the old reliable pion eer barber of Butler, has now tour chairs in operation in his shop. The prominent feature about Fred Dorn's business is the fact that he keeps none but first-class barbers in his employ. As a result he is always crowded with customers. The Post-office at Marvel in Wal nut township, was discontinued last Monday week. We are informed that all mail addressed to Marvel wilL ke stopped at Virginia till further notice. The people of Marvel and vicinity are not disposed, however, to be dispossessed ot their post-office without an effort to reclaim it. V. C. Horn, residing east of town a few miles, met with a very serious accident at Kansas City last week. He was there m atten dance on the district conferance ot the M. E. Church South, and was stopping at the private residence of a friend. Mr. Horn w as in the act of going down stairs, and bearing too heavily upon a lame foot, was precipitated from the top of the stair Way to the bottom,, resulting in the breaking of his wrist. County Clerk Starke, has been making some needed improvements m his office. New paper adorns the walls, and a new carpet on the floor makes a corresponding arrange ment that is as durable as it is tasty andneat. There are few public officials who adhere as closely to duty and the best interests of the Pple as Mr. Starke, and his Record so far made will attest his efficiency as a man of business. The public needs no better evidence. Baxter Walton, killed six wolves during the month of May, near his premises in Shawnee township. We speak whereof ,ve know when we say that Mr. T. V. Childs has the nicest little screen door locks in town. Butler wans, and must have the St. Louis & Emporia railroad. That it is going to be built, we have no doubt. Courtney & Williams, shiped 300 hundred head of fine sheep t St j.ouis, iuonaay. ineir average weight was 123 pounds. Annual meeting of the board of trustees of Butler Academy in the Academy building, Friday Tune 15th. at4 P. M. By order of E. Pyi.e, Pres. The Grange Store Corporation, is contemplating the erection of a fine brick building on their lot on the southeast corner of the square. Work will probably commence on the struc ture in a few weeks. Dr. Christy had a very fine horse colt to die the other day. The colt was supposed to have been bitten by a rabid dog, as it died with every symptom of hydrophobia. He had been offered sixty-five dollars for it only a day or two before. Hon. Abram S. Cummingo, ot Kansas City ; E. J. Smith, of Seda lia ; E. J. Shut lock, ot Wyandott, Kansas ; A. T. Holcomb, of Ohio, and R. T. Railey of Harrisonville, are among' the prominent attorneys oresent at our circuit court. Annual meeting ot the stockhol ders of the Butler Academy at the academy building Friday June 15th. 2. P. M. All stock holders are ex pected to be present. By order of Board ok Trustees. A number of cattle in and near Butler have lately died from the ef fects of what is pronounced to be hy- draphobia ; also several dogs which were supposed to be rabid have been killed. In consequence of this May or Brown, on last Friday, issued a proclamation that all dogs not muz zled or restrained should be shot by the City Marshal. Farmers coming of town will do well to take notice to the above and leave their dogs at home as we understand thcordei will be strictly enforced. M. Golden, the old man arrested and placed in the Butler jail last week tor horse stealing in Camden county, was turned over to an officer ot that county Friday. Golden was captured at the house of Mr. L. Por ter three miles south of Sprague, by Mr W. J. Graves, constable and Marshal ot Sprague, who received $0,00 reward tor his serv ices. The chances of a criminal are very few when Graves gets on their track once. Rube Walton came up from Ver non county, last week, and is now in the city taking a short rest. It is commonly know among citizens of the county, that the Walton Bros. are about the largest stock dealers n the country and always success ful in their business. They now have on hand upward of 700 head of beef cattle that are valued at about $60,00 per head, besides a large number ot hojrs. Their herd is about equally diwded, half in IJates and the remainder in Vernon county. They contemplate selling m uly, and judging from the estimate placed on their stock their sales for this year will so about $53,000. The Times man was shown a let ter Saturday by Sheriff Hanks, from the Superintendent of the St. Joe Asylum, stating that Wm. Cham bers, confined in the Asylum at that place from Bates county, escaped on May 31. The letter read further that Chambers was very insane, and suggested that the Sheriff warn his neighbors and friends of his escape. It will be remembered that Cham bers was brought from Eureka Springs to this citv during the latter part ot the winter, and sent from here to the Asylum. His home is j in the southwest part of the county. Personal. A. T. Holcomb. arnvwl frnm Ohio last Friday J. C. Shelton, of New Home. complimented the Times substantial- ly, last Saturday. Hon. John U. Newoerry, of Deepwater township, gave the Times a very pleasant visit, yesterday. Miss Nellie Morrison, who has been attending college at Fayette, during the past five months, return ed home Saturday. ft r v . - v . uionous, of the firm ot Wright, Glorious & Williams, is in St. Louis, buying hardware and gro ceries for the house. Miss Olie Hundly. ot St Joseph, is visiting Mrs. W. H. Wal ton, in this city. She will remain several weeks. J. T. Bosley, one of Howard township's reliable and successful farmers, and a patron of the Times, gave us a pleasant call Friday. v . J. Graves, Marshal ot Sprague, and his brother John Graves, were among the welcome callers on the Times last Friday. W. E. Tucker, denitist, will be absent from town from the 12th to the 16th of this month, attending the State Sunday School copvention, at Neosho, Mo. G. M. Mc Gill of the Rich Hill Eenterpxise was m the city yester day attending to some business in the circuit court, and gave the Times a friendly visit. MissOrah Majors, ot Windsor, is visiting her cousin Mrs. 'A. F. Wyard. A very pleasant party was given in her honor at Mr. Wvard's residence last Thursday evening. T S. Woodfin, of Walnut town ship Mrs. Woodfin, Mrs. T. H. Til- son of NewHome and Miss Lou Mc- Clintock, complimented the Times with a brief visit last week. J. P. Edwards, will leave about the 25th, inst for Santa Fee, New Mexico, to attend that ancient city's three hundred and thirty-third anni versary, tie expects to meet many of his old western friends on that occasion. T- S. Mills, foreman of the Western Enterprise, published at Rich Hill, was in the city Tuesday attending circuit court as a witness and gave us a call. Jen. is one of the boys in every sense of word, and a better printer never struck anv town. S. W. Price, living near Johns town, was in the citv Monday, and gave the Times a visit and a renew al. Mr. Price is one of the very best men in the county and has been a constant reader of the Times ever since it started. We welcome such men alwavs. Mr. W. S Sevier, who recently moved from Henry county and buught a fine farm near this city and j an old time triend of ye local call ed Monday and had his name en rolled for the booming Times. He is a tip-top fellow and a good farm er. Sumner Holcomb, McGinnis and Louder, were brought over from Clinton, Monday. DeLand's Chemical Baking Pow der is a strictby pure Powder. It is made from Grape Cream Tartar and Bi Carb. Soda only. Thev manu facture their Soda expressly for it, and as it is put together on chemical principles, we claim that it has no equal on the market. Try it! Test it! and vou will use no other. The North Methodist people aie happy again. A new Minister has been sent them from the Ohio Con ference, in the person ot Rev. B. A. Disney. Rev. Disney, preached his first sermon Sunday last, and we hear many compliments upon the same. The ladies of town are preparing for a picnic on Friday afternoon, at the grove where the decoration ser vices were observed. We are re quested to state that he ladies will meet at Mrs. Dickey's on Ft. Scott st. with lunch baskets well filled. The gentleman, we are told, will not put in their appearance on the ground till 6 o'clock, just in time for some thing too eat. After supper there will be an excursion to Mr. Wemott's five miles nortneast of the the city. THE HEW DISCOVERT. j Beautiful Plcture-que seenery. ana I Indian Dance Grounds, A GREAT HEALTH RESORT. In company with several gentle men Sunday hst a representative of the booming Times had the pleasure of visiting tho newly discovered Med ical Springs, located on the farm of Mr. Frank Harcourt, about five miles south of this city, and about the same distance trom Rich Hill, on the Butler and Rich Hill road. These Springs were purchased con ditionally a few days ago by Dr. D D. Wood and D. G. Newsom, and there is not the least doubt but that the Springs are all and a thousand times more than they claim for them. This cluster of Mineral Springs come out ot the base of a hill some three hundred feet high. The water is very cool and has a strong mineral taste the iron and sulpher being very perceptable.Dr. Wood and Mr. New some have sent the water off to a competent chemists to be aniiized, and as soon as practicable will make such improvements about the grounds as are required for the accommoda of visitors and others who wish to at tend these springs for health or pleas ure. Nature has certainly done her part of the work, for it is one ot the most picturesque places we have seen in many a day. There is some five or six springs close together the water from no two of which has the same taste. The springs are sur rounded by high bluffs, the rocks ot which being covered with a oerfect mat ot beautiful moss and fern. We learn from parties who had talked to old settlers of fifty years ago, that the place used to .be an old Indian camping ground, and that the place where the Indian dance took place was still tresh in the memory of several of the oldest settlers in the neighborhood. There can be no doubt about the Indians being there, for the ground is cover ed with arrow heads carved from flint. A visit to these springs will certain ly pay anv 011c whether visitors go for health or pleasure. We shall have more to sav in the future in regard to these springs, but for the present suffice it to sav that Bates county will, before the getting up of old Sol in the morning and sitting in the evening become as noted for her mineral sprisgs and health resorts as she is for her vast coal fields and magnificent land. Mad Dcgs. During the past week or ten days several of our eitizens have lost val uable animals, trom the effect of hydrophobia. Among whom is Mr. Wemott, T. W. Childs and Dr. Christy. Mr. Childs lost two valuable milch cows within a few days of each other, one was a cow which cost him seventy-five dollars and was an extra milch cow. ' Dr. Christy's oss was a fine horse colt, and only a day or two before it died had been ottered and refused, sixty-five dollars for it. The animals thus lost trom the effect of h ydrophobia were worth more than all the dogs in the country. The matter became so alarming that the Mayor tor the sake of protecting both the lite and prop erty of our 1 eop'e deemed it necessa ry to i?sue i. proclamation ordeiing the Marshal to shoot all dogs not chained up or muzzled. Since the issuing ot the proclamation the Mar shal and his assistants have been busy shooting everv dog which made his appearances, on our streets. There is no doubt but that there is some of those mat! dogs now run ning at large and it will be well for our farmers to keep a sharp look out and kill eyery strange do they tret their eve on. There is no doubt about the' animals which died in this citv being bit by mad do and trom the best evidence get the dogs which did are still at large. we can the biting The Ltet. Some Barbers in Butler, are noted for blowing the beard and hair ott in the paper's and '"the boys all say so." but Fred Dorn anct his men , shave and cut the hair off with lhe j keenest tools, and the men (not. bovs) all say so. Thev take the pre- j mium tor hair cutting and shaving, j Butler, Saturday June 9th The Mighty mammoth monarch AMD CICANTIC COLOSSUS of all Amusements Organizations Panoplied in S. H. BARRETT & CO'S NEW UNTITED MONSTER Oriental Circus, Egyptian Caravan and Universal Exposition of Living Wonders. Positively coming and will exhibit in all its vast entirety. 3t 3 Large Menageries Combined! Herds of Elephants! Mammoth Double Horned Rhinoceros! A herd of Giraffes! Full Grown Os triches! Polar and Grizzly Bears! Sea Lions and Sea Leo pards! Birds, Reptiles, Amphibia! A Museum of wonders A Veritable Noah's Ark ! Nothing Like it on Earth! Belittleing al! other exhibitions into Dwarf-Like Insignificance. THE BIGGEST & BEST CIRCUS lOO EMPLOYING OVER 100 Champion Pel runne rs. Lead by the Great, the Only mi. mmm The premier Miss Emilia, she greatest living horsewoman on earth. Mr. Chav Ewers, the toui and .ix horse rider. The Reno Bros., the marvclou triple bar pei former. Miss Jennie Ewers. 13 her charming equestrienne science emitted, the Inide ot Abydo. Idaletta and Wallace, aerial bicyc lists of the nineteenth century, whose wonderful performances on the in visible wire 60 feet 111 the air, holds thousands of people in breathless awe. The Leotard Brothers, acknowledged the greatest acrobats of the age. Mr. Frank Fitz Williams, the great irish athlete, in the Samsonion feats. 5 m S 20 Double Somersault Leapers w. v ' - Laad by the great and only John F. Quigley, James Kincade, and Geo. Whitby, champions of the woqd. 10 Clowns 10 headed by the Kn.g Lauh maker, "Fred Aymar." the Shadespearean jester, Joe! S. Uavia son the English knockabout Pantomirnist, Albert Gaston. A troupe of Australian Maoris! Arabs, Zulus, Indians, and the i eci. liar People from everv clime in the world. 5 BANDS OF MUSIC 5 A citv ot panhons illuminated with Electric chandeliers. . A free street parade. Golden chariot., triumphal cars, cavalier, demoiselles, equer ries, elephants, camels, ostriches, giraffes, blooded horses, pomes, and A Grand allegorical display. Eclipsing a mard; .grass expo nUon. dl be ven on the morning of the day of exhibition. This grand and Spectacle is orer thre miles in lenght, and the steam air ship .n operation outside. a?-Remember it is tree to allga Excursion rates on all rail roads. Will also exhibit at NEVADA THURSO A JLNE 7th. 1 t '.. e. sotckotsy of i!.e arena. 20