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i MISSOURI MATTERS. The swamps are said to be alive with squirrels. Carrolton now has a steatr. laun dry and telephone lines. Christian county court lias refused to grant salloon license. The army worm has made its ap pearance in smc of the meadows of Perry countv. The count v court of Dunklin coun y has fixed the dram shop license at $500 a year. Much replanting ot corn on ac count of bad seed and bad weather is the report all over the State. Two Bloomfield ladies are experi menting with silk-worm culture. They have about 4.000 worms. Joe price, an industrious colored man, is having a $00 barn built on his farm near La Grange. According to reports there will be an abundant peach crop in the South east counties this year. : It costs $1,550 a vear to keep a saloon at Charleston State license, $50; county, $500, andcitv, $1,000. William Bledsoe found a wolf den in Cass county last week, took five scalps and received $15 for them. The Mining Review thinks that ere long Rich Hill will have one ot the largest flax factories in the West, j There is a move on foot to organ- ' ize a board of trade in the cities of Springfield and North Springfield. Frog-catching is becoming quite ,an industry with the Charleston boys. Two of them caught 160 the other day. Saloon license costs $1,000 a year and wine and beer license $5000, in Clinton, Henry county, for corpora tion tax alone. Robert Brown, of Madison county though only nineteen year old. is six teet seven m his socks, and weighs 16S pounds. Leighton Yancey, a hale old man of eighty-five, who has lived sixty one years in Howard county, has ov er 100 living descendants. j "Elisha Goodin, a ninteen-year-o!d ! youth of Stoddard county, eloped widv John Sheaman's ugly forty-year-old wife the other day. ' William C. Brawley, of Reynolds county, went out in the woods the ther day and ; killed seven young wolves. He got $21 tor their scalps i The City Council of Moberly has raised the Saloon license to $400 per quarter, or $1,600 per year, to take 1 effect on the first day of July next. . In Holt county, some days ago, twenty-five human skulls were found , , in the bank of a small ' stream, and U the oldest inhabitant is puzzled to account for it. A protracted meeting in the M. E. Church, South, at Sikeston, which lasted seventeen days, resulted in the accession of seventeen members to the organization. The population of Doniphan, ac cording to tke Current River News, has been increased by the addition of about 450 people since the advent of the railroad some two menths ago. frDrv Shurick, of Blodgett, Scott "County informs the editor of the Ben ton Record that he is now prepar ing land tor the purpose ot putting out in the fall 15,000 cranberry plants. John Blosser and S. T. Wilson have made all necessary arrange ments for erecting a;floar mill.' with patent roller process, of the capaci ty ot forty-five barrels per day at Malta Bend. Nodaway county has about $95, 000 ot public school funds. All of this amount, excepting $1,235 nov m the hands ot the County Treasur fefis loanedaten prcenjti w-' terest. The New.- Madrid Record savs Tohn Roach and Albert Underhill went out on Little River the other day and killed sixty frogs, in about C "five h"oursic?TherffoS were shipped I. to, the, Cair9,.marke,tv,,.:.v..4, . The high license law, the Boston Express says,1" has already bad a tell ing effect in Scott county for in bikeston, where there were six sa loons, there are now but two, and in Benton, where there were five, there is now but one saloon. FASHION NOTES, Black velvet necklets are worn high about the throat and fastened bj diamond studs. Pinked out flounce ot silk are used as a trimming for mantles, bonnets and gowns. Pointed bonnet fronts, the large tournures, and high shouldered sleeves are thiee features of spring toilets. New overskirts have a gathered puff at tht top and side instead of being flat there, and are worn with very short basques that rest on this puff but do not conceal its fulness. Fans are to be worn suspended from the waiste and en suite with the costume. They are made ot figured satin, foulard or Chinese pongee, and are mounted on bam boo or colored woood. The traveling cloak for young la dies summer journeys is a cheviot Newmarket, closely fitted from neck to foot, with cheeks of mingled ecrue garnet, brown and olive. There is a pointed hood with garnet silk lin ing. . - Whit mull morning dresses are made with a Watteau plait from the shoulders and are trimmed across the front with alternate frills of lace and embreidery. Salmon or dark blue changeable satin ribbons are tied in front in many bows. A tucker ot plain white lawn, shirred across, with two soft puffs around the neck, fills the pointed or square openings of dress waists ; two puffs also edge the sleevs. if em broidery is preferred it is flat inside the open space, and there are two standing frills around the neck. Morning gowns for the house are made in Mether Hubbard style of pink, buff or blue percale, with the yoke, round collar and square cuffs of cream-white Irish point embroid ery. The straight skirt has a deep hem with a bunch of tucks above it, and is buttoned down the fro:;t with linen thread buttons. A General Sta mpede . ' Never was such a rush made lor any Drug store as is now at F M. Cnimlev & Go's., tor atrial bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, t'oughs and Colds. All persons attected with Asthma Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Ougtis or any affections of the throat and lunp;s, can get a trial bottle. of this great remedv free, hv calling at above Drug store. Saved by His Wife. From the ("ape Ann Advertiser. Last Saturday afternoon a young man in this city who occasionally gets under the influence of intoxicants, told his wife that he intended visit ing the dentist and having some teeth extracted. Not returning at the time anticipated, fearing that he might have poured too large a quantity of spirits down to keep his spirits up during the trying ordeal of tooth pulling, she went in search of him, passing down the railroad track to the Blue Bridge. Here she saw, in the dim light, a man lying directly across the track. Not paying par ticular attention, and fearful of being molested if she troubled him, she walked 6n. ust then the whistle ot the train at West Gloucester was heard and, knowing that it the man was not instantly removed from his perilous positin he would certainly be killed, she overcome her fears of being molested and immediately went to the rescue. She was obliged to roll him over by main strength, and succeeded in getting him into the water course alongside the track, and had just time to get into a safe position herself when the tram went thundering by. Upon further exam ination of the?man, imagine her sur prise upen finding him to be herhus riandr Her.feelings at this disclos ure cannot be imagined as the thought cime into her mind how un wittingly she had come so near pass ing him by, and what a fate would have been his had she not, ; upon hearing the whistle, listened to the impression which its startling sound made upon hei hearing and turned back just ia time to pave lite. It was a trying ordeal, and, with our informant, we unite m the hope" that the lesson may result in making the man a staunch teetotaler during the remainder of his earthly pilgrim- TPKnE AND INSURANCE LOCATED IN THE -o Respecttully solicits all persons having real estate to sell, to call and leave description and price of property, where same will be advertised free of charge. Parties wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call and see us. We have now on our books the following Real Es tate for sale. 4S, Business House and lot, in Adrian, house 1SX40 leet, lot 25x140 teet, good lo cation will be sold at a bargain. This property will only be offered at the pres ent piice until April 1st, 1SS3. 33, House and lot in north east part ot town, good house ot 4 rooms, also excel lent well ot water. 32, good farm ot i;o acres within one mile ot Butler, good buildings and fences, al so good feed lots, and a quarry of superi or sand stone. 28, House and lot in east part of town on Dakotah street. House contains z good rooms, good well on lot, will be sold at a bargain. 14, Large trame house and good lot on North Main street, good stable plenty of fruit and good water. Will be sold on terms to suit purchaser. 45. 120 acres 2 1-2 miles northeast of But ter, 100 acres under fence, Soto 100 acres tarming land, balance timber. Never tailing water, good timber, range toi stock, comfortable house. Will be sold at 2.5 per cent less than actual value- 40 o acres of land mostly timber 1 1' mites ot ttutler, excellent stone quarry' rd ing the best ot stone for buildings and side walks. 29, House and lot in the northwest part ot town, corner lot, good house with live rooms, good stable, new picket fence and new sidewalk. 40, A hne residence with about 5 acres ot land adjoining the corporate limits of uutler. Excellent fruit of all kinds, plen ty of water, good outbuildings. This is one of the most desirable country resi dences In nates county, linproements al! in good renntr. 46, 1 jo acres, In Deepwfiter townsntp, known as the J, II. Fletcher tarm, excel lent quality of" land, about 50 acres in cultivation balance pasture, plentv of stock water house with 3 good sized rooms, new barn 20 bv-36 tt and other out b"i!uings, good orchard. Price $25 per acre. 36, 120 acres miles north west of Butler. Two houses good out-buildings, good bearing orchard, 80 acres in cultivation balance timber, plenty of stock water, good coal bank easy of access coal ot ex cellent qualitv. This is a splendid neigh borhood will be sold cheap. 5m i.S9 acres, 7 miles trom Butler, 3 miies "from Adrian, frame house of 5 rooms, stables and other out-buildings, young orchard, plentv ot good wate-, 110 acres in ecltivation balance in pasture. Hedge on three sides, plank and wire on the other, will be sold reasonable. Possess ion given immediately if desired. 54, 324 acres in Spruce township,2 houses, orchards, 200 acres in cultivation, bal ance in pasture all under fence, plenty ot water, all good land. Can be divided to make two convenient firms. SO, So acres two miles southwest of Butler, "Good land, plenty of water. Will be sold very cheap. 62124 acres ot land 7 miles northwest or Butler, 114 acres farming land 10 acres timbe-, good house, stables and outbuild ings. Also plentv of stock water good hedge ami orchard, elose to school be longs to non resident and is offered at a bargain. 60120 acres, 2 miles from Adrian, 2 houses, good barn, good young orchard of ail kind bf fruit, a No. 1 well ot water good soil and good locality. 5S House and Lot, 11 Butler new house 1 1-2 story, four rooms and good kitchen, "ood barn and buggv house, excellent well ot water 25 feet d"eep, plenty of fruit 6";. House and lot on South Main street lot So by 165 comfortable house, will sell, very cheap. " 67 jo acres of first rate land in Spruce township. Well hedged good buildings, plentv ot water, 150 bearing apple trees plenty of other fruit, So acres in cultiva tion 40 acres in pasture 10 acres good coal land. This is one of the best improved and most desireable farm in the countv. Humplu-ey's Addition. i We have now thirt v-three lots in Humphrey's addition to the city f Butirr tor 1 ..ale This addition "is situated directlv stiuth of the business part of the citv. ; saie- . , - - . , ,.t?L-t. valued at trom S100 irt rane in sue umu "i rf 5 icci up w itj - -- . , . , to according to size and location. This property tl m a short time be verv valuable- Come now while you can have choice. TIMES Estate AGENCY, -'TIMES" BUILDING. 66, 60 acres five miles southeast of But ler 40 acres in cultivation 12 acres in pasture 8 acres in prairie, never tailing water, plenty of fruit good frame house of 5 rooms and good out buildings. Only 1-4 of a mile from church and school." Will be sold very cheap. 29, 40 acres southeast ot Butler, good orchard, new barn, comfortable duell ing house, never tailing water, a desira ble location. 24, 1S0 acres 8 miles southwest of Butler, about 160 acres excellent timber, balance fine prairie close to coal mines and rail road. 27, 160 acres 4 miles north of Butler, new dwelling house, good out buildings, land all new and good quality. Also a fine brick residence on north main street in the city of Butler, one ot the most desira ble locations in the city. 40, House and lot on North Main street. Commodious house in good repair, good stable, large lot and fine location. This is a very desirable property in one of the best neighborhoods of Butler. 3S ,200 acres of land in Linn county, Kan sas four miles trom Trading Pos." Mills, six miles trom Pleasanton, So acres in cultivation, good timber, comfortable house and stabling, bearing o chard. This farm is particularly adapted to stock raising, Sugar creek runs through the farm and supplies it with never 'failing water. Plenty of prairie and timber good range adjoining the premises, also saw mill within a tew rods ol timber, 5(1, So acres ?. mile trom depot, 2 good wells of water, small orchard: land all under cultivation ; can be made one of the finest farms in the county : will be sold on easy terms or very -heap" tor cash. 64. 240 acres near Mulbery will be sold all to gether or in lots to suit purchaser. Good land and good buildings. Two good houses fine young orchard and plen ty of water, in a good neighborhood close to school, church, and post-office. 43, House and lot on corner ot Fulton and Mill streets. Good house containing tour rooms, wood shed and coal house, good rruit, good well; lot S0X165V.; feet Owner determined to sell. 44, House and lot in north west part of citv, good frame house 38 by 30 with two rooms back, new stable, good cistern in kitchen. Lot 132 by 264, also 3 vacant lots adjacent to above property each lot 132 by 264. Will be sold all together or seperatelv to suit purchaser, all very de sireable property and -in the best part of town. 51, House and lot in North part ot city. Lot S4 x 171ft, house one story 5 good rooms, good well and out buildings. Also vacant lot adjoining 100 x 171ft, good fence and stable, Will be sold together, or separately, Th s property is offered for a short time at a bargain. 40, House and lot in West Butler opposite the depot. House contains 4 rooms can be used for either dwelling or business l'OUS;. 52,40 acres adjoining the city limits Good dwelling of 7 rooms, an abundance of good water, plenty ot fruit, good fences, barn and out-buildings. Will be sold all together or in lots to suit pur chasers. This is a very fine location for a suburban residence. 53, House and lot in northeast part of town, lot 90 by 165 teet, house 14 by 24, good fruit, stable, cellar, guttering cis tern and tenciny all jn pood condition., This is one ot" the cheapest pieces of property in ISutler. , ,,. 61 House and lot3 blocks from the square in Butler, good house bt 7 rooms, good well and cistern, new stable and other out buildings, plenty ot fruit ot all kinds lot one hundred feet square. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. 5- 40 acres of good land 1-2 mile from citv limits, good land nice location. iJL TLEIJ J. H. HITSHEW& CO. untT,i:V J bus.iness n excellent new assortment ot pure Drugs and druggist sundries. North side square, But W Mo. 07 EOTiffll STOWS Sv o eoO I take pleasure in announcing to the public that I have looMted in Butler to make it my future home, and have the largest and bet a sorted stock of clock, watches and jewelry and pecfa les ever brought to this market, which I will tell cheap for cash. Having had many years experience in the manufac ture ot watches and clocks in Eu rope, I am now prepared to repair watches and clocks, no matter how complicated nor how badly they have beei abused. By bringing htem to we, you can bare them pu. uitgood running order and guaran tee satistactio FRANZ BERNHARDT, Butler, Mo AT TIHIIE cPODTT OIFIFDCIE X vS3 BOOKS AND STATIONERY. NUTS, CANDIES, TOYS ETC., IX LARGE VA KIT I ICS. Daily Papers and Periodicals always on hand. NEW LIVERY STABLE. waliaci: W. (Formerly ot Hill & Evans,) has leased the property knows as THE WALLEV BARN. South Main street, and offers for hire at reasonable rates, Good Saddle and Carriage I lores, light JJuggies, Car riages and wagons and everything in the lively line. Also a large wagon yard ana plenty of feed and living water lor the accomodation ot the pub lic at reasonable rates. THE WALLEY" BARN, South Main street, ntf WALLACE HILL, Proprietor. THE FINE SADDLE STAULION, lEHDEDY WAMDD- Will make the season ot 1SS5 at our sta Die in Bate county, Wo., tour mile southeast of Butler, near the Miller school houte, and near Stumptown or I'apin ville road, on the John Atkison farm at $6, payable at the end of the eaon, o $8 to insure a mare in toal or $10 to insure a five, bound colt, payable in both cae when the mare proves in toal or when the colt come. Alien will be retained oi. the colt until the seri ice of the horse is settled for. Great care will be taken to prevent accidents to mare or colts, but will not be responsible should any ccur. The season will commence April it, and dose July 1st. He can be t-een in But ler on Saturday's of each week at the stable of II. II. Evan. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. Eddy Ward was bred bv Loudon Sncll, in Scott county, Ky.t roled in spring ot 1 77 a'dark chesnut. nearly black, 16 hands high, fine action and weignt, with ver heavy mane and tail. He goes all the fine saddle gaits that any horse can fo, h has proven himseli a sure getter and good breeder, hi colts show the saddle gait following their dams unitormlv of good color. Eddy Ward was got by the eel ebrated getter of saddle horses'Expert out ef Nelly Ward. Dr. Adams' celebrates premium saddle mare bv Old John Dillard, also a premium stallion, great dam bv Boston Sire, of Lexington Fashion, and many other racers, g. dam bred b Ned Blackburn, gm bv Old Bertrand, g. g. g. dam by Blackburn's Whip, sire of al: the good Whips. John Dillard wa got bV imported In ian Chief, dam by Marsk. thoroughbred g dam by Hampton's Whip, Expert by Old Bald Stocking, the be son of Old Canadian Tom Hall, Expert dam by Whip Comet, son of Imported Comet. loha Diliard and Nelly Ward took more premiums at various fair i. Kentucky, perhaps than any other two animals in the show tor fine saddle horses. ALSO THE FINE BRED JACK, BLACK JOHN. Will stand at the same place and conditions ot EWr Ward. Black John bred v Bourbon county, Kv., by fohn CantreH, folded June 1877, black with mealy r.oe 15 hands high with goocl bone and weight,, a quick performer and good breeder as can be seen br looking at three ot his' colts at our place. He was sired br If. 1 1 Parks Premium ck Peacock, dam by Ilawkeyeg. dam of fcammoth and Warner stock. Peacock got bv- Capt. Leers premium jack Napoleon, Jr., dam by rueni Vista, g. dam an imported Tennet Napoleon, goi by imported Napoleon, dam b Buena Vista, Hawkere got by Compromise, Jr., dam by Mohawk. We could trac the pedigree at a great length', oat we deem it unnecessary, as we think a look a; htm and his colt will satisfy the breeders ot mules in this county. Hi colt ar. large and fine, we think it would be to the interest of breeders of horv and mult to ee this stock before breeding elsewhere s WARNOCK & WILMOTH. DRUG HOUSE. THE BEST STAVE IX THE MARKET Written guaranteed gien with eacn stove. And sell HARDWARE. TINWARE, IMPLEMENTS, And CUTLERY. Cchcaper than else where. (ive its a call anil be convinced IN'EW JEWKF.ER,