Newspaper Page Text
toteftlij fanes, . VOL. V. ih;tler, MTSSOUHI. WEDNESDAY' JULY 4, 1SS;;. xo 1 KEW EAILEOAD PROJECT. Tlie Fort Scott, St. Louis f.nd Chicago Railway, and the Plans of its P. ojcCtOrS. i"o ri.- Editor KuiiKit City urnai. Rich Ilili, M-., June -.-So much has been sini in the local press hereabout am! your cot respon dent, concerning the '-Vit Scott, St.. Louis A; Chicago railroad and mv name .- irctpiently connected with the tepoits. that I led justified 111 : making a oriel statement. I do thi-. : particularly because reports ami ru- . mors of a very conflicting character, i Mini sometimes wide of the truth, are j suit-, them best Will Have ;l! v their tr;: !v on ei;-;a pportiuiitv i iitioii to t;.; I th'-re ;s a iar-t, I!'.' mound W:- ted. and we 1 11 ! j!i l !- ! ti. ei "chant ') complete n:'-. 1:; .!- v s:: . i a i:i "'ire , !. t of C" '.:n- . !t -:it v p ptiia- nexhausti- HATES COl.-.N'TV National Bank, Work (iivo mt, reivim ..t . ..... c win nuke Olid h:tler. mo. even in -j Ikiji-ort & C t. c ,,rl Capital paid in, - - 575.000. Surj ltis - - - - 520.000 n current circulation. It is hut jus tice to the enterprise am! the gentle- j iiut ,f lt 4,11 should prove the failure men engaged in it that the truth be ! that soll,e h:,ve so extensively fore known. I told myself and associates will be The new- railroad will he built the j tlle 'waviest losers and thh people of coming summer and fall as located hie piautiiie of ;,"ji,J fo.i!- audi be hee tiie St. Louis and Emporia road wii! cross ours at that point, and altogether the . iro-pccts of a "'"i town being iiiiui up there arc at present exceeding'' ilatering. The Mt- d.oven i" a beautiful one. ha a a i Large Vault, B urglar-Proof abundance ot puie water irom spring ! '.vci ami m ill'' streams : an alum- i dance ot timber of humbif- stone. ' Hair stone, sand, etc: all close at W? arc prepared to do a wnera! 1 , , in buMncu. Good paper alum ir. oiitl. ! demand. P.iimni)ill..,.i,nJ F:i : t;. w me;! Kept i: Tn Wv.uv At The Depot. a' Rod Front Restaurant Morgan, you can get ;l it no;;r- . at your ( iris cm . and -1 ;n-. kept h FRANK Till an oner hv witch! vv- v i LisLJ i . splendid ind cvervthin.r -t class restaurant !n 'acK-on- Li- Safe with Time Lock Strayed. ; From mv tilfni S miles ea,t or Butler jAdark brown filloy, , eai oIdj vvith ; CASSITV. BLEW FAVORABLY FOR BUTLER AND CASSITY & WILSON ll.ue Lauded on No. t!i Main Street, u ith a complete ass,,, ,,! .. ;.: : New and Choice Groceries. m are iesj)ecttu.Iv invited to their r store whether vou !uv or Mot. A none receive deposits A;c, Ace a year antt a half ago, except that the line 1 as been changed from But ler to Fort Scott leaving Ricli Hill some ten or twelve miles to the east. The reasons for this change are sim ply the interests ot the enterprise and of the gentlemen investing their money in it. The change makes the route shorter, is cheaper to build, better grades when built, passe through a better countrv, and over large beds tef coal which the com pany has made arrangements to con trol. I lad-w e gone to Rich Hill w e would in addition to a main line tw miles longei than our present routv-. nilc-s of i have had to btiild several switches in order to reach coal an. then could pnly get it on leases by paying ! high royalty tor the privilege of mining. We would have to com pete with two other roads for the 1 usiness of Rich Hill, and with two strong coal companies, with a trade already established, tor Rich Hill coal. The chance for our getting enough Rich Hill business or selling enough Rich Hill coal under these circumstances did not seem t me to justify so huge an addtional outlay. For us to ouild via Rich Hill and then build switches out from our, main line to where we could get good coal lands at as fair a price as we get them in Walnut would cost $200,000 more than to build direct acioss the Walnut coal fields, where vc have the coal directly on our main line. The report that we are simply go ing to build a spur to the Gulf road .and then stop, is simply a falsehood that no man has reason to circulate, and that I do not think any man in t .... oaies county oeueves. 1 am sure those who are most industriously circulating the report do not believe it, tor belief would destroy their only reason tor circulating it. Plainly tluir only reason for their course is fear that a rival tow n to Rich Hill will grow up in the southwest part of the country. It their reports are true, and there is no danger of this why need they be so much concerned about it? I do not know whether a town of any great diminsions will grow up at walnut or not' but I do know that a rail-road w ill be built a cross the Walnut coal fields extend "ig as tar south as Fort Scott, and its tar north as Odessa : that a co;d com pany will be organized at Walnut. Walnut coal put on the market, and -hat a town company will be organi zed and lots sold to whoever wants io ouv them. I can not guarantee persons buying lots against taihire "ui loss in case the tow n should prosper but I this county benefited by fust the amount of money we buy in and spend here. Hut we have made through examination, have counted the cost and propose to take the risks. Tuos. M. Xichol. Mr. Ilendrix recently remarked: "Did voi; ever think what :: tak lies before a democratic president who succeed a long republican adminis tration for them. I am quite willing that any man who covets the task .shall have it." Buckler.'s Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder ot the world. U'iii nmied to speedilv i-ure I'.urns Uruises Cuts, I 'leers Salt. Rheum, Fever Sores, aiieer-i, Files, Chilblains, Com, Teter, Chapped I land, and u!l kin erup tions, guaranteed to cure in everv in st nn e, or monev refunded. Proe 2:; e?s per box. For sale !y I". M. Crumlv .i Co, o tt butlTer price LJSlV A furnished hv BADGLEYS & GIPSON, tiii: iios ;ito t:it. ;o5 per '.m DIRECTORS. pe on riyiit hin. l; '"s information as 10 !,...- whereabouts will be liberally rewarded. Adress, I.. V. Lr.rroN- Uutler Mo. 211 Lewi Cheney, I. C. Clark, Dr. Elliot Pyle Hon. I II. X ew berrv E. P. Henry. I. N. Mains, Dr. J. Everinuham, f. P.Edwards, J. J. Ryan. "W. f. Hard, Dr. D. 1). Wood, J. Af. Pattv, Cieo. W. Miers, F. Smith. F. J. Tvgard. OFFICERS. LEWIS CHENEY l.C. CLARK - -F. I. TVCJARl) - President - Vice President. Cashier. For a Clean Shave Go to Crouch Bros, shop, near souti eoinerot the square. Thev hav comfortable room. JETE V:itrhp rirwl'c Laim1,-i- CJ,i c;i m. . . v.iw.iv. jcncii s iiuim uci aim naicuwaTC iwest a neat, -tt SPECTACLES Api-nt li.r the --li-ljr:it-l ROCKFORD R. R. Watch es. I'rosmaii tV nurj. you want neat hair-cut in tlw- iatest snle, a clean shave or a shampoo, cah atom -shop on the east side ot the When THE NONPAREIL V 1j TV- - 77 HIIJJS, M.tTIILH'S. OPPOISTE OPERA HOOSE. quare. .None hut. ''oii.l -nrlm., piiMeu. our patronai. solicited. em- is respectfully tf. " .bo keejs in stock a lull line ot All American -1 1 .s X -x-J su iss WATCHES. V'siJSW &8BSQ. xvepauingot Watches, Clocks ami Jewelry, Satisfactorily Done Complete Line .t Optical Goods, OPERA FIELD, AND MA HINE CLASSES YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND Wheat, 1 torn Potatoes Apple green 75c per hush. 5') to 7. per bnsh. Hucou .... :'.," Ib. Lard - - - - 12 ' ! Cnickcns - . - J5 " doz. Turkevs - - - - So " lb. Butter - - - - 1 " Eggs , - i:K,c" doz Dried Apples - (,c " lb. " Peaches - - - - 'c " " Tallow .... -c 4. Heew.; - - - - 1S " " BTJTLEH ACADEMY, Opens ror it rail term on September 3d, 1883 For particulars address J. M. XAYLOR, or L. IL ALLISON. 1 lie Handsomest room anil furniture in the city and the finest liquors and wines in the market. Free I.iiucti Every Iay. Demonstrated that smart men average .5 00 to sj 00 per dav profit, selling the "Pocket Man ual." The most marvellous little vol ume ever issued. Needed endorsed and purchased tivall classes. Nothing in the book line ever to equal it. Will prove it. Complete sample and outfit 50c or full particulars for stamp. Don't start out aain until vou learn what is -.aid ot this hook, and what others are doim'. John Burns, Publisher, 717 Olive Street. St. Louis Excited ITioksmikI. Ah over the iand are going into ecstasy over Dr. King's New Discovery tor Con sumption. Their unlooked for recovery by the timely use of this great lite Saving remedy, cause them to go nearly wild in its praise- It is guaranteed to positively cure severe cough, cold, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hoarseness, loss ot voice, or any attection ot the throat and lungs. Trial bottles tree at F. M Crum lv A: Co. City Drug Store. Large size spIOO. 2 Final Settlement Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed curator of the estate of , Potts, a minor, will make tinal set tlement ot his accounts with said estate as such curator at the next term of Pro bate court of Bates county, Missouri, to be holden a: the court house in Butter, in said rountv, at the next Mav term ot Probate court. A, D, iSS. I, F. Sims, Guardian and Curator. a lar(;i: BOOTS AT HOTTOM FIGURES AT STOCK OF EAST SIDE SQCARE. 1 SHOES, MAX 'WHIN UK'S, 17. JO Right at the lower scale. South side square, keeps a lull hue of 0 rocenes. Queens ware, Glassware and Woodenware. Also a full line of iood substantial Dry Goods and Notions, Hoots, Shoes Hats and Caps, all sold at prices that defy Competition. i?o-lf. Fancy NEW DKU Keep Constantly on hand a well Selected Stock of Notuc of Final Settlement. Notice i hereby given to a'i creditors, and otheis interested in the estate cf Zackariah Stanley deceased, that 1 J. .1. Ryan Administrator ot said estate, in tend to make final settlement thereof, at the next term of the Bates County Pro bate Court, Hates County, State or Mis souri, to be heid at Butier on the 15th, day or August iSS. J. I. Ryan. it-4t Administrator. Final Settlement Notice. Oils, Varnishes, and Everything in the Drug Line. "Vrli:ST SIDE PUJLIC SCtTJ-V'ItlS. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded both Day and Night. Having opened a new Drug Store in Butler. Mo , and havintr had manv vcars evnerir-nrr in th Amc busmess we cordially invite the public o call and see us. We guarantee our drugs to he pure and our pnets as low as any place m the city. Give us a call " BERRY BROS. 11. v. pentz:jr KKALF.n IX Il.VliA CAKKIAti K can assure ro- a'iV one buying a lot and m- "to business at Walnut that he j .NVttice t nereoy gneu mat tt.e under signed executor ot the estate of John Haines deceased, will make tinal settle ment ot his aeeounts w ith said estate as such executor at the next term 01 Probaie court ot Hates coimtv, .Missouri, to be iioiden at the court house in Butler, in sid county, a: the next August term u; Probate court, A. D. iSi. 3041. Nicholas Haines, Executor. ' not have to co. npete with the AVI " functors ,t the town coal or rail rad coirtp.-t-.n- for business after hi "'is located. These companies wii Hot rm-,.r., . v "s"v ' '"uv inercnantiie 1 in Walnut, nor atten.p o,.lH. sraiieof ; tirci ' ;.!! Mtyie aud pnees. TRUNKS! TEUNZSf TRUNKS! Mi.di- .;:! mr::i-h ( 1: M-r ma' ' 'IT .' M.Ti-r -.;-:r ... it Sun- i --.or: i''no- E:m rtde i'-mi'-r. New sto-k. now styles and new prie 1 CARDS AD UHEOMOs. f-ee: Disso!ut;on No::cc. ! Wo will -enJ free hvmai! a sample set tice is hereovsriven that tr.e co-nar'- i ot l:r iarge German. French and Ameri- t nersnm heretotore existir 'e't tneui 1USI- tc con- p ov. They w i-'-. :u-v. and !,i'is w here it oet'-en t:ie 1 ' JtMui i.ii:u-, ...iv 1 1. i firm ot Willi. Davis A: o. is :hi dav grounds vUrt a price ni. 01 over 200 U11- i d:o;vea Fv n-atna! consent. Mr Davf i terer.t JeMcnson receipt ot a stamp for i retirein-'. Ail obii nations of the o'd ..postage. We will aio send tree hv mail firm will ;e bv the new Partner- f assampie, tenor our oeautuut nromo, s'v-.-. tit Wiais ,v; M.i:hes. aRd ail monies t on receipt ot ten cent to pay for pack- due rl-.e "'d r.r"-. v- -.i'A t them. ing and ncstage: also enclose a connaen- -9 3t .!. P. Willis, N": Davis, cd. R. M.THKVS. it. e .tst cl our larce oil enromas. Agent wanted- Address F: GIeacn ("o, 46 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. i In irreat abundance, ncw and nobbv stvhs. Mc Farland Brotliers. Call and look. If