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ii mmt wmh m VOL. v. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY JULY 18, 1SS3. NO at (iLS I k.1 H g FfiOM THE WEST. A Special Lett r From the Times Cor respondent. OVERLAND TO COLORADO. From the Times Special Correspondent Hutchison-, Kan, July 12, 'S3. With a match box for a writing !esk and under a cottonwood tree beside the tar famed Arkansas river, this letter is penciled. There is nothing romantic about the spot, but there is something of a monotony in the excessive heat of the sun and the endless sandv plain that surrounds us. We are very near the outskirts ot that portion of Kansas that is tillable arid yields remunerative crops to the husbandman. With the exception ot the country in Green wood county known as the Flint hills,"the entire country trom this point to the eastern line of the state is almost as thickly settled as old Bates county. The general improve ments, of course, will not equal those back there, but the chief part of the land is occupied and being im proved as rapidly as circumstances will admit. Until we came within twenty-five miles of the Arkansas valley there were not a dozen fields of wheat to be counted, but in this valley there is as fine wheat as was ever raised, and to all appearance, plenty" of it. Oats and corn com prise the rest of the crops and is most excellent. New wheat is sell ing at seventy cents per bushel and old corn at thirty cents. It seems a little strange to us who have hitherto gleaned our knowledge of Kansas from what we heard and not from actual observation, to wit ness such splendid corn and wheat and oats growing on these broad. dry prairies From the information Missourians usually get of Kansas they are lead to infer that even this part ot which we write is naught but a land ot starvation. Let me say you are misinformed, and add that the Jayhawker state, thus far from the eastern border, is a great and promising country. What impres sions we may form of Kansas further west will be furnished in a subse quent letter. Hutchison is a good town judg ing from our short acquaintance and contains about twenty-five hun dred souls. It is situated on the east bank of "Big River," as people call the Arkansas out here, and is not particularly noted for the beauty of its streets or the stateliness of its buildings. There are some very large and well constructed mercan tile houses in Hutchison, many of them equaling the average Butler es tablishment. We have now been on the road two weeks and our journey is only about one third accomplished. The members of our party including your correspondent, are in usual health and imbued with an abundance of spirit. We are not rushing through as most travelers do, but take things easy that we my have all the satis faction there is in crossing the plains. This is the end ot our second let ter. Our third will give the readers of the Times our impressions of the country from here to the mountains. Mc. Martin Farquhar Tupper, the pro fessional moralift and Solomonizcr of platitudes, is thought of in Eng land ana by some very worthey peo ple despite Thackeray's witty asser tion to the contrary. He seems to he as poor as Job's turkey or the sul tan's turkey or his own writings, for it is deemed necessary, probably as a mark no less ot respect than of compassion, to raise a fund to be presented him. To this laudable undertaking Gladstone, Browning, Ruskm ana Lord Houghton are 'ending their admiring energies. Moses iiandy, who has been a handy man around the Philadelphia Press for some time, intends to resign and go to Europe. He has been too busy in his life to accumulate bric-a-brac. Hence there will be no sale. Mr. Knox, the Texas humorist, who invented the sham duel as an advertisement tor a book, is in Phil adelphia trying to explain the joke to the club dudes, Three ot them have died in an effort to assimilate the humor. Mr. G. W. Smalley, having made use of the phase "female suffrage," is reminded by the Springfield Re publican that "the time is nigh when using 'female' as an equivalent for 'woman' will be as tatatal as spiling negro with two gs." Of Miss Lizzie Frazier, who makes a full hand on her father's farm, the Nevada, Cal., Transcript says: "She is worth a ten-acre lot ot lac-de-dah girls, and the young mann who gets her for a wife will get something worth having." The largest sponge ever fished up on the Florida coast is now on ex hibition in New York. It is fully eiht feet in circumference. It was found oft Key West, and it would take a long time for any one who used it to squeeze it out. Miss Kate Vaughn, who ran away from London with Col. Welleslev, icir presumptive to the dukedom of Wellington, will bring a theatrical company to America. American men, and women too, are thought to be willing to pay almost any price for a sight of the beauty that can lead 1 nobleman astray. Mrs. Frank Leslie's friends con tradict the renewed story ot her en gagement to the Marquis de Leuville Mrs. Leslie was in London during June, in the height of the season. Lord Houghton gave a luncheon to her, and in various ways she met a great deal ot the literary society ot London. Good society will be delighted to learn that the Aurania brought over this week Mr. Arthur Guest of Eng land, the brother ot Lorb Wmborn, who had in his charge a magnificent dog, a present to S. L. M. Barlow, trom Fred Clay, the eomposer. Mr. B. will exhibit his dog at the next bench show. By the way we merely remark casually without any sinister mean ing did anybody notice that all the accounts of the Fourth of July cele bration at the "palatial mansion" of Henry C. Bowen gave the still more important fact that the host was the editor ot a religio-politico-society newspaper? Mr. Bowen is not the first American patriot who has work ed the declaration ot independence for an "ad." Utica Observer. Every democratic state platform thus tar has demanded the recogni tion of this question. Each one has put down in so many words that while complete tariff reform may be years before completely consumma ted, vet it must be a recognized question in the democratic party, and which the pasty must pledge itself to solve. It would be polical suicide to ig nore this question. It would be the crowning mistake of the democratic party, already famous for making mistakes, to elect a man to the speaker's chair of the next congress who would direct the whole machin ery of legislation against this ques tion. Mr. Randall would do this. The great hope of the democratic party in such states as Ohio, Iowa and Minnesota is, to bring within its embrace the great numbers of re publican tariff reformers. Mr. Randall would repel all these. It would be political suicide to do it. The democratic party will not com mit this act. Try Jacksons W yards . inement For a Clf an Shave Go to Crouch Bros, shop, near southwest corner of the square. They have a neat, comfortable room. -o-tt lneiJigjRea "Hame" sign in front ofGusWyards shop, is typical of his large stock and still larger busi ness. Call and get his prices. 24 ti ll you have a lame hoise net a bottle of Jackson's Linement, at Gus Wvards. At The Depot. In the. Red Front Restaurant, kept by G. W. Morgan, you can get a sDlendid me? I at all hours, and everything else kept in a first class restaurant .23-1 m The Prince of Wales recently read an able paper on fish-hatching. First secure a dry spot for the nest, and then set the fish on the eggs and let 'em batch. Care, however. ' 1 should be taken not to set a codfish on a nest of whale's eggs. Watches, Clocks, Jewell-, Solid Silver and Platedware, Complete Line of SPECTACLES Agent for the celebrated ROCKFORD R. R. Watches. Also keeps in ktock a full line of All American AND SWISS WATCHES. Optical Goods, OPERA FIELD, AND MARINE GLASSES Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelrv, Satisfactorily Done. THE NONPAREIL A. L O O IV, WILLIS, MATHEWS. OPPOISTE OPERA HOOSE. The handsomest room and furniture in the city and the finest liquor and wines in the market. Free LiiucU Every Uaj. Work Given Out, On receipt ot your address we will make an otter by w iuh you can earn $3 to $7 evening, "at vour home. Men, Women, Bovs or Girls car do it. II. C. Wilkinsons & Co.. uH anJ 197 Fulton Street, New York. 21 3,,!. m 37- ID. h" II -itiiira Right at the lower scale, South side square, keeps a full line of ini rn 0 If 1 pie aicy wocenes. UNEQUALED FAST TIME! Via the O1110& Mississippi R'y From St. Louis to all points East. The O. & M. R'y is now running palace sleeping cars " without change trom St. Louis in IO HOURS TO LOUISVILLE. IO HOURS TO CINCINNATI. 30 HOURS TO WASHINGTON. 31 HOURS TO BALTIMORE. 3S HOURS TO NEW YORK. 2 hours the quickest to Louisville and Cincinnatti. 7 hours the quickest to Washington. 4 hours the quickest to Baltimore. Equal Fast Time with other lines to New York and without change of cars. Queensware, Glassware and Woodenware. Also a full lino of .rood substantial Dry Goods and Notions, Boots, Shoes Hats and Caps, all sold at prices that defy Competition. 25-tf. HVEW ID JEXTGSr STORE to Cincinnatti and Louisville. With Through Dav Cars, Parlor Cars and Pal ace Sleeping Coaches. The Ohio & Nississippi Railway Is now Running a JZonlle Xn U.y lino. OF PALACE SLEEI.U ('A ICS From Sf. Louis to ISew l'oork with change. Leaving on morning express via the B, & ORR and on evening express, vis. NYLEWRR. No Change of Cars for any class of Passengers. Frst and second-class pas sengers are all carried on fast express trains, consisting of palace sleeping cars, elegant parlor coaches and comfortable day coaches, all running through with out change. The only line by which you can get through cars trom St. Louis to Cincinnati without paying extra tare in addition to money paid for ticket. For tickets, rates, or particular infor mation, call on tickets agents ot connect ing lines, west, northwest or southwest. In St Louis at 101 & 103 N Fourth St. W. W. PEABODY, Gen'I Manager. W. B. SHATTUC. Gen'I Pass. Agent Cincinnati, Ohio- G. D. BACON, General Western Passen ger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. 33-tt The south and southeast Flot ida. Should you contemplate a trip to Nash ville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Charleston, S. C, Savannah, Ga, ; Jacksonville, Florida; or in fact, any point in the South or Southeast, it will b'e to your interest to examine the advantages over all other, lines offered by the St. Luuis Iron Moun tan & southern U'y "Iron Mountain Route" in the way of fast time, elegant equipment, &c. At 1 resent a Dailv Train is run trom Saint Louis Grand Union Depot, attach ed to which will be found an elegant Pull man Palace Sleeping Car, which runs through to Nashville, Tennessee, where direct connections are made with ex press trains of connecting Lines, tor points mentioned above. This Train connects at Nashville with the Jackson ville express, having a Pullman Fallace Sleeping Car ot the very finest make at tached, which runs through to 3ckson vil'e, F!orida, without change. For further information address F. CHANDLER, C. B . KINNAN, Gen'I Pass. Ag't. Ass't Gen'I Pass. Agent. 9-tf. B1BRT Keep Constantly on hand a well Selected Stock of IS' Oils, Varnishes, and Everything in the Drug Line. WEST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, Prescriptions Carefully Compounded both Day and Night. Having opened a new Drug Store in Butler, Mo , and hayins: had many years experience in the drug busnicss we cordially invite the public o call and see us. We guarantee our drugs to be pure and our prices as low as any place in the city. Give us a call BERRY BROS. TRUNKS! TEUNES? TRUNKS? New stock, new styles and new prices. In great abundance, new and nobby styles. Call and look. Mc Farland Brothers. OF NEW "1 VE. AND 127.I8S3.J Prof. Doremus on Porous Plasters. THE COT LEGE OF THE CITV YORK. COR. LEXISGTOS AV 23d ST. NEW YORK, April MESSRS. SEABCRY & JOHNSON : Gentlemen At your request I have ob tained in open market samples ot Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters and Allcock's porous plasters, and have submitted them to chemical anaylysis to determine their comparative merits as external remedies. I find in Bensor.'s Capcine Plasters val uable medical ingredients, which do not exist in Allcock's porous plasters; hence in my opion thev are superior to those of Allcock's. Your Res'pv, K. Ogdex Doremus, m. d. ll, d. Prof, ot chemistry and phjsicsin the college of the City ot New York, and Prof, of chemistry and toxicologv in Bel ieve hospital medical college . 29 4 Cfrr A month and board for three oOO live voung men or ladies in each countv. Address, P. V. Ziegler & Co. 29 4t Chicago, 111. Of the Edward Shippen. medical director U. S.N. A thrilling pictorial his tory of the world's great Sea Fights, with specimens of naval architecture ot all ages. A record ot wonderful exploits more interesting than fiction Piiceonly $3, It sells everywhere. Agents make . 100 00 per month. Address. J. C. Mc (Ardy & Co., St. Louis. Mo. 29 4t D V.BROWN. Notary Public But . ler Mo. Will draw and acknowledge deed, contracts, leases and ail papers re quiring the acknowledgment or lurat ot an officer. Ely's Cream Balm, FOR CATARRH AND BAY FEVER. L'nequaled for cold in the head, deafness agreeable to use. A THOROUGH TREATMENT WILL Cl'RE Cream Balm has gained an enviable reputation whet ever known; displacing all other preparations. Send tor circu lar containing full information and relia ble testimonials. By mail, prepaid, 50 cents a package stamps received. Sold bv all wholesale and retail druggists. 2? 4t Ely's Cream Balm Co. Oweeo, N.Y Final Settlement Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed executor of the estate of lohn Haines deceased, will make final settle ment of his accounts with said estate as such executor at the next term ot Probate court of Bates countv, Missouri, to be holden at the courthouse in Butler, in said county, at the next August term of Probate court, A. D. 1SS3. 304!. Nicholas Haines, Executor. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereoy given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between the firm of Willis, Davis 'o, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent, Mr. Davis retireing. All obligations of the old firm will be assumed bv the new partner ship of Willis ii Mathews, and all monies due the old firm will he paid to them. .1. P. Willis, N. Davis, 293t Ed. R- Mat in Demonstrated- That smart men average $5 00 to $8 00 per dav profit, selling the "Pocket Man ual." The most marvellous little vol ume ever issued. Needed endorsed and purchased by all classes. Nothing in the book line ever to equal it. Viil prove it. Complete sample and outfit 50c. or full particulars for stamp. Don't fctart out again until tou learn what U said ot this book, and what other are doing, John Bums, Publisher, 717 Olive Street. St. Louis Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to all creditot and others interested in the estate 0f Zackariah Stanley deceased, that I 'j. J. Ryan Administrator of said estr xtf in tend to make final settlement th'jreot, at the next term of the Bates C-JUntr Pro bate Court, Bates County, & jut i Mi souri, to be held at Butler An the 13th,. day of August iSSv . . Ryan. Administrator. FREE! CARDS xED CHRQM05- We will send f re fcy mxn a sample X of our lar-e (ier man French ant! Ap can t -hromo Cj on tinted and gold ground, wit'j a price list ot r dif tetent desi nvon receipt ot a !amp for postage. tv will aIo -?Tid tree by mail assamr'ie, ten of oer beautiful Chrorro, on rc :eipt ot ten cent to pay for pack ing and postage; alK enclo-e' confiden tial pi-ice lit ot our large oil chrorr.o. Agents wanted. Addre Y: Gieaon Sc i Co, 46 Summer Street, Boston, Ma. OX AHJJ JL X j S.'SS gSi-" J Co, 46 Summer Street, Boston, Mas.