Newspaper Page Text
lie ffitsfkr ! III l III III VOL. V. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY JULY 25, 1SS3. XO ;u There was another storm last ( Friday niht in Iowa, Minnesota, j Illinois. Wisconsin and Michigan, j This is the worst .season for storms j that was ever experienced. ! Lexington Intelligencer : The Ft. Scott, St, Louis and Chicago rail road project iooks like a pretty heal thy bantling just now, despite the doleful predictions of some people. When it comes to new railroads peo ple'? views are sn biased by the j point from which they look at the thihg. Bullcne, Moore & Emery, of Kan sas City, paid out during the past year $12. ooo for advertising. The coming year they will greatly in crease that amount. Mr. Hullene stated m an interview that no busi ness, however 6inall, can be run suc cessfully without printers' ink. The firm does most advertising when times are dull and they thus run off their stock, lay in a new one and are prepared for the business revival. Every railroad that passes central ly through the county increases the price of land $5 an acre at least. It really exceeds that. JJates county contains S40 sections or 537,600 acres. At $5 an acre this gives $2,6SS,ooo. That is a good round sum but falls much short ot the real increase in value. Who says it don't pay to give the paltry sum of $30,000 to $40, 000 to secure a road ? Two widows of Revolutionary soldiers are living in Uhio, Mrs. Catharine Ciine, of Cincinnati, and Mrs. Davis of Perry county. Mrs. Kline receives a pension ot SS a month. They will both attend the sol diers' reunion at Columbus this w'eVk and will be the two most interesting persons there. When the only two surviving widows of soldiers, who fought in Washington's army, meet there will be much talk of old times and valorous deeds recounted by their husbands. Mr. Nicholsays his company will purchase the Emporia road at its actual cost to present owners. The proposition to run on the track of the Odessa road irom Walnut to But ler, is based solely on the question of cost. The east line of Bates can be reached by way of Butler for $100,000 less than through Rich Hill. Railroads are built to make money and that is why the Emporia may come to this city. Butler will do her utmost to secure this through line from the West to St Louis. It is reported that another railroad is to be constructed from Kansas Citv via Belton to Rich Hill by par ties interested in developing the oil. If oil will bring railroads, would it not be a cood nlan for Rntlcr tr nut down a few wells? This citv devotes I its attention to buildinsr up other places to the exclusion of its own in terests. Mrs. M. M. Clardy, State E vange list ot the Woman's Christian Tem perance Union, will be in Butler on July 2Sth, 29th and 30th. She will hold meetings in the Ohio st. M. E. church. Children's mass meeting on Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody in vited. W. C. T U. -Mrs. M. M. Clardv, State Eyange ist tor the W. C. T. U. will address nass meetings, and ladies' meetings t the times ami places noted below: loioen ilarrisonville Sutler Nevada scheilCity elton City -Jinton Hudson T 1 TI" 20. 2i,:j and 23. 2S, 29 and 30 Aiu , 2 and V and 6. 7 and S. 9 and 10. Mrs. Clardv holds children mcet- organizes W. C. T. U-. and Sands of Hone It ; l-i-ir.i th. pe. 3(1 ics will make everv provision to i v. ,,tt imi proniar;e i tne cause ; each piace that nIic Vishs. vcione I IV GERMAN INSURANCE COMPANIES. FIRE INURANCE IN THE Royol, German, Western, Firemans, and Union Insurance Northern, Firemans Fund, Queen, London, Companies. CANTERBURY &, CATRON, Bxitlei, Mo. 34 tf LEFKER & CHILDS, Grain Dealers. New Warehouse South of Depot Have just built a New Warehouse and erected a new set of Scales ot Howe's Improved Pattern, and are now prepared to buy the farmers may have to sell, and for which we will pay the Highest Market Price in Cash, and guarantee honest weights and fair treatment. 34 " Committed Rape. Cincinnati, July 17. James Bul eer. indicted at Mav.sville. TCv. frr rape on a-l,ttle irirl. has confessed. I ca j and asks that he be protected from mob violence. The trial is set tor to day. Punishment tor that crime in Kentucky is death. TRIED IV AX HOCK. The commercial Gazette of Marys ville, Ky., says that this afternoon, as soon as the jury in the Cooper case retired, the emmet guards escorted Samuel Bulger from jail to the court amid a great crowd of people on the streets. He was to be arraigned tor rape in the court room, and the in dictment was read to him. His at torneys told him not to criminate himself unless his mind was perfect ly clear. He replied that his mind was perfectly clear. he was guilty and he wanted to be hung legally. "ot b' a mob' and wanted to cause as little trouble as possible in the trial. A jury was impanneied and be re peated the plea before them, and in ten minutes they returned a verdict of guilty with sentence ot death. Bul ger received the verdict unmoved, and was returned to jail in one hour from the time he was taken out. Meeting of the County Grange. The Bates county grange will j meet with Altona grange at Altona, j on the first Saturday in August, at 10 j o'clock a. m. j G. C. Miller, Henry Spear, Master. Secy. Taken Up. - One sow with six pigs, about Tune 1 2th, 1SS3. on my place iust west of Butler. The owner can recover the same by proving property, and pay ing expenses of feeding and adver tising. J. R. IIarriman. 294t Important. A lady was disappointed the rirst time she used Dei.and's Chemi cal Baking Powder. Her baking was vellow. The trouble was, she did not ! allow tor the extra strength, whicn makes 1 r. .... cv. S!ie learned her mistake c: now j reclares it to ue the t est she ever used. s y ranee rFHF & QUEEN. -S- Imperial, London, German, Orient, liuffalo. Lancashire, German, Fire Association T.EFKER SL CHILDS. BUTLER PRICE LIST. As furnished bv BADGLEYS & GIPSON, THE BOSS aiOCERS. Wheat, Corn Potatoes Apples green Bacon Lard Cnickens - Butter Eggs " Peaches -Tallow Beeswax S5 per bu -.- f :5c per bush. 35 per bnsh. 12U" lb. 12 5i.7S " is " IOC iS ' iloz. doz Strayed. From rav farm S miles east or Butler. A dark brown filley, 2 years old, with a brand of a triangle shape on right hip. Anyone giving information as to her whereabouts will be liberallv rewarded. Adress, L. P. Letton Sutler, Mo. 26-tf For a Clean Shave Go to Crouch Bros, shop, near southwest eorner of the square. They have a neat, comfortable room. 30-tf Crosman & Hurt. When you want neat hair-cut in the latest style, a clean shave or a shampoo, call at our shop on the east side of the square. Xone but good workman em ployed. Your patronage is respectfully olicited. tf. County Maps Fr Sale. We have live late county maps tor sale at :?i,oo each. Times Office. S-tf At The Depot. Tn the Red Front Restaurant, kept by G. W. Morgan, you can get a snlendid mesl at ail hours, and everything else kept in a first class restaurant 23-I tn Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder ot the world. Warranted ta speedily cure Burns Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, t'ancer-, Piles. Chilblains, Corns, Teter, Chapped Hands, and ail skin eruption-;, guaranteed to cure in every in stance, or monev refuuded. Priie 25 cts per box. For sale bv F. M. Crum! v & Co. Fred Dm Barber Wi;I give you a. neat have, shampoo or hair - cut. He keeps none but experienced u-:-, .;n4 , ruction ircnteed. Rmh north ice I ' Watches, Clocks SPECTACLES Jewelry, Agent f.r the i-.--lratt-.l ROCKFORD R. R. Watches. ANo keeps in tock a lull line of All American SWI.S.- WATCHES Repairing of Watches, Clocks JL- ID. Right at the Staple Queenswaro, Glassware and Wooden ware. substantial Dry Goods and Notions, 15oots, all sold at prices that defy Competition. Keep Prescriptions Carefully Compounded both Day and Night. Having opened a new Drug Store in Butler, Mo, and having had many years experience in the drug business we cordially invite the public o call and see us. We guarantee our drugs to be pure and our prices as low as any place in the city. Give us a call BERRY BROS. TUtJNES! VAJLISIES ! ! VASIIILILS! T11 great abundance, new and nobby styles. Mc Farland Brothers. Prof. Doremus on Porous Plasters. THE COT LEGE OF THE CITV OF NEW " YORK, COR. LEXINGTON AVE. AND 23d ST. NF'A YORK, April 2J, 1SS3. J MESSRS. SEABl'RY & JOHNSON: Gentlemen At your request I have ob tained inopen market samples or Penson's Capcine Porous Plasters and Allcock's porous plasters, and have submitted them to chemical anaylysts to determine their comparative merits as external remedies. I find m tfensor.'s Capcine Plasters val uable medical ingredients, which do not exist in Allcock's porous plasters; hence in my opion thev are superior to those of Allcock's. Your Res'pv, R. OUDEX DOREMI'S, M. I. LX, I). Prof, ot chemistry and physics in the college of the Citv" ot New York, and Prof, of chemistry'arvd toxicologv in Bel ieve hospital medical college. 2Mt : S A month and board tor thiee iOO live roung men orladies in each cbuntr. Address, P W. Ziegler Ac Co. 29 4t cntcago, 111. Of theworld,bv Edward Shippen, medical director U. S.N. A thrilling pictorial his tory of the world's great Sea Fights with specimens of naval architecture ot all ages. A record ot wonderful exploits more interesting than fiction Pi ice only $3, It sells everywhere. Agents make .100 00 per month. Address. J. C. Mc Ci rdy & Co., St. LouK JJo. 29 4t Tk V.BROWN". Notary Pub I . Jer Mo. Will draw and acknowledge deed, contracts, leases and all papers re- quiring the ackiiowletfgmeru or r.:ra XZ or an officer. JEITE IE. , Solid Silver and Platedware, Complete Line of Optical Goods, opera fii-:lu, AM) MARINE GLASSES ami euelr, Satisfactorily Done. lower scale. South side square, keeps Fancw ireceries. JNTEST DRUO STORE p; I. If I VI 1 Constantly on hand a well Selected Oils, Varnishes, and Everything in the TEUNES! Now stock, new styles and new prices. PETER COOPER. His life and character, bv C. tdwards Lester, author ot "The Glory and Shame ot England;" "The Napoleon Dynasty," etc. Illustrated, paper ioc; cloth naif Russia, 35c, Postage stamps taken. Not sold bv dealers : prices too low. Also the following, large type, unabridged : Life of Alex. II Stephens, 10c, 25c &35C Lite of Washington Irving by Stoddard, 6c Lite of Sir Isaac Newton by JasPortan 2C Rip Van Winkle, bv Washin?ron Irving 2C Burning ol Rome, by Canon Farrar 2C 2C 2C American Humorists Artemus Ward, Enocn Arden, by Alfred Tennyson, Deserted Village, the Traveler, Gold mitn, Cotter's Satin day Night, etc, Robert Burns, Schilars Song of the Beil and other 2C 2C i poems, j The Sea-Serpents ot Science, Andrew 1 Wilson, ! World Smashing, bv W. Mattien Wfl 2C 3C uams, 2C IOIIN B. Aldex, Publisher, iS Vesev St New York. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereDy given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between the firm of Willis, Dav is A: Co, is thia day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Davis retireing. All obligations of the old firm will be assumed by the new partner ship of Willis & Mathews, and all monies due the old firm w ill be paid to them. .1. P. Willis, N: Davis, -9 r- Ed. R. Mathws- I THE NONPAREIL ISALOON, j WILLIS, MATIIKHk. I OPPOISTE OPERA MOOSE. 1 j The handsomest room niul furniture fin the city and the finest liquors wn.l 1 wines in the market. Free IMiiicIi t:erv ! I ! uotk i.ivmOut, On receipt ot our j address we w ill make an otter hv wit. !i j you can earn $j to $7 evening, "at vour 1 home. Men, Women, I'.cns or Girls , iS1. jdo it. M. i Wilki..M.,u Si Co.. i.,; and j 197 Fulton Street, New York, ji v,i. a lull line of Also a full line of ;ood Shoes Hats and (Japs, 2o-tf. Stock of X A Drug Line. THEMES! VALHSES Call and look. Tlie ontIi and outlieat Ffor ida. Should you contemplate a trip to Nash ville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Charleston, S. C, Savannah, Ga, ; Jacksonville, Florida ; or in fact, any point in the South or Southeast, it will be to your inter? t to examine the advantage over all other, lines offered by the St. Louis Iron Moun tan & Southern li'y "Iron Mountain Route" in the way of fast time, elegant equipment, ic. At 1 resent a Dailv Train is run trom Saint Iouis Grand L'nion Depot, attach ed to w hich will be found an elegant Pull man Palace Sleeping Car, which rur through to Nashtille, Tcnneee, where direct connection are made with ex press train of connecting Line, for points mentioned above. This Train connect at Nashviile with the Jackson ville express, having a Pullman faJUce Sleeping Car ot the very finet make at tached, which runs through to ackon ville, Florida, without change. For further information address ' F. CHANDLER, C. B . KINNAN, Gen'l Pa. Ag't. Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent. -tf. Stray Notice. Taken up by J. W. Demott, livir.f in Walnut township, on the 14th day of une 1S83, and posted before the undersigned lustice ot the peace for said township, one brown horse, o or 10 rear old, cue crook ed hind torn and harness marks, and ap praised at $60. T.J. Fen ex. r. " ,