Newspaper Page Text
s Sutler VOL. V. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 15, 1SS3. NO 37 llltC0a hi hi hi in in hi in A rather funny story is told of a oentleman who went out to ) Walnut with a -party from Rich Hill. The Infant' Wonder man spent much time in telling of the poor quality ot Walnut coal and the other was somewhat dis couraged. After looking at the town, he concluded to go out by him jsclf and take a look at one of the mines. He there found five wagons irom the Hill loading up with coal. He naturally inquired why they came so tar for coal and was told that the coal is so much superior to their own that they alwavs go to Walnut when a first-class article is needed. Jeffersov City, Aug. 8. Lieut Gov. Campbell has issued a full par don to Eli Burnett, who was serving out a three years' term from Bates county, on the charge ot grand lar ceny. He was sent up in fuly 1S82. The pardon was granted on an ap plication signed by the prosecuting attorney, witnesses, officers of the county and leading citizens, and especially upon the application and tearful supplication of the prisoner's little girl, aged six years and moth, erless. Two preachers, one from New Jersey and the other from the Elec tric City, attempted to drive through a stretch of deep mud near Lone Oak, last Saturday night and "got stuck." The horse pulled with all its might but there was too much theology on board and the harness gave way, causing the parsons to jump unceremoniously out into the quaking mass. The horse's tail be ing nicely saturated with the stuff and the flies being also on hand, enabled the clergymen to present a somewhat original appearance betore they got matters straigh -tened out. There were no im precations used, only some broad cloth ruined and a little jewelry lost. Missouri mud is more cohesive than Jersey sand anyhow. T. J. B. Durand, of Prairie City, claims to have the largest orchard in the county.' If consists ot 4000 apple . trees and an abundance of all other kinds of fruit for home use. , His ap ple trees are bearing and he will sell thisyear from 2000 to 3000 bushels of apples, In "company with Geo. V. Sunderwith, he is erectng a fruit evaporator which will dry 100 bush els per dav. They pay the highest price for fruit. 5-L Louis seems determined not to enforce the Sunday feature of the Downing high license law. The Kansas City Times thinks there is no danger of a panic this year nor next. A New Addition. A. H. Humphrey has laid off an addition to the south side of the city The lots are now offered tor sale and those desiring to purchase can not do better. They are more con venient to the business part ot the city than any others offered at as low rates. Property will go up rap idly within the next tew months. A. good profit can be made it they are bought on speculation. Public Sale. I will sell on my farm one and one quarter miles south of Virginia, Bates County, Mo., on Thursday, August 2rd, iSS, the rollowing property: 104 head ot high breed Merino sheep, 4 work horses, t two year old colt, and all ot m v farm implement, corn in the held. Terms made known on day of sale. 37-t. S. S. Cow ax. Land at Auction. I will sell at public auction to the high est bidder, two miles south-west ot Vin ton, Bates countv, Mo., n Saturdav, Sept, ith, iSS3, two tarms. One of So acres, 60 acres in cultivation, well renecd, good well and trame house. Alsoatarm of 160 acres, 65 acres in cultivation, 30 in grass, balance in timber, frame house plenty of water and, best stock farm in the county. Terms One half cash in hand, and remainder on three vears time at 9 per cent. 3-t. W. II. Crawford. 'TJNEQTJALED." Marsh's Golden Blood & Liver Ton ic is an Incomparable Remedy. "We have usea Marshes Colden Blood ii Liver Tonic in our family with excel lent results. For blood and liver com plaints it unequaled." Henry. L, Moore, La Crose, Wis., "Marshe,s golden blood and liver tonic is an incomparable remedy for puritving the blood and regulating the liver. I have used it myself and recommended it to others with unvarvihg success" James U- Walker, Kansas Ctiv, Mo, "Your Golden Balsam tor the Throat and Lungs, and golden blood & Liver tonic, have cured mv wife of incipient Consumption. They are the best medi cines in the world."---(J. T. Fowler, Da venport, Iowa. Marsh's golden blood A: Liver tonic and Marsh, s golden balsam for sale by J. II. Hitshew & Co; druggist.s Butler. Large bottles 50 cents and $1. August 1st, i-n. WALTON'S Optra Hsusic o GRAND OPENING OF THE Dramatic Season. AUGUST, 20th AND 21st. o The management ot the Opera House Circuit have at great expense engaged for the opening season the Old and Reliable Metropolitan Combination. GERMAN MILITARY BAND AND ORCHESTRA, under the management ot the veter an manager, MR. CHARLES MONTALDO. Engagement of the Eminent Emotional Actress, MISS EMMA WARREN, supported by the People's Favorite, HARRY L, SEYMOUR, and the most powerful Dramatic Organization. Now Belore The Public. TWO LEADING, TWO COMMEDIANS, "TWO SOUBRETTES, Each and every one of which is an artist in their role. Monday night, August 20th, for the first time in Butler, the Cele brated Dramatization from the Beau tiful Song of the ''Gypsy's Warn ing," entitled THE GIPSY'S OATH. And Tuesday, August 21st, HUNTED DOWN. PARQUET. - - - 50 cts. DRESS CIRCLE - - 50 cts. GALLERY, - - - 35 cts. Reserved seats on sale at Walton's Bank. Important. A lady was disappointed the first time she used De Land's Chemi cal Baking Powder. Her baking was yellow. The trouble was, she did not allow tor the extra strength, which makes only about one-half the quantity necessa ay. She learned her mistake and now reclares it to de the best s'.ie ever used. Eucklen's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder ot the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Teter, Chapped Hands, and all skin erup tions, guaranteed to cure in every in stance, ormonev refuuded. Pri-e 25 cts per box. For sale bv F. M. Crumlr & Co. 6 it RUPTURE. Dr. JohnB. Logan, of St. Louis-, Mo., w ill be in Butler liates Co everv Tuesday at Palace Hotel three weeks 'from this date, at whrch time he will contract with parties to cure all cases ot reducible hernia that may be brought to him. A cure guaranteed in every case or no charge, All I ask is that my tee be deposited eith at the bank or with some responsible per son, payable to me when the cure is ber tected and it not perfected at the time agreed upon, the money to be drawn by the patient. The average length of time required to perfect a cure by my treatment is about tnree weeks. The' oatient confined to bed or house, but can attend to the ordi nary business affairs of life. feg"Read the following testimonials, tew only are inserted here. UrPER Alton, Ills., April .29th, ISS. Dr. Logan: After having been rup tured and wearing a truss for eight years vour treatment has proved perfectly satis factory. Three weeks ago to-day, i took off my truss and have been without it ever since. I am confident that I am as sound as ever. Respectively Yours, Gilbert Carr. St. Louis, Mo., May, 2th, 18S3. Dr Logan: I find that am cured, not having worn my truss tor eight weeks, and during that time have done harder work than ever before. 1 went under un der your treatment January 4th 1SS1. Yours Respectfully. Albert Aiciiter. 11 14 Cass Avenue. St. Louis, Mo., June, ioth, 1SS3. Dr. Logan, Dear Sir: I take pleasure in stating that you have entirely cured my rupture, ot eleven years standing and I cheerfully commend to all, suftering trom that painful mallady, wno desire a speedy and permanent cure to avail them selves ot your treatment. Yours Respectfully. P. Peckhak. 12 Washingt on , Ave. St. Louis, Mo., July, 10th, 1SS3. Dr. Logan: Mv gratitude for the in expressible relief, and the hope that oth ers may benefit by the acknowledgment, induces me to add my testimony in be half ot your never failing treatment for the cure ot Hernia. I am perfectly cur ed, sound as ever. Would not take $5, 000 and be placed in the same condition I was in, betore taking your treatment. Very Respectfully, John Tremlett." Proprietor of Belvedere Hotel. 1232 Washington Ave. 35 3' For a Clean Shave Go to Crouch Bros, shop, near southwest eorner of the square. They have a neat, rwr.ict table room. 35lf. County Maps For Sale. We have five late county maps for sale i at ?;,oo each. Times Office. sS-tf 1 Order of Publication. State ot Missouri, 1 sv. County of Bates, In the Circuit court of said county, No vember term, 18S3; Jasper Bowman, plaintiff, vs. Marion D. Bowman, defendant. At this comes the plaintiff herein, by his attorney betore the undersigned Cleik of the Circuit Court in vacation and files his petition and affidavit, alleging, among other things, that defendant Marion D. Bowman is not a resident of the State of Missouri: Whereupon it is ordered by the Clerk in vacation that said defend ant be notified by publication that plaint iff has commenced a suit against her in this court, by petition and affidavit, the object and general nature of which is to obtain a decree of divorce trom the bonds ot matrimony heretofore contracted with defendant, and that unless the said Ma rion D. Bowman, be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof to be oe gun and holden at the Court House in the City ot Butler, in jaid county, on the 5th day ot November next, and on or before the sixth day of said term, it the term shall so long continue and it not, then on or before the last day ot said term answer or plead to the petition in 6aid cause, the same will be taken as con fessed, and judgement will be rendered accordingly. And it is further ordered, that a copy hereof be published according to law, in the Butler Weekly Times a weekly newspaper printed and published in Bates county Mo. , for tour weeks suc cessively, the last insertion to be at least tourjweeks before the first day of the next term of said court. J. R. Jenkins Circuit Clerk A true copy from the record. W i'tness my hand and Seal ot : seal. : the Circuit Court of Bates county, this 30th day ot Julv 1SS3. J. R. Jenkins. Circuit Clerk. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given, that letters of Administration- upon the estate of Benja min Coats deceased, have been granted to the undersigned by the Bates county Probate Court, in Bates countv Mo., bearing date the 24th day ot July, 1SS3. AH persons having claims against said es tate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance, within one year trom the date ot said letters, or thev may be pre cluded from any benefit ot such estate; and if said claims be not exhibited with in two vears from dat ot tSe publication ot this notice, they will be torever barr ed. "J.N. Bradley. 36-4t. Administrator. M 3 ER'S SAMPLE ROOM, Refitted and handsomeiv furnished Pure Liquors and Wines, Fresh bottle and keg Beer. Give me a call, East s-ide square. pJRffl TORE Opera House Building STORfT "W. Mr. Ball of the above firm has just returned from an extended trip through the Eastern markets, "fJrP lare amounts of goods for both the HOLDEN and BUTLER STORES, has se cured Great Bargains which we now offer to the people of Butler and surrounding country at BED ROCK PRICES. We will save you money by call ing and being convinced, as we defy competion HXT. jQ. JBTB JEFL , Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Platedware, SPECTACLES 5S Complete Line of Optical Goods, OPERA FIELiJ, AND MARINE GLASSES Agent fur the celebrated ROCKFORD R. R. Watches. Also keeps in stock a full line of All American AXD SWISS WATCHES. Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Satisfactorily Done. THE NONPAREIL J. F. WILLIS, &. o. OPPOIBTE OPERA HOUBE. K The handsomest room and furniture in the city and the finest liquor and wines in the market. Free Lunch Every Day. Work Given Out, On receipt of your address we will make an otter by witch you can earn $3 to $7 evening, at your home. Men, Women, Boys or CJirlg can do It. II. C. Wilkinsons Si Co., 105 and 197 Fulton Street, New York. 21 jrn. T. 3D). TE-IJFTTEEE. Right at the lower scale, South side square, keeps a lull line of me a Haley (Broceries. Quecnsware, Glassware and Woodenware. Also a full line of good substantial Dry Goods and Notions, Boots, Shoes Hats and Caps, all sold at prices that defy Competition. 2o-tf. IHTtt'XRr JbXJCSr STORE Keep Constantly on hand" a well Selected Stock of Oils, Varnishes, and Everything in the Drug Line. WEST SHE PUBLIC SQUARE. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded both Day and Night. Having opened a new Drug Store in Butler, Mo and having had many years experience in the drug busniess we cordially invite the public o call and see us. We guarantee our drugs to be pure and our prices a, low as any place in the city. Give us a call BERRY BROS. TRUNKS! TRUNKS! TRUNKS' Xew stock, new styles and new prices. In jjreat abundance, new and nobby styles. Call and look. Mc Farland Brothers,