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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, October 10, 1883, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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t liam. T. cff arlii-
Be-Organlzed, But Hot Changed.
The SeSlia S. W- M. B. Association
no Better Than Before.
ti, Witp.r.Y Times, published every
Wednesday, will be sent to any tduref.
one year, postage paw, ior
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10, i88v
Out in Colorado there is a wonder
ful loosene.is ?n morals. It appears
to be ingrafted into the very be ng of
the state itself, and socieiy winks at
it rather than openly denounce and
condem the evil. A lrge per cent
of the female portion oc the c:ties
and towns have fallen lrom the b:gh
estate to which every one ol their
sex is heir to. Hundreds of these
once beautifu', refi ned creatures pos
sessing by their nature the virture of
an angel, go to the grave in (he
mostdeprayed and shameless condi
tion. When once they go es ray
there has hithe: to been no pla"3 oi
refuge for them mi the centennial
state. But as soe'ety becomes more
civ-II -ed and'stable it re'igious du
ties and sympathies for the afflicted
and fallen ones ot the race grow
proportionate! stronger and more
God-like. The Catholic church,
whose peculiar dogmas ae denounc
ed by die Protestant world, have
done much to alevlate sin and crime,
and whose love for tne oufi-.ast and
friendless ?s a cardinal pt'rt of its
religion. This church has establish
ed in Denver the order of 'he Good
Shepherd the mi cion ol which is to
receive and reform shose female out
cjsis who ilesne .0 tcpeiu and aban
don thiir lives of .sin and shame.
Surely this is a great field tor such
reformatory institutions, and Chris
tianity can exert its influences in no
greater cause than reclaiming from
the thousands of dens of vice the
t -
women wuose lives ot crime is a
blast upon the sex.
The French masses don't seem to
harber but precious little respect
much less sympathy tor the Kings
cepter. Last week while King Al
fonso ol Spain wat passing through
the streets of Paris in a carriage the
populace became o enraged that they
hissed and groaned and stroke the
carriage with sticks, rocks and the
like. The King was very indig
nant over the insult, and the officers
of the French Government fealt mor
tified but all to no purpose. We
shouldn't wonder it there is not some
war talk indulged in over this little
the second is waging war in its own suicide. A child was born betore
bosom, and from the third it must ' he committed the deed. lie made
State Issvrasce Dept.,
St. Louis, Aug. 20. )
Lingle Uro., Clinton, Mo.
Dear Sirs: Yours ot the 13th
inst.' came during my aosence,
hence the delay in answering you.
I have examined the leaflet enclosed,
and find it, in substance, very like
the leaflet of the ousted company.
The word "endowment" is changed
to "expectancy" a distinction with
out a dl Versace. Xo company or
person can do an endowment or ex
pcl?ncy life insurance business in
this State without first complying
with the life insurance laws of Mis
souri. Yours, truly,
John- F. Williams, Supt.
A leaflet ot the Sedaha S. W. M.
13. Association, since it was reo.
ganized, was forwarded to die State
Insurance Department and brought
'he above reply. This is conclusive
th t it is not doing business, as has
been asserted, wkh the approval ol
he Insurance Deparcment. Henry
coi.!ny is free from the ravages of the
r.en's of this company through the
cAorts of the Democrat, but severa'
coun'ies in the Southwest are catch
ing a big benefit.
It will be seen by reading the
ibove coiresnondpnce of L'nde
iros., oc the Henry county Demo- . .,
ral, with the State Insurance com
missioner that the above insurance
;ivc no riorht to do l)USl- I - 1
nes i this slate. Now, as we tm- n,ised 11 suit Wlth the rp:csenlaves
, . 1 .1 - 1 , f I Ul 'JC .CIICMCI.1 IJCC.lit: lilt- I'i 111
de stand, there is several agenls of ' '
' i i-i .i i- . ...
wmcn require me ranroau company
uu ex
clusive accommodations tor its coior-
The Louisville Courier-Sournal
has sent out c:rculars to the Demo
cratic members of the next Congress
relative to the Speakership. The re
turns justify the statement which the
CourSer-yournal makes that Car
lisle will receive the second o" thud
ballot in the crucus i r6 of the 191
Democratic votes, leaving the re
maining 75 to be devided up between
Randall, Cox and Springer. We
trust this estimate of Mr. Carlisle's
s 'engtn will oe verineu 1:1 tne it-suit
of the caucus.
Down in Texas the colored peo
ple are raising war because they are
comodations 011 the raihoM'is
The Houston & Texas Cen-
go. It w;I! be a day of jubilee.
An Oxfordshire (England) baro,
net has lei't his estate to his confiden
tial valet, who ha lived in his ser
veic since boyhood. The baronet,
a hot tempered man. in early lite
Bates Co. Horticultural Society
met at the court house. T X v...."
large berry in the chair, minute t
number of letters and giving a full j 011s meeting read and approve,!
history ot t ie case she kuieu neicii. 1
his wife or mistress promise to to!
low him. Alter writing a
truck and killed a servant
valet, then page boy was the
only person that saw the deed done.
He testified strongly m his master's
favor, and remained in his service
until his death.
as she crazy? Not a bit of it. Not
a bit ot it. Not according to the
common a-cep ance ot the word.
1 nt , a 1, . .-1 ...... -wt-.-.t ii -i . - r. v -i .1 -1 f -
i 1 1- . 1 V-7 I V I -"V ij 11.1 .1 OUVd .111 MMW-
tion for another, that they will sacri
fice their Ife tor the loved one it is
outside ot the nale of medical judg
ment. Sedalia Democrat,
ermanent organization teninor ,-;
j ly passed.
j Essay on round leaded borer hv
'E.P.Henry. V
On motion Mr.
was re
on the
The old "State Furnice," in Bath
county, Kentucky, began operations
in 1791 and continued for forty-seven
years. The cannon balls used
against Packenham by General
Jackson at the battle of Xew Or
leans were made in this furnace.
Many Balis that were mad at that
time, and not shipped, are on duty
in eastern Kentucky door tops.
th;s fraudulent comnanv orsera.inT in
this county, we take this method' of to Put 0,1 l!lL'u" t-ams equal
warning our people against this
Soiuhwest Mutual Benefit Associa
tion. It is a humbug and you had
just fs well throw your money down
a rat hole.
An eloping couple from Dutch
Kill. Long Island, supposed the
parents of the girl were in ignorance
ot their hiding place. They were
greatly surprised, therefore, when
one day about a week alter their
marriage the old gentleman walked
into their new abode and made ihem
a present of $2,000 with winch to
begin life in good style.
Do yon want Fish.
The shipment ot youne Carp will
commence about the first of Novem
ber, and continues as the weather
permits. The supply is abundant,
not only for private ponds, but clubs
and individuals are urged to applv
tor Carp for stocking lakes ami
streams throughout the state. Such
applicants may also pay for cans :nd
Express charges, as the commission
has no funds tor transportation ex
penses. Xew applicants can address
Phil Kopplin Jr.. Forest Park St.
Louis, or E. Cottrell St. Joseph Mo.
The fish are furnished tree, but cost
of can and Express charges must be
paid for, C. O. D. Due notice will
be given to each applicant before
shipment I. G. W. Stekdmax.
moth, iv
ed patrons,
the South.
Such is the situation at
We pub'.'sh in an otb;-r column
tne iitiiMie1:'! statement ot .he Bates
Counfy national bank of this city
and as fi- ares speak louder than
Wendell Phi'lips one of the origi
nal aposto's of IlepublLaivsm has
spoken thuslv:
"Hut at present there there can
only be vvo political parties. The
republican is one. I distrust and
despise 'he republxans as hypocrites
ana tune-servers, as double-dealers
rs soulless carrion masquerading in
the grave clothes of their honored
predecessors. They have no right to
seek their candidate among the
high-minded and honorable men.
Let them choose a fitting leader
from among the Tewksbury Marshes
those peddlers ot poor men's
Surely this is a emarl.able speech
both for :'s fi'th a.id he source
from which ;t emena es. One of the
founders of he Repub'ican party,
the blackest and most rab;d Abo
litionist tha lived, and the Souths
most contcmp'able traducer was this
man Wendell Pb lbps in the days of
his prime and usefulness : but now
impa-red by age :nd sending on the
abyss ot eternity he is conslrahuvl
to abandon his o'd company -his
poluical home and seek rebeT oi
mind and forgweness for Ins past sms
from those whom he had, despised
and s'.am'e'-ed. The old man must i
Ko .ifll.'-.t...1 . J ! T r !
I. .uiiLitu HiMi nevus. ne is t:ti
clean fake h-m away.
The attempted robberv of a pass
enger and express 'iirin on the Atchi
son Topeka & Santa Fe railroad at words, we cheerfully -a'lyour atten-
Coohdge, a small station in western tion fo tbe statement. It is certain-
Kansas, a week ago, was certainly H' a sp'end'd showing, and one that
as bold in plan and attempted execu- the stor'i hold -s as well as the offi
tion as ?ny effort ever made by the ce"s 1,1 charge nny well feel proud
lames oanu. mere was even as
much or a greater disposition toward
blood thirsfyness than was ever dis
played in the famous raders ot the
de.. met band, as great as that dispo
sition :s admitied to have been with
them. The robbers appear to have
determined on the kilbng ot the ex
press messenger anci conductor as
well as the death ot the engineer and
fireman, before they tempted to
proceed with the robbery or give the
train men a chance to save their lives
by obeying any oroers the mu.derers
might see ft to make. If the au-
We have it from the Democrat
and the Democrat has it from Mr.
Thos M. NIchol, who was in town
last week that the iron .or the new
railroad lrom Butler to Hume has
I been purchased and will soon be
delivered and track laying on the
aforesaid road will soon commence.
So much for tins much.
Ex-Senrtor Conkling is getting
bravely ov.t the mad fit which at
tacked him so ruthlessly something
over a year ago, rnd now says he
thorities have the riorht men. .md
the e is but li;ae doubt but what hyill ener public life again whenever
they have, dien there should be
mercy shown them.
the people ca1! him.
bid for office.
Qjite a clever
Within the lat year the women ot
the United States have given the sum
of $600,000 for the spread of the gos
pel to heathen lands. Of this
amount the Presbyterians gave near
ly $200,000, the Baptists $150,000,
liie Congregationnlisls $130,000
the Northern Methodists SioS.ooo.
and the women oi: the Melhod'st
Church .South ."iio.
The New Mexico town of Shakes
peare was ridded of scoundrels two
years ago by the hanging ot a few of
them aiid the fight of the rent. Rus
sian li.u was one of ti?e ior
mer. He had been a ve-y bad man a
horse thief, highwayman and bum
mer. The sheriff of the county has
received a letter from the American
consul at St. Petersburg, making it
clear that Bill was a son of a Count
In some biography of Abraham
Lincoln, allusion s made to the old
ir:Il m Manard county Illinois, in the
Gen. Roger A. Pryor, the gallant
ex-on'ederate gene -al and one ot the
rroit profound lawyers and eloquent
owne'stup ot which Mr. Lincoln J-dvo:a.'es m America, sailed or En
was a partner a long time before he g'and October 2, to defend O'Don-
s before the conn- ! ne". i'e slrver of Carev. the inlor-
About the smallest ."cc we have
yet known a State Legislature :0 be
guilty of, is t're rere.it -e'.-al ot tlie
Legislature of Georgia to de'rav the
uneral expenes o' the h'e Gover
nor Alexander II. S'ephens. Who
could hae d-eamed ot such base in
gratitude !
joru upon Georgia soil, lived to
pcuorm the most useful and pat-i-p
ic sorV"-. e to he Com -non we? Vi
Pt any man in i s h't, ,-, a id fin-'Iv
omes cire ma?'a'e ot h,m.
r "
lea ider II. Stephens goes
o the g ave full of age and honor.
fllhe greatest lomn'opcr o' the ccntu-
'V, and is refused the insignificant
pittance ot a decent b.'rl.d at ihe
lands of the slate. Shame, shame
jibe upon her escu.chon forever.
IJTrue enough ihat the worst forms
IJpt mgi aiUude a e found in a repub
lic, and that a prophet his honor
ave h's own countrv.
j Real estate is changing hands rap
:tiv in this countv.
became so l.imou
try. It was while employed in this
business as a means oi support for
his family mat 'he snbsequently
great man met and become acquamt-
d witn so many ot the settlers who
were at that t-nie on the frontier of
the country. The mill v:i bnilt ,n
1G29. and luis stood the ravages of
time and saw its original owner rise
from a very humble lite to the Pres -deney
of the United States, until
last week the t uel flames burned it
to the ground. The e is nothing re
markable abou. the above more than
it is a remnvscence in the Ire of
one of Americas' greates commoners.
me.. Sedalia-Dcwo'v-j'.
While spending a few days rn
Boston recenlly Mrs. S onewa'l
Jackson and her daughter were pre
sented with a very elegant basket of
flowers "with the compliments of
the Grand Army of the Republic."
Col. George Kuapp, senior pro
prietor of the St. Loa;s ItefiuBScj
is dead. His death occured on a
steamship wh-le in trans:. ,rom Lou
don to America where the Jeveuse.1
had been for bis health. Col. Kin-pp
was Missou.n's o'dest journalist,
having entered the orlice of die 7XV
fubi 'can at he age of twelve years
and continued with it to the day of
his deaih a penou of fifty -e:g.t years.
While noi a very bri'Iiant man in
any particular, he was always a safe
counselor and conducted his g ert
paper ;th splendid Wisdom and
foresight. Co'. Knapp wJII be m-s-ed
in the public places ot the state
but the history oi his life will long
survive him. He was a nadve ot
Montgomery county. New York. I
Tlie small ranchmen (A Texas are
hold ng meetings and threaten that
unless the wire fences are removed
they w.il destroy the range by fire.
i ms evidently means war among the
stock men.
During seventy-five years of dem
ocratic administration of the govern
ment there was no cry for civil re
rorms. 1 nere wrs no necessity .01
it. Poluical assessments were un
known. Twenty years of republican
administration have caused a cry for
rivil service refo-m f'om one end of
ot the country to the othe-, and none
cry louder or more lustily than the
republicans themselve. At anv
time in these 'wenty years they cou'd
have purified the civil ceri- e. 1
. 1 1 .1
tne neginmng tney coma nave re
trained from . 01 1 up. -ug i ... The
best way to purh'y it; the most com
plete searching and tar reaching re
form wouUl he to tu;n them all out.
And this the people will do. Such
a law would be eas'Iy understood.
r or once tne governor has thrust
office upon one who did not seek it.
t 1 . .
we. -e'er to the recent appointment
of Ge.i. Oliver P. Gooding as Po
lice Commissioner ot St. Louis.
The Massachusetts republican
newspapers, a. !er taunting the Mus
?''husei.s democrats to their heart's
con ent with their support of Gener
al Bu ler, have now tinned the:r at
eniion to the democrats of the soudi,
whom they taunt with "burying Lhe
spoons. " Thece pnm, dign;fied
hypocrites, will not let the w?r be
forgotten if diey can help i:. Tne
"outrage mlil" and the "cpoons"
must go together. The republican
part- never had any bas:s but p-ed-
judice, no policy but faction, and no
bond of union but the spoils of office.
The first principle has tailed away,
Eemarkable Suicide.
Last Sunday, at Pittsburg, Pa.
Miss Fannie Bryant Newton com
mitted suicide by taking laudanum.
She was a most remrKablc woman,
and committed the deed under the
most remai'Kabie Circumstances.
She was twenty-five years old, hand
some in face, possessed ot a fine
physique, and a ver finely educated
woman. She was a grand-mece of
Alexander Campbell, founder of the
Christian church. Her first cousin,
Archibald Campbell, 's editor of the
Wheeling, Va., InteU'gexcer. Her
great aunt, Mrs. McKeever, was
principal of the Sommerset, Pa.,
Female Seminary, and she her-elf
j A Novel Suicide,
Galveston, Oct. 7. The news'
Waco special s.rys that near gates
vi lie some time ago a son-in-law ot
Mrs. Shaw lost his wife and turned
over his litde two year old child to its
grandmother to care for. lie mar
ried again, and was desirous of re
gaining possession of the child. Mrs.
Shaw be ing unwilling to sui render
the child, it was taken by force. Ag
grieved by the loss she on last
Wednesday suicided by lashing her
self in a very ingenious manner to a
stone fence, first saturating hcr
cloih'-s with kerosene. She then
struck a match and applied it. When
found she was dead. Her body was
horribly burned.
A Drummer's Joke
Dallas, Texas, Oct. 7. Emil,
drummer tor V red Meyer, grocer,
of St. Louis, was brought from Hen
rietta yesterday by a deputy United
States marshal, charged with pass
ing a twenty dollar bill of Meyers'
advertising money. He owed a bill
ot $14 in Henrietta, ;md handed his
creditor a $20 bill of the above sort
and received $6 change. He had a
hearing and was bound over in the
sum of $150, which he has so tar
failed to give. Emil says the whole
thing was a joke ; that he intended
to go back and pay the debt.
quested to furnish an essay
subject for publication.
On motion all essays and ofl,.-r
matters of the society are free to the
papers for publication.
Discussion of codlin
Henry Speer.
Irregular discussion n Borer's.
Committee of three appointed 011
piog! amine ior next meeting:
I. Robbords, J. II. I,.ims fj
Committee on constitution
by laws reported, a mouon to
cept the report and discharge the
commit.ee, was carried.
On motion the iurther considera
tion of constitution and by laws, post
poned till next regular meeting.
Committee on programme report
ed .subiects for next meeting.
Flowers, variety adopted to dooi
yard ornamentation and their treat
ment, by J. J. Xcwht.. v.
The strawberry, best aiieties and
b-st mode of cultivation for this 1 :.
tude, by C. I. Robords.
On motion, the ladies .-n .. .- 1..
invited to .utend the meetings of the
Adjourned to meet the 2nd Frid-iy
in November at the City Hall at i
a- In" Hkxhv Sim:i:u.
Reporl of ihe Condition.
OF 1 HE.
Hates Counf .National Bank,
At Butler, in the State of Missou
ri, at the cojc of business, on
Tuesday Oct. 2nd, i88j.
On Wednesday evening next, mis
laughable comedy. Fun in a Board
ing ocnool will he given rt the
Opera House by the F. C. Gayior
Comedy Company. The comedy,
as the title suggests, is of the fun or
der and it is claimed that there is a
nigh every minute. The price of
lamission n"s oeen placed at ulty
cents without ext'-a charge for re-
served seats
Lo?n and discounts,
U. S. Honds to secure circula
tion, Othe.J stocks, bonds and
Mo .aes,
Due from other National
Due lrom State banks and
Real estate furniture and fix
tures. urrent expense and taxes
(hecks and o.her cah item,
Hills of other banks.
Fractional paper currencv
nickles and pennies,
Specie, gold and silver coin
Legal tender notes
Redefinition fund with I'.
S. Treasuier percent of
Due from !?. S. TrcaMi: er
other than 5 percent re
demption fund
1,071 b
50,000 00
15.49S 68
14,333 04
i.JIO l
3.377 00
5 5
20,478 50
6,720 JO
3,000 00
Tot.-il .
' j'pital s'.ock paid in . 5175,000 -oo
Surplus fund, 20,000 00
Undivided profits 7.4SS
National bank notes outotand
inff, 3j,oo to
individual deposit subject tri
check, 200,163 79
Time certificates ot deposit 2,'4 27
Certified checl.s, 1,600 00
Due to Other National banks, i,?;6 21
Dee State banks and bankes, 102 37
iStatk of Missol'ri, 1
If the gentle. neii ( ?) thieves or
son-of-a-guns who borrowed our
overcoat and boots this week with
out permission has anv compassion
on the down troden and oppressed
country editor thry will return them
at once. If they don't our . mud j
hooks will trost bite and we'll take
cold in our sninal column. A man !
who would steal from an editor :
I, K. .t. 'lifaid, Cashier of tlie above
named ban!:, do solemnly swear that the
above t-.tatcment it -ue to the bet of mi
! knowledge and belief.
j F. J. Tvoakd,
I Subscribed and sworn to before nic
j sKAi.."j thisr.tti (iav ot October, rsS;,.
j Mr commission expires Auz. 21st i-i'io.
v M. K. J'VI.K,
Notarv Public.
J, I. KlWARO;, 1
. C. Ci.akk, Dirc-cto-s,
1.000 coolies. A capitation
S5ohas to be paid on their arrival.
had been a principal in the
schools of Bloomington. III. She
t , - T .. f v
1 -V planter
ton, an eminent physician ot Cincin
natti, who was over 60 years old.
He was separated from his wife and
family and divorce proceedings
were i.i progress. An affection of
the unparalled intensity sprang up
between the aged physician and the
refined and intelligent voung wo-
O al
man. In the presence ot witnesses
they exchanged marriage vows and! At the recent Havemcver ball
lived as man and wite until the di- ! Newport, most of the dishes were
vorce case was settled. A publica- i serv ed on white sugar peseta!, carv-
tion of all the tacts in the newspa- : ed from huge loaves of sugar at Mr.
pers caused the doctor to commit ' Ha vemeycrs re 5nery in Brooklyn.
F. C. Smith,
would ride his grand-daddy on a rail 1
and. steal his grand mothers cats and ' 'p 1 T' 1? The '.VorM w !.-; S..-
sell them for boglona sausage. : ( ,.-V,'''Jv. JZ
1 fasteBt selling artuae in tbe iriarhc:.
j Rockvilh Cilobe. i Contains iS sheet note paper, i5 er.-.c-
i lopes, pencil, pen-holder, pen and a
i 1 hand.orne piece ot Jewelry. Retail price
I Queen land is importing Chinese ; 25 cents. Four doen tor $0,00. A
,- . .r , ... i watch guaranteed with every four dozer.
coolies to v. or.c t he suar p!a :;:iKns. , T.
J vou order. For 2-cents, in one or rvv
planter recently went to Hong ' rent postage tauips, eill "r.da on.-
Kon- with a commission to engage ! Pje e wmp.e package, e o.a
. piated sieeve buttons. Ooid rtlated 'ud.
tax of ' sold piated collar button, handsome
Sixteen hotels in Chicago are as
sessed at $6,00.000. The theaters
of the city are valued at about SSoo,
I watch chain, gold plated rin and elegant
j fccart pin. Reiter large amounts. 4S
page illustrated catalogue of gu- s, se,'r
1 cocking revolver-, te:e-copes, py gla
' watches, arordeor.', violins orjanettck,
i'c,, tree. Write at once to World Man
ufacturing to., 120 'vrI,T, 1?
Nassau Street, N. V.A V jL 1 JJ J
C'.' re complaint cf Women and fis
eases ot the Stomach, Howe', Lungs,
I.iver and Kidneys, and i entire! ydiner
eat from bitter-, ginger eience and oth
er tonics, as it never intoxicate. 50c,
andSi cize, large saving buying $1 size,
ilistos Si ' o-, New York.
' :-y M

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