Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL ITEMS. ON THE BOOM. ----- An Interesting Batch of News C B. Lewis' wife is lying quite ; Gathered Bv a Times Ke- sick with malarial fever. The whole county is swarming' with parties wishing to buy land in this county. J. G. Collins, of New Home township, gave us a substantial call the other 'lay. porter. What the People in the Count; are Doing:. ! OUR CARTOON AND COMMENTS. J WE FLAG THE TRAIN! Everybody on the Bargain Seekers Rail Road stops at our signal, -Honest Goods, Laziest PriresV The wise a, ' the economical get off right here. Pass High Price, Gough'em and Swindletown, and STOP at "The Lowest Point on the Liner' Get vour tick. ! via this popular route, and come straight through to BIG BARGAIN DEPOT.. We are waiting for you with a big assortment ot the latest and bt, Stoclc Feeding House Building Coal Bridges &c. N. B. Teter has removed his jewelry fctore to the Obein brick on the west side ot the square. Dr. Boulware had the fly team of the city Sunday, and of course did not need step ladders. A. Henry, who has been sojourn ing at Colorado Springs for several weeks returned home Friday. Walnut is still moving right along and new houses are still being erect ed as fast as carpenters can do the work. The Columbus buggy is recogniz ed as the standard ot excellence. Sold by. WmciiiT, Glorius & Williams. Our young friend, R. L. Gaaves, who has heeri attending the St. Louis fair and Louisyille Exposition, returned home Monday night. Lost. On Main or Pleasant street, i all wool , worsted vest Sept. 20, 1S83, The finder will please dehv er the same to this office. AFfre Minutes Talk with M. Wolfe. Grand Announcement I Ready and Waiting for You ! The Finest. The Latest, The Most Artistic Styles of ?d M. L. J. Scodder, cashier of the Adrian banking company was in the city Sunday last. Mr. Scudder reports the bank in a prosperous condition and doing a good business. The glorious rain the first ot last week has made the wheat jump out of the ground and furnished plenty ot stock water which was badly needed by our stock men. Joseph Elick, of near Adrian, one ot the Times oldest and most punct ual subscribers droppec in on us the other day. Ot course his visit was of a business nature. The new safe for the Walnut bank has arrived at Hume and will be taken to Walnut as soon as the new building is put in readiness to reccve it. The Studebaker wagon took the first premium of the Kansas City fair in competition with all the lead ing makes. We have them. Wright, Glokius & Williams. Aaroa Hart has moved his dry goods and clothing store from under the Palace hotel to the store room un der the J)emocrat office. He now has one of the nicest and most com modious rooms an town. P. f. Jewitt, the pioneer furniture man of Butler, ismaking a big drive for a big trade in his line this fall. We suppose vou haye read in his adrertisment the special inducements he is offering those who buy a bill to the amount ot $10. Now don't think this i some little triffiing present for it is not, it will be something useful and handsome., as Jewett don't do things half-wav. George Fredrick, one of New Home towiishps noblest young men died at the residence of his father Rev. S. W. Frederick, after a short illness Sept. 17. 1SS3. His disease was typhoid fever, and after nine days of suffering the Master called him home. Geoige was just blooming into manhood being only 23, years of age, and was loved und respected by all who knew him. His parents have the svmpathv of the entire community. Aaron Hart has the nobbiest suits necties, scarfs, hats, and caps in town. Manufacturers of adulterated Bak ing Powder claim that their adulter ations are not injurious, Possiblv true. Water in milk is not injurious to health. Of few beside: DeLands Chemical Baking Powder can it bt. :id however, "This Powder is made or urape Cream Tarter and frpita ou.y. Sold bv A. L. Bride & Co. Butler Missouri. Bicaib Mc- A Times reporter cornere Wolfe the other day and from a five minutes talk gathered the follow ing interesting batch of news. Mr. Wolfe is county surveyor and mine inspector of this county, and has done as much it not more than any one man toward making Bates county what she is to-day, one ot the first and best advertised counties m the State ot Missouri. lie has done this in his quiet way and per haps the people have not give him the proper credit due his untiring en ergies in this direction. The con cise and condensed reports of the mineral now hid beneath the black and loomv soil ot Bales has all been brought to light by this energetic ser vant ot the people and forwarded to Tefferson City to the proper authori ties, who had the report published side by side with the reports from other counties, and scattered broad cast over the State. Mr. Wolfe, has received some very complimentary letters from the State authorities in regard to the satisfactory manner in which his reports were gotten up. The tew items which we here give came under his observation while traveling arround in different parts ot the county. The first is that of C. II. RAINES, of Pleasant Gap township, and a number one farmer who is now bus ily engaged building a handsome two story residence 16x36 with a large L addition. T. S. DA V. of. Deepwater township, is also busi ly engaged putting the finishing touches on a handsome two storry residence. HEXHY SPEER, the pride of old Summitt township is just completeing a large barn and making other valuable improvement about his place in the way ot out buildings. E. W. OGLtSBV, one ot the rattling farmers of bleed ing tvansas, tired of draughts and grass hoppers has dropped down on 320 acres of as fine land as a crow ever flew over in the kindom of Shawnee and is now busily engaged hauling lumber for an elegant resi dence and a large and commodious barn. He is coming to stay. May be live long and prosper. GB1GGS & BAILEY of Round Prairie, Hudson township, two ot Bates most enterprising farm ers and stock men are paying their earnestand undivided attention to the feeding of 205 head of excellent 3 and 4 year old steers as can be found in the county. The corn and other crops through this township were good as the people are energetic. Lets throw up our hat and talley one for Hudson. Jcoce wix, of Pleasant Gap, is losing no time at the present ia putting up a two story brick residence, and completed will be a living ment of his energies. JUDGE BALLARD, of Spruce township one of the no blest sons of Bates countv is at the present time "'ceding 235 extra tine steers, a hundred of which we are informed he would dispose of at a reasonable price The Judge has mixed and mingled with cattle so long the boys in the neighborhood are begming to believe he is a regu lar cow boy. Jack elgix, of Mound township has. just com pleted a large addition to his dwell- j ing and made other lasting improve ments. i fSBIIffRl And Household Decorations. We claim our Stock includes every desirable new Style which rcndersit ALWAYS INSTANTLY POPULAR AND INSURES A READY SALE East Side Public Sqare, Butler Mo P. J. JEWETT are gi owing fat and into dollars and cents fast. II. B. CHELF. The. good book says the first shall be last and the last shall be first, The Ready Kevolver. J. T . Pettis was arrested by depu ty constable Tucker of this place, The citizens and business men of j Papinville will present a petition to 1 the county court at their next meet-! nig praying mat nouv iukc ,....- , Fmay ,nd br() 1)cfore his honor diate steps to-ward lepa.nng the E - so we nave saved tnis inorougnoreu : -.- 1 ; mr nml witn shooting at, with intent Kentuckian for the las; that he might '-Vgne, nei ..l auu tQ kiM w M y Gnflis m Pawnee Mr. C.hrf. s iust i-o.n the reading ol the petition ami ju.ig- Bowlin- Green, and has wisely bV the number of names signed drove h7s peg down on five hundred ! thereto immediate action should be acres of choice land in Cove Creek ' taken in the matter. The pettioners valley, Mingo townsh.p, and gone 1 state that immediate action upon this right o work putting up one ot the ;: matter will save the county several l?gest residences in Bates county. thousand dollars. If the bridge is The handsome structure when com- really in as dangerous a condition as pletedwillbe iSxio. eighteen feet Reported something should be done high, with a large L addition. He ; before the meeting again of county will also put up a large barn to , court, as that might be too late, match the house. He is what you j An ounce Ot cure is worth a pound would call the true type of man. 1 of preventative. Therefore, the A full olood Kentuckian. An old j county should hasten to the relief of fashioned southern gentleman, as his ' this bridge, and give it the proper at latch string, which hangs on the out- I tention without further delay. side and the keg ot old Crow on the ( "Fun in a Boarding School" will inside fully testity to every one that j be given at the opera house Wednes crosses his threshold. It you don't ! tjay even;nff The papers, in cities believe us m regard to his hospital!- . playCd by this company, speak of the ty ask Marshal Wolfe. In behalf ot the people ot Bates county we wel come such men as Mr. Chelt, to our count)-. NEW SCHOOL HOUSES. Black & Blaney have the contract to build a new school house in Dist. 5, Mound township. The house will be 26x36. Pleasant Gap, Dist. 2, is show as an exceedingly amusing one. We can easily believe this, as Mr. John E. Ince is familiar to theatei goers as a prime fun maker, and is surrounded by people who have met ropolitan reputations as comedians The play abounds in funny Mtuations and sayings, and the papers we have seen call it one ot the funniest per- township, in the eastern part ot this county Thursday night of last week. The circumstances and cause of the shooting as we get it from the con stable who made the arrest, are about these: GrifKs is renting a! small farm of Pettis, and Pettis who We have five late countJ mP tOT . . 1 . .1- . i at $2,00 each. Times Office., jS-8 n 4111 11 11 Hit 1 1 11. w 111.111 uuann Farm for Sale. I will otter my farm situated ij mile northeast of Butler, cuntainini' lJ3crtt no in cultivation, balance pasture, i fenced. New ttvo story house with 1; rooms Well finished, 300 bearing appl trees, excellent well of water and goot cistern at the house and never tailin; stock water. 1'or terms, enquire at prem. sies. J. T. Graves. , Pure Kentucky whiskey, for medica! and family use. Lewis Hokfmas. 30-tt. ' North Main St. County Maps Fr Sale. also building a neat school house formances they ever saw. Miss 26x52, which is nearing completion, j Allice Baldwin and Burton Adams BRIDGES. The magnificent iron bridge that spans Panther creek, built about one year ago, and he one that crosses the same stream between Rockville and Papinville, are as firm to-day as when first built. The abutments of the two bridges are massive and are as firm as the rock t Geberalter, and the huge iron structures resting on them will stand for ages to come as a living monument of the wisdom j the the Bates countv court. j were for several years witn the Fay Templeton opera company ; Mr Frank Richmand was formerly with Dion Bourcicault ; Mrs Grace Clare has been with Maria Prescott, and Miss Clara Bell, who creats a furore with her parody on "Pretty as a Pic ture," is well known as a member of McVicker's company. Those who attend are promised an evening of pure, rousing fun. 'BEST OF ALL." Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver Ton ic is an Excellent Remedy. wnen monu- KOCK QUARK I ES. The rock quarries near Rockville; are a big thing for that section of the J county. There is some thirty orj " My wile was cured ot Liver complaint forty men employed in working these and disordered blood, with Marsh's Gol quanies and from iS to 20 car loads i den Blood and Liver Tonic. It is the of this excellent rock is shipped per!8101' a11 remedies."-(James J. Wright , T . , , ! Des Moines, Iowa, week. It is sent to all parts of thet.,v. , . T . . . i " our Golden Blooa and Liver Tonic is country, east, wst north and south, j an excellent remedy tor biliousness and and is used for building and crim- j loss ot appetite. I have used it several ming purpose. It is pronounced to j times." Mrs. Mary Thomas, Fort Scott be as good building stone as can bei Kansas- .iy oioou, liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels were out of order. I used in j severai remedies and prescriptions with- Bates countv. j out benefit. Marsh's Golden Blood and COAL. ; Liver Tonio cured me. It is a grand ... .... . i medicine." John G. Hill, Kansas City' It is a tact recognized and long since . given up bv everybody from pole to ' Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver Ton pole that Bates county stands to-day j ic, the great blood and liver purifier, and and is recognized as being the kingi Marshs Golden Balsam, the famous countv for coal m the ITnitp.l Sfrire ! throaf aTld lunS medicine, are for sale by found in the country. We are glad! these stone quarries are situated but this last find in Hudson town ship of a five and one half foot vein J II. Ilitshew.'v: Co druggist's, Butler. Larye bottles 50 cents and $1. him. On Thursday last the two along with a number of other neigh bors were invited to a house raising in the neighborhood, and all went smoothly until dinner time, when the entire party went in to eat dinner. While at, table some one in a jocular way remarked that the whole outfit were" a set of gluttons, others of the party made similar comparisons, when Gritfis spoke up and said the men put him more in mind of apes tnan anything else, it was this re mark that stirred the manhood ot young Pettis, and came within an ace, if reports be true, of making a widow and leaving several children fatherless. He felt greatly agrieved at being compared to an ape, and demanded an explanation of Griflis, who quickly made all appoligies necessary, by telling him he had no reffcrence to him and did not even know he was at the table and etc. Thi; seemed to satisfy Pettis for the time being, and night coming on the t r. r 1 si ... two icir xor nome. uncc at the house Pettis again brought up the matter and was again assured by Griffis that he did not intend the rc maik for him. Thus the matter Stood till bed time when Pettis went to bed in an adjoining room. Griffis wife also retired and Griffis not be ing ready to go to bed pulled off his coat, threw it on the foot of the bed and sit down on it. He had not been in this position many minutes? until he heart! a slight noise in the room in which Pettis was sleeping, and raising his head looked in nd saw Pettis raise up in bed and at the same moment presented a; pistol which he fired, the ball just grazed Griffis, struck the coat he was sitting on and passed through the bed clothing and; lodged in the floor. Mrs. Griffis who is a very delicate ladv being afflicted with neart disease jumped up and ran out doors screaming at the top of her voice supposing her husband was killed and fell m the yard. Pettis' realizing what he Had done got up and left the place, and was captured as above stated at the house of bis sister the next day some three miles distant from where the shooting oc-i curred. If you have a lame hoise net a bottle ot Jackson's Linement, at GuttYVvard. Dry Stovf Wood- We will deliver good dry stue wood to any part of the city at out dollar and twenty five cents per load 4i-3t. Power & Bio The best dollar collar at the jigs of the red hame. Gus Wvard. 42-tf iMoney to I,oau. t )n real estate security 1 to 5 ;tw time at six per cent interest and RmaJt commission Terms to suit the borrower. 3tt. Sim & Tucker. AM work warranted at Gus Wy ards, sign gold mounted hame. 42-tt More saddles to select from t Gus Wy aril's than anv place in the I city. Sign red hames. 4 2-tf Dtily Hack to Walnut. I am running a daily hack to Walnut City. Leave orders at McBride's. Round trip $1. 37-tt. W. II. Votxc. Farm for Sale. The undersigned will be t Sprague, Bates county, Mo., or it Henrv Janes in Walnut township. from the 20th to the last day ofj Ail-rust. iSSt. to sell the A. II. ' - 'j Thomas land at Sprague. 37-2t L. L. converse. For a Clean Shave Go to Crouch Bros. hop, near bouthwe eoi ner of the square. They have a neat, -orr.roi !ab!-roor.. - .1?" Jacksons Linement works wonder Gus Wyard keeps it- 8trawberr:e. Thnse who want fresh Strawber- rirs iievt summer should set oct plants in July or August. Chas. I. Robards of West Butler will fur nish best varieties & instruction to plant. 34 R. Weil & C''i. Stock ot Boots and shoes are complete in every particular, pbu" figures, good goods and low price are our motto's. Call and ee R. Weil & Co. t lx tf. North Side of pure coal by Capt. Dunnonoo &j sdt.cte(l stock ot Holiday Books and Co., who are busily engaged dHiingj Toys ever come to Butler, at M. A. j nla near fht? old silver mine, is inst ow- i n.iri?s. 1 ztt ! life tinr a little bit better than the This was certain! v For a reliab'e Boot or Shoe at a a very t. ival !!ow Price tn R- Weil & Co. most ; lad expected. This com- DR. J. D. CARPENTER, prepara- PROPRIETOR is Eve. Ear and Throat ter over which to fake a mans 45tf. ! me. i euis we nave no ciouoi nasj i repented of his lolly oiten ere this, S w North Side Square- sanguine had exp pany ismaking extensive ..ions to mine on a large scale in but, repentance will not atisiy the! WM. WILSON" . of Mound township is feeding 13 head of 3 and 4 year old steers. He has a fine place and is a successful farmer. J. K. Rosier ot the same ty.vsiship is also feeding 73 or So 1 when you want a nice suit, one that two and three year old steers which : n ' 'r- 5rn "P- hi neignnoihoo.i an. I e:e Jong tie sw itch en ins wli be disturbing the Institute, Kansas Citty Mo. peace and quiet of the tired granger Win treat and operate on a!! diseases i ot the Lve, tar and lhroat. one dav or ; each r.ionth at this p ace. Remember the date, Kutler the joth, Richlliil the nth. The sign of the red hames is the best olace to get harness at Wood ; Wood ; Newton and Callihan, two enter- mandates of the law. So he mustprism2 ntieman nave umc - . i..-..-,.! ri n lir nriftf, T1 1 rt CiT IlU' amivcr -it til- m-vr tt-rm r.t rr.nrt tn " i the charge of shooting with intent for miles around. The day is not far dis.ant. lev & Co's, lumber yard on Sot& - . . . , , . ,t. fid ,,, ina:n r:. ana Keep consiaui.jr ; hand and deliver to anv part of the ,csty choice .Sry tove wo xl. If V Aaroa Hart, the pioneer merchant! ... ' a nnfi atv i0;i f.t .tove woo4 of Butler, :r,d bos thing Whv dor.t you go to Aaron Harts can now -e U erst office on ind undc the Demo th north side. His! iiouse, !thcre ;s the piace to 2et ltm GivctbeA call. 43 stock i complete and co. uprises all j The big red hames is the bass at Gls Wvard. the latest stvjes Gvs Wvard. r-