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(6 if! rfl eio, a o4 ''"ft Jar eot Pr lev Olf : 31 vol. vr. BON- UlLLIAH D. KELLEY. The Oldest Member of Congress in age ana service. A BRIEF SKETCH OP HIS L1FK. In our last week's issue we ave a portrmtot the youngest member of Congress, ''and as a sequel, we give this week an exceflent likeness ot the oldest member of the house, the Hon. Wm. D. Kelly, oi Philadel phia. V Mr. Kelly was born at Philaclel- phia April 12th, 1814, and is there fore nearly seventy years of age. He received a very thorough En glish educatiart and begun life as a (iftof-resder in a pointing office in kii nabve'citv. After a tew years thi capacity he became ' an ap srenbce in a jewelry establishment. Hiring learned the trade he remov ed to Boston where he worked five yean as a journeyman jeweler; he then returned to Philadelphia and begin the study of law and in the. Oane of time entered the profession alio devoting himself to various lit erary pursuits. Mr. Kelly was twice elected Pros ecuting Attorney of the , citv and county of Philadelphia, and served far ten years as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of that city ;was a delegate to the National Republican Convention at Chicago in i860, and mt of Lincoln's heartiest supporters He became the Republican candi date for the Thirty seventh Congress and was elected, and has been re tained consecutively every term nce his first election, bv an aver ige majority of about ten thousand wer his Democratic opponent. Mr. Kelly has been and still is a conspicuous figure in our national Legislature, his utterances com manding a pi estige consistant with aialong service and varied ex perience in public lite. His greatest ambition is to continue during life in his present position as representative from Philadelphia, and his constituenc y will no doubt accord him this honor. South Mt. Pleasant. - w i 7 av L'vut uiiV' 1 1 n rv duty. essrs. Chas. Cbenot and Dave JcFshrland two young chaps from St. Clalir Co., HI., are visiting in thil ticb nity. Vt'eniad the pleasure of partaking & a dJck dinner and a turkey sup P oil Christmas dav. Or. the same lay we witnessed a friendly scuffle, between a father and son. the old gentleman being 6S of .life bile the son is 32. We were agreeably Mirpried to see the ol.l "in conn out victorious, and after toe tiis-lr. clrt'.m his hands on Ins "d? a;nlg.-t 111 th 'first crowing owr opponent, nd you will have t V i. again. ee .itlgiev h:is been out !iiue I. week- laid u, with boils. our correspondent paid a vi-ii .'hristmn day to A. S. liadgiev"- shall. I he employees are i'c-i:;g ! nv!i' as thev are now ving in s ilK' iim-.-stone roek. sh?t is :it prwf.r 46 teet deep 1 ! c V : i o t 1 til ffclher-in-law t Al-izo Madgle's 6.1 11 visit. 'SjuU Mt. Pie.ia.:i: i. a hard ?vit yj of trio count v t m- it in tin pi io.ii.f corn. .liina iy Held will fi.t;d 00 bushels o'er aero. II m l If I iTTXER. THE LEABO TRAGEDY. The Evidence at the Prelimiary Trial Sufficient to Rind the Prisoner Over. MOIi VIOLENCE THREATENED. The preliminary trial of Tohn T. Leabo, charged with the murder of bis wife the particulars of which were fully set forth in the Times last week, was held at Walnut last Wednesday and Thursday. There were no new developments of particular importance other than were contained in our last weeks statement. The Justice before whom the trial took place found suf ficient evidence in the circum stances and testimony taken to bind Leabo over to await the action of the Gr-nd Jury. Sheriff Hanks conveyed the prisoner to the Neva da jail for safe keeping. There was considerable feeling existing at Walnut and in the vicini ty from the time Leabo was arrested till his trial was over and he was re moved from the county. On the night prior to his trial a strategic effort was made to get Leabo out of the Butler jail for the purpose of hanging him no doubt, but the firmness ot Sheriff Hanks and his advisers prevented such pro ceedings. When the prisoner was taken to Walnut the next day for trial it was necessary for the Sheriff to organize a strong posse to protect him and prevent a mob taking the law in their own hands. Threats to hang him" were loud and numerous but there was no or ganized effort made. The people are disposed to deal harshly with murderers, now, since Bates county courts and juries are inclined to deal so lightly rn administering justice upon such criminals. The body ot Mrs. Leabo was exhumed Friday by the instructions of the Prosecuting At torney, Mr. Francisco, and another and more thorough examination made of the bruises on the throat There are some very sad features to this very sad affair other than the death of Mrs. Leabo and the imprisonment ot her husband charged with her murder. The mother of the prisoner, an old lady, overcome with the charge against her son, became ill shortly after his arrest, and died on Friday morning, the same day he was sent to Neva da. Mrs. Yoakum, the mother of the murdered or suicided lady, as the case may be. is lying quite sick at her home in Kansas. The fright ful shock ot her daughter's death was very severe on her feeble condition, and it was reported once that she, too, was dead, but the Times is hap py lo announce that the report was untrue. FOUND AT LAST. Marsh's Go den Balsam far tbe Throat and Lungs is the Right Eemeay. Twentv foui vears a;o my wife and I were on lake Ontario in a sail boat, dur ing a sharp iviiid tjrm and were capsized and thoroughly drenched with water and chilled through. She took a severe cold and trolly!., trom whit" she never recov red. I have spent hundred- ot dollars ior hvsician prescriptions and patent medio n'oat M in vain. A short time a 'a i w.: jiiveti a wm?! bottle ot Marsh t; Jen 1 . !-:i:n tor tne throat and lung. U -ce:ne,; :! help her. 1 purchased a large boit'.n and then another and two more to- at last i hd tound the right rc edv. It has cured her. (J W. tirown carriage nanulattiuer Kan sas Citv Mo. M irsh's linden b lot tlie throat and hingi. and M .r-h's Golden Mood and Liver tonic tor sale by f -1 1 - I tthew & Cu . drti j -U's HitJer. l-anje bottle iivc it'.- it 1:0 I MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 2, lSS-l. Badgley & Gipson, We will give special price on BOOTS & SHOES, FOR SIXTY DAY'S, As we must reduce our stock tor other Goods. We are always Top on Produce. Pay the HIGHEST PRICE FOR FRESH PRODUCE. Competition U no blulf to us. Weal ways meet the closest prices. HOLIDAY GOODS Are coming-. Remember our place i on the South Side, Green Front. C. B. LEWIS, Boss Livreyman Has opened a NEW STABLE, One block west of OFIEA KOTO His Buggies are New His Teams Fresh and Spiilteo and urges ate reasonable. CALL AND SEE HI. h.v.pentz::p. - DMLKK IX FURNITUR . BABY I IAGE it all styles and Good Hearsa oa Tvi Ude and iuniilil on sliort notice Outers may be lelt at F. Kvns -table alter niirhr or on Sunday. Butler. M V; l SEWARD A. HASELTINC, PATENT SOLICITOR & ATTY AT LAW, FHITTGrFIBIiDf MtO. (AaaoclaUd at Whinarton.D. CJ Oarmpoodaaa ngaastcd. laquirM unortd fraa mad vromi. UU Scar Healthy action to Cm Liver d relieve all bil lon troubles. FREE! RELIABLE SELF-GURL i. .i .nvur.te inTitioii ft n of tftfl . '.V (- ! ' f X I- I'll tit A I ... .,.r"li'.'-vf. Iruci-unait. TK OR. V.AftD & CO 'j-.- Wo. of1 v w f Lit Wo wish to state we are still at the front with our usual line stock of fine and medium priced nETLTL 37 JlTL i 1t TLTL or e - HOUSEHOLD DEOOBATXONS. We have just secured the two large display rooms west of old room in Opera Block, besides a large ware house which we have filled chuck full of Furniture. Our UNDERTAKER'S DE.PATMENT, is complete. Hearse furnished free. Respectfully, WM. 1. WALTON, Opera House Building, Butler, Mo. Buy Your Harness and Saddles AT JBTJTIISI, ATVJO OF McFARLAND BROS & MILLS, TOkX3k7 BLd jaj" "CHJ 137 XZ3 J3L nCC T5T 9 IN SYNDICATE BLOCK. FT BUTLER DRUG HOUSE. OF J- H. HITSHEW & CO. is now read tor business with an excellent new aorfnaent o pure Drugs and drutjgihl sundries. North side square, UutScr Mo Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Platedware SPECTACLES lfw ... c"met r"'nc of Agfrit for :w rel-bratfl " ROCKFORD K. R. Watcht- Als-., keeps in Mock kMt tx line ot (JTZ lv-MslJ: Id A r-i-iP s .1-. r irii.i m All --American r. AVE SWISS WATCHES. R'p.iirinj of Watches. Clock Wishing You All OTP 1 01 A beautiful imported nioss rose china tea set will be jjiven away with one box of matchless baking powder to the person drawing the lucky num ber placed oposite his or her name. The Tea bet consists of 56 pieces. Baking Powder warranted equal in qualityty to the best in the market. No Humbug, Call and see it. T. ID). US A IF T OPERA VIVA a. MA HI NT. GLASs' ami Jewtlr. Sntis.Tcorily Done. a our HM EKn AT IE US, NO ?,T 3XTt 19 U;j. 1 - sf. and rclutcU. 'ji t.r irv The T.crvMt dvtvc, 31, Fail an1 Winter, 183, I final wholes! price dirty f to conmnvrrt on ewtrrihiuit von we, tax, drink, war, ot Lare fun with. Te41a Itnw t-r Jer -liL cxnt crmt, 210 ja Ure -a,300 ffl'jstratiaos a whoJe rim! from the markrts of the world. . tirr jrireWk in tiienie trmuiim iiSirt.iarln. 8eot fr Uany - '-?. vpjti rereif Xof Jtt). I-t u s '..r trnm ym; t,r vi';t m wbi in tturritr. -Vcar Eximitirrti L'lisjirrjt, llerpertf-dl'y lesiiTGmAimitm&cQ. 11 mw ArmtFi CMnup. IB I I v 0 :