Newspaper Page Text
1 '.--! r0L. VI. BTJTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1. 1SS4. NO. 7- I ' ' T hPir MM. 11 WASHINGTON KCDOET. 6 HefteacnVfi ow lear i.cvec. I Orer 100,000 Calls Msulc in uasniiiKuin. heJfew Congressional Directory iml Hs t'nrlons Kerla - tious. -- r " bngress Again at Wprk. Kan- dall'rf Policy. Th Hunt ington Scandal. Presidential succession. Xfecial t the Butler. Tim. , Washi.voton, Jan. 13, 1 January lt, 18S4, has passed into L hisforv f time, and with it the mafs ot another New, ear da v fe- Ivitie in Washington life. With I'fxcention of Inauguration day tiff four yfearsMBe first of Jandary fbt uosC btillisni Hay in Washing--s nocial and political circles, ami, hough the inclemency ot the leather tins year detracted from the lual exhibitions of street gaiety, the Lloor receptions in olficialand jpri- Ite residences' were on a scale of visit expenditure and display. THE I'BKSIUlsNT's KKCEFTIO.N rotirse, was the center of attrae- is, fo fully describe which would ir tf inuehjpf- your f .lu:flle kkjaatA Vvnoost of thd . event flKfit beVnfhtereting to,.the'rea(i 5 of theTiMK.s. The interior of the Executive Man- nwM elaborately decorated with ni designs at an expense of , nenr- $10,000. At eleven o'clock as frl notes of tkllail tothe Chief,' repl.fye'dby the Marine Hand, uioncn in me vcsnntiie, 1 resinem. rthur, accoii)aiiied hy Mrs. Car et entered the corridor followed the mcnibvT.s of his caonict ; with if-wives and -01110 twenty-live. eminent ladies without escort who ;re to asssist in the reception. The ftvproceccleil tothe 'Blue Room' he middle ot w hich the President jk up hi position with the ladies his right and the Secretary of ite on his left, the other cabinet waters being-ill the rear. TheDipIomatic Corps were the ! received, Secretary Frehnghu- 3 presenting them to the President ter which followed the Justices of I. S. Supreme Court and their iVM. Colonel I acuwcll and Mar- ill McMicliat 1 then took the Sec- arv of State's position and piesent- Ihc Senators and Representatives. This consumed one rour when the wr and navy were received, fol- wlbv department officers, Mexi co Soldiers, the Grand Army, Old- Inhabitant's Association, and n the 'public in general. The tMilent shook the hands of over e thousand people, aim alter- "rls,; in, answer to an ' inquirv betherhis arm was fatigued, he ve to: "Not at all. I have learned e science of spending a day in "ting hands without becoming rd. I invariably manage to grasp hand and do the shaking ;mvselt we my visitor has the opportuni to collect his thoughts " The residences of the cabinet, roister, Supreme Judge. Sena - r Congressmen and the lesser of fwl of note were "open" during afternoon, and it is estimated that i fn t CO, 000 calls were made in the p hom 1 1 a. m.' to 6 p. in. , W , xev CONGRESSIONAL. 11- t - I Just bee j. . 'inter and it reveals sonic curi i personal statistics V: tif the pres i t session only twelve are new to 'tbodv. Mr. Morrill of Vermont c oldest, being, 74,! while Mr. "R.lof W. a., i .the youngest tor. ,t. heing onlv .V . years , of f he loo'f t seiMtonal bio-ra- n the directory is tliat. of tljtlr, 'own of Georgia, who admits . that "se he fa ore J . rt constriKtioii Mircs he "liciamc very unrinJit r salves his vanity bv aiksert 7. that "in everv instance wlu n Jhe Hern a candidate Ik fore the neo f '5 Has leeU suCcesstHl." The iesit.U-UU . i tliiit of Senator o! Florula. who occupies icm Tlie" richest senator i Mr. lir t Nevada, rtputed to be worth JjJiUift0.s, Utoagh Mr. Bowcn of dorado, in saJd to possess nearly as foch f J$iurt 1 "Jhe -poortt "are j fattt a'tfoien tit rTi'e'b'ulherfJ ena- ; F Whose riches are on an even plane, being confined to fiieir sena torial salaries. Iirovvn of (jeorgia, and Mahone of Virginia arc the only j two from the South who are wealthy Senator Iiutlci ofS. C. is pronounced the liahdvinet man in the Senate, though Mr. Kuldlchcrger of 'a., disputes the palm in this respect. Ex-Senator Ingalls i-j considered the best debater and Senator Morgan the best logician. Messrs Edmunds ind Garland arc the ablest lawvirs, while Senator Vance is the fine ihetont iciau and best fctory-tellcr. Iiut to rrnrn to the flirectory: Both Ma hone anc' Riddleberger make their confederate records a conspicicus portion of their personal Senator Anthony js the oldest in sen atonal services, and Edmunds next. NATIVITY OF THE SENATORS. Kentucky leads the states in furn ishing the present Senate with eight native born senators ; Ohio comes next w ith seven ; New York six, Georgia, Teriilcssee, Virginia and Pennsylvania each four: Ireland, three.; j( Jones ot Florida, - Fair . and Small:) England,' '' ' oni (Jones of Nevada) : and Scotland, one. (Beck) and two for Iowa, the rour gentle men representing these states having been born in the Buckeye state. i THE J lot SB IV THE PIRECTOKV. ' - -. ' - '.. There arc twenty ' foreign born members of the House. The oldest is Mr. Kelley and the youngest Mr. Post, General Rnsccians has the longest biography, nearly a page, while Messrs. Skinner, of N. C. and Houseman, of Mich., giye -simply their names and post 'otfice 'address. After Rosfcraii". ex-Speatier Kei fer indulges in Jtie longest sketch. A grandson ot Henry. Clay, who nrw sits in the" House employs less than thrre line-. Till! AIKM HERS WHITE f THBIK OWN SKETCHES. ; member seem to coincide with that j view. The House Ways :n,A .Means i and Commerce Committees will ; meet to-day ami they expect in a short time to admit j number of measures for action On the whole i this month will record some lively times in both oranche. ' j 'I HE PRESIDENTIAL St'-CESSION . ! question will.probaoiv be settled this f pasr,a;jc of a bill pro- j WALTON'S OPERA HOUSE and a great diversify of taste is man ifested as to what is worth telling ot themselve. For instance, John S. Wise ot Virginia consider.-, it an honor that he ".vas Caotian of the Richmond Infantry Blues for several years." L. II. Wtllcr, of Iowa, known in his state as 'Calamity! Welier," informs the country that though born and reared a democrat, he oted for Fremont. Lincoln. Grant, Greeley, and then sandwich ed Tilden in, and next votd frr Weaver, the Greenbacker. After moving to Iowa he "tiiled the soil in the day, and studied law. politics and theology at night; was admitted to politics at once, stitxjucntiv to the courts, and finally to the church." Mr. vVcller then details a number of defeats while running for office, while most Congressmen conceal the defeats and make the successes prominent. Col. "Tom" Ochiltree says that he is the "first native Texan ever elected to Congress, and as the bachelor he omited to :av when he was born, but gives his age away when he states that at the age of sixteen he engaged in the Indian campaign ot 1S54-55 ; he is therefore torty-six, or thereabouts. NATIVTY OF THE MEMBERS. The only native of Washington in Congress is Gilbert M. Woodward, of Wisconsin, whose birth in this city was accidental. New York leads in the House with 35 native sons; Pennsylvania. 33; Ohio, 31; Kentucky and Virginia, 17 each: Massachusetts and" Tennessee, 13 each; North Carolina, 12. Of the entire Arkansas delegation (7) in both Houses, but a single member Will born in the state. Only two ot Ihc' Mississippi delegation (9) are uatives of the state but she gets even b. having sons in the Arkansas, Missouri and Californ:a delegations. Of ihe 401 Senators anil Congress men 267 are lawyers, while the re maining number represent over forty different trades and profession. winter by the pasaorc of a bill vioing mat me line ot succession 1 from the Vice-Presidency shall be j the President ot the senate ru ttin next the Speaker of the House, and-j finally the Chief Justice ot the U. S. j Supreme Court, with one to till the office until another election has been ordered and taken place. Ex-Senator Eaton, now a representative in the House, from Connecticut, will champion such a bill and it has a large number ot advocates. THE Hl'NTINCTON LETTERS. are still the great theme of conversa tion among politicians. One bene fit will accrue to the country from their publicity, and that is, they are an insuperable obstacle to the Hun- tington-Mills-Ci'ocker scheme to grab the Texas Pacific land-grant. Fourteen millions of acres of land are involved in this grai?t, Jiid the Committee 011 public Lands have prepared a number of bills declaring it forfeited together with about o, 000,000 acres in the northwest. Very few members, in the light ot these letters and the Newell diary implicating several Western Sena tors and Representatives as having received oyer $300,000 to aid in se curing the passage of the grants, will dare to oppose the forfeiture of these public gifts to the railway monopo lies, gifts that were ccmv'. by the shameless lobbvof 1870-72, UK EE NOTES. it is now settled that Mrs. Carlisle is the official head of society in Washington. The President's re cognition of this fact New Year's day compels rh wives of the Cabi net dignitaries to submit to the rul ing, though a few of theni acquiesc verv ungracefully. The President's health is declin ing very rapidly. So say those who have enjoyed ins personal acquaint ance for years. He is troubled with insomnia. The Greeley Relief Board have completed their -inquires from Ex Arctic explorers as to the best and most practical plan for a relief expe dition and will soon recommend some definite action. Mr. Blame's late conference with President Arthur is gradually leak ing out and causing considerable speculation as to its final result. I ur ther developments may be expected. District Attorrley Corkhill said to me the other day that he had' no doubt of his reappointment by the President. He exhibited to me a telegram from Mr. Crowlev, of New York, pledging Mr. Corkhill hi in fluence and saying that he had writ ten the President urging Corkhill retention, whose term expires on the is)th instant. FOUHD AT LAST. wish to state we with our usual line cjj MEDIUM PRICED r - m m ar aw m an? st ill at the front stock of tint and FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD DECOHATIOXS. W a have just secured the two largo display rooms west of our old room in Opera Block, besides a large ware house y J i Vll1! t tl have tilled chuck full of Kurniture. Our DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. HEARSE FURNISHED FREE. WM. E. WALTON, Opera House Building, Butler, Mo. Buy Your Harness and Saddles 1 ITU McFARLAND BROTHERS & MILLS. WOT" JJOl. IS, lis SYNDICATE BLOCK, If! - VALUE! IT Sftrbh's Go den Balsam for the Throat and Lungs is the Eight Remedy. ' AGAIN AT WOKK Nine tenths of the senators and Congressmen hae returned from their holiday vacation and once more f Congress is in .session. During the ; recess Ran:!Hsr Committee on ap ; prtpriatknsemainedfih the cjty and j accomplished agreat-ilefal f busi- ness while non. of the other com-! mittevs bad ,- sufficient quorums lo j formulate any :iriasur s lor introdttc j tioif 111 the "Kou! thiw eck. .... .. KANDALLSV polI-'Vp i is t get the. appropriation Hill in 1 bape a soon a possible and push j them Ihrotigh JflLordcr that vongress : may adjourn at an e.:nlv dale. lie j believes that this ouriit t be a j short and busy session and ".iany I Twenty toiwi rears ago my wile and 1 were on lake Ontario in a sail boat, dur ing a sharp wind storm and were capsized and thoroughly drenched with water and chilled through. She took a severe cold and cough, trora which she nver recov ored. I have spent hundred or dollars for physicians prescriptions and patent medic tfgs but all in vain. A short time ago I was given a sample bottle ot Marshs Golden haUam lor tne throat and luns. itseemeata help her. 1 purchased a large bottle and then another and then two uuire for it last 1 had tound the right re "eJv. II iias cured her. (J V. Brown carriage manufacturer Kan sas Citv Mo. Marsh's tiolden ba!am tor the throat and hoigs. and Marsh's (ioiden blood and i.ivcr t;v:iiC fyr ac ivJIL,I itshew XCo, druists " Hfciler, Uarge hottJe socenis and 5?:-' A beautiful imported moss rose china tea set will be i veil awav with one box of matchless baking powder to the person drawing the lucky num ber placed oposite his or her name. The Tea Set consists of sfi piece , Haking Powder warranted equal in quality ty. to the best in the market. No Humbug, Call and see it. T. ID). JBL A IF IT IE DS5 i . ! 4 i i BUTLER DHUG HOUSE. OF J. H. HITSHEW 6l CO. is now readv for business with an excellent new aortient oj pure Ilrugs and drtigg'il t:ndrie. , Nortfi fide square, Butler Mo ; 3XT 33- & T E3 JEL , Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, Solid Silver and Platedware SPLCTACLES c mpIete -',,lc w . OPERA- TESTED BTT TXEIE. CTROHC'C PEGT0RAL PILLS IV Mowm m vow HALF A CENTURY. Tk bt Vbrmm&f for (IntK O.M to A Mfciw ! . Iwn Uwutf Ainf. 1 1 dm fiMln iniittlinj mpHK, te Maw. A wot lor tlw r-MrafsJ ROCKFORD I aaL'thfr'uer t'li trjj kmount 01 money a latys county e real estate. (i.Hxl men wih good real estate can be at-comodated oc ery tavobTe ttnm.' V. F.- .tttox, I- f ft at B?t!e"r?iatio.iS f'.ar,. $i-f i VlsO U;tpsin stock a ' - lull line 01 All American s t- a.j 15 ii -' u .wn ' cSri '(CWrSs -'. CO F!ELi. AND MAKING GLASS Repairing of Watches. C!ck. am! cwclr. Satisfactorily Done. I?m tm mm nkll. mJL 1 tmmmr tH Vli'. Oij. The T,cri3uf Ocifcr,' Vk 34, Tall tad. Winter. gircs wholleprkn dirtii. to tmmen on errrrthini tou sae, eat, drink. or, .t hir ftm with. TtAl h.,w to rrder with exarteont, 21C page laree' j i-XTe rallerr. Omtitw intnrttaitMM , I t.tvi front tif markets lb wori j. . i.. .ker pt'-book in exire contain -.-. -tv.u h inPrir.atioa. Jsent ffWtoany ad 'r upon receiptof postage 7t). LtAw l.r "mm rmt, or risit on wbm in oi;r rrtr. iZJ St 1T3 Wi