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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, January 16, 1884, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1884-01-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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I fable Ho. Pacific if. it.
fcave Butler daily as follow:
r5SK.C. Express 7.50 V. m.
ETlt freight 9530 AM-
F r.K K C. Express 7 140 a. m.
F.. K.
.. ..r:lO A. M.
Cak.n'ks, Agent.
I-"ortnijzlitl v
rref Societies.
Archibald Forbes in the
Well, what is the need oi describ
ing the ideal soldier, seeing mat he
cause ot fallen human nature, he is
all hut an impossibility? Hut as the
marauding '-Yank" philosophically
remarked to Gen. Sherman: 'You
...w Iodze. So. 2U, meets the first can't expect all the cardinal virtues.
fliW' U K 1
Lni a,, M. uncle, or$i3 a month!" No, hut
y ,... u-mnil Thursday in each I vuu can ret a conrl m-m.. ,( ln ..Im.
So. 7"i I
uon' v;k. t..,i,, Pler martial virtues for less money.
utett the first Tuesday in each month. There is not much subtlety about
1 o. o. fellows. the ordinary run ot martial virtues.
jate Lodge No. 180 meet everjr Mon- Mv own belief, founded on some
the !
the sea
, oe musr. carry, marine him in the comes nanoy now. Boston fftm.
! face is the partner ot his early love, ' mercial Bulletin.
i'.. 1 1 . . - ;
"ur,"n""",m "raTery on , destitute ml poor, with six l.ttle ; Congress h:,s to adiou.-, oyer
iiicjioiur-ru-iu. ; innocent, ncipiess children depend- j Christmas holidnvs
lllT ill 71 npr
x 1 11 1 son ot "peace on earth and good
Mrs. Hess loaves as a legacy to to men." ould be a hollow
her Lege lord four httle prattlers ! mockerv .-Philadelphia Chronicle.
who will lie taught to forget that : r -
. r 1 , ,, Jett IJims anm:ts relationship to
tht-v i-liT h:i! :i mnthcr .
b...w Encampment No. 76 meets the
ndanH Jth Wednesdays in each month
LASH ROOK & SMITH, Attorneys at
Itw utler, Mo. Wil practice in
the eourt of Bates and adjoining coun
Iw, Collections promptly attended to
' T..... PaiH tnr Non-residents.
Office, front room over Bates county Na- you would run away?"
experience of divers of all nationali
ties in war time, is' that mo t men
are naturally cowards. I have "the
fullest belief in the force of the
colonel's retort on his major. "Col
onel," said the major, in a hot fire.
"you are afraid ; 1 see you tremble!"
Yes. sir,' replied the colonel,
and if you were as afraid as I am
I do think
Carllsl Declared to be
the Coming
tioiul Bank.
nl tT- three
S . P. Francisco.
. S. Francisco.
rwAN'CISCO BROS. Attorneys at
Law, Butler, Mo., will practice in
the courts of Bates and adjoining
Prompt attention given to col
lection. Office over Hnhn & 'o.'s hard-
re store. Q
l neys at Law, liutier, iuo. umcewesi
ids of the square. 22
A HENRY, Attorney at Law, Butler,
Mo. Will attend to cases in any
court of record in Missouri, and do gener
al collecting business.
W, O. JACKSON, attorney at law,
will practice in the State and Fedral
courts. Office at Southwest corner ot the
iquare in front room of Thompson Brick,
opotite Upera House, uuticr mo.
n V.BROWN, Notary Public But-
l ler Mo. Will draw and acknowledge
JeecU, contracts, leases and all papers re
quiring the acknowledgment or jurat oi
u omcer.
T M. CHRISTY, M. D., Homoepathia
V (Physician anal surgeon. fecial at
:ntion given to female diseases. Butlei
Ma Office, North side square front
room overBernhardt's ewelry store
out of four men would run
away it they dared. 1 here are
doubtless some men whom nature
has constituted so obtuse as not to
know tear, and who, therefore, de
serve no credit for their courage ;
and there are others with nerves so
strong as to crush down the rising
"funk." The madness of blood
does get into men's heads, no doubt.
I have the firmest conviction that in
cold blood the mass of us would pre
fer the air quiet rather than whist
ling with butlets. Most men are
like the colonel of the dialogue
they display bravery because in the
piesence of their comrades and of
the danger they are too great cowaids
to evince poltroonery. Thus the
verage man. made a capital soldier
in the old sboulder-to-shoulder days.
British vakels. British jail-birds.
German handicraftsmen, German
bauers, French phesants and French
artisians, were all pretty much alike
made creditable "cannon fodder."
1'hcy would all inarch into tire and
bear its sting, each man's right and
left comrade reacting on him and his
rear nie supporting at once ana
blocking him. In the fire the na
tional idiosyncrasies developed
themselves. The "funk" zone, so
'P C. BOULWARB, Physician a4 to speak, had been traversed, and
I. Surgeon. Office north side .quaere, ,he Jriton marched on steadfastly,
Butler. Mo. Diseases f women and ch li
fts specialty.
Omtiuedrom hut week.)
How Watch Cases ere Mads.
In 1875, thirteen men comprised the
tire working fore used in the manu
fcrture of the Jama BwsJ Gold Watch Out.
Sow over five hundred are employed, and the
lumber is constantly increasing. The rea
ms of this increase is this: In the Jamet
BW Gold Watch Gue all the metal in sight
ud subject to wear is olid yod,while the re
mainder, which only lends strength to the
we, is of stronger metal than gold,
firing gold where gold is needed, and
ftrrmg, elastic metal where strength and
elasticity are needed, a combination pro
ducing a watch case better than. solid, gold
ma at OKE-nALT the cost, X?
lute been sold, and erery jeweler in the
country can testify to their quality and
merit. , ...
T.enntaTOit. Vwl . file. L. IgRS.
."i Hswh, of the iHtotrmi, bought Ju. Bum'
IS TMn am. and eairied it until a
whan I ptuvbaaed it. and aold It So
"joBur. llMcaaaabowadnoalffaaof wear,axtt
wsatunl to tnr csm. and I am MtlsfWxl can 6
MrffMraDtsM for it feat tan yaara mors. I hava
uSMBMa Boaa Gold Watch Cane for many yam,
fjf paittaa who bonaht tb first onca ara carry-
. . wwi , v ww Miiiiini mm imuuhu mjvjt
nt Mild void emmm eortlmr twin IjM moMT. I
2am aa U onlyeaaeaoC thia kind JnwW
"ona of tbctr nouv or valuaa hi. rvnutmtlon.
WM. i. CVaaWAS, Jitrmltr.
lHit ta Kiyitu tM Cwa VmtmUt, rhlta.
"fc rmku4M, mil. Mit mkut.ata .
- mmr a4 ,yn Wat.k m an aaSa.
Tot Continued
the German advanced, with
slower step, the Russian stood
still doggedly, and the French
man spurted into a run with
ii tin .1 t.i J I. ...
a yen. nen uic uiwm ucon w
flow and the struck men went clown,
the p.-tssionof the battle became the
all absorbing question. And so,
whether by greater or less steadfast
ness, or greater or less dash, the bat
tle was won or lost. Till the cul
minating point, no man ever was
thrown wholly upon his own indi
viduality or ever lost the conscious
ness of public opinion as represent
ed bv his comrades.
Illicit Love.
Kort Scott Herald.
Mr. Hess, who lives three miles
north, came to Fort Scott on the
17th ot this month in company with
his wile. He took lies to the depot
of the Fort Scott & Gulf railroad
with the intention of sending her
south to Crawford county, Kansas.
Mr. Hess left his better half at the
Atlanta, Ga.. (anuary j. -The
Constitution will print to-morrow an
interview with one ot the most prom
nent Democratic workers in Wash
ington, in which Carlisle is iut into
the race for President. "I do not
consider, says the Democrat alluded
to "that Democrats have even a
fighting chance with any ot the pre
sent candidates, except Mr. Tilden,
who declares himself out of the race.
Hancock. Cleveland, McDonald,
Hendricks none of them can enthuse
the masses. We must take a new
man as the Republicans did when
they threw the old stagers oyer and
took Garfield. Wt want a man who
represents some live issue, and
about whom ambitious young men
2ather. Had Randall succeeded in
winning the Speakership nothing
could have impeded his progress to
the Presidency. V hy should not
Carlisle, who defeated him so over
whelmingly, succeed m his am
bitions? He represents a living issue
one that is aggressive and close to
the popular heart. His tremendous
strength in Democratic ranks may
indicate similar strength among peo
pie behind the caucus. He is a man
of tine ability, has an enthusiastic
following and few antagonists."
"Dut he is a Southerner," was
objected. .
"True," answered the speaker,
"but during the war that made this
objection significant, he was a consis
tent Union man. On Southern issues
to which the North objected he was
with the North. The point of his be
ing Souther geographical. As to that,
he lives within two miles of the
exact center of population as given
by the last census."
"Has Ins candidacy been general
ly discussed ?"
"In quiet circles it has. It is
under serious consideration. The
issue on which he won the Speaker
ship has largely outgrown the place
It has set the pace for the Presiden
tial campaign. No matter who the
candidate may be. he will have to
carrv Carlisle's platform. I say it
1 1
5 boldly ; Carlisle will be nominated
and elected."
a v.iiiciniiatti newspaper humorist.
The bosS ex-confederate doesn't ap
pear to have a particle of shame left.
It is very s;,d.Norr. Herald.
Artesian well men claim that it is
almost impossible to strike water in
Kentucky. Nature evidently antic
ipated what sort of people were go
ing to live there. Kurlington Free
"No, Charley isn't much of a J fill
storyteller. L,ast msrht he related a I I II 1
line anair mat took place a lew days
igo, anl blamed if he didn't tell
it exactly as it oceurcd." Boston
..vmiii au tne cares and vexations
of editorial work there comes to us
the welcome assurance that Frank
James' health is good. There is
much to be thankful tor m this life
after all. Lowell Citizen.
The most efficient night police
men employed in the great cities at
the present day is the electric light
which stands at the street cornor
thioujrht the winter's msht. silent.
unbribed. and without the smell ot
whisky about it. Boston Advertis
The bridal march was played by
W ill Corley on a harmonica. The
groom was attired in a hickory stripe
shu t and copperas colored pants,
and on his arm was gently suspend
ed his bride, like a clear rib side of
bacon or bushel of meal. Yonkers
Gath probably wrote: "Women
were not the earliest dancers in
Rome." The types made him say
"Women were not the earliest dan
gers in Rome." Which shows that
the types are not up m Roman his
tory, Boston Globe.
nil kib
Ard just opening a full line of
mi is m
A Delaware judge has sentenced a All(l WC Ollly USk VOU tO OXaillillC OUI iiT(K)(ls
man to pay a fine of $1,000 and be I
get our prices and he convinced.
GcREYNOLDSf & SCHWENK j'b ccKti tohear from her
Boot & Shoe Makers
IltJTMnt, io.
ami -hoes n:.u'e to order
het ot le.sder usod.
t!p nrt!i side ot Square. 4j it
Sign Painters
when she arrived ather destination m
Crawford county. When the train
for Kansay City pulled out it carried
with It Mrs. I less, and when it ur
rived in Kansas City there was a
man at the Union depot to receive
her. In the neighborhood of Hess'
lived a man known as Dobbins, who
is the laisbmd of a kind and affec
tion wife, and the father ot six small
childi en. Dobbins came to this (
Snow use A woodeu shovel.
New York Journal.
"I'm a kind of invisible blew,"
says the cyclone. New York Com
mercial. Most small boys display knee-
breacbes in their everyday suits.
Lowell Courier.
A wager between the Hartholdi
statue pedestal and the Keely motor
would be interesting Graphic. .
A professional reformer is a man
who tries to work his racket on oth
er people. New Orleans Picayune.
If seven days make one week how
many weeks does it U.ke to make one
strong? Oil City Derrick.
Courting is sometimes called
sparking, because the real lire
doesn't commence until after mar
riage. Judc.
Searching for happiness wouldn't
be so unsuccessful if you wasn't con
tinually findnv' fault. Whitehall
Society i very queer. 1 he peo
ple most sought after are those who
do not pay their debts. New Or
leans Picayune.
imprisoned for life. If the unfortu
nate man can't pay the fine it is be
lieved that the judge will add a lew
years to his imprisonment. Norriis
town Herald.
A pair of knitted socks two thous
and years old has been discovered in
an Egyptian tomb. Mr. Tilden says
the report that they are a pair of his
old ones, which he lost while looking
for the remains of the democratic
party, is a wicked invention ot the
mf '
enemy. Norristown Herald.
"What is the first thing done in
curing by the laying on ot hands?"
asked a Brooklyn quack ot the order
of the clcctrict-ecl species. "1 he
first thing required," replied the
"doctor." with a bland smile, "is
the lavinsr down of greenbacks by
the patient." The invalid ''drop
ped to his lay" and went out. New
York Commercial.
North Side Square, Butler, Mo.
Wide .Itvake Druggists.
.Messrs. F. M. Cnim'ey arc always
alive to their buslnes, and spare no pains
to secure the best ot every article in
their line. They have secured the agen
cy for the celebrated Dr. King's New
nurnverv for Consumption. I he
onH- certain cure known tor Consump
tion. Couchs. Colds, Horseness, Asth-1
ma, Hav Fever, Kronchitis, or any
aftection of the Throat and Lungs.
Sold on a nos itive guarantee. Trial bot
tles tree. Reeular size $i.oo.
Loan Insurance Agent.
Will Attend to the Following Business For You.
bell you alarm. Buy you a farm. Sell you unimproved .'land. Pay
Taxes tor vou. Lend you money. Insure vour property in the best
companies against
Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Wind Storms.
Make Abstracts to your land or town property, situated within
Bates county, and write and acknowledge all papers for you.
Has a large list of Farms and unimproved lands for sale.
all on or address me at Butler, Mo.
13sn. 13, i.interbur.r
Charge Ranable.
citv about the i6th of Dccmber and
" onian is the Sunday of man.
I It would be terribly monotonous to
. a.
i Ivive Sundav come every uay in me
week. Boston Transcript.
Don't blame our 'next year's al-
Wood and Coal.
Newton and Callihan, two enter
prising gentleman have started a
wood van! in the north part of Hur
ley & Co's, lumb-r yard on North
main St. and keep constantly on
hand and deliver to any part of the
city choice dry sove wojd. If you
want a good dry load of stove wood
there is the place to get it.' Give them
a call. 43,f-
K w Bass Line. '
j t ...!:.. I i!.,. iii-.imit jblc liver- i
' liai ii. i.-t .
I mm ot KutU-r who never ocs " in Vthing
1 . -
raining. Tapcr-lLiiij'uir. Dtcora
ting. Sign and Bugjv Work i
.-becked out of one ot our city i
banks the sum ot seven hundred dol
lars and departed for other scones '
rut rictnrf new.
Mr. HM. m.Ure.l a letter to her ! nianac if the sun is a little ahead ot
husband from Kansas City Inform- ' of time, but, impute the fault to the !
,ng him that the contract existing be- i railway, and their new time stand- j
tweer him and her was cancelled; i ard. j
th.t in thr future she intended to I The man who married a girl be- j time and term, lo suit borrower. Abstracts
l.tishal! her love, kisses and affection i cause she "struck his fancy" j Df titles furnished. J
ion D.l!vns! whit a load of guilt says she strikes lum anywnere mat t miner .mo.
bv halve, has purchased an elegant New
tins and will run it to and iror.i the oep t ,
tor all trains. All order left at his j
ble, the Lacledi hotel ro Wrignt ii. ilo- ;
rious'wiil receive prompt attention. 5J tl
Money To Loan.
At . rvr cent on real estate security:
l. Tucter Ac Co
Dailv I'apers and Periodicals always on hand.
Only $1,25 per Annum.

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