Into Yhe midst of a brigade, it could
not have created greater consterna
tion. Those who had not been ad
mitted ino the mutiny were simply
astounded ; while of the mutineers,
thev were troubled with conflicting
emotions. Fear, hate, determina
tion, dread of consequences were
. ' plainly discernible tniouthem. Not
4 man moved. They seemed rivet
ed where they stood, the sleet falling
upon them, the heavy dark clouds
that lowered ovei them seeming to
be terribly suggestive of the future.
In a few moments, Clanton ex
claimed: "Whv don't you tircr"
"Are you cowards as well as mutin
eers?" "Then if you don't act, I
will." "Sergt. Russell of the Fifty
ninth! advance ten steps to the front !
There was a slight disturbance no
ticed in one of the companies of the
fifty-ninth, and four or five men
tapiclly exchanged a few words.
"Advance instantly, sir, or you are
a dead man," shouted Clanton, as
with flashing eyes he rapidly ap
proached the ringleader of the muti
neer. Russell advanced ten steps.
"Lay down your gun," ordered the
funeral. The mutineer hesitated and
turned to his men ! That was the
critical moment ! The scene beg
gars description. In a moment that
desperate band of mutineers with
loaded weapons might rush over in a
hoddy, and crush all those who op
posed them. Clanton seemed doom
ed. Why did he seek death so cool
ly! The lines of the brigade waver
ed to and tro like reeds in a storm !
Russell dropped his gun. "Lie
down," ordered Canton, but instead
of obeying, Russell rushed at the
general with full force! In .the
twinkling of an eye, he was seized
in the iron grip of Clanton and borne
to the ground, and the next moment
was lying 'iclplessly handcuffed on
his back. He fully expected his mu
tineers to lush to his assistance when
he rushed at Clanton, but the fact ot
his laying' down the loaded gun was
considered by them as an evidence of
submission. There he lay, gnashing
his teeth in impotent rage. Clanton
was standing over him, proud, de
fiant. "There is your leader," he
exclaimed, pointing to the helpless
mutineer, as he lav writhing on the
ground, -ind alongside of him I will
have every one of you who is promi
nently connected with this damnable
mutiny"!" lie called out another
non-commissioned officer of the
Filty-ninth. "Advance ten steps
and lay down your gun," ordered
Clanton, while with six-shooter in
hand he stood close to the lines. The
man obeyed. "Lie down!" came
the next order. "For God's sake,
don't kill me, general!'' exclaimed
the man, while Russell was cursing
him for his cowardice. "I intend to
handcuff you and let the law take its
course," replied Clanton, as he threw
the second mutineer, helplessly
bound, alongside the ringleader.
Then he called the names ot a dozen
men of different regiments, who
came forward, surrendered thei
guns and were securely bound.
Then occurred a cene worthy of the
brush ot Rubens or Van Dyke. Over
a thousand men threw down their
Suns, fell on their knees, and with
uplifted hands, and tears pouring
duwn their cheeks, implored forgive
ness. KKTRir.UTIOX.
The scene visibly affected the com
mander. His form trembled with
emotion, as he commanded them to
rise and resume their weapons. He
then addressed them in & icw pointed
remarks, said that he was convinced
that the inajoiity were enticed into
the mutinv without knowing fully the
nature of it, that be would make a
personal appeal to. the department
commander in their behalf, and hop
ed that it would be a lesson that they
would never forget ; but, as for the
ringleaders, be had no sympathy, and
thev would have to meet the fate al
loted to mutineers. He would send
them in irons to be tried by
department court-martial. He end
ed his remarks by advising them to
endure cheerfully all hardships that
the service imposed, and under all
circumstances remain true to the
cause that hey bad embraced. A
shout arose from the ranks ; at ; the
close of his remarks. Cheer -'after
cheer rang tu? as the men thrtw their
caps in the air, and wept with excite
ment 1 he mutiny was quelled.
The indomitable nerve of one man
saved the country from a horrible
scene ol bloodshed, and the service
from an indelible blot of shame.
The regiments were marched back
to their quarters, cheering as they
went, while the ringleaders were sent
by special train to Mobile, and there
tried by courtmai tial. It lid not le
quire a great length of time to fasten
the guilt of conspiracy on Russell,
nor in thoae times wire .such things
as delavs in dispensing justice known
They were immcriiatelv tried, and
Russell was condmned to death. He
heard his sentence with stoical indif
ference, and bore himself like a man
ready and prepared to meet any fate
that they would vouchsafe him. The
rest were sentenced to imprisonment
for life, with oall ami chain. Rus
sell was earned out to meet his fate.
His only request was that they would
not blindfold him. He said that
he had risked death before, and knew
how to meet it. A file of soldiers
was drawn up before him, and the
command was giyen, ''Ready!" but
at that moment a courier dashed up
with a reprieve ! His sentence was
commuted to lite-imprisonment, the
same as the others. They remained
imprisoned till the close ot the war
and were then released. What be
came ot them afterwards is not
known to the writer. The only ex
planation as to whv Russell did not
meet the iate be so richly merited is
that he was a Mason in high standing.
If. there was any other reason it is
not known.
SELVES. A short time after the mutiny, or
ders came to send the infantry to
Virginia, to reinforce Lee. They
departed in high spirits, and arrived
at their desti nation in time tor the
battle ot the Wilderness. They were
burnii.g to wipe out the disgrace that
hung over them, and went into that
bloody fight with unbounded enthu
siasm, and conducted themselves so
gallantly that they were highly com
plimented I v their commanding gen
eral. Thev lost heavily, but re
deemed their honor.
An amusing incident occurred dur
ing the battle. In order to appreci
ate it, it is necessary to bring the
reader for a moment from the field
ot battle to the financial circle ot tiie
confederacy. In 186,5, a new issue
of confederate notes was made. IJy
an act of congress, the old issue was
at that moment worth only sixty-six
and two-thirds per cent ot the value
of the new issue. The government
called the old issue 111. and redeem
ed it with the new at that rate. Af
ter that every new regiment that was
sent to reinforce the Virginia army
was called "new issue," or the more
homely expression, "new ishy.' In
the Wilderness battle an old brigade
was ordered to cany a position held
by the federals. Thev made a furi
ous charge, but were driven back
These two new regiments were or
dered up. "Where are you going,
new issue?" cried the defeated vet
eran. "Going to redeem the old
issue!" was the reply, as they rush
ed forward like ar avalanche and
carried the point !
Geu. Clanton with his cavalry was
ordered to the Tennessee river,
where he did good service. He re
mained there till Gen. Canby moved
Irom l'ensacola towards Mobile,
when be was ordered back to Pol
lard, to oppose the advance. He
soon came up with Canby 's advance
and a hot hand to band fight follow
ed. He was hemmed in on all sides,
and Jell shot through the body. lie
was paroled, and left at a cabin n
the roadside to die. Gen. Canby
highly complimented him on his
bravery, and did all he could to make
his last tew hours, as he thought then
pass pleasantly, but his vigorous
constitution pulled him through, and
by the close ot the war he was en
tirelyfrestored. A pity it was that
he had not died where he often ex
pressed a wish to, "in the fair field
of fighting men.
He returned to the profession ot
law was an able pleader, and had
a large practice. He was engaged
as counsel Jin an important railroad
suit between rival claimants in Ala
bama and Tennessee. He repre
sented the former interest and went
to Knoxville, with his wife, where
the case was to be tried. Success
attended him, and lie was about to
leave for home. He, his wife, and
a lady friend of hers were at the
depot waiting for the train. A man
by the name of Xelson. of good
family, but a reckless character, ap
proached him, and alter a tew
word, said that he had doubts of
Clanton' courage, and dared him
to combat. Clanron, knowing that
there was hitter feeling existing there
on account of the suit, and not wish
ing to have trouble in the presence
ot his wife and friend, explained the
nature of the case to Nelson, who
evidently had been sent to kill him,
and who treated Clanton's remarks
with contempt. That was enough
for Clanton. Eying him with the
same look that had quelled a thous
and inunitineers, he said to him,
"Since you are determined to have
a row, and you doubt my courage,
let us step ten steps and settle this
business instantly." at the same time
pulling his pistol and expecting Nel
son to do likewise. But alas ! he
was not dealing with his equal. In
a moment Nelson ran into an ad
joining store seized a double-barrelled
shot gun, loaded with buck
shot that purpose betore he ap
proached Clanton, screened himself
behind a post, while his intrepid
adversary was exposed in full view
in the street, and fired at him.
Clanton's pistol tell from his shat
tered arm. He stooped down, pick
ed it up, and fired at the post that
almost concealed Nelson. Again
Nelson fired and the brave, gallant
officer and gentleman fell a corpse
riddled with buckshot.
His remains were taken in charge
by the State authorities, and his fu
neral was conducted from the Capi
tol of his beloved state, where his
voice had been so often heard. He
was a mar. take him all in all, we
shall not look upon his like again.
His assassin was tried and acquit
ted, but died a few years afterwards.
Thus lived mid died one of the tru
est types of manhood ; and in James
II. Clanton the world has a shining
example of what one brave determin
ed spirit can accomplish.
A Talk About His Book, the South,
and His Future Intentions.
New York Time.
"Has your History of the War
been a success, Mr. Davis!" I ask
ed him.
"I know very little about it since
puttin? it into the hands ot the pub
lishers. If the amount ot money it
has btought me is a criterion, 1
should say if has not been success
ful." "Arc you engaged in any similar
enterprise now, and do you expect
to give any more utterances upon
the questions involved in the civil
"None at all.',
"Do you contemplate ever making
a tour of the North? I have seen by
the papers that such a trip was not
"When you see anything m the
papers about me you can almost ac
cept the contrary as the truth. I do
not now ever expect to go North. I
am living a quiet life, removed en
trely from public observation. 1 re
ceive numerous myitations to make
public addresses, but I habitually
declme them, even those coming
from my own neighborhood."
"What is the hope of the South?"
"Her vast timber regions stretch
ing from Pearl river east to the
coast, almost as vet untouched ; her
mineral resources ot almost unbound
ed value, and her rich soil capable
of producing almost everything that
grows. At Birmingham, on the
Louisville & Nashville road, in Ala
bama, a great city has sprung up
among the mines, and all through
the South are evidences ot growth.
Then the soil and climate arc favor
able ior stock raising, and the South
will coin money from this advantage.
The South is a great undeveloped
quantity, but its importance will not
remain long unknown."- V
Badgley & Gipson,
We will give special prices on
As we must reduce our stock tor other
Goods. We are always. Top on
Produce. Pay the
Competition i no bluff to us. Wc al
ways meet the closest prices.
Are coming. Remember our
place is on the
South Side, Green Front.
cTbT lewis,
Boss Livreyman
Has opened a
One block west of
His Unties aro New
His Teams Fresh aiu' Spirited and
argc aie reasonable.
of all tylee and pr.ces.
Good Hears Alwtyi on ft ma
Ude and trnishrd on 6hort notice
Oi ders may bceft at F. Evans stable
alter nieht or a Sunday, Butler. Mo
(AjMoelatad at VMUnirton, D.C.I Com rxxxloc
lentil ft. Inqairwmswerad Ira sad proaifrl.
mm fm II Mttl M1VMMI
Secure Healthy
action to the Lirer
nd ralia all bil-
loan trouble).
IWttf TtfttriUtfiMpia. iMca. AnSnoiits.
-? FREE!
A fare prwrlptloo of an of u
Bust noted and rtwifUlspwaUsf ta '
limt 'iiiiSmi- 1 - Vrtair. .
.a pi. B m.lr4 ;. DrucciMS cm 8U t
m Oft AM CO VVjmm. M
T lxv l" to housk
POWER Fit KNGIXh nearly a effect
ive as a stenir; about one third firat
cost, and Itn one tenth annual ex
pense for !' For descriptive circu
lar with tihiokial.-, address. RE.MING-
Real Estate "
Respecttully solicits all persons having real estate to sell, to call and
leave description ami price of property, where same will be advertised
free of charge. Parties wishing to purchase will find it to their interest
to call and see us. We have now on our books the following Real E
tate for sale.
48, Business House and lot, in Adrian, 66 acre five mile southeast of But
house 18x40 teet, lot 35x140 leet, good lo- 'r 40 acre In cultivation u acre in
cation Hill be told at a bargain. This Pture 8 acre In prairie, never
property will onlv be offered at the pre- Hng water, plenty of fruit
entpiice until April ii, 1S83. good frmc hou.e of 5 room and
. good out buildings. Onlv 1-4 of a mile
33, House and lot in north east part ot from church and school. Vfill be sold
town, goou nouse 01 4 rooms, also excel-
lent well ot water.
.13. irood farm oticoncr,. within , mil.
:. ;., V 7,",. Ti -
S i 'J2dU"ding nd fliCC8
so good feed lots, and a quarry of super!
or sanu sione.
,u ... . 1
n ? u . .l0t,,,n "6t part ?' town on
Dakotah street. House contaias 3 good
TSSST n ,0t' bC ",d 31
a oargain.
14, Large frame house and good lot on
North Main street, good stable plenty of
frait and good water. Will be sold" on
terms to suit purchaser.
4?. 120 acres 2 1-3 miles northeast of But-
fer, 100 acres under fence, Soto 100 acres
farming land, balance timber. Never
tailing water, good timber, range toi
stock, comfortable houne. Will be
sold at 3$ per cent less than actual value.
40 v acres ot land mottlv timber 1,4 miles
ot I! 11 tier, excellent stone quarry rd
ing the best ot stone tor buildings and
side walks.
29, House and lot
t in the northwest part of
, good house with five
town, corner lot
roonm, good stable,
and new sidewalk.
new picket fence
40, A hue residence with about 5 acres ot
land adjoining the corporate limits of
Butler. Excellent fruit of all kinds, plen
ty of water, good outbuilding. il)iis
one of the most desirable country resi
dence In bate county. Improe'ment
all in good rcnair.
46, 1. -o acres, in Uecpwuter tuununp,
known a the J, 11. Fletcher tarm, excel
lent Quality ot land, about cn nrrn in
cultivation balance pasture", plenty of
stock water nouse wan 3
rooms, new barn 20 bv3 it
out buildings, good orchard,
per acre.
good sized
and other
Price $25
69. 170 acres in Summit township,
containing 2 house one ot them
rooms, two wells of water, good orchard
rif hfarimr nntil anil nil nK.r rtiall
fruit. Land all in cultivation and under
tenc. A decided bargain
71. :32 acre in
Mound two., all
southwest corner of
in cultivation devid-
ed into five fields. Two good houses,
one 6 and the other e rooms. 4 good
wells and wo bearing apple trees. Also
several good out buildings.
54, 324 acres in Spruce township, j house",
orchards, 200 acres in cultivation, bal
ance in pasture au unurr icnce, Piymv c.i
make two convenient farms. "
50, 80 acre two miles southwest ot Butler,
Good land, plenty of water. Will be sold
very cheap.
61 House and lot 3 block from the square
in Butler, good house ot 7 rooms, good
w ell and cistern, new stable and other out
buildings, plenty ot fruit ot all kind
lot one hundred feet square. Will be
sold cheap and on easy term.
60 120 acres, 2 mile from Adrian, 2
houses, good barn, good young orchard
of all kind of fruit, a No. 1 well of water
good soil and good locality.
cS House and Lot, 1 Butler new house
1 i-2 stor,, tour rooms and good kitchen,
good barn and buggr house, excellent
well ot water 25 feet deep, plenty ot fruit.
67 130 acres of first rate land in Spruce
township. Well hedged good buildings,
plenty mt water, 150 bearing apple tree
plenty of" other fruit, So acres in cultiva
tion 40 acre in pasture 10 acres good cal
land. This is one of the best improved
and most dcireable farm in the county.
Humphrey' Addition.
We hae now thirty-three lot in Humphrey' addition to the city of Butler for
sale. This addition 'is situated directly south of the business part of the cit.
jots range in se from tat x 7 feet up to 178 1-2 x lo feet, valued at from ioj
to $22.;, according to size and location. This property will in a short time be
verv valuable. Come now while you can hare choire.
very cheap.
11 .".r.?"" " oul"w 01 uutier,
y 1 Hr n r- mjm- Q ... I ! . . I . ... .
nuuui iw acres excellent timber, balance
fine Prairl clo coal mines and rail-
37t 160 acre 4 mile north of Kutler. new
dlng house, good out building land
all new and irood aualltv au . fl
br,C ""-cKeond remain '.tre'ef Tn
tne city of Uutleft one ot thc moit deMra.
ble location in the citv.
4ti Hour and lot on North Main street,
t-'ommodiou house in good repair, good
stable. large lot and nae location. This
a very desirable property in one of
the bet neighborhood ot Hutlcr.
5ft, 80 acres mile from depot, 1 good
well of water, small orchard; land all
under cultivation; can be made one ol
the finest farm In the county ; will be sold
on easy term or very :heaj" tor cash.
all to gethcr or In lot to suit purthacr.
woou lun.i and cootf huildinu. two
fiod1 h"u young orchard an
'-V of waler' ',n ,tt Koud neighhi
id plen-
close to school, church, ami iKist-olttce.
43, House and lot on corner ot Fulton and
Mill streets. Good house containing
four room!,, wood licd und oal h(tu,
good t ru it, good well; lot 80x165',, feet
Owner determined to sell.
44, Home and tot In north west part ol
cttv, goou trame house 3S by 30 with two
rooinn back, new stable, good cistern in
kitchen. Lot 13J by 264, also 3 vacant
lots adjacent lo above property each lot
.". "' " 'e soid an together or
Heleratc,v to suit purchaser, all very
ireable property and in the bet part ol
51, House and Jot in North part ol city.
I.ot 84 x171ft, house one storv e goocl
rooms, good welt and out building'.' Also
vacant lot adjoining too 171ft, good
fence and stable, Will be sold together,
or separately. Th nronertv is oltrn-.i
for a h,'ort Ume at a bargain.
40, House and lot in West Kutler opposite
the depot. I louse contains 4 rooms can
be ued for cither dwelling or bufne
$2, jo acre adjoining thc cll v limits
Good dwelling of 7 rooms, an abundance
of good water, plenty ot frtilt, good
fences barn and out-buildings. Will In
sold al together or in lot to suit pur-
cnasers. J hl i a verv fine location
for huI,urban re.jdencc.
57 4oacre-ot good land 1-2 mile from
citv limit, good land nice location.
09. 352, acre, will sell all together; or
2,40, covering best improvements, or
i,6ocovering improvement: i. 3dwil
ings, good stable and barn, crib, graine
ries, orchard, vines, berries, 4 !i frig wells
and $ never tailing spring. All under
good fence ind plenty fire wood. So
acres in rioter and timothy. Also m'tl
sell So acre west side. Choice water,
good dwelling, orchard; 20 acre of the
same is tember.
7210 acres ;t land 1 '.j mile ot Cutler,
house 14x24. with good cellar. New cis
tern that w ill hold 150 barrels ot water, 40
or so fruit trees, about 6 acre in cultiva
tion, all under fence. Will be sold cheap.
73- 1 f acre, divided bra hedge In
the center, 50 acres in pasture, a splen
did set otblue grass with plenty of water
and shade. Dwelling house on each 80,
new barn, good apple and peach orchard
and other small fruits, to acre orchard
gr and 8 acres timothv, aiso 27 acres
good timber. This pla-e is a bargain.
7340 acres good dwelling house of five
rooms stableing, orchard, plenty of stock
water land ot excell -nt quality. In fact
one of the best small farm fn the count v
Will be sold cheap.