OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, January 16, 1884, Image 8

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1884-01-16/ed-1/seq-8/

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Tr r T t "v i9p-n
Successors to D. DUBACH &CO.
Having bought Mr. Dubach's interest in the Lumber business here we take pleasure in saying to th
Publicthat we expect to carry at all times a well assorted stock of all materials in our line. Our aim
will always be to meet the wants of the people and will make our prices as low as same goods can hp
bought elsewhere. Mr. R. W. Daniels will still remain in charge and will be pleased to wait dn all his
old customers and as many new ones as may favor us with their patronage. Please give us an on-
LUiiiL.y L.W oi iu vv uui otuui auu give jrwu ioco w&iuiu j KJAy m ncoJJCLLl HI iy ,
BUTLER .WEEKLY- TIMES. ! ne Joll.r4 twentyye cents.
WEDNESDAY, fAN. 16, 18S4.
! ' i U & Peronsal.; - - - ' "
pays for the Butler Times one year,' Miss Annie Nichol left toi her
or the weekly Courier-Journal and ji,omc m Kno'i Noster, Monday
r r . '-
the Times for $2,25.
- Tho Following companies will ap
pear at Waltons Opera House on
the dates given.
Jaxi'arv 19th: John tThompson
Around the World Co.
Javtary 2SH1 : Lillian Brown's Jol
lities. February 22nd: Jolly Pathfinders.
According to the Collector's books
Wm. E. Walton, F. B. Fay and
A. Henry are the largest tax-payers
tor Alt. Pleasant township.
Sleigh tiding is a thing of the
F. B. Fay has started a erocery
and teed store in the City Hall
building on North Main street, wit"
J. M. Douglass as manager. .
There was a town lull of people
A new school building is the de
mand. It the architecture is to be
after the model of the present struc
ture, then count the Times our.
. -
1 please.
G. W. Husk of Walnut, ave
the Times a pleasant call yesterday.
Prot. Chas. M. Johnston, of
Parsons,' spent Sunday and Monday
in this city. - j
Miss Mollic Dimmi of Colum-1
The (Jaestion Being Agitated ana
Liable to Come Itetorethe
Cowncil Again.
hi is visiting her sister mUhis dtyJ company that put ,n the water wor
the wife nf I H.'iwu. fat Rich Hill, and who submitted
F. M. Allen and family arrived
from Nevada yesterday to make this
there future home,- f v;; K
Geo. Daniels of Sheldon, was
F. Win. Raeder, representing t,he
company that put in the water works
at Rich Hill, and who submitted a
j proportion to the people ot Butler
last spring relative to putting in water
works here, was in the city yesterday
for the purpose of feeling the public!
1 . . . 1
P f-
Circuit Court convenes on Monday
February 4th.
Don't tail
every vetk
to read the Times
Charlie Sprague is engaged in
voicmsj a new stock t groceries, of
which he will keep a lull supply
hereafter in connection with Ins
. 1-.. .ir't. , jpuise m regard to the enterprise, j
ter read the Timfs. ' j cunC!samm w" A1Mi:s reprc- SJaKATUIl UWJtiiiT JL. SABIJi
! OLIILaill D IIL. U tl III ffl'Ifl fl rt'i Illf-l -
J . " , n ! llUCf-
work done this season it would be j Umeial IK'itU 01 tlie iiepulllican j all v rewarded hv leavinu the same at tkU
necessary to arrive at a conchiMonj AnflOIial t'oilllllittee.
before many more weeks ot the new j Undertaker
Carter Wallis from near -Vir
ginia, a valued - and trusty friend of
the Times, called a few days since.
James Cassidy," a former mer
chant of Butler, has been" shaking1
hands with his old friends in this
citv for the past few days.
Dr. A. C." Thompson of Pa pin
1 .
, All local ti Jz ertisemtuis in it's column
j '.'ill . cia Kr,. j0)r at the rate 4 jfn
cents fcr line or each insertion. ( j
Voice Culture. '' ') ' r'-":i
Having been urged by man v "of ml' 1
young triendu to give them music lesnorii, J '
j I have delrmined to teach a clos the
j present winter in voice culture.' Parti. ..
i desiring lesson will be given terma n
apnuvauon. .Mrs. J. 1 . :It F Ari.a.vd .
' Lot Watch.' ' 1
Lost either at the elevator, on the rod '
from the depot ' to Butler, or on the
street ot Hutler, Saturday, January UOV
1SS4, a itiedium sized silver watch with
'silver chain. The finder will h i;w'
Rert Conakd''
The Times acknowledges the re-j ville, was in the citv Monday, and
The Times job department is
chuck full ot work.
The Tim km will still receive a lew
dollars more on subscription.
Hunting parties during the oast
two weeks have been numerous.
The Ohio street M. F. Church is
holding a seiies of
meetings this
Rockville is agitating the question
of incorporating as n citv of the
fourth class.
The people stand bv the Timks
because the Timks stands iu with
the people.
And the rush is for the Timks tor
1SS4, and Sam Levy's great clear
ance sale.
ceipt of an invitation to attend the
Grand Ball and Exhibition Drill ot
the Knights oi Py thias. :it Nevada,
Moudav eening.
In the event it ;s decided to civet
another school building, an interest
ing question will arise, where will it
1 be located. Either 011 the north or
'south side of I he city, perhaps. This
is a question to be discussed.
Ice men have been busy Uv the
past week and more laving in a sup
ply ot the crystal Hind for next sum-
mer. A large amount will be need
j ed, for it is campaign year.
! :
The Times publishes all the news
pertaining to B ites cour.tv and the
country surrounding if, hence the
recognized fact that it is the b-st. as
well as the most reliable paper puii-
lished in Hutler.
ear were no. j
Mi. Raeder staled that he would;
now accompany a proposition to j
huiUI water works with another to !
And a talked of Ca::d date for t&e
supply the city w ith
Dwight'May Sabin came into
ij(j:tliis world April 2 1S45. at .'v'anlius
A complete stock of caskcu, cofllnx,
inetaiic cases, burial robes etc., at Wal
having nothing else - to do attended
the theater at night.
C. Daniels, an old friend ot the
Timhs. called a few davs afo and
I renewed. We are sorry to say that
Mr. Daniels will soon remove to
Montgomeiv county Kansas.
J. II. K-le, a prominent attor
ney ot Harrisoivillc, was in the citv
yesterday attending to some business
in the Probate court and gave the
Timks a business call.
Thos. I. Mcfailand came in
from Pueblo, Colorado, Thursday
last, whither he went last spring-.
His stay in Butler will be but tem
porary, as he contemplate another
western trio eariv in flu snrlnn
M. A. Condra, post-master and
merchant at Cornland, visited the
Times Saturday and .renewed tor
1SS4. Mr. C. has bcen'a fatihtul
I not desire to interfere with the Elcc- , L:,s '1,' ""v, 111. and not m Con
1 t
trie Light company, but said he hud 1Rt:l!CI:r :ls V-P-r Have stated.
. . 1 1 1 :.... 1 1 .... .
i.i .ni .1 i.iiuici o'i a iarge
conversed with several membeis of
that company and thev were not
averse to making the change, as
ton's Opera House Furniture store. Fine
hearse furnished free. Experienced
undertaker in More dav and night. ' !
I -1 1 . ' I'" I). V'lIMi talncmun '
... .... ' J I 1 1 I ! ,
Fred Dura Barber
Will give v 011 a neat shave,, shampoo or
hair-cut. He keeps none liu't evperienccd
born, and the- son grew up on theiS'?', V,,llH: R"ntJ raz,,r- Sati'
' 1 faction l'i arantt'fri. I(rf.it , .
there was no money in the Ele-:lric j f;,nn' : h n,i during the crop Mjuare
Eirdit tor them. fr. Ii;irl.-r viif..,! : seasons it ti I a close student at the!
" ,
that his comnanv ronl.l f...-..;t. . Countv' sc.i ; . during t!ie winter
' " I
about thirty lamps for the amount , ,1,on:!'s- He v.is not s:UiMie.l with
tr.e range ot .-.Indies latight and de-
Times far severs.'!
A Protracted meelinor WMv mm- i
n '
menced at the Presbyterian church
last Sunday.
Mi. Colfax wras the guest of Mr
Walton while in the citv last week,
and as the Times foreshaddowed a
! 2"ond!v number of our ntizpiw
VJur report trom ashington this j phmeuted the distinguisheil gentle
week contains some valuable as veil man by hnet calls.
as interesting information.
J. X. Davidson has moved his
grocery stock into the building form
erly occupied by Kerry's. drag store.
The "Creole" troupe failed to put
in an appearance at the Opera house
i'riday evening.
Mr. Eshbaugh, Master of the
State Gnnge, will lecture at Vir
ginia, Saturday night.
All old subscribers to the Times
are showing their faith, and the ex
tent of their appreciation ot the pa
per, bv calling- and renewing lor the
new yer. There could be no bet
ter exhibi: of our merits.
Dell Weiton and Charles Denuey
will soon form a to-oartneishin in)
a w - - -
The Times would call the attea-
tion of its readers south of the river
and other remote sections of the
county, to the splendid inducements
now being offered by Butler mer
chants through its' columns.
friend ot the
years. "- .';"'
Hon. Schuyler Coif a? while in
the city last Thursday-being a
practical printer in his orlv days
and the editor of a pjper-could not
resist the temptation conmon to the
profession, and called oa he Times
the city was paying lor the Electric
The Timks docs not consider it
out of season at anv time to agitate
such questions as the supply of water
and light. Certainly we need water
works, and it fne citizen think they
cand stand the expense, now is as
good a time as any to act. As lor
superceding the Electric Light with
gas is another proposition to be con
sidered in conjunction There has ;
never been a disposition 011 our part i
nor the people ot Butler to interfere j
Aesthetic. (J dcKiVrih. V S,)iiwihlni.
good mailed on receipt ot 6 cent ia
Htampn. Henrnc U Co . P. O. Box 11S7,
vote! his evenings at home to tin
, mastery ot the higher branches of j
' mathematics and civil eiiL' ineei iii". '
, After his lather's deadt the son loea- '
ted in StillwaJer Minnesota, in 1S67
he then being ab ut 25 years of age. j
He began dealing in hrn!)-)- mi u f.
limited sc.tlj an I capit i. out so suc
cessful was the venture that his bus-!
to Jar-.- proort.ons, so thar af the Uy Irtue and anthoritv ot a cereralcx-'V
preson: time, alter 1 ytsrs he is l1cci,urn, lo-neti trom the otfireofthc clerk
1 1 " " t of he eitcuit court of liate count v. Mi
tloi.ig a t.usnuss ot over i fO.oco. ! ouri, returnable at the February" term,
. 1 . .... 1. to -r t . ..
ijuu iitmiiau v. i jsMfs !t iu thi f ,004 iJ court, ana to me directed in
; favor ot rn. JScMtt and against iitnrv
County .'aps i? r S vie.
We have five late county map lor alc
$. reach. Timks On ice jStf
For a Clean Shave
Co to Crouch Hro. tihop, near .outhwcM
. corner -f the qua.re. They have a neat,
iri'a ;ai!'; :00m.
Sheriff's a!e.
the grocery business.
Philander Morgan was mairicd to
with the enterprise exhibited bv some
1 . 1 ' ..it-,,...- , 1 . 1 , ; iavor 01 vv m. .-scott and againn llcnrv
ot our e:st buismess men and capi-wvwu" ' a ""'""CI of mills in j Sinister, J have levied and seized upon
talist in putting i.i the Electric Liht s tl)L P"" ''. he i the heaviest stock- j a" the ri-ht title interest and claim of
Itnf -ill k. u L " hold.-, i., rl... v said defendant Henry Shunter, ot, in
..... . "uiivu iiav t- ine com 1 - ' .-1 o v, t 1
pany intimate ther preference. : Company ot bis .state and enjoys ;n'i
If it W tme, Mr. Raeder says, j anm,aI "'come fiom the profits ot
that the company would . as soon or''1' var'"us enterprises ot nearly $2,
ruthor m .L- r - . i im.nnn
iir . , , . . ... ......... ,...n.v vnaiiuc- 1UI gS, II en ' '
We found him just as a 1 istory and .1 . . , . I r- 1 1 .
biography represents hn a very coil8kfc.ref at ,east and f dceinctl identified with politics in Minnesota
pleasant gentleman. ' i ... ..1 1 .
Geo. W.Lee ot the northwest . ,, . ,iirf... tnn - c.... .
. r ., t ... ,... in .in cycnis k cn produce t egisiature,
part of the county, was meed into , ... . . I M,i L . fe .
the Times office last wee and in- j H " , Z f 7 PMlcVf th hhe,idd,7(o
troduCed to the editor by ur fnemll S? . Pr'"" Sral 3- a .h to ti.ty id execution .nd cot.
R v ....a , f. t , i eyeful consideration. j member of the Republican National W. F. HANKS,
B. F. Mitchell, stating tha Mr. Lee : . shitf Ain.fJni,
, . I , wiiiMiiuvt gn .viiunesoia, ana was
des, ed to subscribe for a pp th., Maruieb : At the residence ol j a delegate to the Republican Nation-
TlT u , T UeW& SchfieW' 01 WcSt Butler' 1 invention of IS;,, ,S;9, 880
and that which was rehab,. That tx. iSSs. Mr. John nn nf s, I t.r '. ' . V9.'
kind of a rv:..r k v-i .u. ..." " I" . I hi:ii cMirmM
- - - " iw .ru..ray aixi iMiss . AU1 vina .Sim- of the Republican National com
Times to oe, hence Mr. e s name mmis of this citv. Th, Lr ..-J - .... . T
ur.e A. V- T 1 . J . . "1 Mvu iO. ilV il Uliani
... . wUi w. 1. 1. a ie, iy the Rev. Alex Walker
large tanner rtnd proper holder, I
Sheriff Hanks thinks ih.. P.. ,-.
ary term of the Circuit Court will i '"""""S The Times has no
not be a verv important one.
Th..-se are beautiful nights, ami I Patc
:MiS.r,h Wells .1 ll.c r.l,ce T ' T ' .. , . b cr,r,..,l Mr. Sahi, ,vail ,!il-
.. ' w . f IIIIUnLVI( Ulf I "
and to the following d.'rrih-t rrilr.nl'
situated in Bate count , Missouri to-it.
ine isoutn nait 01 lot two and ihe.it
southwest quarter of section 19, town
hip39, r.nge 30, all in Date countr,
"'wuii, anu 1 win on
Thurdy, February 7th, 1SS4.
between the hour ot 9 'O'clock In the
forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon
Of that dlV. II tlio a.t tmnt Arm J !.
court hotike, in the city of Hutler, , liU :
county, Missouri ell the ame, or to
Sheriff ot Bate eountr,
Sheriff' Sale.
By virtu and authority of a pecia
execution. tllf1 tr.n rt tttKfM nt k '
clerk of the circuit court ot Bate countr.
Miouri, returnable at the Kebruartr
. ire . t m . . .T''
j inous vote, ami since that honor has ed in taior of Henry Tartar and aaintf
... .... .. iiitj 1 101 1 in a 10 n
opne! new County Court records j for ,he pres.dencv at the convention
irttti tK tv.vi 1 t . ...1 i . .. .
.' been conferi e fr. Sabine a vailabil- n Shearer, I have levied and eizd
1 ul m ii 1 iitr ritrnr r i r ir intrrr&r 'ana
claim of the aid defendant John St
over, of, in and to the toliowinc; decr''b-
eu rcai c-iate, situated in Kate county.
, . .. . 1
: iiceti tnat .Mr nman I -Aii cvhihif n t i . ..., . 1111 1 uC wienuiii ,,,(' ,;, , . , I : ,
; usually spry of Etc, but never aatici-!w.iU he flU!,I ' repoi ot tTie f VSie,n ,a wh,cn lhe-v are kvPU neatjcated v : Ja.'e number of 'lianeri 1 -The undivided one half of the outh-
.1 that he contemplated heininOntnty.Cvmt proceediiiys.ouIjii.sh-1 Ccan, mdicate the pains, Mr. Mr. S.lhm Was cl,ctc,, tM ,lie Vyh
we wonder that sleiih ri.!m, v-. life a-ew' t.i o.tv.L- n... '. 1 ed elsrvvb. ..- t..;.. t . .. ; otarke, anil hii$ deputy. Fake Ailen.it.-.! . .'and the undivided .at ... iJ nrut .
more frequently indulged in bv the mother surpr.se of a old widower!'' 'he caption - ot.-.the. Tinrervl aU th? t,eta,ls the office. ; lia-n Wmdoo,. ,nd took his seat ?ion7.V'f n ' r.t: ?J?Z'
VOllllrrtr -ft..- -.11 ID 1 .-: ,l" . . . .
jail, will! ordered by the county! ,nStoR corrcsPOndent is slightlv off if ur s0,r'" have ca!.!,ingil-"rt- 1 he
court at its Fcbruar- term, if in the ' im hl est,mate Hon. W. R MorJ"c past .rsonth or six wdvs and . uorfc ht- at
iudgment of the court it is best tof "son's stature and wctjrht as lepre-jf0"1611 arrcar' ve st,1! havi- I he able t finis
order it at all. i scnted 111 our last weeks issi-e Mr ,books a iew names ot pers i;rc.sitJ- tho county, wh
f ;; w I ork is progressing lively 0.1 the1!: v ' ' ",s ,e,m spiring; - . ..".
ithstanding a hmr ew bridges near Altona, over l-!k M"Ch '8S9". U-" 'rUj
nbscribershavecaduiini- The company doing thc i 4 vears of ne. :I:,d reP::ted to be ( tTne"d 'n l
t month or six wis a,,;;: "rfc on the abutments sav thev will . W loo''-x jnfthat dav,at the eat fr.n
... VMI hci'nn issue. ,AIr
on, rougtit under Morrison iu ih
mg in various parts ot
laf war an.l 1 iwho have uo to this tinir
' " linn insr allOilt SIX j "-v. tv; '-- . . v. -. vllt"
! Ut ll an anncira ni-n ami : Week h.-t& I....l. . ? t ... . 1 1
11 " " iioiii.ej " aou 11 ine ! JJe;
their llplinnn.nxe 11... 1 tat r..?l ....11 . . ... , . I '
....j., ..w..-,. x i.v; imks ---jvfi iiihi 1 inrovv mem D ICK J
trustc rh-i L.. :.... 1 :u .j i ton m..U .1 '. . 11 ... 1
How does the Butler Vl !..
1. ..f.
1 mm mik vou, anv wav. wml v, ir,. ......
oiks. dont vo H;t a '.rrr. . r ae ,s wly
in , J K" loicnoe niffh ami weHis not over
..v.tn uui OI U III .1 inar .. . . . '
-,oira,E " Mr. -Morrison was good. see
exoirin" iniT, .nouri, and 1 win on
jnurtnJay. 1 etruary 7th, 164, ,1
'clock in the ,,
the aft'jrnoort
btitments say thev will . H '".orv,.x, Lf"' VJ.If M..ff?r
finish up their contract in' '.O'.l R -I - ' 1 i l - "ounlr. Miwuri, ell the name, or '
hicb mcluiles the sub-' 1 - . " "jmucn thereof a- may be required, nt :
bt-.mi ot So !.i r inliiiii! s !r If.iA 'A '-public vendue, to the hitrhent bidder, tor
. ' c.-jfch to arf aid execution and cot.
v ; W.F. I1AXKS. '
tr) any '- , Sheriff of Jiate eoufssy.
the iouruy ?tructure of -the two bnd2es ovct ; .jWil . . . ,
- M,., 1- , - (Otlieis 111 purity od 'eneral txc
e d to- Mormon Fork, m x ivccks. Onc'i ' .' t ,.t 1 , , . .
... itu........... ,Icnc,-. Jhm t oe 1 1 luced to try a
trusts that these frieu Is will btr m!to much thev will, at the m.-m! -i-;. ... . Ls t . SEWADD A. HAftELTIfllf.
sTrlZ8 c.i feof progn,. he ,We to fulfill their j cr Walaiu ' Wait ii,, ,1," MTEUTS0UCITC3& ATTYATU
j begins to grort .
UmmM at Wabla-toa,X. CJ 1

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