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Itatkr ! Hi . hi in in ! vol. vr. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY JAXUAUY 28. I8S4. NO. 8. WRECKED AT SEA. tie 'City of Colnmbns" tioes to Pieces m .mu uceau. Qnt Hundred Persons Washed Over board and Lost in the Seep. i Man and Woman Lynched for Murdering a Child in Colorado. SWIFT AND SUliE VENGENCE. One Hundred Lives Lost. Uoston, Tan. iS. The city, of Galumous left Boston at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, carrying eighty passengers and a crew of forty-five. t3:4a. m. Friday, Gay head light, bearinsr south, hnlt east, the vessle struck on the outside of Dev il's Bridge Buoy. The wind was blowing a gale west by north ; the vessel immediately filled and keeled over, the water breaking and flood ing the port side of the saloon. All passengers excepting a few woman and children came on deck. Near ly all were wearing life preservers, nil the boats cleared away, but were immediately swamped. The ma jority of the persons were washed overboard. Seven passengers left the vessel on a life raft and about lorty more took to tigging. , At 10, 30 a. m. the Gay Head life boat put off and took seven persons. An other life boat put off between 12 and 1. The revenue cutter Dex ter came along about 12:30 and sent off two boats. Twenty-one pen-ons one of whom was dead, were placed aboard the Dexter, and -tl .'!. iiiur an uic jcimii ncic i.iimii from the vessel the Dexter pro ceeded to New Uedford. Three persons died after going aboard ihe , Dexter. "l7KTIIER lARTICl'I.KS. Boston, Jan. iS The City of i Columbus had So first class ind 22 steerage passengers, about a third ot whom were ladies and children, and a crew of forty-five. About forty men took refuge m the rigmg, where they remained until 10:30 a. 111., when a lite boat put off from Gay Hea l, am took away seven passengers. One died soon after wards. Shortly afternoon another lite boat put oft to the distressed vessel and the mean while the leve nue cutter Dexter came along and sent off two boats, and twenty-one men were taken from the wreck and placed on board the Dexter, four of whom died afterwards. Alter all the persons were taken off the Dex ter sailed tor this port, where she ar rived this evening.' Total number . ot persons saved, 21. Five dead ! bodies were recovered, and 119 un accounted tor. Murderers Lvnched. Denver, Col., January 19. Some three months ago Mary Rose Math ews, a bright, winsome little girl ot 10 years was adopted from the Den ver Catholic orphans home by Alike Cuddyhe and wife, living on a ranche ten miles trom Ouray, a small mining villiage in thet southern por tion ot the State. Late Saturday morning little Rose died and was buried by Cuddvhe mi a distant part of the ranche. The little girl had been cruelly treated trom tin first. si the neighbors said, and her mysterious death, -ind hut l ied burial aroused their suspicions and the coroner of Ouray w.isnotified. 4 He immediately repaired ti the taiichc.. found the grave and exhum ed the bod w hen unmistakable ev idence of a cruel death wusrexcaled. The body was covered with knife wounds, one leg was broken, the th- skull citished ard the limbs fro xru. She had no doubt hecn. driven our in the winter storm to die. Cuddyhe and wife were immediate ly arrested and jailed. Yesterday they were trved and found guilty ot murder. About one J o'clock this morning a band f masked men ' ! went to the hotel when CSwhlvhe and wife were held in custody, over powered the sheriff's guard and took the prisoners away. They both cried loudly for mercy, hut as they had ever been deaf to the pleadings ot little Rose for mercy, so the vigilan tes closed their ears to the cries ot their prisoners and they were taken outside ot the town limits, where the woman was hung to a ridge pole of a ranche cabin, while , the husnund was strung to the limb of a tree on the oposite side of the road. Their work done, the vigilantes retired qui etly. The bodies were cut down and buried by the coroner to-day. Tohn Carroll Cuddyhe, a brotherin law. was arrested w:th the others but for want of sufficient evidence he was allowed to go. This is the first instance of woman lynches in Colorado. OUJt FIVE t'EST COLUMN. All local advertisements in His column will be charged for (0 the rate of five cents per line for each insertion. Voice Culture. Having been urged by many of my young triends to give them music lessons, I have determined to teach a class the present winter in voice culture. Parties desiring lessons will be given terms on application. Mrs. C. T. McFari.anu. .bronze Turkeys For Sale I have been a breeder tor 12 or 14 years. I know them to be pure, thev are the most valuable ot any brted known, have some choice jjoblers and hens for sale, price, $.2,50 for jjoblers and $2,00 tor liens, delivered on cars. Those, wanting would do well to call and get them soon, a less price taken, trom th house. WESLEY WAR NOCK. 0-41. wr.uer .vio. Money to Loan. I am authorized to loan a large amount of money on Dates county real estate. Good men wih good real estate can be accomodated on very favorable terms. W. K. Walton. at JJiu'er National Hank. 52-tt Undertaker. A complete stock of caskets, coffins, metalic cases, burial rohes etc., at Wal ton's Opera House furniture store. Fine hearse furnished free. Experienced undertaker in store dav and night. 2-tt. K. 1. KiiT, salesman. Ink That Will Not Freezs. On receipt of 25 cents in ic postage stamps, we will send bv mail, all charges pre-paid, one quart ot the finest lilack, Blue or r-carle t Ink, unchanging colors, which will not injure by treezing: 5 quart for $r,oo. Ink has been in use tor years, and warranted best. S-4t. N. M. DRAKE & CO. 2H Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Mo. Money To Loan. At 6 per cent on real estate security time and terms to suit borrower. Abstracts ot titles furnished. J. M. Tucker & Co Butler Mo. 1-tf Fred Dora Barber Will give you a neat shave, shampoo or hair-cut. " He keeps none but experienced barbers. Will also grind razors. Satis faction guaranteed. Rooms north side square Cards. Aesthetics, (4 designs.) Something good mailed on receipt of O cent in stamps. Ilearne & Co . F. O. Box 14S7, N. V. County Maps F-r Sale. We have five late county maps tor sale $:,ooeach. Times Office 2Stf For a Clean Shave Go to t'rouch linos, shop, near southwest eorner ti the square. They have a neat, ir.ns rviir. 35. A Slrti tlins Discovers" " Physicians are o ten startled bv remark- able discoveries. The fact that Dr. k-inir' w rjUdoverv tor Oonsumotson and all Throat and Lung diseasec it. daily i 'Ihursdav. February 7th. 1SS4, j rut ins; patients that thev have given up to : between the hours ot o'clock in the 1 die, isstartlinsrthemto' ealize thier sense torenoo.. and 5 o'clock in the afternoon J ,' . . - . . ; ot that day, at ihe east tront door of the . of duty, and examine into the merits ot ; cQurt hou4 jn the c5ty ot ttutler, Kates this wonderful discovery: resulting county. Missouri, sell the same, or to hundreds ot our best Physicians using it ; much thereof a may be required, at j in thier practice. Trial bottles tree at j public vendue, to the highert bidder, for , f . , ... cash to satKtv said execution and cost. K- M. Crumly &;. Otv Jrusr Store;1" Regular size $ HON. WAKNEli MILLER. The Jnnior Senator York. trom New The reputed Leader of the Hew Hew York Republicans. benator Warner Miller, known more tamiliiariy as '-Wood-Pulp Miller," of Herkimer N. Y. was born in Oswego county, that State, August 21th 1S3S, and is therefore in bis forty sixth year. He graduated at Union College 'n i860, and then became a teacher in the Fort Edward Collegiate Institute but when the war broke out, in 1S61 he enlisted as a private in the fifth New York Cavalry. lie served with conspicuous bravery in the Shenan doah Yallev being promoted to Sergeant-Major and Lieutenant. At the battle ot Winchester he was ta ken a prisoner, but was finally ex changed alter the close ot the rebel lion. Mr. Miller engaged in farm ing and became the owner of exten sive paper mills in which enterprise he istill engaged, lie was a dele gate to the National Republican Con vention in Philadelphia, in 1S72, and in 1874 was elected to the Mew York Legislature, serving two terms. Mr. Miller then entered National i politics and was elected as a repre sentative to the Forty-sixth Congress and was returned to the Forty-seventh. In 1SS1. when Conkling and Piatt resigned their scats in the sen ate. Mr. Miller was chosen by the New York assembly to succeed Thomas C. Piatt and took his seat October 1 1 th, in the same year. His term of office does not expire until; the 3rd of March, 18S7, Senator Miller ry his recent man ipulation of the Republican caucus ot the New York Legislature secur ing the election by the Lower House of Mr. Sheard as its speaker, has won for himself the sudden reputation as being the leader ot Ntw York Republicans and the well known fact that the Senator is antagonistic to the present admisistration of Au thor gives especial' significance to his political controlling power in his State as indicating that be will be come a prominent factor in dicta ting against Author's rcnomination at Chicago next June. Mr. Miller is a man of splendid Dhvsical and mental stremzht. and j possesses that personal magnetism which wins the lasting friendship of those with whom he comes in inti mate contact. Sheriff's Sale. Iv virtue and authority of a specia' execution, issued trom the office of the clerk of the circuit court ot Dates county, Missouri, returnable at the February term, iSSa, of said court, and to me direct ed in tavor of Henry Taylor and against John Shearer, I have levied and seized urvin all the rirht. title, interest and claim of the said defendant John She- j over, of, in and to the following descr'b- j ed real estate, situated in Bate county, j .Missouri, to-wit: The undivided one halt of the south- j west quarter of section 7, in tovn.hip 3S, ; ot range 3;, in Hates count v, Missouri Kulf i-,t fh- iiort!iavf t d.iu niv - - - - - - - ! H. cnnt!iivt ou.-irter ot sec- f tin 4, in to vn.hi 39, ranje 30, all in j ! -te county, Missouri, and I will on Sheriff of. Bate county. WALTON'S OPEEA We wish to state we with our usual tine MEDIUM PRICED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD DECORATIONS. e have just secured the two Jarie display rooms Avest of our old room in Opera Block, besides a large ware .house which we have tilled chuck full of Furniture. Our DEPARTMENT IS TO E.WALTON, Opera House Building, Butler, Mo. Buy Your Harness and Saddles 31 11 11. r y IUUUU UU jl.t is 1. 7 Titian, v:sr of McFARLAND BROTHERS & MILLS. TStf" -Tl TSL, TCkT CCJ TI7 O ST IN SYNDICATE BLOCK. IF T. NEW rnm S COMPLETE. HEARSE or VALUED A beautiful imported moss rose china tea set will be given awav with one box of matchless baking powder to the person drawing the lucky num ber placed oposite his or her name. The Ten Set consists of 56 pieces, Halting Powder warranted equal in qualityty to the best in the market. No Humbug, Call and sec it. III). MA IF IT GROCERIES Tl MIBE OTOE. are still at the front stock of fino and FURNISHED FREE. H ilMIUl Mini A IE IK, PUT? 9