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4 V Ms C Otitic Wit ol. vr. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 18. 1SS4. NO. 1 1. fi WOUNDED LOVE. 4Gy Deceiver Of A' early Three Ncore. from The Nevada Mail. A Story of wounded affections and financial wrongs was told in Justice Meyer's court Friday afternoon. It was one ol the common kind m hich the woman was the injured party, . i" ', . . J The prosecuting witness was Airs. E. A. : Phillips and the prisoner is known to the world as Pnilancier Morean- B'th were neatly dressed and sufficiently intelligent to make the trial interesting. Morgan is about 55 years' old, and his gray hair should admonisn him to turn his back upon the vanities ol the world. He ;s j roan ""above the average size, with heavy forehead, jutting- brows clear pay eyes, which are rather mauVihd an aquiline nose unusually Jge. having a curvature which a hawk might envy. The chuckle in 1ich be frequently indulge! during the trial would make a fortune if transferred to the stage. , .. Mrs. Phillips is a little woman .itb a tongue. Her now of Ian- ' ' r v ' . 9-r t ' - t' - guage is excellent. i nougn not handsome, she is by no means ugly. Stt'hs probably ?sccn afmany as thirty summers. This is the story as gathered from the testimony : ; Morgan says lie met Mrs. Phillips at Butler, Mo., She arrived there in company with a man who was not her husband. She became squainted with . Morgan and they soon patched up relation of an inti mate and confiding character. - Morgan .swore Mrs. Phillips was traveling under at. assumed name when he met her, and that she told of her anxiety to keep her residence concealed irom her parents. - Mrs. Phillips had a buggy and team which Morgan sold with her consent for $275, and paid a debt of $38 out of that sum, of her contract ing." ' Together Morgan ami Mrs. Phil lips came to Nevada several months since. The former had three chil dren and the lattar five. They ren ted a house' near the depot and com menced house keeoing the money from the sale of the team constitu hngtlie fund from which they lived. Morgan was an auctioner, but the amount of his business was not brought up in his trial. After living here about two months Morgan told Mrs. Phillips to take her children and go to her par ent at Paola, . Kansas, and he would dispose of their effects and follow her in a tew days, and that upon his arrival they would be mar ried. The woman did as requested oat the faithless man packed up the joods, sold part of them, shipped the remainder to Carthage, went to But ler on the 14th of last month, as al leged oy the prosecution, and mar ried another woman. The newly married couple went to Carthage to live, and while the honey-moon was ui progress, poor Mrs. Phillips was at Paola waiting for her fover.. Hut the faithless ad was soon discovoied and Mrs. Phillips came to Nevada and accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Ed Harmonv fol lowed thegav deceiver to Carthage. He was arrested and brought here. Mrs. Phillips recovered a part of her furniture. Justice Myers fixed Morgan's hail at JRSnr .tml in default v:is sent jail . " Five bald-headed men attended i fhc jial, and seemed to enjoy it iai- nicnscly. Some ot the county .' offi cers were absent: SYMPATHY FROM BVTLER. The following is letter received v Philander Morgan now in jail at 'bis phtce accused of wounding the Sections of Mrs. A. E. Phillips wd wronging her financially. Birn.tR, Mo., Feb. and, i4- Wr. Morgaic: " 1 V ' , "c ,c:l ior,VMU iu iais ; I w W I he rt:cfr of Vernon county if, " 1 t v.' a ..... ..11 . f r r -. . 1 . j to send you here for trial, ycu have I teen a good citizen and a popular man j among the ladies. All the women j of this city with whom you have had dealings have great respect for you, and we feel at a great loss without you. We want you to return to Bates tor we fear you will hang in Vernon, and that would be a slander on our county as you have been here so long and never been under an ar rest. You should have stayed in this county. You might have known you would have been arrested when you left it When you get out ot this scrape we advise you to come back and stay. We wish you good luck in your trial, but we cannot attend. All the Widows of Butler NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Harrisonville Democrat: Small pox is prevailing to some extent at Smithton, Pettis county. Clinton Advocate: The Hon. county court has been induced to take action upon the question ot circus license. They have reduced the price to $100, but reqire an ad ditional S100 for all side shows, so that, virtually, the license is but lit tle changed, and we doubt very much whether it will be any more accept able to circus managers than before. Lamar Democrat: The county court will submit the proposition to build a court house. , This question will be an oft recurring one, as it must be met. The Judge will refuse to hold court in the place it is held nov. The county court don't wish to be compelled to erect a shed out of a tew old idanks. in the public square. Ami our county is too pop ulous now to hold court, keep the records and furnish offices and have all the work done in a cheese box. We must keep up with the times. Clinton Advocate: Sunday night or rather Monday morning as Fred Warren was returning from the fire in going past Harpers residence he heard something fall into a well or cistern in the yard. Upon examination he found a cow floun dering in the water ami recognized it as Ed. Middlecoff's. He notified! Ed. and means were at once enter ed into to extricate her lrom her un pleasant predicament. A team of horses was brought out, a rope pas sed around the neck of the cow and a board placed under her. and just as everything was ready to start, the brute began to flounder in the water which frightened one ot the horses and he started off in a rush, and the other keeping pace with him. The consequences was the cow was yank ed out of the cistern at a double quick, dislocating her neck in the operation. Ed. who was standing near came near being badly used up by a rail which was caught by the double trees to which the runaway team was hitched. The scene for a few mo ments, is represented as decidedly lively. WELL PLEASED" Marsh's Go den Blood and Liver Ton- 1 ic is a Delightful Remedy. rt Your Golden Blood and Liver Tonic is a splendia blood purifier and livercor rector. I am well pleased with its et fects." John O- Aiken, Kansas Citv, Mo., "I have used Marsh Golden Hlood & Liver Tonic lor "onstipation and Bil liousness. and found it a delightful and effective remedy. ' G. A- Rvan Mo line, Ills., "Three bottles 01 Marsh's Golden Blond & Liver Tonic cured me ot a had Scrofulous humor a"d Kidaey trouble. It is an unequaled hlood purifier." (V. E- Brown lenver. Col. Marsh's Golden ttxd and Liver Ton ic the great Hlood Liver Kidney Stomach and iiowel corrector, and Marsh Gol den' llalsam. the famous Throat and Lung medicine, are for sle tr f. It. H tshew & Co. Druggist's butler I-arge bottte o cent and . THE COUNTY PRESS j fl jf W w T - - - - 1 i fin In 11 11.' HI nn nir m ni v Intsrresting News Notes Gleaned frcn our Local Contemporaries. HEVIVAL AT ItlCH 11 ILL Adrian Advertiser. It is said that the number of aspir ants for office in this county will be greater next campaign than ever be fore. We scarcely ci edited the ru mor. F. Pauline, ot Johnstown was in Adrian this week. He purchased lots in Huston's addition and will build a residence as soon as possible. Mr. P. is said to be a splendid car penter. Rockville Globe: It is reported chat Keith & Perry, ot the Gult road has paid Mr. Scott, contractor for the St. Louis and Emporia road be tween Appleton and Rich Hill $20, 000 for the first mortgage bonds on the road bed, and that the Gulf road will finish the road the coming sum mer. Thrt has been our version of the matter from the beginning and thus the people ot Appleton may yet be remunerated for their outlay Walnut Journal: 6. T. Wal lace is an enterprising cuss ; he is stripping a pit of 20,000 bushels of coal oi good No. 1. quality. The stripping is from eight to eleven feet. We understand Mr. Lockhart ot the Foster house, has soltl to F. M. Riggs. We wish the new proprietor snccess Mr. L. moves into the house formerly ocbupied by T S. Craig northeast ot the Journal of fice. T. Ii, Harper of Pleasanton was in town last Tl insday and Friday, giving the news paper situation an other look. lie seemed to be m doubt whether to start a Democratic or an independent newspaper and we think he finally concluded to wait a little tor brighter times before starting cither. Rick Hill Daily Sun. Mr. Tygard of the Rich Hill bank has gone to Ohio to the bedside of his father who is very ill. A tele grain from him Tuesday announced that his lather was sinking and very low. Capt. Tvgard who returned a few days ago had also been at his fathers bedside, but came back and relieved his brother that he might go Capt Tygard and his wife were in the city yesterday. The wonderful revival meeting at Park Avenue church . continues. People are here from the surround ing country, attending the meetings The Review is mistaken in saying it began last week when Mr. Weems came. The pastor already received a large number into the church. The last week was the most success ful. Every meeting this week has been wonderful. The church is crowded every night by the time it is lighted up and at the afternoon meetings there is always a crowd. The conversions number about 140 many of whom have joined the church. Farms For Bent. Farm For Rent: So acres in school section 16 4-2 n.lies east of Cutler. Good improvements. Ap ply at the Time office. Farm If or Rent : So acres, good buildings, land in cultivation 3 years. Terms: $iSooo cash per year. Location 7 miles east of Butler. W. F. Lafollett. A 600 acre farm to rent. Good buildings and water, call on M. L. Wolfe, Butler, Mo. For a Clean Suave J Go to i'roucii Bros, shop, near southwest ( corner -f the square. They have a neat, j 7re;i D- r Uirber Will give you a neat shave, shampoo or hair-cut. " He keeps none but experienced barbers. Will also grind razors. Satis faction guaranteed. Rooms north side j squar ! Money To Loan. At 6 per cent on real estate security time and terms to suit borrower. Abrfracts ot titles furnished J. M. Tucker & Co Butler Mo. -ff i 1 ll; v i n 1111 1111 1111 it 11 1111 lit 11 ' iiii II" W II J I HI H I I IL Have just received a ear load of BEDSTEADS which we have bought FOR CASH at prices WAY DAVX, ami for the wo make the following reductions, viz: Bedsteads, former price, And everything in stock guaranteed to be sold at a big bargain. Call early and be convinced. DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. HEARSE FURNISHED FREE. WM. E.WALTON, Opera House Building, Butler Mo. Buy YourHarness and Saddles McFARLAND BROTHERS finm UGH PRICE COUNTRY PRODUCE CHARLIE SFRACraE, Southwest Corner Square, BUTLER, MO.- $3 00 down to $2 75. 4 S 4i 3 So. V7S - 4 75- 6 25 " 00. 7 25 " 6 so. y 00 6 o. 9 00 7 75. 10 75 " 9 5o. it 4 or AT 15JTII2T, .Vrvr "cut rn? cc2 n IN SYNDICATE BLOCK. 1 A beautiful imported moss rose china tea set w ill be given awav with one box of matchless baking powder to the person drawing the lucky num ber placed oposite his or her name. The Tea Set consists of 56 pieces. Baking Powder warranted equal in qualityty to the best in the market. Xo Humbug, Call and see it. t. hd. nn a if tt iMliMll&S) PAID FOR Bedsteads, former price $3 50 down to $3 00 5 5 " 4 5 6 00 7 00 7 5 S so 9 75 6 00 6 50 7 00 8 s (UI A! OF & MILLS. tst 9 a ie ns, EillSn h .