If J
UP ill II v J-
WEDNESDAY, FEB. ao, 1884.
The Following companies will ap
pear at Walton Opera House on
the dates given.
February zond: Jolly Pathfind
ers. County Court will meet again on
the first Monday m March.
Small' farm lor sale, cheap.
liiirc of T. W. Childs.
I2tf. Walton's furmture house in this
city sold a large bftl of furniture to
parties residing in Springfield, one
day last week.
The cases ot Sumner Ilolcomb
and John T. Leabo, were continued
till the next term of court, which con
venes mi the llrsx Monday in tine.
The t2nd anniversary of Wash
ington's birthday will be celebrated
next Friday p. m. bv appropriate
exercises in all the-departments of the
Hutler Public Schools.
A large nutn,berot people in and
out of Hates counts', are availing
themselves ot the -reduced price of
the Time. Seventy-five cents tor
ten months of the paper ought to
catch most of them.
Pianos and organs tuned and re
paired. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Apply at W.-E. 'Walton- & Co's.
Owitrg to the "floods on the Missis
sippi Mi- axl Mrs. Walton did not
start on then Sew Orleans trip last
Friday as stated by the Times, and
have postponed the same till April.
J ook at the Opera House Furni
ture Store's hg ad for bargains in
PeYIurps the .most fun making en
tertainment ever in this -city will be
the Jollv Pathfinders at ihe opera
house to-night aad to-inc. row night.
Where ever they have been come
flattering reports t their- cierits as
artists ot uncommon attainments.
To those of our people who love
'tun, thi is their pportiinit io get it. j
Talk about bargains in befkteads.
'We should say so. Looi; at
Walton's list on first page and vou
avill agree with us.
S. W. Frederic;, living -aune
dndes southwest of Hntler will -,ell
at public sale Thursday the Sth. 3
head horses, 3 head cows, a lot of
hogs, wagon, wheat drill, rcaptr
and iaower, corn planter, z cultiva
tors s-.d other articles. Terms: six
monlkc time on sums over .$5.
Piauas and organs tuned and re
paired. Satisfaction guaianteed.
Apply at W. E. Walton & '.Y.
R. Tyler, living six miles
southwest of Butler, will sell at pub
lic sale, Tuesday the 26th. 3 work
horses, 3 mules, 3 milch cows, 5
head voting cattle, 6 head sheep, zz
head hogs, 500 bushel corn 111 crib
an4 various other articles including
lot of farming implements. Terms:
5 months time. on. ;di sums over
43 .
if Mil.
For The Next
A Reading Circle was organized
at the Douglass school Friday night
by G. W. Lowry. Its object is to
increase and encourage a reading
spirit among the colored people.
There was much interest manifest
ed at the first meeting.
A prominent business man ot But
ler said a few days ago "that unless
something was done at Walnut in
the next sixtv days every business
house there would be vacated."
The person referred to was caught
in the Walnut cyclone to the tune of
about $4,000, and knows whereof
he speaks. We hope the gentle
mans prediction will not come true.
Big bargains in bedsteads in Wal
ton's Furniture ad on first page.
T. E. Talbott. the City's popular
Merchant Tailor, nas moved his es
tablishment from North Main to the
Grange building 011 South Mam
street. Mr. Talbott has lately in
voiced a handsome new line of cassi
mcrcs suitable to any demand, and
I invites the public to call. Mr. T.
keeps excellent workmen, and guar
antees a perfect fit at reasonable
Hunt up Walton's furniture aci on
first page anil see the reductions he
A young man by the name ot
U avis Hall forged orders on the
Cowls Mercanitle Cc, at Kich Hill,
last Fr day, to the amount of $1,73.
He was arrested the same day.
brought to Hutler and a special
Grand Jury indicted him for the of
fence. The prisoner was put on
trial Saturday morning, found guilty
and sentenced to the penitentiary
for two years. Decidedly quick
work. "
The Other Side.
Last weeks Times contained se
vere strictures on the conduct ot Al
iord Roberts and a Mrs. Martin,
whom it was alleged had been in
ticed trom feer home by Roberts.
Mr. Roberts read the article and felt
agrieved and misrepresented, there
fore called to see the Times in re
lation thereto.
liis statement was rhar In. I
j nothing to do with the separation of
Martin and his wife, that they had
been separated oce or twice before,
and -that Martin, heing a very jeal
ous ican, was also a drinking man,
which in great part accounted for
the destitution of hi family. He fur
ther stacicd thai the only times he was
at Martin's house was when required
to go there to see Martin about work,
he (Roberts) haxing him employed
to assist in various jobs of wotk.
Mrs. Mattvi is now living at Nevada
with her parents, with whom she
Las been since she left Iter husband
iast July.
Mr. RobcrU asked that this cor
rection be made, as the charges did
him injustice, and he had a iar c
famiiy whom he did not desire
should liv- unrtcr such dishonor.
The Tiwes is always ready to cor
rect whatever errors it may fall iao
especially iu such cases as this where
innocent persons arc seriously injur
ed. Mr. Roberts came to us like a
man, and we gladiv set h:m right
before the public
1111 flPPC fllF1 v It Irf
Arcnie Cass County Its Live Busi
ness Men and Prospects.
A Times representative, who by
the way is always, on the go espe
cially where there is a chance for
business and a scent for news,
chanced to drop down on the spright
ly little burg ot Archie, in Cass
county, last Friday. In society par
lance the people were "at home,"
and the Times scribe was invited to
a front seat.
It has been said that Archie was
a dull town. Hut what a mistake.
He who said it knew not whereof he
spoke. Towns and communities,
like individuals, are often mis-j J. S. V00dhn, an old stand-hy
represented, and the good people ot j the Timfs, called and renewed
Archie, having no newspaper to t hist week. We are sorry to an
plead their cause, have reason for a j "ounce that Mr. W- will soon rc
grievance in their case. I ' to th- Lane Star State.
During last summer and fall n!:i- j - W. M. Wilson, residing north
erous new buildings, resiliences and
business horses both, went up in
this little town under the magic
touch of the caroenter and the hum-
mer. The structures were at once i paper.
filled by enterprising business men '. rj. Robinson, near Spraguc,
and honorable, industrious citizens. C;1!led and renewed a tew days ago.
Xo public mention was made t ; Mr. K . is a most successful tanner,
this, for there was no printers ink in :iml looked upon as the best teacher
town, not even a stray reporter until i jn I,;., section. He is at present en
lhe Times man struck it. ! g.,gcd teaching a school in his
Without doubt Archie can start - neighborhood. He is an intelligent
up one ot the best hotel buildings gentleman, and a citizen worthy the
the country, and a Homing mill that f confidence reposed in him.
has a reputation far and near as i
among the very best in the south - I 1 lu Home Lumber Co., purchas
west. The merchants of the place j Ctl a lot North Main street and
do business, in good shapely store f ,Vt, e u have moved their yard there
rooms, carry large storks, and then- I on last week, but the residents living
personal appearance indicate the j 1,1 the vicinity not desiring to have a
excellent character ot their business j lumber yard so near, took injunction
attainments. j proceedings against the Company,
Besides all this which contributes I
to make the town solid, there are- i
good school and church privileges.
One of the neatest and most modern
church buildings to be found any
where Butler not excepted is m
Archie. The people are intelligent
and hospitable partaking ot all the
vim and pluck of the true western
What Archie, as a town, needs
most just now, and something her
people clamor for with one voice, is
a good newspaper, substantially
conducted. This enterorise our!it
and would, we believe, be met with j
great encouragement by the business j
men and citizens. Some efforts have
been made in this direction, but
nothing was accomplished. The
town and surrounding country has
many advant ages that should be put
before the public in a proper way.
and it cant bed ne through auyother
channel than the columns of a news
paper, lne citizens recognize this
and hence their desire tor a little
printers ink with which to spread
their IlijnL ITfWftii ? 1 1 1 n 1)1 nrt.r
. trr .....j-, . ... j. .. . . f
I he Ti"mes was well received in
Archie, and its list of subscribe
there considerably increased.
Versailles Gazette: Few papers
n the State have improved with age
as has the Butler Times, our friend
Charley McFarland's paper. It is
now a large eight page paper, cut and
pasted like the St. Louis Republican.
It is newsy, ably edited and manag
ed and is in a flourishing condition.
Green Walton complimented
the Times a tew days since.
Our esteemed friend Edward
Jones, was a visitor and a renewer
to the Times a few days ago.
F. M. Gclbdav ot Summit
townshm. rave the the Times a
4 , n
friendly call Monday.
Win. Hubbard of Pleasant Gap,
one of the very best friends the
Times has, visited us Monday for
the purpose of renewing.
John Q. A. Cope, ot New
Home, was in the city Saturday
and gave the Times a substantial
call. Mr. C. thinks the post-ofliee
will be reestablished at New Home
in the near tuture.
ot the city, and one ot the foremost
j Republicans in the county, called
i Saturday and renewed for 1884.
' Mr. Wilson appreciates a rood
consequently their yard will remain
where it is till after the matter is set
tied at
the June term of the circuit
Meeting of School Clerks.
Persuant to a call of School Com
missioner Hinton. the Dist. School
clerks of Bates county met at the
court house Saturday, Feb. 16 1,884,
and listened to a discussion and ex
planation by Prot. Hinton of the
school laws as amended by the last
legislature. On motion W. M,
Wil son was elected chairman and T.
Cuppy secretary.
Af .er a genera! discussion of the
"-'ids and necessities of united ac-
tion on the part ot School Boards of
the county to accomplish the most
good in the cause ot education, it
was deterrmned to enter into a ner
m.ment organization and chairman
and secretary were instructed to call
a meeting of the Boarus of Directors
to meet uuon
the last dav of the
meeting of the summer Teachers in
stitute and organize permanently.
It is urgird upon the directors and!
clerks that they make every effect to I
j- . . . 1
pre.-ent ami take part in th organ
ization of an Hssociafion which is
destined to accomplish much good if
earnestly supported by the school t
boards of the county.
W. M. VVilsov T. B. Ct ppv.
Chairman. Clerk.
County Sap F r S Ue.
VL'im c . . . .i
We have five late county map lor ale
00 each. Tuik Office j8tf
A Worthless Husband and Father
Deserts Bis Family.
Editor Times : Three years ago
a man by the name ot Clay W asson,
formerly trom Kentucky, came to
Bates county, bringing with Inm a
-i 1 .-ii 11 1 4
wife and one child. He leased forty
acres ot
land joining the Wilcox
school house.
in district
three, where he has since liveJ.
His mother and two sisters, one mar
ried, have since settled in the same
neighborhood, the mother and single
sister making their home with the
married sister.
It seems that Mr.
Wasson's relatives disliked his wife
and were continually trying to pre
judice him against her. He being!
anything but one of God'snoblemen,
allowed himself to be influnccd by ;
his mother and sisters and became I
surely abusive toward his family. J
Last Morula- the 11th inst., Mr V .
told his wife that liis mother and sis
ters wanted him to bring Xewtie,
their youngest cl ild about two
years of age over to stay a few days
that they wanted to make him some
clothes. She consented, not once
suspecting anything wrong.
Friday the 15th inst., Mr. W. left
home, ostensibly o look for a place,
telling his wife that he would not be
back until Sunday. Well aware that
Mrs. W. would not remain at home
at night by herself, he had told her to
goto Mr. Jim Byford's the first
night and Mrs. Rilet's the second.
Accordingly, when night came, hav
ing arranged everything at " home,
she locked up the house and. with
her oldest boy now about tour years
old went to Mr. Byford's to spend
the night.
Judge of her feelings when on go
ing home the next morning, she
found the house had been broken in
to and literally turned upsided own :
that her husband had not only de
serted her : but that he had come in
the night, in her absence and break
ing into the house had taken every
thing upon which he could lav any
claim, and. with the youngest child,
had left for parts unknown, leaving
her destitute among .strangers, in no
condition to bear up under such
an unexpected blow with the support
of herself and little boy to provide
jorasuesi jnc may. Airs, w . is
doubtless better off without him; as
he has, by his poor management,
proved himself incapable of support
ing a family and his cowardly man
ner of deserting them seems to be a
tacit acknowledgment of the fact.
Mrs. W. has found a temporary
home in the family ot M . G. Wil
cox, where he wiil remain until
some arraiigmcnt can be made for
the tuture. Hai .
money I o Loan. ;
At 't per eent on real e-tate -ecurity!
t!m' antJ tenn" '"- borrower. Abstract
01 imes :urnirt:etl I. a. i m ki-r .V Lo
For a Ci'-an Shay
j (o to I'rouch Bros. slioj, near souihueM j
corner ti the square. They have a neat,
con-if.-t --inre r-'rr. 5.
Fred D--r 3rbcr
j Will give vou a neat have, shampoo or
, hair-cut. He keeps none but experienced
i t 1 !! t a .. ..
-co-, w 111 is grinu razor. aii-
taction guaranteed. Ro,m n,rth si.'e
All local advert istment$ in this tlm
will be charged for a the rate of jfty
cents fer line for each insertion.
8pecial Notice.
A ,ady who u thoroughly accomphttwd
hi Painti g and Artitic Embroidery,
j will give leons once a week In Hutler
j h n Ee UP c,a twelv tr
! fifteen ladie. 'For term and full Inor-
j " ' "'
Fresh fih neat Friday at Jaiue.
Voice Culture.
Ihivintr hi-en urtrd hv munv ntf m
j voun, tritMulit to B,ve tiem muc
I have determined to
teach a cla the
! present winter in voice culture. Partie
desiring lessons will be given term on
application. Mrs. C. T. McFarlasii.
That It rook Trout at Cha. Sprague U
fine. jj-tr.
Attention Farnjers.
We have a lare amount of the finct
l lux M-ed in Iia(ei tountv both KiiMian
j and American which rjHxiai!)'
selected for sowing purpose which, wr
will loan to tanner m-usoii, on u
fair and reasoiiiib!.- terms ,ianv partv in
.Southwct Missouri and jjnani.itec price
for tomiiifi crop. We have ;:Io mnile
arrangement with a prominent firm in
Racine WiscoitMii lor a Flax Machine
made exprely foi4 ' ;tiiinj; ilax ecil,
whii h t..kts out atl dirt and torin ccc!
and cleans the fiu reed u clean a it i
possible lor any machine to do, which
enable us to oiler vou clean eirdf Mad
wc desire to say to lhoe farmer, having
eed of their own, that if thev want their
seed wed cleaned before sowing, bring it
to us, we will clean it tor vou at a u-fv
reasonable figure.
it-t. I,ki-kt-K & Cmu.
Palace Grocery.
1 wil fie fun nd in Vj lace Motel build
ing with full line of groceries Queen
ware and for cash or barter. I 'owe nJ
-ee ire.
A. (". Brewinxton.
Millett Seed.
He hate an order for 2,000 buheU
German Millett eed, which we can han
dle at lair figures if brought In noon.
Lkpker Ac iiir.ii,
Castor Beans.
YV e have on hand a limited amouU ot
prime castor beai, which we, will loan
to farmer tor planting purpotcfc and
guarantee good price for the crop; and
we urge our farmer, especially tloe
having a family ot children to take the
n atter into consideration, as experience
prove that no crop pay a better profit
tor the labor expended than castor bean.
Come and -ee u and get a pamrM.-t on
castor bean cultnie.
11-V. Lexke & Ciuu.
All the Iriend of the late firm of U.
I!, are rerei-uu!ly invited to call and C
arnine iuy good arid price on Wet
iue square. Iamks S:k'.i.
Farm For Sale or Bent.
1 ha-, c a small farm ot So acre three
niil- north ot Butler, on th railroad, t
sell on caw term, or rtfnt lor cah.
; Address, '.. M. (JaKKVurar.ET.
j tj 4t fuiburg, Miami rountv, Kan.
Money tO Loan,
I am autliorizcd to loan a lare amowit
' ( i j1 mert ih xxf real estate cai i
m niii.-v on oaie couniv re
riodated on very favorable term.
W. K- A.toN,
at Butler National Bank. S3'"
ri!ete-fock of caket, roffin,
metalic caet burial robe etc., at Wal
ton's Opera 1 Ioue Furniture tore. Fine
heare turnUrfrd free, Esperienced
ondertiter in tore dar and night.
2-tf. "E. I). Ktrr, aleman.