Newspaper Page Text
fsiuTHEifS SENATORS. j Group of Thera a Sscn Through Gain s spectacles. fjrrcspondcnce of the Cincinnati En quirer. COCKRELl.. Edmunds to"k the seat in a few minutes, bald -headed and of a pe coliar cranial formation- certainlv rjyt ot lofty and god-like shape, but rather on the line of Calvin, or some of the mart vr twister tw o or three hundred years ajjo. Thus he has ,'eea compared to St. Tcrome, some what because he looks like a certain picture of St. Jerome, but more be r . i cause he is or that old tneoiogicai cyjjc and has been preverted into politics and statesmanship, rather than oc cupying his normal place in polem - ,V and hair-splitting. However, he is a clean, experienced, accom plished man. and it is little of a re flection upon him that every body calls Cockrell ot Missouri the Ed munds of the Democratic side. I looked down at Cockrell, who seem ed tcbe a substantial farmer with a respectful countenance, but not much apparent magnificent in bis endowment, ana saia i: iiy you call him the Edmunds ot the Senate?". ,i "Because," said the young tutor, "he is always on the watch lest some fob or bill should go through." V ., ' - ' , RIDDLEBERGER. . j.The first : man 1 observed was young Riddleberger, from Virginia. I had expected to see for him a very tall and middle-aged, slab-sided, swinging-armed man. On the con tra I beheld a genteel, rather blushing young man, lithe than tall, sophomoric, and somewhat hand some, dressed in a neat suit ot black, and who might have passed for the son ot some other Senator. Said I: "That is the man who fought a duel some time ago while running for office?" "Yes." said my instructor, "he did snap cap or something of that kind with a political opponent. Thev say he is a tine speaker on the stump ; but he is going to have hard work here to get in his stump orato ry. They all subside after they reach the Senate, becaue there is so little ot the contagion of genius in this body that after a time a kind ot cool chill falls over them, the result of their own mediocrity, like skim med milk on a freezing day." MAHOSE. Then came in Mahone, a kind ot a queer, gray weasel of a man with the suggestion of a skeleton about him and a borrowed beard; some such a man as the Fly ing Dutch man might have mustered in his wizard crew under the orders to sail on forever. His eves were without cither enjoyment or repose, but seemed to be on the watch like some of the smaller quadrupeds which are born bid and seem to gei ;iy their intancv. This little forked witch of a man glided to his seat as if he were about to Take command ot the Flying Dutchman and steer on for another century. I looked at him with a sort ot shudder, and it seemed a "romance of many hun dred years ago, since he had com manded a great division of the rebel army and been -suggested by Gen. Lee to succeed in its command. Mimrg" butler. Butler, who came to Washington under a cloud of dislike from the "V.-v, Vv nuift intercourse, a .Ul III) I'-. -' l seldom -asserted mental and social strength and a genial, willing hold ' - - J- " on the instrumental! ies he found among his opponents, become one ot the most respected men in the Senate. I observed him with inter est. There is but little of the dis ' tmctive Southerner in his counten ance, ami I believe that he is descen ed from Com. Perry, ot Rhode Is land, lie is eighteen years younger than Hampton, who commanded him during the war. 1 he news paper writers say that they find him genial, and that the only subject he has ever shown any temper, about n private is the Hamburg negro sffravl 'Butler is- one Of the best men in ihe . Se'nate.'i- II .complex ion! is ratherbroamd- soft, 'almost ' pale tint. . Me , sits sr.oii the Northeu men, and pres ently we see him and them laughing together. It is always agreeble to discover in one's opponents good, natural and human traits, and on such men as this future ot the South must hang. Mv recollection is that Mr. Butler, even under the carpet bag rule in South Carolina, was a rather reciprocal man. WOMEN OF THE WORLD. ! at par. That is a long step towards j prosperity. Troy Free Press. Mr. Irving, the actor, has sent $250 to the suffereres by the floods. New Madrid is moving to con struct and reconstruct its county roads. The county is now about out of debt and feels able to enter on the work. Ik h OF ALL KINDS Lady Cairns has consoled Miss Fortescue tor the loss of Garmoyle by giving her a Bible with sundry- consolatory passages marked. "Ouida" writes from Florence that the reported conversion to con versation to Catholicism is a slander uttered by a person who abused her hospitality. It is hoped that marriage will low er the temperatuie of Ella Wheeler's poetry. Her prospective husband is engaged in the ice business. M. Richepin, who succeed Da mala in- Sara Beinhardt's affections. has deserted her for an actress who is fatter and not quite so handy with a horse-whip. About the best way to tell real from the imitation sealskin sacque is to have your neighbor s wife buy one. Your wife well tell you all about it the first day. A fashion magazine has an article on ''What will the coming girl wear?" If the article refers to the servant girl of the future she will probably wear the best the land af fords. Francis Parkman, ths historian, says that two-thirds ot the few hun dred women who want the ballot in Massachusetts have a standing quar rel with the Almighty for not mak ing them men. Statistics fnvosce. From the Pall Mall Gazette. A French philosopher has been collecting the statistics ot divorce and lecturing-on the theories with which they supply him. The re sults art interesting, in some re spects singular. Some well worn theories are quite upset by his tacts and figures. Taking a fixed stand ard of 1,000 marriages, the philoso pher distributes all countries into three groups group A, where the divorces average from 1 to 5 in the 1, 000; group B, where they run from 6 to 10; group C, where m a thousand marriages there are from 11 to 28 divorces. It is strange to find among the first class the Italians, thf Unvinr.s And the Scotch. It seems the only point in common among nationalities otherwise so op posed. The Swedes, the orweg ians, the Dutch and the Hungarians are in the second class, while the third includes most other European neoples. The philosopher insists tnnt the laws of a country have no influence on these results. Norway and Denmark have the same lawsy and Norway is moral and Denmark is loose. Switzerland is one repub lic, but in the canton of Lucerne there is scarcely ever a divorce, and in Appenzell there are a great many. In Catholic countries, as a rule. there are many. Much depends on profession. Artists and men ot let ARE AIN'T EI- I will pay the highest market price In. Spot Oali, For Hides. Furs, Wool, Pelts, Feathers, Beeswax and Rags. LEWIS HOFFMAN, 6tt North Main Street, BUTLER, MO J THE TIIVXES Real Estate Badgley & Gipson, We will give special prices on AGEICT LOCATED IN THE -'TIMES" BUILDING, BOOTS & FUR SHOES ; Respectfully solicits all persons having real estate to sell, to call and 1 j : 1 ...-ii 1... .l .i leave uesciipiiou aim price ui piupeny, vvucic same v hi uv uci uacii free of charge. Parties wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call and see us. We have now on our books the following Real Es tate for sale. The first suit for breach of prom ise of marriage ever brought in Chester county, .South Carolina, has been entered by Miss M. A. Lucas. who asks $20,000 damages from James P. Ferguson. The London times evidently thinks Mary Anderson is a Chicago in stead or" a California girl. It says: "Heavv-footed impressiveness weighs upon all her efforts to be sprightly." Mrs. Josephine Jones-Vorke can didly writes to the Cincinnati Com mercial-Gazette that she was born in iS-i ; that she is the daughter of a soap and candle-maker, and that c!-w. nupii hfr musical success to Carl Rosa. The Princess Beatrice, sick of her secluded lite and of waiting for the deceased wife's sister's bill to mar ry the husband of her sister Alice, has taken to fancy balls, and danced all nicrhr at Hamilton Court a tew .... - - days ago. "A clever woman," says the American Queen, "has made a very effective stair carpet ol scraps of cloth neatly sewed together ; as "in patchwork, and edged with scarlet two inches wide. The pieces are all the same, size." Show that to your wife the next time she wants a new carpet. MISSOURI NEWS. ters seem very unfortunate in their unions. Moreover, the statistics of suicide run parallel with those ot divorse. Saxony is the country where both are found in greatest numbers. For a space of three years the number of suicides remained sta tionarv m Sweden and so did the di . . I "k 1 1 l A vorces. lioth are cnecKcn oy mc birth of children. 4S, Business House and lot, in Adrian, house 18x40 feet, lot 25x140 teet, good 10- ratinn will h cnlrl at a harcrain. This propertr will only be offered at the pres- 33, House and lot in north eat part ot town, good house ot 4 room, also excel- 1 icni wen 01 waicr . SIXTY DAYS, As we must reduce our stock tor other Goods. We are always Top 011 1 roauce. r7 ine 32, good farm ot i?o acres within one mile 1 . ; l .1 : A I. --. 1 I til uuuer, eouu uuuuiiign viu or Sndtonl1018' madmVm' Competition is no bluff tout. Weal- ways meet the closest prices. HOLIDAY GOODS Are coming. Remember our place is on the South Side, Green Front. The Chilicothe, Mo., creamery is now paying $850 per month. " There is an earnest movements to establish a creamery at Palmyra. The people of Springfield are moving to establish a creamery in that town. Lebonon, Laclede county, like the rest is raising the money to start a creamery. A party of hunters recently killed 201 rabbits, 24 quails and one owl near Salem, Mo. The Howell county Journal says there will be no peach crop in that county this year. The county Court of Pike county at its last session raised wine and beer licenses from $60 to $400. They have established a creamery at Harnsonville, Cass county, and the best results are expected. A line of steamboats is about to be put on b.ack river, making popu lar bluffs the initial point of the en tei prise. - Ralls xoonty retunding bonds are said to be changing hands up there Bro. Gardiner on Fred. From the Detroit Free Press. "Let me say in reply," answered the President, k4dat I did not intend de marriage menshuned, neither has I ebber remarked imputed to me. Nevertheless, it Fred Douglass or any older man. ot color desiahs a white wite, and kin secure one in de reo-'lar way dat bridges am secured it am nufiin to anybody outside de tam'Iv relashuns. De white wo .nan who kin drap down to de lebel of a black husband orter be able to hnd one, au'it dar am any fault found it shouldn't be wid de man. "So tar as dis club am consarned we take de color straight, an' we mean to continer dat way. If it should be known heah that Whale bone Howker, who am a widower and lookin tur a second wife, had become de husband of a white Soci ety belle, he would probably be axed to vacate de red stool on which he t . . has so long reposed, out we shouldn't blame him mo' dan de woman. When I git ready to trade my ole woman, who am at least two shades darker than tur, fur de slickest white woman dat eber run a man in debt, I'll gin de Lime Kiln Club a' month's notice." H.V, PENTZER DEALER IN I-1 Tit NITI JTiE, IJABY CABUIAGES or all styles and pr.ees. Good Hearse Always oa Ft 11 lil. iiiul furnished 011 short notice Orders may be lelt at F. Kvans stable alter niehr or on bumbiy. uutier. 010 v 2S, House and lot in east part of town on . . tt j - : J uaKOian street, iiouse coniama suuu rooms, goo a well on lot, will be sold at 1 a bargain. 14, Large trame house and good lot on North Main street, good stable plenty of fruit and good water. Will be sold on terms to suit purchaser. 45. no acres 2 l-a miles northeast of But ter, 100 acres under fence, Soto 100 acres farming land, balance timber. rever failing water, good timb-r, range tot stock, comtortable house. Will be sold at 35 per cent less than actual value. 40 o acres ot land mostly timber i ailes t Uutier, excellent none quarrr iu ins the best ot 6tone tor buildings and side walks. t- limine and lot in the northwest part ot I town, corner lot, good house with five rooms, good stable, new picket icncc and new sidewalk. 40. A hue resilience wun auoui 5 acrcn o land adjoining tne corporate mini, vi sutler. Excellent fruit of all kinds, plen- tvot water, goou ouiounuing. " one of the most desirable country resi 1 dences in Bates county. Improements all in good reoair. 67 130 acres of firt rate land in Spruce township. Well hedged good buildings, plenty ot water, 150 bearing apple trees plenty of other fruit, 80 acres in cultiva tion 40 acres in pasture 10 acres good ceat land. This is one of the bnt improved and most desireable farms in the count . 24, 1 So acres S miles southwest of Butler, about 160 acres excellent timber, balance fine prairie close to coal mines and rail road. 27, 160 acres 4 miles north of Butler, new dwelling house, good out buildings, land all new and good quality. Also a fine brick residence on north main street in the city of Uutier, one ot the most desira ble locations in the city. Commodious house in good repair, good stable, large lot and fine location. Thi is a very desirable property in one oi the best neighborhoods ot Butler. 56, 80 acres i mile from depot, 2 good wells ot water, small orchard; land all under cultivation; can be made one ot the finest farms in the county ; will be sold on easy terms or very -heap tor cash. 64., J40 acres near Mulbery will be sold all to gether or in lets to suit purchaser. Good land and good buildings. Two good houses fine young orchard and plen ty of water, in a good neighborhood close to school, church, and nost-officc. SEWARD A. HASELTINE, PATENT SOLICITOR & ATT'Y AT LAW, SPHINGFIBIiD, MO. rAnodated at Vahinton D. C.) OorrMpondan ZZSaSSwL niuiri WMwerod ir and prompt. I l nstnlMl unattttH lOpETiBlEPiliS U0: Secure Bealtfcy action to the Liver ,nd relieve alt bil lions troubles. ' Tmlj VscttsUs; Xo OripSaf. Wes 88c. AH Brafftatfc Trustee's Sale. .... 1 v font, hv his deed of trust, bearing date September 1st, 1S79, and duly recoraeu nt der's office ot Bates couniv, book No. 17, page 473, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the tollowing des cribed real estate in trust 10 secure pav-ment of a certain promissory note in said deed ot trust fully described, to Wif The northwest quarter ot the southeast quarter and the north half of the north half of the southwest quarter ot section thirteen (t.v), township Joitv-tvro (.) of range thirty-two 131. n Bates countv,Missouri, containing eighty acres more or less and, whereas, said note is past due and unpaid. Now therefore, at the .k- irai holder of said note re". m rh authority in me j vested bv the terms ot said deed of trust, I will on Thursday, March 27, 1SS4. FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. em - A ravorile prrorrspuon tw "''" n.i r-ir.l KM-thociirof Sfmrwro ltrffl!: OH. WARD & CO t!:Una. . POWER FIRE EXGINK nearly as effect ive as a steamer; about one third first cost, and less than one tenth annual ex pense for repairs. For circu lars with testimokials address, REMING TON AGRICULTL VQ., 1LION N. V- 46,1 jo acres, In Ueepwater townsnip, known as tne j, 11. ricttucr unu, lent quality ot land, about 50 acres in cultivation balance pasture, plenty of stock water house with 3 good sized rooms, new barn 20 by 36 tt and other out buildings, good orchard. Price $25 per acre- 69. 170 acres in Summit township, containing 2 houses one 01 mem s 1 -rrm turn we lis of water, eood orchard of bearing apples and all other small truits. L.ana an in cuiuvsiiuu.uu tence. A decided bargain "TT 3 acres in suthwest corner of I Mound twp., all in cultivation devid- ed into five fields, lwo good nouses, one 6 and the other 5 rooms. 4 good j wells and 4.00 bearing apple trees. Also several good out nuuamgs. C4.124 acres in Spruce townstnp,2 nouses, orchards, 200 acres m -"""""i ance in pasture all under fence, plenty ot water, all good land. Can be divided to make two convenient forms. eo 8oacre two miles southwest ot Butler, Good land, plenty of water. Will be sold very cheap. 61 House and lot 3 blocks from the square in Butler, good house ot 7 rooms, good well and cistern, new stable and other out buildings, plenty ot fruit ot !.ik,nd'' lot one hundred feet square. Will De nold cheap and on easv terms. 60120 acres, 2 miles from Adrian, 2 houses, good barn, good young orchard of aUkind of trnit, a No. 1 well ot water good soil and good locality. rS-House and Lot, 1 Butler new houMS '1 1-2 stor,, tour rooms and good kitthm, cood barn and bugev bouse, excellent well ot water 2 feet Jeep, plenty ot fruit t: 260 acres tor miles wet ot Adrian, loo acres in cultivation ""o acre, in grass, all under tence. Good house, sta ble and never failing water. Trice $20 per acie, on terms to suit purchaer. This is a bargain. 43, House and lot on corner ot Fulton and Mill streets. Good houite containing tour rooms, wood shed and coal houhc, good tru it, good well; lot Soxif'g feet Owner determined to aeli. 44, House and lot In north west part ol city, good frame house 38 by 30 with two rooms back, new stable, good cistern 111 kitchen. Lot 132 by 264, also 3 vacant lots adjacent lo above property each lot 132 by 264. Will be sold all together or seperately to suit purchaser, all very de sireable property and in the best part 01 town. ei, House and lot in North part ol city. Lot 84 x171ft, house one story 5 good rooms, good well and out buildings. Also vacant lot adjoining too X 171ft, good fence and stable, Will be sold together. or separately, ins property i onereo for a bhort tuna at a bargain. 40, House and lot in West Butler opposite the depot. Houe contains 4 rooms can be used for either dwelling or businc hous;. 74. 80 acres, house with fne room, plenty ot water. 00 hearing apple trees, and other small truits, including black . herries and rasnberWes. Land all in cvltivation and under good tence. Wilt nd be so'd at a bargain. School house church within quarter of a mile. 7 40 acres of good land 1-3 mile from citv limits, good land nice location. 72 10 acres ;f land I miles ot Uutier, house 14x24, with good cellar. New cis tern that will hold 150 barrels ot water, 40 or 50 fruit tree, about 6 acres in cultiva tion, all under fence. Will be sold cheap. 73if acres, divided by a hedge in the center, 50 acres in pasture, a splen did set ot blue grass with plenty ot water and shade. Dwelling house on each So, new barn, good apple and peach orchard and other mall fruits, 10 acres orchard grass and 8 acrt timothv, also 27" acre good timber. This pla e 1 a bargain. Diol-ttn:i Notice The partneiship heretotcire exiting between DrsJ-Everingham and E. L Rice is this dav dissolved by mutual con .. .it,..i to the late sent. All parties at PUDIIC uuuc ----- --- --- much ot said real estate m said, deed ot a .; nntiri described f may oe rrnvi anu a - necessary to pay said debt, .nterest and costs- Trustee, i Rice M. D. Humphrey'H Addition. We have now thirty-ihree to nif le. This addition ,s s r tuated direct 5 UeU Talued ,t trom $.00 nSrf This property wiH in a short be enS ViluaST Come now while 7o can have choice