Newspaper Page Text
Si t BUTLER WEEKLY TIMES, j BITLEK MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY, M.VRrif 5.,-1884. PerOIlSaL pose ot purchasing spring goods, j. Finest lot ot wall paper in the city i Mrs. V. M. White of Kich J "c "J ! " 7 J iii.H ..n, r.,.w tv...d.,v than ever before. " " . J no. Cope came OUH FIVE CEN COLUMjT -as. M. Webb was another of i up to Butler I yesterday morning, and stated that The Arlington Hotel will open j next Monday. ' t..i - ...1 : 1 ... i-.i t I ! L -T-l-tT-lt I .1 ... ... 1 ! ne was in ivicii mu aim saw tne nre . , , when it tirst broke out hist Monday. V V''uli y r ilia iav v. v. east square :::d see the farming in plemnii. All local advertisement '- ... ai r ei . . cents fer lime for tmtk insertion. A lot of tobacco seed for free dis trihution at the Times office. SmaU farm tor sale, cheap. En quire of T. W. Childs. i2tf. John Ludwick will soon have his new drug store on North Mam street 111 operation. Will there be any work done the coming .spring toward macadamiz ing our streets .' And the times special offer is. to lie continued. Only 75 cents from now to January next. A $100, Hall's Fire Proof Safe with Hall's Patent Lock for sale for $50, enquire ofcR. R. Deacon. Willie Pyle.fornierly of this city, h-is started a bank at National Park, Colorado, assisted by other parties. The Home Lumber Co., is grad ually occupying its new location on North Main street notwithstanding the injunction ' "Col."; Pace has returned but brings no railroad news for publica tion. Pace dont usually tell what he 'knows, no way. Farm For Rent : 80 acres in school section 16, 4-2 nJies east of .Butler. Good improvements. Ap ply at the Times office. The Butler Weekly Times and the Louisville Couricryournal. from March istto January 1st, tor only $t 85. Remember this. Call and get sample copies. Miss Johnson, an experienced seamstress, has opened dressmaking rooms on the second floor of the Ed- xvaids building, on North Main street. Parties desiring work in that line should call. 44l March was tindiered in in j hurry this time. If would be hard to im agine a more disagreeable wind than that which blew last Saturday. Henry Burkheart has severed his connection with the Republican. N. D. Horn residing east of town a few miles, called a few days ago and renewed for 1S84. Capt. Tygard was summoned to attended the funeral of his father in Ohio, one day last week. Miss Reif, a very pleasant young lady from Rich Hill, spent several days last week with Miss Myrtle Mc- Biide. ; Miss Nannie Day spent last week visiting Miss Kate Beatty in Ft. Scott.' She returned Sunday last. , JudgeNeptune came up Sun day night to be present at the open mgof county court Monday morning. Mr. J. M. Steel has removed to the residence on Fulton street, form erly occupied by Mr. Rosser, of the Record. Mr. Frank Miller, of this city, rented a farm some five or six miles west of Butler and xvdl try farming iffor a season. Squire N. B. Meek, left the Jat ter part ot last week for his old home in Illinois. He will be absent two or three weeks. Charlie Blythe, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. J. B. Ellis, in this city for some time, has returned to his home in Texas. The Rich Hill Enterprise He said that though that was the an extra Monday afternoon first practical test ot their water! works system it proved quite a suc cess and doubtless saved a serious conflagration. E. D. Kipp, the gentlemanly manager of the opera house furniture emporium for some time past, has since the disposal of the furniture store b Mr. Walton, accepted a position in the Butler National Bank. Elmer is a clever young man and we are glad that he is going to remain with us. j Cattle stock ai.d men go to the Grange store and get the pure rock j salt, the best salt in the world for stock. The handsomest stock of Wallpa per to select from in the southwest at Citv Drug Store. F. M. Crum ley, proprietor. A Leap Year Victim! Chas. W. Glorious, of the hard ware mid grocery firm of Wright, Glorious & Williams, left the cit for the purpose (so he ton! the boys) I of visiting his parents in St. Louis, j T KVERINGIIAM, M. 1., phrwvia St out j The exclusion is now. however, ol offcttT. giving j that he had other business in the citv ! west fciJe of Public Square; nrt oa I "i wuvc House. Special Notice. Aladvwhois thoroughly ccomplihq in 1 Painti g and Artirio EmbroitW, wid give lesson once a week in Butt', it she cn Se up a class ot twelve , fifteen Udie. Kor term and full JZ mation apply to Mr, Levy's Store full .iccount of the fire at that place, j ot a ilJOIV spcciA n;tture ,1;,n , ! Iv to visit parents; for last Monday I morning several of the boys, and young ladies too. received hand- J some invitation cards to attend 'he j wedding ot Mr. Chas. W. Glorius, ! f Hutlcr, Mo., to Miss Matilda Gaus, of St. Louis, The marriage will take place at the Prot. Evangelist church 13th and Webster streets St. Louis, Mo., W. O. Duncan for some time past with Sain Levy & Co., has not left the city as one of our city papers stated last week, but accepted a po- v:,.,k.t.. . 1 1 It you desire anything in the wall paoer line, call at F. M. Crumley's Citj' Drug store. He has the finest stock ever Drought to the city. Cheap, too. There has been some talk of a syndicate being formed t build a block of brick bnildings where the old Olive hotel stands. There may ie something developed in this wax before the season ends. By making their oxvn soda and buying their grape cream tartar di rect from importers, DeLands are always able to make their Chemi cal bakingpowder uniform and pure. Absolutely no filling. - A very pleasant surprise party took place at the home of Miss Car ry Walls last Frdav night. Quite a number of her little friends were present, all of whom enjoyed them selves very much. John P. Willis took possesion of the Allen Dav Boarding Houc last Saturday. niid hi hoarders tell us that from the begininghe make, he will keep up the good reputation the house has long since attained. Mr. W. P. Johnson, of Vinton, was among our callers on Monday. He subscribed for the Times and it will visit him weekly in the future. F. M. Ma 11 love, a good Demo crat and a staunch supporter of : the Times, called Monday and renewed, an 1 also ordered the Courier Journal. Francis Gilhreath, of Hudson :.. .1 . . iiuorins us mat lie xv iil start the first of next month for Colorado and oth er xxestern states to search for a cat tle ranch. II. W. Ackerman, the Times old and valued friend from near Vir ginia, called and renexved last Sat urday. We are always glad to wel come Mr. Ackerman. J. F . McConneil. of Ashland Co., Ohio, arrived in Butler Satur- day. and savs hp K.u , ' - ...... wvwiv d. I Air. Mc. is a brother ot T. C Mc Conneil. of the Grange store. Dock Franklin one or the sub stantial farmers of this township, and who tanned it last year on the shan non farm xvest of toxvn, has rented th Humphrey farm just south ot the city limits. He took possession last Monday. ticc A it: r . w " ": "iicon, 01 nan ison ville, in company xvith Andy Dea con, of this city, came doxvn to But ler Saturday night. Andy returned to Harrisonville yesterday morning. Miss AUie will remain for some time with the family ol her uncle, R. R. Deacon. Mr. C. C. Harris, xvho for four years past has lived on the Greenwade sition in the mammoth establishment Lf akotn. oi Christopher & Jackson. Mr. j ve ry troub Uuncan is a, pleasant gentleman and a first-class salesman and will prove a valuable acquisition to the firm as. he will also to our social circles. Dr. C. E. Edwards of Archie, was in the city on business Mon day. Dr. Edxvards will be the editor ot the Herald-Xo appear for the first time Friday. He is a gentleman of experience in nexvspaper work, and possesses the confidence of the people with whom he is to deal. No bet ter man could be found for the man ager of Archie's first newspaper. u. ivuze, tor tne past two years head clerk xvith Christopher & Jackson, has severed his connec tion therewith and accepted a posi tion xxith the xvell known firm of Samuel Levy & Co. Mr. Mize is one of the very best salesmen and neatest trimmers of a store room ever 11 this city, ami has fexv equals any- xvhere. Christopher & Jackson still have an excellent corps of clerks ft. and Water streets, art ry troublesome. 1 he street, for want of work,' is made a hog-xvallow to the disgust of the neighbors and the disgrace of the toxvn When the xveather moderates xve shall raise a racket unless there' be an end piit to the nusiance. There are some people who persist in raising droves of hogs in town to forage" upon the community. There should be a stop put to this business in Butler. Ladies Take Notice. Those desiring letsons in Voice Culture will please remember that I am ready to t.ervc them on reasonable term. Abo will give instructions in ali the latest ttvlet at o 1-2 o clock, Wednesday, March of Kmbroiderios compriiint; in part of I2th, A. M. After the cercmonv Kensington, Applique both Onlaid aaj shall be performed, tl- bride and In,iiid Arrasenc, I'henille, Russian, groom together with the invited Turk.; Spanish CouchfnK, Point Rus. guests, will proceed to Stoll's Hall, stitch Win ..Jo iearT Z sZT - r"' . , r: in. I" ohi'iic sireer, xvnere an im mense baH and banquet sh 11 l;e given them. The groom 1 one ot our liveener- gettic business young men xvho has many friends in Butler and Bates county, while his fair bride is the accomplished daughter ot Mr. H. B. Gaus, xvho is the proprietor of one of the most extensive plaining establishments in St. Louis. We pronounce Charlie a leap year victim because we know him to ne Mrs. C. T. McFaklamd. Wall Paper until you can't rest at K. M. Crumb-', oa west side square, ' ' i "--, ., The BRILLIANT COCK STOVE WARRANTED the BEST.' Soldbr , C. SPRAGUE. Attention Farmer. We hare a large amount of trie . linen Flax seed in Bates county both Russian and American which has been specialW selected tor sowing purposes which,' we will loan to tarmers tnis 'season, on as modest and timid in the extreme and fair and reasonable terms A 'I imes reporter xvas shoxvn th rough the extensix'e Hardware and Implement firm of R. R.Deacon one day this xveek and found this estab lishment to contain a much larger stock. than we had imagined. In fact it is one of the leading firms ot the southwest. They carry an im mense stock ot everything needed bv the farmers and mechanic. They have three large warehouses, all of which are chuck full of implements. We noticed quite a number of Hus ton" and Standard buggies and most prominent ot all, the Bane Wagon, : 116 of which they have sold since the ithof July last. a HJ part hi don't think he could have summon- J Southwest .Missouri and guarantee prices tor corying crop. We have also made arrangement with a prominent firm in Racine Wisconsin tor a Flax . Machine made expressly for cleaning flax seed, which tikes out all dirt and foreign seeds and cleans the flax seed as clean as It U ed Miuioent courage to make such a break had leap year privileges not given him some encouragement. The Times, although a little pre vious, extends congralulations and xvishes the happy twain many years I possible for any machine to do, which of happy married life; may thtir enablMUS toofferyou clean seed, aivt joys be many and their sorrows few. 'C fT? l? l lhosc Urmtn' n 1.1 seed of their own, that if the v want their Mi. Glorious and bride are cx- a 11 ... . ""kUW'r an. cx heetj wei cieaned before sowing, brlpa it peered to return to Butler about the to us, we will clean it for von at. a verv 15th ot the' month and xvili make I reasonable figure. " ' this their future home. n-3t. Lepkkk hi ClIILDS. --John T. Lilly ,t Cook Citv, Mf.nt .... T.-:..... ... -. . - itiinwiy, is visimig niS sisters Mrs. Sevier and Mrs. Clark, in Summit toxvnship, this county. He xvas raised in Henry county. Mo. twr k-M iot-- a. 1 . .I ro hiM .m .k! ....J: " ,V boi,Sht "P luue a number of mules ... . . t- .v.. t.j Luuiiti v vvirs. Messrs I- udge & Kearu, well ! known to the people of Bates, of the north part of the county at least, xvho Last xveek Dr. T. M. Walker sold to Messrs. Ed. Stemmetz and T .! Hays in Moueteau 7 yearlings and -i two year old Steers for $1,400. Sevier is going home with him to see her father, ; a sister and three brothers, who are residents of that county and will remain till the first ot October. Some one broke into th.? store in this county some three years ago and went to Louisa na for the purpose ot railroading, have been compelled to adandon their work there on ac count of the overflow, and have rc- j turned to Butler xvith sixty head of 1 mules and two car loads of scrapers. G. F. Riffle Mondav night and .rot j T,,Cy a' feedinS the' in f away xvith some groceries. ! Capt VVallev n fc"0,,th Main street, j are as smoothe pretty !ot of mules A iif.le episode occurred in the : as Wt' cver saw. Mr. Kearn says a?e farm, are miles nnnii ( o...t .. i ..otc .i 1 sill :(T rrnti ..... .. . rfmn,i....t.L. . . 1 . X'"-erY , More: m Camp Springs farm about the northeast part of the citv one yeung i t,lat ,,e holding them to begin lady suddenly presenting a cocked ' work 0,1 thi new railroad sis soon as revolver to the head of a young j l!ie contiact is let. man xvhom she allege I had insult- ?il ,U1- j Th- Merchants of St. Louis club- I Al I . w..H.,awxa a 1 1 s 1 1 1 tor the purpose of an excursion. In vitations with complimentary rail road passes have been issued 11 nd sent to all the merchants throughout Southwest Mo., and portions of Kansas. Trie excursion train will leave Emporia, Kan.,next Monday. the 10th, and all who desire to join this excursion can do so at the most suitable points along the line. This is done as an inducement tor the Speciil Electi n Notice, Notice is hereby Everybedy is aJmiriiig the elegant stock of Wall pa per which Frank Crunilv is selling, to cheap. Try our QUEEN I'.RAND of flour anil you will uo no othei . C. Sl'RAGUK, Something Mew Notice is hereby given that nursuanr 1 . . . . to an order made at February Term of nbb-V "pr,l,K od at ' V T1' ur l ountv Court, of Kates County, a bo" merchant, tailoring ctubli .nnient .Special Election will be held at the vari- on South main stref. Young enM. ous voting t recincU of Hates Countv, men are invited to cal. and look th m. ue.sua, me 9111 tiay ot April, 1SS4, for the purpose ot voting the specific tax of fittce cents on the one hundred dol 1 ars, on assessed valuation of all the taxa ble property in said countv. on th fi dav of June, 1S83, tor the purpose ot build'ng a new- countv fail at the ro..r,n- seat. The cost ot whijh shall nnt ceed $10,000. v uness my hand and official seal iij!i 'I he Brilliant Cook atove and the QUEEN DRAM) of flour will make liomc happv. Sold bv, C. SI'RAfJUE. this SbalJ 19th dav of February, i)s"4. ' ,t.tL 12 4t R. J. Starkf, County Clerk. P 1 'all at the City Dnijj Store and sec the immense stock of xVall paper! 'h cheapest fn town, F. M. Crumlv Pro- 1 j Notice of Final Settlement. W. E. Walton & Co., have re moved their music stock into the room adjoining the bank in the Opera House Ul.Vck. They now have an east and a iiorth front, and a ; verv inviting apartment r it i made t? appear by Messrs. Allen & Son in charge. . -., - M essr-s Pilaris & Wilson h Palace firoc ty. I w il be found in Palace Hotel build ing with full line of groceries Queen ware and ,'or cas!i or barter. 1 ome and see tr-. A. C Drc-winijton. . Notice is hereby given that, the under signed, guardian of the persons and es tate jOt harles Card. Richard Card, Henry Card and Annv Card, heirs ot James C. Card, deceased, has made a just and true exhibit of the account be tween himselt and his wards and filed the E!m.. . . lt C.urt. o BatR nan Miilett seed, which we can W . iT , nu nidi 011 mc nrsc any Ot the Mlllett Seed. We have an order for 2,000 bushel next Mar term, it he'mtr th, u. day of that month thereof, lie intends to appir to said court tor leaxe to make a final settlement ot his guardianship ac counts, and for his discharge as such guardian. D. T. Pit,-h,. t Butler Mo. Feb., i( '84. Guardian. .V4t. die at fair figures If brought in soon. T.RFKKR AC I'llltlX. side, formerly 1 . ... 1 distanc I hil Deitz and Miss Clara llouh. .... . ! ,s 1 were married in this city, t the resi dence ot George Miers. on Wednes day evening last. The young couple are favorites in society, and have the igood xvishes ot many friends. The wedding was exceedingly quiet. A ton of paper on which the Tl.tES will he printed, xva shipped from Chicago on the 1st inst. con signed to this office The Times don't Jeal in small quantities anymore. distance southeast nf rt..i - vv jiiiin lust recoverinir troi spell of sickness. Johnie Ilowerton, of A.irin. same occupied by Dickerson's saloon. The ' merc,,ants ot Missouri and Kansas Mr. long was 111 Uutler last Saturdav cial business. He retired j Thc P'at II gentlemen aic deserving ,.f .. Tr,.,., j to rto their buying in tho St. Lou patronage, and having many friends ! market Wc ""derstan.l that sever- i ot our merchants, will join the excursion at Harrisonville or Holden. in the city a.nd country, xvill Iv get it. certain- Money to Loan, j am authorized to loan a large amount of money on Bates county real estate. Good men wih good real estate can be accomodated on very favorable terms. W. E. W ALIOS, at Butler National Bank. S3-l Caator Beaas. V have on hand a limited amount of prime cantor bear s, which wc will loan on tme- j m il license and w otir Social Club as united in mar- I will hold a meeting at rhe club r nage on Sunday to Miss Mizntr ot j on t!,e s'nuh "ide ni he square, n-xt that place. Johnie is quite a pr.mii- j dav night This mertin-' is to Trustee's Sale. Whereas avid Cheshier and Mary :hchir. his wife, and XV ni. II. Withe row and Sarah Wiiherow his wife did on the aSth dav ot October. .?it their deed of trust to the undesigned ,armcr u'r Panting purposes and trustee to secure the payment ot a ret. I K"rantre jfood price for the crop; and From,so.v nte Itierern tullv de we urge our farmers, ei.peci4llt thoe telephone message reached But- 1 r: . "X ,' ,k " " . !2 4,UV having tamily ot children to take the ng young man ant' the Times wishes i nf n sQcia! nature. rh;i- j be of a J nancing. Tbev 1. ve ! . . . ' . ; even otn.-r t hursdji j,," f call meetings whfiu-itT tN.... ler Monday about 2 o'clock announc ing that Rich Hill xvas ..ii ablaze. to f Later Timk reporter by ou ans the t' say. no telephone learneil that the store i.I hop, ! buildingof Pt Leonard. ..oe KKr The Hesperian Literarv Society iil give their annual exhibition at 4he Presbyterian church on the even ing of March a 1 st. The H. L. S has ever gweu very entertaining exhi Kim nnrt K.c .n 1. . , .nun, napDines?. Mr. Jno H. Hcatty, of this cux rid one of Bates' best citizen rI,si II. . . . I ti- K ,1, f'.. . i ... I 1 "-cmwi rats, nas been for m i '.-.-!. ivery ruember of ' a m lew mmutcv night, ami j of Burn on the east side of the 1 .-..if 1 1 ... 1 - .v .-. rii(rn:v-! T'-' , t laiuiiaii rib.-, w n,- .it- .v - i, . i. j .ijjfl t ...... ..... . . ,ii j ..... ..1 wiit w v. iu. K ;iiO cenr, we understand. ,,o We hope that Mr. it. llSilv ence an Jmaiediate c!unr for oetter, eti. r. evor:: th- .....v. t- ciy naaiy afflictet! wn!i i " " - c :M 14 Uv request eryesipelas in the head, Mnd is. at the - d 10 he l"VscMt : tUy oetin. rxt atu. d iv TI :ie countr M-'sMjuri. in i,oL o , . 1 atl"r "u eoniJeration, a-i experience 341. and wherea, the annual interest oil prve tnat iu i rop jay a ijctu-r probt said note is pt due and unpaid, tor thr labor expanded' lhar: Ml:f t;an. laurt i made in the payment ot the inter- . . est or anv-part thereof when the same bs- "s'"r !j!"'u!fi..e. comes due and payable then the whole I.kfkkk Cllt.l.. debt t-nal I becu-ne'dui- and parable. Now theretorr, at the request ..f" the Itgal rcr CJ-an SuV h-ddcr of said note and by vr!ue of the to 1 rou:h Hr. ',uy, re?.r sou?hc-t in nlc vestea a trustee affr-. I . .1. . 1 .aid I ... 1 . r. ic square. ; " j' --v wt imc a . j?uuiiv 'Jut- ' Tiier hare a neat. v o: nf sj n pi,. tf,r :. ;.. i-:id. A 1.1, ni-i, a.tncijj,;. I. tition at the close of each term ( . : school for yer oast. ech K J c .. . - 'f rn big an i.UDrov.emen, ,h. 1 V, f"1 Co.. M Li-usn.i i!. u, hive m cSietl Jiie Pikr County err a tie ry uiKnimprovroeatontheIat.Tff.Jfw. t . r,T "r.uv ciety pow , verv prosperou J M bv h, 7 .!r ma li n,u fjr rx-und ot batter rr Ute, nod the jnuSrhidaa hid ; . chU . . sueae8 vi vi,sr -... . w uiosexil the ost. f ' w -"v . V. rran;ry r..nipasiv. The builttiiig xvill be erected rv Ann.'. F.v Ctt HCItT . M' 11 ... t ! " ' iwt !?UOIIV Out- uattxvoiks were it once put to um.- cry the land ,1 said do.-d ,,,-r. ? and wc underst-i'nd worked ch ir;n- T:,rth 3r described as roliowo, to-wit . nilv tiViJ li . Hr the southravt qr. nd the south halt U uul tlu- lire wan soon ex.m- j ot the northeast qr, ot -ei tion twentx guishetl vvi! llif a .snjge to anx ther ? "? township rortr, f4o), of rane : bnP.r.w. t t - ! "tj-tnree, (33), iu Kates countv. Mis ..... Mnar.i s H IS cs. . foun. contMining J4 acre more or ,c I i.JiiAieu at oetxveeri $200 and $20. t . c ". ront door ot the court house squarr Water w.,rk. .. j f ,e wt ,kUtir' countv fore- , , iwtru a 1 Mia on ; riurslav, March. 37th, 8.,4. f eofM'.l ' inrt- ri?:i Fred T"r Brm r niewng t Rich HHi. for bad u not I bven for tU.. ui - . .-' Wid )ivt you a neat nhave, ohaitipoo hair-i ut. lie keeps none but experienced baritcr. A ill a! jjrind razors. .Sat taefion f.iarantred. Room nrth side County Mapa Yx Sale. We have five late countr maps tor a h" lather Nam'l. mf ith :y- Pf. jajKftftirreirr,, . , , h.i. ue .swr.rday. -t trelT hv btiru-tl s the j between the hour, ot nine oVWt . .1.- I 00 each. Time Ok He aStf ; entire tri.g of hoildtng on Park ! ooo and . o'clock in the after- I ;6-oo acre three mdea froiatown, 17 Kovr -M f the rsilroar! xoutd m.f 177. V" . mwtn cre. in cultivation, balance Umber, nc , JW V cash in hand a 10 sv be oecetarv ! tvnus with ft rooms, slui new barn, three Will Butler t W d debt, interest i.d cmu ' good welUanordinit aa abundance of w- - xwiuet- works r not 3 AI.I.EN, ; er, good orchard of bearing tree, fanrf - ' ' 4- Truotee. ' ot excellent quality.