Newspaper Page Text
r 5ji,jliL vol vr. BTTTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY MARCH 12, 1884. NO. 15. WAR VETERAN'S. fhoseiu Bates County Drawing Pension From me uoTern ment. i: AN INTERESTING LIST. Rokcrt Chiliis David M Coulter J Tame A Offill Geo M Mikeseli John Wooten John II Mills Wm II William james M Tnornburg Wm B Thornburgh Thomas Hockett The following list comprise the i Noah F Patterson 6 oo 20 oo 8 oo 5 oo 17 00 8 00 6 00 to 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 18 00 8 00 8 00 12 00 3 00 4 00 4 00 f 00 3 00 4 00 8 00 2 6C3' 10 00 24 cxt 5 00 " 8 od 4 cx H-union soldiers maimed in the war, residing in Bates county, who draw pension from the United States Government, showing the amount paid them per month : jUUnP Moore $iS oo Jacob Felter Freeman Davis Johua FUher Jane C Boswell Lucr A Hartley Harmenia Harde6tv . -. EnocB JPrtce ......... Levi T Faulkner ....... JoelMSallee Daniel Sherman Joseph M Scofield Hiram CWyatt Wile Adama Harrison P Alleji Thma J Gillihan William Burrows Alexander II Crist..... David M Carlton '. . Ruben Harvey fame MNavlor Jacob M Working Joseph J Smart Richard P Lemasters Hrvey Gipson ........ Robert W Darah ... Martin O Sutherland. . , Crhiutopher Tennani"- Better C Smith Catharine I'atty Eliah Waynes Thomas J Huggitif- Hiram- Uogge . . . W illiam W Tibbetts James II Ilitshew folin Cl'lotts Mary Uowers James Howard IV illiam Slein Wm C Brummett Robert Kile , Rebecca E Baker Alonzo D C Lamphere David Conwell Mary Van hog shua Chitwood Warren Hart Erastus A Porter Anderson M Tilman Adam iiofsess James M Covent Elias F lii-ooks Thomas J Wright Marvin Welker Catharine Brown Perrv C Irwin Chester K Smith Eliza O'Neal Vincint V M effort! Elizabeth Mathews George VV Shopnian Thomas Wright Nelson Cle David T Braden Catharine E Kershaw Peter Grab Curtis L Finch Rueben Wehttall John R M tchell Ira V Brooks John Wehnes Thomas C Copeland Joseph Smith John W Snider Fred'k K. French John C Trindle Thomas Pate Thomas Montgomery R'leben Weller Lewis W Mckinsev Isaac N Orr John Britton William Haftkirs William F Hudson William Henry Rhodes M I lack worth Napoleon It Kruce Wm U M Andrew Wm D Anderson Joseph J Badger 'cremiah ror. James Campbell Elizabeth J Sehev JohnOStott Tohn juisher Annie Bailey lames II Grissom Josiah Jameson lames F Trowbridge Riley Lee Clinton I Winchcll Norman v Cook Imes II Carter Samuel Thurston Celia Tarlvr NancT Merer SiUu A Meeker Ellen Widdows Samuel S Cowan Charles Gardener John J Simmons Samuel West Edwin A Stolp Delilah A Melton Horace " Slevens Henry Eynian, John Page Ephriam K Peniwell Benj FParkcm. George Brunaige Newton Brumback Tames J Tuttle John Vanderpool MelvinO Smith Robert W Beck Ellen Cochran Andrew J&ites Nancy J Hodges Catharine Jones V m F Bartlett John W Calhoun Lucinda Ph lips Asa D Robbins H Ttnsley Benj Van Horn John 11 Rilev John G Keiglev Mary Hill Win C Requa Andrew Shean David W Snyder Svlvester Ient 5 00 I 12 'JO j 4 w i 8 00 j 6 00 ; 12 00 4 00 14 00 2 00 4 00 5 GO 8 00 4 00 3 00 12 00 6 00 3 oo 14 00 4 00 12 CO 8 00 8 00 4 00 14 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 a 00 2 66 8 00 8 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 10 00 8 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 24 00 4 00 5 ( 8 00 f WAT VTT I THE COUNTY COURT Defailrd Profi-dings of Week's Term. Last 10 00 15 00 16 00 10 00 S 00 4 oo It 00 7 5 50 00 5 00 6 00 6 00 8 00 4 00 : 2 00 4 00 6 oo 4 00 4 00 2 00 10 00 6 00 5 00 12 00 2 OO S 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 8 00 18 00 6 00 17 00 6 00 3 j 4 00 5 00 8 00 5 00 15 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 5 00 00 2 00 16 00 2 OO S 00 8 00 , S 00 S 00 o 00 S 00 S 00 4 00 10 00 16 00 4 00 6 00 i S 00 4 00 12 00 10 00 8.00 2 OO 4 6J00 14 00 10 00 5 00 00 t 00 OVER Iff SUM MIT. What 1? Bsii;j Bone In that Thriv ing Locality. Si MMir, March ioth, 1SS4. Editor Times: 1 armors .no busy mwking preparations for the i spring work, it tno woatner contin ues favorable, a few more clays will begin for oats. Mr. Wm. Severe of tins township, will rent his farm and try the moun tain air of Montana Ty. for a while, at least. Mr. Hill of Spruce township, has rented the Henry Donovan farm of 600 acres at $1,000. Looks like a large amount to pay as rent, but 'it's an excellent farm and very conve lent. Judges for jail election. The sheriff was ordered to return from the irt. Joseph lunatic assylum Vinton Godfrey and Georgia Fletcher and turn them over to their friends. Warrant No. 90S was ordered canceled, it having been eroneously issued. lien. M. Dales and W W Wil hite & Co were each granted license to keep a dram shop in Rich Hill. Ordered that Jas Dillon give addi tional security on his school bond. O S Shouse was granted a loan of two hundred and fifty dollars out school fund. The petition of Allen Wright et al to change "the voting pi ecinct in Sum mit township from the Glass school house to Summit school house was granted. TUESDAY, MARCH 1th Klump & Hughes were granted license to keep a dram shop in Rich Hnl. Miss Ida Crume was granted a loan of one thousand dollars out of school fund. A correction uas made in the merchant tax of Jno li Durand. A J Clem, was appointed a justice of the peace for Loan Oak township vice A Brassfield resigned. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5th. Dal Drake was granted a rcduc- 4 00 tion on eroneous assessment. 6 00 A correction was made in the as- 4 00 I sessmcnt of the personal property of Susan Ramsey. Peter itandall was appointed a justice ol the peace for Shaw.iee township in place or T H Xoland, resigned. Ordered that the county clerk be empowered to release in lull all deeds ot trust ami mortgages held by the comm. if the treasurers re ceipt show that the same has been paid. The following accounts were al lowed and .warrants ordered drawn for same : R & T A Eunis, books and stationery . $42 43 W F Hanks, sheriff fees 135 35 W J Lansdown, merchandise 11 15 G W Eichler. desk circuit elk 22 00 W F Hanks, coal for co. 7 15 Oarnes it Hall coal poor farm 3 40 T R Jenkins criminal costs S6 60 . j C T McFarland printing S 75 Dr O F Renick medical at- attendance on paupers Mrs. Julia A. Lafollett has rt-'nt-j (jhas Sprague merchandise 32 00 45 60 17 60 Cames & Hall coal tor co Mrs Hall keeping paupers to March 1st W T McGlassen keeping pauper R J Starke clerks fees Bennett Si Wheeler mds V F Hanks coal for county E T Ppttes " 44 W F Hanks board of prisoners 19 50 44 coal for county S 10 64 00 15 00 22 45 2 00 4 42 20 08 6 70 75 17 40 20 56 iS 90 12 00 ed her old home larm and moved on the one she bought ot C. R. Rad ford some time ago: The farm she rented contains 40 acres and can't bp beat tn Bates county. C. R. Radford has moved on the farm which'he purchased of F. M. Licky. There will be an effort made this spring, to form a new school district by cutting off part of dist. 3 and 4 of this township, and that part of dis trict or districts in Deepwater town ship, lying in the forks ot Deepwa ter creek adjoining. Gentlemen, we know it is very inconvenient to have water courses to cross. some times, but we don't see how we can let you off notwithstanding your ear nest desires. Wonder how a certain bald hear! Mcwven,un .-lined young man felt, at a social gath- j charlotte. ering one evening, when he was ten- J C Crusen. R T Harper, John dered a newspaper to read a sensa- j son Hill, Wm Drysdale. tional piece, with a pair of specta- j homer. taeles. bv the matron of the house ! Wm Allman, N B Crawford. with the remark that they might be ; rk cnmi r.f fn him " . .... EAStalp. Tno Mandv, A Sat A very pleisant social party at W . ; ttrlee p v Hamilton. Wm Good II. Caldwell's in Deepwater town- j r:.,i. R J Hurley lumber for co R S Catron express A Ritchev services A Neptune J A Letker W F Hanks attend court Judges of Jail election. SHAWXEE. Wm. Griggs, Braughton, Jno. Deerwester, Peter Randal. WEST BOON. J. N Boswell, A S. Rasin, W. C. ! Pterce Hackett, S A Rankin. PEEK CHEEK. WALNUT. J G McIVak, Jno Doolittle, Wm Jennings, E G Wallace. NEW HOME. R X Allen, J T Butler, A G Wil son, J Q A cope. lone oak. A J clem, Wm R Thomas, A M Rodgers, Geo Barker. WEST POINT. J c Fugate. Jas Dudley, Jno Sum mers, Fletcher Wheeler. ELKHAKT. W S chandler, F M Fautv, Ellis Hand, Wm Wal!. MOUND. A A con ai d, c A conklin. li F Slitle, R M Wilcox. HUDSON. A E Page, H O Hanc-s, Asa Nichols, Jno A Ford. prairie. Robt Smith, Jno S Eddy, Sam'l cad, Phil Zeal. PLEASANT GAP. WH Wayland, D II Butler, J II Newton, Nathan Godfrey. KOCKVILLE. Nick Johannes, I II Lamier, Owen McBride, Mat Millinng. HOWARD. (HUME.) O Mitchell, Henry Ruce, J A Fender, N Little, Sprague, A B Wilkins, F M Burrows, Henry Burnham, Wm B S Gualt. OSAGE. Ed cr ibb. A S Miller, T D San derson, Geo Rief. j EAST hoone. Wm Alexander, Duncan, Asa Robins M Haus. 75 EMT -lOK Till iufler Tines PROM NOW- Till January 1st, 1885. Cupid's Darts. Daniels Nichols At the res idence ot the bride's brother, in Knob Noster, Mo., on Tuesday, March nth, 1SS4, half pastS o'clock a. m., Mr. Geo. B. Daniels was unit ed in the holy ties of matrimony to Miss Anna Nichols. .The bride and groom are both well known and highly esteemed in society at this place, both haying re sided here for a long time. The groom is a brother ot R. W. Daniels of the Home Lumber Co., in this city, and is engaged in the same business at Sheldon, Mo. The bride has ever been a bright star in the so cial circles ot the electric city, than whom none has more friends in our midst. The bride and groo n are expected to arrive in Butler, to-night, (Wednesday). The happy twain have many warm friends here who join the Timfs in wishing that their days on earth may be many and happy to gether ; that the dark clouds of sor row may never cast a shadow to cause them to regret the step they have taken, but may thev enjoy every earthly blessing and finally anchor sately in the Great Beyond. tew Txxxxojs Power JPiross Cents, FOR THE IT I Weekly T IE AND cT-iiik x- -v-v t n rr rt iIia f met All enjoyed themselves extremely well, , , ' r ' j ' 1 ,. 1 ; n- .1 IM Maves. I L Shaw. TnoMath- and a more pleasant and intelligent " -l, ' 1 set ot young folks than were present ! cws- 1 Gregory. would be hard to find.' spruce More anon. F. Oout. Wm E Fletcher, C D Cole. D : 1 D Young. The sensation caused at Paola, j pefp water. Kas.. a few months ago by the kill-j Wm Sutherland, Jno B New iug of an old blind man 1-y a young j ierry.Jno Young, clark Wix. man named Orr, who resided in ; summit. Rich Hill, has resulted in Orr. hav- ing had his trial and convicted ol j murder in the first degree. The I kTanu 1mv- nvrc hi tit lit nr?fpr- . - - - 1 1 ,, , t 00 j ence to hang or lifetime imprison- H M cannon, Jno c Mayes, 1 At a 00 ( ment. ? PaMy, R A Atkison. fno B Innis, Theo Marquardt, Tas H Welch, G B Parker. MT. PLEASANT. William Henry. Died. At the residence of his pa rents in Lewistown. Illinois, Mar. 5th, 1SS4, W iliam Henry, aged 26 years. William Henry was born in Lew istown, Ills., in the spring of i88. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1SS1, and moved to Mis souri in the spring of 1S82 and loca tv4 ;n Rntlpr. He hes-an the prac tice ot his chosen profession in the law office of his brother A. Henry. Though young in years, he was en dowed with a bright intellect, and was making for himself an enviable reputation as a lawyer and citizen, when the fell destroyer, consumption, marked him as his victim. About a month ago he resigned the position of city attorney and re turned home to breathe his last, sur rounded bv tond parents and loving friends, among those loved scenes ivhirh h-.ttl known his earlier youth and manhood. Will Henry was the soul of honor. ! and would not stoop to do a small I act, he was a dutiful and loving son, ! a kind and affectionate brother, and a true friend ; modest and retiring in disposition, vet ever ready to re spond to duty's call, loved bv his friends, respected bv all ho knew him. he was indeed an exemplary character. Living, he would have won bright laurels among his adopt ed people, dying, he begets a tear from those who knew him best. Mmh Oh kwwl FROM NOW Till January 1st, 1885. H. B. Bigtaff. the old wheehore ! ot Democracy in aummit, called m j to see us last Saturday. OUR JOB PRESS. The above greatly reduced rates will be given to all present subscribers by their: : calling and settling back subscription. :!( ' I !l