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KANSAS DESPEUAEOES. ces, so that no doubt existed as to the guilt of the man in custody. The One of Ken Harrison's Soldiers father beggcl for permission to ku him hnf the nartv reiusea it, auu ' I Experience (Juick Disposition of a Ilapist. Cor. Cincinnati Enquirer. Galena, Kan., May 14. This little mining town is situated at the Junction of the 'Frisco line and the Fort Scott and Gulf rail-oad, and the voyager who teels that lite would be tafer after traveling from Tahlequah n the 'Frisco stops over here for the other line. Finding that 1 had to tay over night, and knowing that ed, and mounting their horses, rode j Inreatens 10 encircle tne great gram off home. i surroundings of San Louis I'otosi. THE ml'kder OF monte Bob and halts there. The revolutionists was a queer affair, and happened j meets the regulars there. The black only a little while after Tiger Bill flag encounters the national banner was killed. I don't know where he t there. The old guerilla business came from, but he was represented ! there begun breaks out all over the as a man who had once been a gen- Republic. The amhucale tights teel gambler, but had by degrees j the march ; the precipice does battle ' fallen to the plane of a .desperado j with the plain. Houses become ; -r -y insisted on certain forms of law. They organized a court, called in twelve men to act jurors, and at sunset began taking evidence. By 9 o'clock the evidence was all in. and in ten miuutes the jury brought . r-i- r.f mtHtv- with a death and bar-tender. tie Mad killed sev ill A V. l f-,' ' M -J 1 sentence. The acting vidgc then eral men, and had escaped punish- became acting sheriff, with the jury ment. No one knew his real name, and the father ot the outraged girl or whether he had any kmspeople as a posse. They took a lantern living. One day some men were and quietly went down the creek preparing to renew work in a shaft. I . . . . . t" I ! I 1 1. a. . .1 ...... ;k,h hA .Ha,! dull nlaces of below where the old inneKun now ana aner ine water as pum-jt-u out a 1 v ij v v 1 ... 1 I I ...A.,a . I , . . . -. I .4 - iiird ! I I f 1 IWiritr ci.'A , -r 1 l r t a . r h .l,wic I Afrtft t li.irn some- ! stands, and, tixing a rope over mv man uo.. , y -- 7 .(.- 1 r 1 1 , I U A.-.,-, A frt.i r?K I T I th ronih:i r wf;ir Ut f itvi 1 1 1. I, (in. thing ot lead ana zinc mining, as we.. .... 7 , , , , , , t- 1 1 r 1 m . 1 ... . i ...u- u ., flni,r..rril under it. thev brought had evidently lam there about a ishes. it is a land ot devilment ami 01 the history 01 mis piate, im.n - ----- , . Tt. ' , , , , , .... haditants of the town of up the prisoner, Some one asKeu week. 111s neau was nea:en to a hum uei , .mu men, aim oenauc.iery Mum if h didn't want to Draw but he Nelly, and at first it was thought that while the uprising lasts, and alter uuu i - - - - 1 1 - ' 1 ... said he didn't think it would do any j he had fallen down the shaft and that h prostrate land bleeding from the thousand infernal ami unnatural fast in hell any way, and, as he was a young woman in one ot the dance- tired, thev mi?ht sro on with their I houses stated that Bob had been j O I "vmnasium, as he did not want to be I killed by his mistress, who had kept awake all night. The boy then beaten him to death with a billet of I gorged with the spoils of honesty, in took off all his clothes and examined wood, and that the two women had dustry. and nee away to their tast- lingrton iioti -a, Just Opened and Newly Furnished, Y. J. LANSDOAVX, PKOFK, BUTLER, At Location, Nortli Main Street. tortresses. Undetended town which cannot make a picstamo gootl are pillaged. Business, paralyzed as if pestilence-stricken. become helpless ii. a moment. Travel ceas es. For weeks and weeks the high ways are abandoned to the robbers. On neither side no prisoners. What Y. J. LAXSDOAVX M. D. -fprf DEALER IN Urugs' Wecicmes, Paints, Uils, Perfumery, Soaps vst Side of the l'ublie Sijuarc, Butler, Mo. woundt selt inflicted. Ot course the law finally triumphs, but not until the revolutionists are cased the in Baxter Spring to move away, leave their buildings to fall into decay from want of occupants. A guide good, as he expected to take break- crushed his skull. huHn a few days escorted me to a shaft operated by one of the earliest mining settlers, a man who came here in 1877, and has remained ever since. After an in troduction the veteran invited me in to the eneine house, where there was his pockets. He had $40 m money dragged the body to the shaft and nesses to divide the plunder, and and a fine silver watch. All his ef- I thrown it down. T.he murderess was j then resolve themselves into the un- fects were carefully wrapped up and j young and pretty, and women ot J known of their original isolation and addressed to the coroner of the coun-I that stamp were so scarce around j obscurity. tv. Then the man was placed on f the camp that the boys felt thev This is the way the old revolutions the barrel, his hands tied behind his j could not spare her, so she was J ot the old days have always begun back, the roDe carefully adiusted by I never molested. I in Mexico, but not since Maximilian the iudge and sheriff, and when all I promiscuous killings j was shot at Queretaro have the Mex- ' 1 m R-n as was readv the father of the eirl kick- came along so frequently in those ican peop.e had one of these old- m soldier." 1 said. J ed the barrel away, and the poor I days that I cannot remember them j fashioned -nd thorough-going revo- The old man lifted his crippled J wretch was stai ted on the road for J all. A saloon keeper cut a man's J lutions. Xoi do we believe that one leg into a comfortable position and j the break-fast he expected." j throat with a butcher knife, and the j of them is any longer possible. Mex- said; j "What was done about the mat-j next morning another man was j ico has a standing army larger than "He was a good one. I got my Iter?" I asked. I found dead with a bullet-hole I that of the United States. It is well wound at Peach Tree creek, but 1 I "Oh, nothing. The corner came J through his head. He was in the I organized, armed, fed, equipped, saw Benin that fight and in every j down the next day and had the body J alley behind the saloon. Then Bill J paid, and has a real soldierly spirit, , other one that the regiment was ever J buried, and I suppose the county got J Norton killed Kilhan shot him full j born of the fact that volunteers fill in. He was the coolest, oravest j the benefit ot the effects of the vie- I of buck-shot, and then riddled the j the regiments, instead of convicts, eoan I ever saw in battle, and the I tim. The circumstances were all i dead body with bullets from his peons, and the beggars of the streets li kmi mi Mlm a fire and a light, and seated me on a grease-coated stool, and then, when I had informed him that I re sided in Indiana, he said: "I came lrom that state myself. 1 was in the Seventeenth regiment, Ben Harrison's" of Implements ever brought into Bates county. The Casaday Sulky Plow, Farmers friend, Brown 8c Keystone Planters, the Ilaworth check Rower tor all planters. WEIR CULTIVATORS, The new Weir all Iron and steel combined cul tivators, the new Pekin, all iron and steel com bined cultivators, Butord Rock Island, Weir, Furst & Bradly, Canton, Clipder & Morrison Plows. Headquters tor The Bain Farm wagon, the Racine Spring Wagon, the Baker Gram Drill, Harrows of all kinds and a full line of TOP BUGGI Iron, Steel Nails, and wagon wood work, and the only exclusive line of Shelf Hardware in thcrity. It. It. DEACOKlf kindest of commanders to his men. lie was always just, and, though a stnet disciplinarian, was indulgent whenever he could be. We all be lieved in him and respected him. The boys couldn't lay around his tent and take liberties with him, but he was the friend of every soldier under his command. To-day I would rather vote tor him for President than any man living." told me by the acting sheriff." THE KILLING OF TIGER HILL . was the next real sensation in that line. Tiger was a gambler and des perado, who ran with Harry Camp bell always went around telling what a desperate tellow Tiger Bill was, and cautioning the boys not to rile him One Saturday night the Blount boys, a couple of young fellows from up WhPn h;e .nthnt;ai;m m.-.rnnr,l country, came down here and Harrison had expressed itself, I asked went to Lon Em's ranch' the Ica J" bim pr the moral history of Galena. in dance house hcre at that tinle "1 don't know that it had any for Thev ordere1 wine, and when the first two or three years atter the tne t,me came to Pav tm tIe" diggmgs were discovered. The manded $ro- The boys didn't have most of the land belonged to the rail- U' but offe,etl her Si. all the money road company, and it organized a the-v natL She knew theV were town company after the discovery of denies, and sent out for Tiger lead and zinc. In disposing of the 131,1 and his PaI to he,P her out Jandall mineral rights were reserved, They came 5,1 and covered the boys In the fall of 1S77 there must have Wltn tueir nav' sixes and told thenl 9 w revolver. A shoemaker killed Con- j as formerly. nolly and badly wounded his father, j In addition, Porfirio Diaz is almost and a few days afterward Joe Ivy j certain to be the next President ot killed John Finley in a big whisky J the Republic, and he has a theory, row. But the men who were killed j borrowed from the first Napoleon, always had a oig funeral, and the j which demands: -'Bullets first; worst fellows always crowd of ad- I tpeeches afterwards." -' miring friends at their graves." They know Diaz in Mexico. They Just then the bell rang and the I know his methods. They have felt veteran said the shift was changing j on other occasions the full weight of and he would have to go down in the J his iron hands, and the most desper- shatt. 1 bade linn good night and I ate among the robber bands of (Jon- returned to my quaters, and was of- huala, New Leon, a id Tamaulipas fered the Jesse James room at the J will think ofttn and ften, and hesi hotel. 1 then learned that Galena tate long before they take to the and Short Creek are one place, and j highways to encounter him. No, hctn 2,000 men in the digings, and ' tneV didnt Put UP something they Colonel J not a single woman. AH the hous es that were built were in some way used as saloons and gambling places. Everybody had money, and, though a great deal of drinking and gam bling was carried on, the men had Tery little incentive to murder. There uiai inis is ine place w here Jesse was shot by Shepherd, the Kansas City desperado, and dangerously wounded, but he managed to make his escape. Across the street from the hotel is tlie building in which the famous there will he no revolution. 1 1 "ll .1 mi wouici Kin tnein. 1 ne ooys had a watch worth $60, which they said the would leave as security if they would be allowed to redeem it the next Saturday night, which was agreed to, and they left the watch with Em and departed. During the ennison, the Kansas When iie Will be IIc?.rd. London Judy. Cousin Alice Thev tell Tom, that vou can be heard a off when on duty. How is it can t speak above a whisper jay- J you talk to me? Captain ELEVATOR. WE ARE IN THE MARKET, Alive and kicking. Best facilities for handling Corn in Bates County. D U M KM p s hawker ran his gambling den and (much smitten but saloon. Jennison is now running a similar place at Levenworth m spite of the prohibition amendment to the constitution. Tayhawkeu. These are Solid Fact?. was a great deal of shooting going week Em's man sPou the watch The best bIood puriher andsystem rej. me, mile vou wlu-n '1 om rather nervous) Well er you see. I bavn'r nnv authority over you ; but if you'd give me the prospect ot having it some day I think you'd find I can make plenty of row. Would ou believe it? She did. easy and safe, only 5 feet high. We carry Our corn up by machinery, cr empty a load of corn in two minutes. No dan-rcr to team or ivaw Highest market price cah up no grumbling. Honest weights. Try once. He have regenerated the Grain Market ol Butler, and have bw worth thousands of dollars fo the farmersof Bate count v. In ,.AAlt,nn b corn we handle all other kinds of Grain l.l'.Fk'KI? X, Cilll n Ml on, but it was generally done to scare, and the only persons hurt were those accidentally in the range ot some drunken fellow's pistol. But io the spring ot iS;S the women seemed to come down in a drove. on faro, and lost it, so that when the j ulator ever placed within the reach of suf Blount boys returned on Saturday afternoon to redeem it she couldn't turn it up. The boys had come down heeled and before she knew it they had covered her with their re- ferins humanity, truly is Electric Bitters, inactivity or tne Laver. IJiliousness. Jaundice, Constipation. Weak Kidneys, ur any disease 01 tne urinary organs, or whoever requiies an appetizer, tonnie or mua stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cere enown. Thev act surelv and ouirklv. most of them bad, but a few ood I vo ess and demanded $5, the dif- iverr bottle guaranteed to give entire sa't- ones.s. THE CRIMINAL ELEMENT eemed to flock here from eyerv quarter, even from Texas. It is a mile and a half to the Missouri line n the east, and three miles to the terence between the price of the watch and the amount of their wine bill. Em ?ave un the $rv an.) th C9 i " "v ViiV boys went down to get supper. While they were there Em sent out for Tiger Bill and told him what inaction or money refunded, sjojd at ntty cents a bottle by F. M. Crumlv & o. fndian territory on the south. The fcad haPPened- hunted up Har- cnminals could escape in any direc tion, and for a time had almost ab solute immunity from arrest. This naturally made them bold, and safety from the hand ot the law on their part forced the better class to avoid them as much as possible, but when a collision occurred to take the law mto their own hands . THE FIRST KILLING fiere was in'the nature of retrihnHV ry Campbell, and the two went down fo the hotel and found the Blount bovs in the dining-room. Campbell introduced Tiger to them as a pro fessional man-slayer and eater, and Tiger told them that they had rob bed his friend of $0, which they must give up or he would be under the unpleasant necessity of taking it from their dead bodies. The boys didn't say much, but at at the table until the landlord came around, and justice, and should not be classed they paid for their suppers I w as with the murders. Early in the at the table and saw them rise but I ui tjo a uan wuose name I iiw icmemoer, u a ever Knew it, outraged a beautiful girl, the daugh ter ot a miner who had brought his family here. The girl gave the alarm, and the man was captured within half aa hour and identified by the girt and her little brother. There . n wu4oiaii tell you they nz a shootin. and th first- shj- l .,t ... ...v. v-i. 1 igcr Dill. Ullip bell was shot through the arm, but he ran like a coward, and the boys didn't get him." "What was done with Blounts?" I asked. "Nothing. They were invited to dnnk by several parties but declin- Will There e Revolution ? From the St. Joe Gazette. Some ommuous stirring is taking place over across the Rio Grande, and here and there in the various states ot Mexico. The robbers are plying a quicker and, generally, a more profitable trade than they have at any time these ten years. Strange old faces scarred, eagre, question ing are seen of tner of late than at any time these last ten years. A sort ot restlessness can be felt about the border towns the coming and going ot armed horsemen, clad not in the uniform of the nation, w hich has not been seen or felt before these last ten years. Heretofore, such signs or symp toms as these have universally beto ken revolution. Running down from Mier to Matamoras, a line of armed marauders lengthens itself out, and thenmoves, murdering and ! plundering inland until it abuts upon Monterey, begirts Parras anout, sweeps the substance irom the rich, irrigated fields near to Saltillo. Infants and Children TThat irises our Children rotnr cbeekc. V.'liat cures their feer3, makes tlit?m When Babied fret, and crv h-r turns Wht cures their colic, kills "their worn-.. Cantorl. What quIcUlT crires Constipation, Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : Castor!. FnreweTl then to Korphlne SfTups, Castor Oil ana r®oric, and Hall Cantorla, " Castori i to well adapted to Children that I recommend it &J superior to any medi cine known to me." II. A. Achbb. M.D. Ill So. Oxford St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Th Ck.tta.l-b Cohpamt, 1SJ Fulton St., N. Y. Am al elat u for Eieu mattwn, Sprains, Pain a the Back, Bant, Galls, &e. Asia. aataeein Pain- reliever. HARDWARE. GROCERIES. NAILS, IROX, STEEL, WAGON WOODWORK, HAISII & COS. I3ARB WIRE, TT, W REEVES Columbus HEELER (I E CO H sw Awy STACKER Always In the Lead ! The elf-w!nKinz 5erice tmn lerHiryj PtarVer. working in dun, tavra one man more than any other KUf-ker. Man on the Mark rull cord which nop, itarw, or allowa Blacker to he buabed around y hand. Th w hoiotin appa rutin plarea all It raw an4 cha.T in emtrr of uu k from BUrt to flniJh, I other can U tblt. The new Btaeker-head preTent straw and chaflT failixiz tiirou'h Uiwrr twl of SUwkrr. It take U tlttin a minute to start it no rny. rone, cuilces. derrirki or prop to fix or take off. It loH3sdown low on wmon ; no tnp-hrnvy Imp tjfxtettinic nd rh&kini; Ut pitn. It ia the ami perfect and handy mwhine built. Suud for Catalogue "o 2, or call on aimett, Wiio lor cfit Co., buckeye BINDERS, TABLE RAKES AND MOWERS WAGONS?, BUGGIES, WIND ENGINE IRON, WOOD AND CHAIN PUMPS. Butlor. 2te I lake pl'ii.'Ure in hiiiiouihUi to tlif pubii.- that I liavt? hailed in IJntU-r r nuke it my future home, and iiavv fie lart ami best a sortd etooi; of clucks, waiefiei and jfwt-fry ;U!I ep-cra-ever brought im iiurK. which i win ell cheap for i-sh. Having had many yt-an expt-riMic- in sltf niaHiifac turc 4t vvatcfies and chxk4 in Eu rope. I am now prepared to repair wurches Hiid t-iocks. no matter how coinp!i-red nor how badly fhey have been abn.-ed. By ljrining htHin to ine. you can hav? tlit-m pB uifiKxl runiiinr ord-r mvl uaran tec satisfactio N i z .i iz w i : r . i z u- FRANZ BERNHARDT Butler, Mo CO ll 1 tc 4fl J Wi lli I Ii ! ; i 1 on .it' ii' lih" T 1 en i due (iol Ir I m of I loft oc .l,a har 1 Kill Jre uui lob W. B Bot N 1