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& - IS ! I ill ! . H til ! 3 f r' 3 i i is if'1 IS ': 1 ill's 3 i t I : iv I1, - i 1! t, I E- I fa h BUTLER WEEKLY TIMES (tins. 1'. MeITarlHl. ISi tok Ayo Proprietor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: The Weekly Times, published every Wednesday, will he fent to any idtirehfv one vear, potajje paid, tor $1.2;. BUTLER MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY, JUNK 4., ite. egation that is selected next Satur day will stay with Bates county's candidate till his nomination is se cured or a combination is concocked to defeat hini. A IVNOUNCKM KNTH, i or Congret, $1000 Tor County Offices 5 00 tor County Judges, 2 50 For Congress. We are authorized to announce Dr. A Churchell, of Nevada, ernon county. tor Congress, m this the Tweltth district. prosecuting attorney. We are authorized to announce W. O. Jackson of Butler, as a candidate for Prosecuting Attorney f Bates county, hubject to the action of the Democratic convention. SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce Allen Wright, of Summitt township, tor sheriff of Bates county, subject to the action of the Democratic convention. We are authorized to announce W. F. Hanks, for sheriff of Bates county, sub ject to me action ot the Democratic con vention. W. F. Hanks is before the De mocracy ot Hates for re-election to the office ot Sheriff. He lias filled the position for two years, and so far as we have been able to learn. has done so to the satisfaction ot the people. Long experience in a great measure qualifies him for the many important details of the office, and his extended acquaintance in the county is another item in his favor. Mr. Hanks means to make a fair race with his competitors, and wil accept gracefully the final result. The name of Allen Wright ap pears among our announcements as a candidate for Sheriff. Mr. W. is a native Misscurian, having been born in Saline county, and has been a citizen of Bates county for eight years, tic has tilled various local t Foster Organizius a Com pany of $50,000,000 to do the Work. to study and the. anchor ot a wife will ST. LOUIS TO SALT LAKE make him an efficint workman, j We are glad to see him get located ! Hot. at Butler, for where his heart is his mind will be also Imme Star- j . The Fourth of July is now all the j FT. SCOTT AXD GULF Sl'RVEl'. talk in Hume. Everbody, big and j little, old and young is determined to i An item given below from the St. make the coming I ourth ol Tuiy the ; i-ouis IvepuoHcan is the authority biggest, grandest, ami most glorious celebration ever held in Bates county. A. HESRY WILL HUS. The Times Hold an Interview witb Him Yesterday. JIS FJXAE JJECSOX. A couple of youthful swains came to town last Sunday in a two-horse buggy, and after tying up they were importuned by a trio ot buxom lases for a ride. It was granted, with the understanding that the horses were young and fractious. Away they went speeding over the prairies sing ing and laughing, but suddenly their mirth and reveliy was turned to grief by the horses running away and spill- There has been so much said through the press of the county and by the most intelligent ci'ieus from the various townships in ti:e county, on the selection of some one to ren- tor saving that the St Louis, Kan- J resent this county in the next Legis sas City & Western Gov. Foster's j hmiie, whose ability to discharge road is not only to he built from ! tne Jut,es ot thitt office is beond question, ami. so many having made enquiry as to whether A. Henry would allow the use of his name in that connection, a leporter of the the metropolis on the banks of the "Father of Waters," but is to cross over the Rocky Mountains and pene trate the heart of Mormonism, "the city ot the saints." The Ft. Scott & Gulf surveying party which has just finished the route from La Cygne to Browning ton in Henry county, through Bates county and Butler, has its future ing the fair damsels out upon terra course set forth by the Democrat ot firma. The animals ran at break Clinton in a partial way. which is neck speed until they were stopped neither unexpected nor undesired. by a wire fence. Result, three love-I I he Butler committee is still do- offices in Summit township credita- ly g,rls far out upon the prairie all ing nothing. The gentlemen seem 11 . 1 1 .1 , t t ' - . - I . . . liMKs called on him to ascertain his views on the subject. Mr. llenty was found at his office, examining authorities to use in a land case he was trying tor a gentleman from North Carolina. When asked, will you become a candidate before the Democratic convention for the nomi natioi, for the otlice ol Representa tive, Mr. Henry said : Henry: "Well I was infoimed yesterday by Judge Edwards, of Grand River township, that a number of the most prominent ren DEMOCRATIC CGMlx . 1 j The Various Townships Eiect I 1 gates-Bit. Pleasant Conr... "1 j v"i'it I The Democrats of Mt. PlCIi f township met at the court h. Saturday afternoon, last, at2odf and elected delegates to the co convention next Saturday. I ; Judge E. A. Henry was dxj chairman ami W. G. Rose sccrsj ! ry. On motion J. 1). Allen anJC. McFarland a ere made a comnJJ ir.r to confer with J. W. Abernaih. T .. . . ' to tne make up ot the dele i 8J Die to nimseii ana tne people, ins private character, and his fitness tor the position to which he aspires, re ceives the hearty endorsement of his The Times choice for Congress, J home people who have known him John W. , Abernathy of Bates J IonS and appreciate his worth. COUNTY. We know of no better material for I AX - ' .1 I TT 1 ...... be waiting- for something tn "t,"c." Ui "ur p?.riv ' inal st'on Hawkins, B Meek, I R Si The appended list of delegate Jil nnany eiectetl unanimously. I On motion of N. A. Wade tf lelegation was instructed for M 111 rlf 111 L- f- ,i . r 141 tor Congress. MT. PLEASANT DKLfcUATlOv J R Jenkins, D V Brown, $ imp. tattered ind torn, bruised and scar- I to ed. horses ,errib,y cera.ed and -,ur up," hT'iSfcTSf Zt J.V. ' "1 F . J buggy demolshed. i ne citizens ot Motrose have ap- pose, and manv of th i l morris, r red Cobb, R J Strt pointed a committee to visit Butler Democrats with whom I worked 1 ranc,sco Jno D Parkinson, x uuy, una wcck, 10 conierwitu our I "" i''iy wa in me minority, "cis, iv o matron, j Cvui committee as to the best mensu More than a Freight Car. From the Appleton Journal. i have nersonnllv rmwcto.l I r i f . i t i t? n i i -n i I luiimmicc i iu me uest measures to i ' - n uj aj .amciuurrv, i i wiins Springfield people will long re- .t u e" so, ami r have lhourht that r wniI. , J ' " member thi fditorc who .v-.rfL- f u,auc lc,'ulc lo lnc proposed UUlt nnf r, . J "TT SAGE. material ior i " ,i f,m i r- r V. ' F'cu mvseii. m r- ii.jj r?.i delegate at large to the Democratic the elegant banquet spread before "iummif;iuii. i um j. will say to you now national convention, than Dr. M or- them at close of the convent on last now, x ui expeer to make a nson Munford of the K. C TJitipq. i. i. ... and not let up till something ,s ar. for the nomination, nor sh nominee, of ,h Democrat party ., Rich Hni Enterprise. 77 ui. ,1 "I compHshed. -V n,b,. polling . I T . rt . . I " " Kciiiic we heard one of the col HfSTBUOT FOB THE OLD TICKET. The matter as to who will be the inv canvas fi' T.H II,nton Thos Atl A-mcago is no longer a doubtful oues- I AA ith t,nn.r r 1,1 t-.u tinn:"1h aM fii. t.i.i il, . ... liable ' - - .. vu t.ivm.t, luucii uuu i iann liendricks, will receive the iou vote oi the convention will, as is proper it should any future political event ran h.. shoveling apples in a cider mill ; thf bt" V00.!' . ISns" C!t' The Democrats ot Missouri are I ne niove to make Governor Cnt- j his stomach will hold more grub well nigh a unite for the old ticket I tenden delegate at large to the nation than a freight-car." among the first ot which stand th al convention, meetswith our hear Tvrri r-,) ? f f . TO-. . . :' or hauling nT:: . W1 ,i . i uuiuwu, ij viitriar. W H A u .5 St. Louis Republican: Gov. Fos- compose he' convention ' de.i"re mV B"" S Log, L JoV. uik me ureczes irom vour mast i ... i icr oi nio. is in washmornn i : ? .1 r . . . ' 1 1 r itrxrfrs. a i: u..t.. d i ...: I. , r " oretl waiters remark to his assistant, fl.rr- ,, :L ' . 'e- in tne legislature during its qk:Ii i r? A V. a 4 Unam- I hearl. hmy ran vnn rnncicrsnl A- I '1 ternniT With CanitallSts. with ,-iour I . , . . . . I Ohields. I) A I If A rmnn,) ; . I s . and it rf -f- ; .:,:;::;',". , ,oro,init a dWtoii .n" " p-b,or.5oo .r,:-m. I ... " iiaisr ueclare to liod it was iust icruauione eunt will be known Pv5nPrN u .i:..i-.L. r U 7 iiiow.iiiii i i if i f m j rv c I m stand the -1"uuc,,l,uu' our near- BeDUblican Oninion r. ... I a... .. rr . i t . I democracy ot AJates county. The I -v 'e. r irsi ana loremosr. Froni the Appleton Journal people realize that in the persons of "c ' aM ""S1" xiuien man ana as j. K. Heach, late of the Bates Tilden and Hendricks the Demo- tne chief officer ot the State and I rtiiiioc nf tUa. ri'. Xra. -1 1 . . I csieru, oi wmcn xvir. roster is to be president, and Mr of Emporia Kas., the vice The road is tr run frnm ; Kansas City, through the coal fields in ih7Sr.Sd h"r I . Cy ,emiraem of the meeting .jf of Bates coSnty, Mo., Emporia, Kas. .5 th 1. t.C.d Jfi"f fJecI?r! in fr of a viva vocf 4 ' I'HPh n. envpr T boIuIIL ...1 - ...... "cvuinc i , he colInfv nnm.nut;., - c f,.i..,i i, ... . . . . ---r. "-""-"'v- fluu iu m lcientibed with vorv n.c .i .. . " ' ...-. ..K i-wi. cuumy ivepum.can, nas leased the point between Colorado and Utah, rlwf. ..m " r 1 ' 1 ,,on ot September 6th. Th s effertuallv ,u- . " V"' lnu iVfOriU H. C. Cross ... r,r'V, ' . " "-4- m Chambers Wm Stone and I cratic oartv finds its strr.,,,.Cf to this honorable recognition bv the ntUr l?i .. :,i t AmVUf i - -i ' l"ereIore would make a most exem- .. . v- .coi.w i I a pt,,uu ui iwu ":T' u-icmieaay piary Kepresentative. The Tiwi. vpon which to fight the forthcoming I Part' Presidential battle. The tariff and t?o,i:.!T years. 1 he Kepuohcan will have a " " "tlC?"7.,ot. th.C 5a'! sav to Mr. Henry's credit, that -n'iMiM- . r I . . - I vauC tU I CT"I CL L 1 1 1 N H I 11 111 f IT il r. I rt - I civil semce reform are prominent Wilson now conducting .he Beach's, as the Record will un- nZV! x'! (ineshnnc ..n ,ln,.kf U ti . , t f . "l"" miner UVU.,M ,.,, ciuer I manarrp.nent of fh f,r. ,i. uuuoteaiv necome the leatlinw r ot rsew mlc anr ih.. 11.. a , . . i f- ...x, .Lt..uM. i ' r i ' n . i.inun laigciy into tne campaign, but that same Peter who under the -e,,c.. publican paper of the countv. 1 ownsend ot Cleveland WALNUT. r - If hie 1 ! I 13 . candidate only from the strongest pressure ot his friends and the lead ing men ot his party. ,.-i,:i. .. .:n ..i ... r .. ... I I.' PCOp,e ,S tne of beJ"ga Democrat gathered crumbs or io7o. iNotto nominate from the county official cril the old ticket would be the greatest vears nn blunder the party ever made. V.-- ..... . .. While as we say the selection of ur friem,s of lhe Republican Mr. Tilden is a foregone conclusion s,ays tnc T,MES nu,st remain in it should be evinced by that spontan- statu uo' " CerUinly it will ; but now about our much troubled con temporary? Will it do likewise. two I St. Joe Gazette. Nemesis. -Appleton Journal: We notice mat the grade of the Si. L. E. & W., fate is fixing up things. It has advertised to be sn'd , already disposed of many among Chauncerv on the loth of this month . 1 . I . !. . tne mosc unscrupulous ot those who ar wcn time it is the intention of ity which emanates direct from the people and finally declared in con vention by a hearty, unanimous ac clamation. To that end let the vention which assembles in Butler The editor of the Times returns personal thank;, to the gentlemen who responded to his request tor the ou.uaymstructthe delegation to names of delegates appointed in the u. io oie as a unite tor dele- various townships. Saturday Ktiic 10 cne national convention who are known to be tor the re-nomination ot the old ticket. stole the Presidency, while the time is rapidly drawing nigh when the balance will get what, sooner or la ter, all get who deny justice, and take advantage oc. a momentary pos session ot power to do mean and cowardly things. the Democracy of E-st Boone township showed its sterling worth Saturday, by instructing for the '-old ticket." It is fust what every town ship should have done. AND STILL THEY WAS There is no trouble about the Re publican or the Republican partv m JBates county in the rural districts. What few anti-"old ticket" iour ii. "nd aIs - the State are Dr- Moimon Muntord's knee that thritt may follow fawnin c,a,ms r delegate at large to the wno train with the Democrats, these -n,cago convention are the o-enMemen ,..i. I . . . . " nu 4.1 c IttlKini" I Tl, about splits in the Repub' can partvT rr v 1 ine ecor on the back. Republican. Then really vou admit there is "trouble" in camp, a break m your lines. If the "rural districts" are not yet aroused, they surely will be, and a regular stampede will be the' result, when they learn that the ed- tonal manager of the Republican was a ranting Democrat no long--ago than 1SS2. If there is net se rious war among the ReDubi;-:,r, - " leaders, extending far into the body .1 ... . J ic party, men what is all this racket tor between our esteemed contemporaries. The split, though nall at first, has developed intoa situation ot grave importance, not withstanding the efforts of the Times b soothe the enraged temper of the nry belligerents. Talk all vou will about Republican harmony, but it doesn't exist in Bate county. The situation of John W. Aber t.athys candidacy for -Conre ie delegation to the State nomi nating convention sliould go unin- structed iurther than for Governor. and even that is unnecessary. Stockton Journal: Jno. W. Aber nathy, Bates county's candidate tor congress, was around last Friday looking after his interests. John is a young man of more than ordinary ability and one ot the finest orators in f K c . rtM 1 -1 1 . "'"i ' win make a repre- .Seilf;lf 1 l.n . I T, oniy nates county, but the state, may be "proud ot. Mr. Abernathy will go into the conven tion with Bates county's delegation solid for him. the company that has been formed in this city to buy the road bed and complete it at once. Everything is now in shape, and just as soon" as they can get possesion of 1 lie title our people intend that the road shall be built. A corps of surveyors, employed by Ao hand was heavier in the Haves Co.. are nn.v .. i: ..c ?tea! than the hand of Grant, and road from La Cygne, Kan., via But the New "S'ork Sun, in taking note Ier to lrownington. They crossed of what has happened to a number the ,M" K; & T"' at Iotse this ot the olo rnr.;ri " . u,c on leir way to . . " , ' 7 the latter town. It is said that Mr. also have taken note of Grant's last Clapp, the chief engineer of the Co., calamity. The Sun says: is exceedingly well pleased with the . ilpvplnnmantt i-. ( . .. ......1.. . . . lCKK.U OK HISTORY IOOd. I "J""vuw ov iai lllilUC )V me Livino- Samuel .T TAn ti survey e - " .va.., A- .1111 County Press. Eiek liiU Enterprise. Mrs. Rand living iust north of the city, widow of James Rand who was killed by lightning last Summer, died yesterday ot consumption. i ne committee olicting support y me iactory m the as j. Hendricks, and the issue of the fraud of 1S76. Dead Zach Chandler, Oliver P. Morton, James A. Garfield, E. W. Stroughton, James E. Anderson and Eliza Pinkston. Under a cloud George F. Hoar, George F. Edmunds. Joseph P. Bradley. Forgotten R. 13. Hayes, Wil liam A. Wheeler. The crime is unpunished, so far as the Republican partv is concern ed. Boys who were in their Latin grammar when the Presidency was stolen will vote next November. A Considerate Husband. Pnilidelphia Call. Mrs. Blank Here is a funnv item vtnicn says that a married man can be distinguished by the wa in which he carries an umbrella over his wife, carefully shielding himself an 1 leaving her exposed to the drippings. Mr. Blank It is not true, though. Mrs. Blank Xo, it is not. You were a good deal more awkward Clinton Democrat : Major Clapp with his surveying party, arrived in Clinton from the south part ot the county yesterday. He had just com pleted a line running from LaCygne, Kansas, on the Fort Scott ! & Gulf road, through Butler and Montrose to the coal fields near Brownington. After running that line, he started from two miles west of Brownington 10 run a line ry the way ot Clinton and Harrisonville to Ochiltree, the latter about 2S miles this side of Kansas City, on the Ft. X- Gulf. The line from the coal fields to Clinton passes mainly over easy grades At one place, at or near the Carlisle tract, belonging to Keith & Perry, a 50 foot grade will be nec essary. The line will run through cumuli fin tne west side, and prob ably pass west of the bluff called 'Lovers' Leap." Yesterday Dr. Bntts, Maj. Salmon, A. C. Avery and others, were out with Major Clapp, giving him all the informa tion they could about the lav of the country. ' j Tl it IS OlliV a nilPitinn oc .. . !. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. Appleton Journal: The Presby terians have added a cornet to their choir. Mr Clell Cassitv docs the "tooting." A corps ot miners are now pros pecting for coal on Judge Shield's land just east of town, with splendid indic itions of striking a rich deposit. Mrs. L. N. Anthony, ot this city, was conveyed to the insane asylum atl'ulton Jaxt Sunday. Her rla tives and friends have the sympathy of alt in their affliction, with the hope that she uiav soon re. urn with her mind completely restored. Prof. Gamble and family arrived in the city Tuesday, and for the time being, will occupy Dr. Kincheloe's 1 lesmence, in the east part ot the city. We may now expect our col lege enterprise to take .1 boom, and we hope soon to be able to cl its permanency. Clinton Democrat: Miss Alice Hopkins, daughter of Capt. John R. iiopkins, of Appleton City, w; .. re cently married to J. T. "Thorn, a member of the firm of Urdrick & Thorn, clothing merchant -.t 1....... a ...... 1 . 1 w.i ij- ington. On the Saturday when Gov. Crittenden spoke at O-ceola. Capt Hopkins conveyed him there in a buggy from the railroad. Mr. Thorn was in Clinton the next Sun and endeavored to secure a marriage license, but failed lce:ne he Jls not provided with a permit r.,m ilt r father. Mr. Thorn and Mis Ho., kins met bv agree, m-nt and went t Hickory county, and were married at Hermitage, Monday afternoon. May 19, Elder Wilson officiating ie newly wedded c.jplc- were teii- I II Fletcher. Phil ii y.fat. t Wilson, Jas Collier and J G M Peak. No instructions. WEST IIOON'K. John Todd, Marion Todd am II Norton. J W Bosvvell altcro: No instructions. SUMMIT. G W Walton, H B Bigstaff audi vyicir. 1 lie sentiment ot the eft ..'.rti. . -i . ...... 1 - 1 -.'-" naj expressed ty a nf vote for Marmaduke and Abernalb Mrong resolutions endorsing theet did.icy of Allen Wright for Sbcnf ami recommending him to the D mocracv t the countv. were uiuc iiiously adopteil. HfPsON Joel Pratt, Wm H HiitchinonJ P Griffith, Jas IlKk and E E Ut Elias Leonard alternate for Hul Resolutions recoinmending Abe nathy were adopted. Howard V II C Reese, A B Wilkins. J E Gregg, B F Smith and Dr W k Wihams. Strong resolutions adcfX-l cu ravoring Abernathy. PEER CREEK fohnathan Adams. .1 W Ennk It. ronicie jonn Alurphy and C P Farri. N instructions. aJLft D C Edwards, B C Lampton,i M Taylor. No instructions or tt .).9nA arv I promissory notes, had secured about ' an "Hioreua over nae be- o.ooorKr.rri,. 1 - . ,ore ue were married thai- vou hai-.. grows more promising ..u ' . rcv,nson,' to been s- " -1 raise, rnnh v I ... , -T-l ' 1 wuira ov now 1 fr lll. ALt T T TT I "'"V art.ll. - . nuicninson who has been employed in this office for the lt year, has taken a "sjf with his fath er on the Butler Repubhcan. Will a clever young man and well up in 01 c art. Application! will 0'lLqUvU11 35 l Wh-ere h dercd a rcn:.!e on their arrival , will go, and hardly a question either, Bro-vll;nn when it is known that Col. Nettle- ! "mn2ron; ton favnrc the rn.t. (,. -t.:i. vdessa IrralJ A l,t ...... week's developments. The numer os instructions from last Saturday's township meetings indicate a unani mity of senUment at home that wilt haw an important bearing on the People in other coonties. The del- Mrs. Blank Yes: I had several iXJnnets and two dresses ruined by the drippings in those days. But Vou have become ever o much more careful. Mr. Blank Yes, indeed. I have to pay tor your things myself now. ton favors the route from Ochiltree I tnrougli Harrisonville and Clinton. Besides, on this route, from Clinton to Harrisonville, it will not only D.ISS Over one r r K. 11... . a - sections in the State, but Ll ove? ' PSl?CC- T,,c very fine veins of coal. I returmng home discovered a danger- 1 f-n c 1.-....!. . I ! . M- -r. . , . , ; vu.- mc.k in ir.c railroad, caused bv ISS Emilv Faithful was lateK e. ! K ti , u. wuku U) noble bo must l,c Samuel Shelby. On the 17m iu father, who lives near Page Cit. nt Samuel to the ROCKVILLE. R R Gibbs, F Johataie., J I ivicnardson and E F Mead. Is structed for Abernathy. GRAND RIVER I re commendations. OKEP WATER. W E Fletcher, John Hariiw. Benton Luizenhiser and C R lord. Instructed for Marmjiduk and Abernathy. PLEASANT GAP. C C Harris E Butler, Dr Ue,l N Mains, J C Hale and Z T ford. Instructed tor Abernathy. homer. II T Nichol and A L Grave. X instructions. PRAIRIE. J Bradley, Jno B Duraud v W Grave,. No instructions- . I I i V f tertained at the Hollar,, Rpa...r,- I :. '7.'C ' Kl"c,cu.uP a. ut t London, bv a mimhpr rf i known ladies distinguished in several branches of art, literature andphilan throphr, as a mark of their personal esteem and cordial svmnarhv " I ' MM her work. truh, made a fire, arid sat bv th- roadside until nine tSrnr L i for the train tihich t 1 - 1 ..w .u.VV7f xu Mis. Magce, who for yvji been hunti . M mi iiui i u Waterlord's a(Jd the CurraghMWff foxhounds, was recently killed wbil riding at Blarney. The uiirorton lady, while ;i'.tcmp!i(ig forniid-iWr obstacle, was thrown violently her head ; he became unconiM.M'O nd died in n few hour. it m ii' 4 he an tai N( w of M 011! ?ro Mr vii ing ! ! Xei wjii tur ivi tvl in i stopping. A brave and thoughtful act iora nine-year-old bov and one which we hope to see properly re POT" EKLI3 AROA.HAaELTIME H ear--, cognized i i nut. .