OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, June 18, 1884, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1884-06-18/ed-1/seq-7/

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irpBJI fHtMWUd
car tlmifl, t8:af
akiUfSl aaratciaoa, rw.ii
from jroaifir.1 todlacrt
Uoaa, o fra 1o1otrwe
and er braie work. Cj
at tonM wail. a
wai tea lark la roar J.
i Avnltt MEf i5"W41
a bf preuattooa lal
02T ITOOCi a
trouble. Oet nr fro drci
Ur aa4 trial poekaf
Icara importaat heu bsfori
klc( treatm.a elaewbers.
Tak a rwlf cnt ha eirul
thoaaasda. eaa aoe am la
tere with auntlM la boat
aa or cava, paia o lKa.
.ealoaoe. oeada4 an act.
ratiSe aMoieal rrloolple.
Crovta; la ao aad repute.
Uoa. ttlroet application la lb
BO', of diasaa ula lu apo.
13 lasoeao am wiww
eel?. Thaoasuralftiai
tlooa or Iba kajoaa orna
lim aro Motored. Iba
aniavadnc loaMc ol
Uf orbick kn beta
waotoa am f)a omc.
Tbo awlant feaoooM
choorfol eoa alaa-
.. V J amunk raaaHJ-
BE W CO, Iff g ChemU.
T,-tt,Cltronle and Blood PI eMa,
""tid Htari Affectlona.Weai I-aiaaara,
0---T UrVat for
,nL owtD sHrio no. is,
Pierce & Armsiron
jew Ycik Press Ccmm- nt ou Sir.
Tilden's letter
irv r,nnn
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Groceries and
Also a full line ot-
fcraaa. ?V. "V i , : ' -7.' 7, -l tl .
T -ithfntl nrt-aliirn,addra
tfi'uTIn-r-r M.D.. Kanui City. MO
vU r, SCOTT a LITER riLJua.
A S Kl
Hardware and Implements,
Call and jrice our good and
examine their qnalitv.
From tl.e It-Iispatch. !
New Vohk, Juno 12. The "
World :t-: "Mr. TiMt-n has I
written ;ni ;Hui:c-cila letter U Mr. !
Daniel Mnn-G:i, Chairman ot tiic j
DcnMiciMtic Sta'e C'mtiittee of !
New York, in which he reiterates in !
emphatic terms h determination to
withdraw from public life. In this
letter Mr. Ti'.den reviews his public
services, his efforts in behalf of pure
and iust "ovtrnment, and his devo
tion to the cau-e oi reform . It is a
masterpiece of composition. No
one can read it without realizing its
sincerity and ieclinjj the inspiration
ot integrity and noble purpose which
courses through every line. How
ever this document may be accepted
by the Democratic party, it is cer
tain to increase and intensify the
esteem in which Mr. Tilden is held,
to warm the corner in the heart of
j the great organization in which he
abides. Great always, and wise,
and far-seeing, Mr. Tilden's power
and fitness as a leader never appear
ed to better advantage than in this
letter, and it is in the compietest
sense a justification of the confidence
reposed in him by his party. The
concluding lines are lull ot pathos,
are tinged with a sentiment which
will move all hearts. 'Having given
I York Herald, Harper's Weekly.
i ! Puck, Evening Telegram, Brooklyn
; Republican and Independent Papers j Union, R Chester Post-Express, Ro-
UoUing- tae Jane Norn nations. j Chester Herald, Syracuse Herald,
! . i Flushing Tunes. Boston Advertiser.
j From the Post-Dispatch. j Boston Transcript, Boston Herald,
I New York, June 10. Mr. George j Springfield Republican, Philadel-
William Curtis returned from his j phia Record, Philadelphia Times,
j defeat in Chicago ve-terd.iv moi ning. ! Chicago Time-, Chicago News, and
National Bank.
Oldest Bank in the County.
lie went straight to his office in
Pearl street, pulled off I is coat and
began the preparation of an editorial
which shall indicate the attitude of
Harper's Weekly in the coming
Presidential campaign. When a re
porter called upon him he refused to
be seen, pleading as an excuse the
accumulation of business during his
absence. The following note was
sent to him: "Will Harper's
Weekly support Mr. illaine in the
New Haven News.
In addition, sevrral influential pa
pers like the Buffalo Commercial
Advertiser and the Boston Journal
are very cool in their support. The
Commercial-Advertiser of this city
has not define.! its position, but evi
dently has no intention of advocatlg
Capital paid in,
Surplus - - -
S 75.000.
S 27.000
Large Vault, B urglar-Proof
Safe with Time Lock
We are prepared to do a general bank
ing business. Good paper always in
demand. Bu v and sell exchange,
receive deposit xc, m.
Lewis Chenev, J. C. Clark,
Dr. Elliot Pvle lion. T U. Newberry
E. P. Ilenrv, I. N. Mains,
r I Kvertnffhatn. I. P. Edwards,
J.J.Rvan, VV. I. Card,
I Dr. I). l. Wood, J. Si. Pattr,
... ... a. f j .
lCO. . fliers, r . v..oicn:au ouiin'.
E. J. Tygard.
J.C.CLARK - -!
- Vice President.
ar I njamoWTBI
Winning Without New York.
Kaisas Citv Ttine.
The nomination of Mr. Blame
coming campaign, or will it do all m was made upon the theory that the
its power to compass defeat ?" The party must win without New York.
L- thif tb -.-L!v It was a confession that New York
itsels J would answer that ques- would go Democratic, and that suc
tion. While returning from the cess must be looked for, if obtained
Convention Mr. Curtis, in con- at all, from strictly republican states.
veisation with a friend, said: "1 am The Chicago Tribune used the ar
unwilling to say anything whatever gument ingenuously and plausibly,
K..r th t',.t T vnrcH mv I but come to examine it and it is
self to the convention as to the char- J shown to be very specious. The
be I St Louis Globe-Democrat puts the
dClV I W tV ll'V lllVII wua -- I
the leaders of the Republican party, certain democratic electoral votes at
in the coming battle. Neither Blaine 16. and the republican at But
nor Logan reaches that standard." to make this plausible showing, it
iii, ...ai i. ..... . .,rc I ririirii'niislv nlaces irsrinia and
, 1U1 1 ,lll l 't. JUl J UIU1 V. .wui7.. . . . . . j 1
"Iam not prepared to sav. Ij West Virginia in the doubtlul col
:iul betor.- thp mnvr-ntinn in sneak-1 umn with their eighteen votes, along-
ing upon the motion to bind dele- side of California, Connecticut, InjQp9j' UoilSO Block,
onv who I diana. New Jersey. New York and II "
might be nominated, that I went in- I Ohio. It says :
f, ti, rnnvomlnn !i a n-c. untram- I If Blaine can carry Ohio, Calitor-
h V kJV VVfHVfcWa "v w aa.wa v
meled Republican, and by the help nia, Connecticut, New Jersey and
CLOD CRUSHER to the wtlfare of the
party anu mc ivpuuuv,
T,;!.l-n 'uiivjtpvpr of health, and
, , , , meled Republican, and by trie neip nia, v.onnecticui, -cw j.., , , , .., S'o
strength I possessed, or could bor- !f od - o cq ftf .. Wcst Vir he will not need Cash Capital and Surplus, $JS3
(iitiirn Qml Viavincr I ... !.--, u.. .l.-.ionr I miiv if ci'l 1 FN.'J Pr.sidfrfl
IOW II Vf I II III- xuvm.w, -
, Tor Sale at the
C i r. Store
DmifiU, Gbm1 DMlitx.
Jaudle, Ha'kltaavl Coastipa
ila JArw Catpllat, 81eb
Ha4aaok(Ii)4sd Kid
ay, Et.( Et.
tt eoe talma only the Fnrawt Drnga, among
tlea tnay t rmriinersted mCZLT AE3 ttZZ
ID 1Z3UZ3, KiSSZaXS, I7CB7, EZCfJU. X:s.
It elMiiaM tbo jstcm thoronghly, and s i
I UKe4XoUalad.
ItllMt U tntoxictiDB; berBrage, nor cia
RbtOMdu tccb, by reason ofita Cathartic
Sol Proprlaters,
r-IJXi IS' 1TIJR 10,
ot all Itytes and pnees.
Good Hearse Always u Hin
Mm anil lnrnUhfll Oil SllOrt llO'le
Orders may be left at F. Evans' stabU
alter niatht or on Sunday. Butler. Mo
Lvon &,
2(North Main St.)
Two Doors South of the
Dealer in
Sr. Salter's Xrsa Tcnh.
It wfll rnrlfy and enrich the BLOOD, retralate
LIVH and KIDNBYS, andjkajTORB , thk
M4XTH and VIGOR of YOUTH 1 In at I ttiose
eaae requlrlnft acertaln and fficlen-TO!lt ,
Socially Uysipela.Waiitof Appetlte.lndlees
. Lc or SUnalh, etc.. lt ue la marked
Immediate and wonderful reanlts. Bone.
aele and nerres rc-lv new force. Enliven
w ilinq ana supplies nram rvwer.
a M m mm r suBerlna from all eemplalnta
bAUl C3 pecallartotlielr sex will and In
-a.HARTKRTJ iVlON TONIC a safe and aprtKiy
Th troitReit trcitmonr to the tralua of l)n.
8iTER's Ikom Tosic la that freqneut attempts
ateoanterfrlllne have only added to tliepopular
"aftbe original. If you earnetlly desire liratui
aot experiment ret the Okiginal and Bkst.
(Sand ran address to Tbs Dr. H rtr Mod-Co. V
St.Lala. Max, for oar "DKBAJf BOOK."
iall of- atraotfa aod naefol loloraaatloa. f
Oruocmts ano Dealers Everywhere,
mviu. ii i. "i- rr1, "?ss
IEUe S3.1'
no tt
The Old. Well Tried. Wonderful
t B- . mm mmm.
neann Kenewins Komeaies.
Blood. Cl.annnc from Malarial Taint. A perv.
far Kick, lieaadaaeke, C'MMIraUIoa
aw all Blllou. Utaoreraw
S.aaaaitlwa,. Injure haaltnyappeutejrooddMraa
, rnlan nf th- Ivnmla. A mrrrlovn MM
FUau. rvtKMlr-. vmthmr and twmeanc the
raoa ajatrm. and n.ivu: uror aod health to orery
"waofth.bodv. Nji.n.i DrojiiJIJ. For Parnphleta,
vs-sddraaaU E. H-t. i . HOdai St-..V C-tr
sjct All who have ex-
BOS" " tllfe a2s3ai
tei's Stomach
Hitters upon the
weak, broken
down, desponu-
. ine victim ot
cl-i dvsretsia. liver
dzr complaint, fever
'VT; matism, nervous.
jjs . . - .
debility, or n -e-mature
-' -SS-!-V- a'"
V'Tr Lv'f " suiTcme tonic
19 t k and alterative
there exists a" specific principle iwhicn
reaches the verv source oi i..v.,
and effects an "absolute and permanent
cure. For ale bv ail irui&is
Dealers geneiallv.
TO53nK2US nil FM'S-
I U J 1
Secure Healthy
taction to the Iat-rer
relieve all bU-
cr Men. MSa
Men. aa4 ail Men
K.. ...ail UKf
indiaeratjons will Cr.i
. . Hmi. yaoa tea
moat pewerfel invicat ar inSrodacr';
eooe rvatored by it ti.ra t- no re.ar"' 1 -
it; it Errr f i. 51 : fir SA.-4
Ciata. or br ail ?rm Alien a rharatcr.
30 ."ut rrt n ?. a f f 'K
reached the term of m capacity for
such labors as their welfare now
demands, 1 but submit to the will
of God in deeming my public career
torever closed." These are words
that will live in history."
THh Sl'N'.
The Sun says: "The honor that
if the rich reward of noble services
taithfullv rendered was never bright
er than at this hour. Mr. Tilden
has once been elected President of
the United States. Superior to all
thought of personal ambition, he has
twice declined a re-election and the
years of life that still remain to him
will be made haopy bv accumula
ting acknowledgments ot the nations
I debt of profound gratitude and ven-
The Times says: "It would be
but a slight recognition of Mr. Til
den's motives and of the circum
stances under which his letter is
written to ray that his act is an un
selfish one. It is more than unsel
fish. In the present divided condi
tion of the Republican party it is an
act of great moment and promise.
It removes from the Democratic par
ty a prospective candidacy which it
seemed to desire to consider inevita
ble : a candidacy sure to be welcome
to a large portion of that party, but
obviously not equally acceptable
to the independent vote which the
Democratic party can Bring into al
liance with itself in the coming can
The Herald s;iys: "Mr. Tilden's
candidacy would have been given
especially great prominency in the
canvass to the villainy and corrup
tion of the Republican party and
have made that the h ading issue,
and his name would have had n
overwhelming force as the champion
of the cause of the people against
an official oligarchy determined
to hold on to power at anv price.
For that leason it would have been
well it he could have accepted the
nomination, and we do not believe
that his age would have unfitted him
for a vigorous discharge ot the du
ties of his office. But it it is doubt
ful whether any other candidate can
call out so absolutely the whole vote
i ot the Democratic party, it is certain
that some others, perhaps only a tii
fle less satisfactory to the Democrat
ic opinion, will be a great deal more
satisfactory to a vote that is to be of
much moment m this election the
vote of the independent Republicans.
Consequently Mr. TildcnV refusal
may not prove an unmixed evil xo
the Democrats-"
as I went in. My sentiments are New ork to insure his election ; or
..ii ,.n-ii.inn.,l T If itiv dtitv to I if he can carry Ohio, California, In
91111 UIIVIIMtlVUa A A W a. a a . y -.- - j
do honorably what in my judgment diana and either Connecticut or
is for the best interests ot the coun West Vriginia, he can let the demo
try, without reference as to what the crats have New York and still come
f .v.- -.,r hi hP,.n I off victorious. But if he should
f i Q.,f F.rirn.m.-u ArA voted lose New York, Indiana and the
for him to the last. I could say no Virginias, and carry all the rest of
more tor Arthur than 1 could for the doubtlul states he would be de-
Blaint. .There has been no confer- feated.
enceot the independents that I know But Mr. Blaine has no more
l- .i... ,1.' I Jwv.f if rzirrviiv Virginia or West
It would be exceedingly unwise so Virginia than he has ot carrying
soon alter the nominations have been .ortli Carolina anu oouv..
made to take any decided action At the very last elcct.on Mahone.sm
... .....x. I was renudiated. Tin; little boss is
This would give the appearance icpmliatcd. and in t!ie future will
T.W. CHILIS Vicerresinent.
Wm. E. WALTON, Cashier.
C. C. DUKE As-'t Cashier
DON KINNEY Clerk and Collector.
Dr. T. C. Houlware. Hooker Powell,
R. D. Williams. Green W. Walton,
Judge I. II. Sullens, Dr. u, winppje.
A. l-i Mcunac, a, , v-"i
Frank Voiis, Wm, E, Walton,
C, H, Dutche.' Rue Jenkins.
G, B, Hickman,
John Deerweter,
John B. Ellis,
S, Q. Dutcher,
Ilenrv Donovan.
C. C. Duke.
O. Spencer,
.1, R, Estill,
.1, , McKee,
A, II, Humpt rev,
of pique or disappointment. There
is nlf ntv of time between now and
November to determine what the in
dependents will do
cut no figure in the state. Hancock
carried West Virginia by a plurality
of n.ooo. The greenbackers used
... cfiv.n.r in West Virginia, but
a nnPr vititixl tl..- iinb! isl .inr I I Luicock's maioi it v v er the combin
house ot Harper & Brothers in order ed Republican and Greenback vote
to obtain, it possible, an authorized j was about i,ooo.
announcement on the subject. In re- The Greenbackers have called a
i... i,,t Irv -i r-i.resent:itive of I convention ami will have a State
the house made a statement, by au- ticket, so that all hope of a coalition
tlv.t !l:,m,.i's Weekly will I ot the greenbackers and republicans
'"""VI ...... I' 1 II I
tt, Ch;..n nominations: I vanishes. V irginia gave IlancocK
that the decission to this effect was 43,000 majority, and is more demo-
leached by the n.cmbers ot the House cratic 10-tiay man .vc ..v.
,r,rl rh:,r thr nen of The positive Democratic vote
George William Curtis and the pen- the Southern vote is 153, and it is
Ai, i-ie v.. iv.ll h.. .-xert- so usually estimated by republicans
, . r .1.:. ns we as democrats. The number
eu m up-jn 01 nun ow -
iu Att;,,s'(,.vpuv.t asb.l it reau'red to electis 201. Newlork
u-nnlrl not yote for Blaine. He and Indiana will give the number
; n rae should he vote and three to spare ; but the Democ
for Mr. Blaine, still he was disinclin- racy having New York will have to
j ...i 1.1 ,t (r r:m- fraui but 12 votes to insure an dec-
didate of the Democratic party. Mr. tion. To get these they have Cah
Stevens added that he thought the fornia S, New Jersey 9, Connecticut
mission of the Republican party was o, Nevada 3, ano
f 1 1 1 ii,r.. . ...1,1 K- no I from, in all 20 votes.
H;ffir.lrv in or-amzino- a oartv with- Of these states Cautornia, New
..a... - - O 1
Large Fire and Burglar
Proof Safe with time lock,
Receives deposit subject to check at
sight, Loans money burs and sell ex
change and doe aVenrral Banking bu
iness. Your business is respectfully solicited.
out a nominee that will take in the
best men on economic principles,
which includes both the Democratic
and Republican parties' best men.
In the Republican party there are
hosts heading to the old traditions ot
the Whig party, he thought, who fa
vor revenue tariff. In contradiction
to this statement there are hosts ot
the best men in the Democratic party
who lavor protection. In view ot
these two points Mr Stevens believes
that a party without a nominee can
be organized to take in both these
classes, based on economic principles
Mr. Stevens concluded that there is
no national question which now di
vides the two parties and he does not
believe that any question of personal
nominees will enter the campaign.
Newspaper opposition to Blaine
grows stronger daily. Last evening
The Post, which bitterly opposes him,
printed a list of the independent and
Republican papers which are openly
committed against him. It now
stands: New York Times, New
Tersev and Nevada are now in the
hands of the democracy with good
working majorities, not to mention
Ohio with its 23 votes, which state
is in the hands ot the democracy and
is a decided advantage in a close
Conceding 151 votes to the Re
publicans, with California, Connec
ticut, Indiana. New Tersev, New
York and Ohio doubtful and they
have o votes to gain. Where can
they get tnem wun -ew ... ...
democratic column? From the 61
vstes cast by these doubtful states
It cannot
iney imusl g-v 3" ,
be done with Blaine bluster and
Well Rewarded.
. ... t t -;h r5d t anv oar-
' Altoerai reu - " r - - - j.. .
tr who will produce a case of Liver, Kid
nev or Stomach compiatni wiat
Bitters will not sreeiily cure. Bring
them a Ion-, it will cost you nothing tor
the medicine if it f ails to -cttre,
will be well rewarded for your trouble
beside. All Blood diseases, Biliousness,
Jaundice, Constipation, and. general oe-Lra-e
quicUr c-red. bstac.n
guaranteed or moneT refunded. jj
onlr fiitT cenu per boitle. For
Qrocery House
At Jheir well known and popular
stand on the Eaat side of the
square, are leading the
Their etock in compoeed ol
Feed Flour and the best
qualiy of Staple and
taney Groceries,
Glass. Qaeeniware and Cntlerr.
Thau anr hoos in Mi eitr, aiitl
therefore do not fear competition.
They par liberal prices for Prodtfce.
Tbey solicit aconHunanee of Hie pat
ronage of their mtv enstomers. anil
will gladly attend to their late at;
any and at) times. . '." i
J Goods deliTere! In fbe.rliy limit
a IUJ mmw waaaew m m
a i 7 iimm TjoaDleaa.

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