OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, October 08, 1884, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1884-10-08/ed-1/seq-2/

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Trying Experience of the Crew
the Scooner John T. Taylor.
o'clock that niht the ta!! masts of
the Creniueyos hove in s's'ut. We
were afraid those on board would
not see us and we could not shout.
They saw our signal of distress and
our rescue was easily accomplished,
the water bein perfectly smooth. I
cannot speak too highly ot Capt.
Fairclolh and his officers and crew
tor the kiiu'U treatment of us ail."
one or two watched while the others
slept. On the morning of the iSth
of we eagerly scanned the honzon, but
nothing but water could be seen.
All hopes 'censed gone, and there
ew York. Sentember 22. j. ne , . , . ..,
1 1 not prer-areo to give up ins i:.e.
iteamer Crenf uejros, from the West ; . " , , f
' j Our joy knew no bounds wnen at 0
Indies, brought to this city yesterday I . , , . . ...... . .. ,
Capt. Thos. Mumford, first mate ;
O. Olson and Louis Abrahans, Ben.
Washington and Edward Moran,
.seaman, belonging to the three
i.iasttd schooner. John T. Taylor,
from which vessel the steamer
rescued the men on the iSth mst.
The schooner was water-logged and
demasted antl the men had not tast
ed food nor water for fifty-two and
a half days. One of their compan
ions was gone, alo having been
washed overboard three days previ
ously. All the inen were complete
ly exhausted, but were carefully
treated and no evil effects resulted
frs?T) t!:e:r long exposure. Capt.
"Muniford gave llie following account
of the disaster:
"We left Fernandida, Fla.,cmtiie
f fth insr., with a cargo of lumber
i-ji Lagayra. AH went well until
'he 13th, when .1 terrific hurricane
u'. 01 took lis, causing a very heavy
sea. The vessel labored violently,
Vat we wore unable to make steer
.ie way. Huge wa.es dashed
c nipletely over us and we were
compelled to lash a man to the w heel
and the rest of the crew to the pumps
Story From the Man Wiio Got Lo-t
in the Rockies.
Beats W'lki Collins.
From the New York Herald.
'I have all the wives and children
I want ahead,' said Charles Mc- '
Hugh yesterday to Justice Welde.
'and I nevei saw this woman be- :
'Do you think I could live with a ;
man eight years and not know some- '
thing aoout him.-"' came from Mrs. ,
St. George. 'Wouldn't I know him :
after an absence of four weeks5'
The justice thought she ought to.
'If you don't believe me, judge, i
look at the nail of the third finder on '
the left hand and you will find that '
it is turned to the right. "
'That's s ),' replied the sergeant. J
'Now buih awav ti:e h.air on the
j back of his head and von will find a ;
. ...
scar where he was trucu wan a
hammer,' said Mrs. f?t. George,
blushing, 'four years ag.j.'
'There's the scar, ure enough,'
said the sergeant, excitedly. 'That,
fS 1 PUP
f ;
Is nucleated in our unuoii.iwOir.cijt that we have
a iarije stuck to select fV'vn. I ou-Li u;o-t!v
direct iroin manutacturer. iitin of
i Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods,
i , . .
e were leal in
The storm did
::Ot abate next day, bnr I think we
could have weathered it, had it not
been that we were run into at 2
o'clock on the morning of the 15th
mst. We were then sailing under a
close reefed foresail and the vessel
that ran into us was a three-masted
schooner, scudding under bare
pclcs. We were struck nmidship
three times, the schooner rebound
ing each time. She scudded away
;:i li.e Jarkncs-, alt" that and we
discovered our damage extended un
der the water line and almost through
. v essei. She fi!'. .! hi two hours
1 !. . i - .
ami, as me sea was still high, she
rolled heavily. In order to prevent
her going over we cut away the
masts. We were all becoming ex
hausted and could do nothing to ease
I T . a
our vessel, ncr sai's were even
with the water's edge and wave alter
wave dashed ovet us as we clutv
together lorvvard. The pangs of
hu nger and thirst began to assail us,
as we had partaken of no nourish
ment since the storm caught us. As
darkness set in and no sail was in
sight, the men began to lose hope of
being rescued a hope strong with
us all through the day At 10
o'clock that night poor Phil Graham
one ot the seamen, was torn away
by a wave which seemed to carry us
all vlown by its weight. We could
do nothing for our unfortunate com
panion ; in fact, he was out of our
sight before we could clear our eyes
sufficiently to see anything. This
accident disheartened us more than
anything else, io.- Graham was
much liked by us all. We clung
together closer than before for fear
another wave would sweep us awav
Our eyes were heavy from want ot
sleep, but we dared not close them,
and through that uight we huddled
together, knowing that, if our
strength failed us, death would sure
ly follow. At sunrise, we strained
our eyes lor a sail, but none wa? m
sight. The sea had not moderated
-u.d our water-logged vessel was
'osed about like a chip. We pray
ed for aid, but throughout that day
t .1 soul was seen and darkness
Set in. Halt famished for food, our
throats burning for water, we long
ed to drink of the water which dash
ed over us, but knew our sufferings
would increase. All night we hud
dled together, our strength fast leav
ing us. On the morning ot the inh
the wind moderated. Shortly after
the sea subsided. We were enabled
to get the cargo gaff up, and on it
we hoisted a signal of distress. Xo
Mil appeared that day. At sunset
we tad not behove we
'This talk about cannibalism is all
bosh,' he said yesterday on the post
office steps as he rubbed his white !
plug hat on his elbow. -Suppose i
the 1 iving did eat the dead what o '
Xobodv answered him. d I
presently continued: evidence of having been effected
'IVn voan, T lf ! something after that fash-on.
With twelve years acquaintance with the needs of
uaies couiuv uatie, anucaii in taiyill.
we are
lied that we can save vo-.s money. Call
proves it.'
'It you will ex.
carefully yu'.i wIM
felon, which he had last white:
the thumb si:
line his icit thumb
ot a
wgrjrrgtiiiw mm
family in the Rocky mountains
When we had eaten our boots and
shoes and whatever else we could
worry down we had to resort to can
nibalism. The baby went first. We
baked him, and a better dinner I
never sat down to. Was there any
thing 111 that to raise a great fuss:'
Three or four others were added
to the crowd, and he went on:
'In the course of six weeks w iie
and ! ate our five children. We
had 'eni stewed, roasted and warm
ed up, and I neverrelished my meals
with keener zest. Did. the papers
raise a great howl over it? Have I
been ostracized from society 0:1 ac
count ol it?
He mopped his bald head and
rubbed his hat some more ami then
said :
'The time came when I had to e it
my wife. She wasn't as juicy as
the children, but the meat kept long
er and furnished more real nour
ishment. Xothing ot her body but
the right toot was left when I was
rescued. '1 hi ee days more ami I
would have been compelled to take
my gun and shoot deer ami elk and
rabbits and such game or starve to
'Do vou mean to say that ..1U.
'Why do you abandon your
deny that you are her hus
K ed Justice v Cuie j
why do you, Michael?' j
St. Georne.
ap;y :.i:in
hopefullv, my fing
you had
was plenty around;' asked a httle
man who had been breathing hard.
'Yes, sir woods full of it."
'And you had a gun ?'
'Yes, sir.'
'And vou ate your familv m o ref
erence to killing game?"
certainly ; hunting was verv dis
tasteful to me.'
'Then, sir!' yelled the little man.
as he jumped up and down an.
plunged around 'then, sir, I char
acterize you as a monster, and
lemme git at him lemme hit him
once I'
But the crowd held him back, and
the man with the white hat marched
off up the street saying:'
'Well, well! what a iuss to raise
about my eating up a whole family!
Seems to be some very queer men
m this town Detroit Free Press
The corn crusher man is again on
the rounds. These corn crushing
men have been exposed in nearly
every paper in Missouri, and it looks
strange, to day the least, that intelli
gent men will bite at their hook.
Their racket is something like this.
The advance agent tor the machine
makes a contract with a f aimer to
put a com crusher on his place mere
ly to show n giving him (the farmer)
the privilege to crush all his corn for
nothing. He then gets the farmer
to sign a written permit to place the
machine on his place, sayin- the
company rennirpri
1 his is the last heard of the advance
agent. In a short time a corn crush
er arrives and also a note for S 10 to
pav for it. Holden Enterprise.
and then
band?' m
said Mrs.
"1 tell vou I nev er saw her before,'
replied Charle:?, in a:; vv
ner. Then he asked,
'Have I ever lost any o
ers ?'
'Xo,' said the woman.
them all four weeks ao.'
'See,' said McIIvgh, triumphantly
holding up the stump of one finger.
I lost that years ago,'
'Oh!' exclaimed Mrs. St. (ieorge.
'you must have lost that within a
month Michael, whatever have you
been doing:'
'But it couldn't heal in a month.'
H hv, I should know those hands !
anywhere.' observed Mrs. St. j
George : 'but I have witnesses, bring i
on the children,' with an air of one '
starting the procession. The pio-l
cession came on. They were three
pledges of affection. The pledges '
called him !
I take j'Toasure in fininvaiir:!! to
the publie that I have located in
Uutier to make it my future home,
and have the lar"st and host as
sorted stock of (' ':?, ":o?!eo ure'
jewelry and s; tarlt-s ever brought
to tin: market, which I will sell
cheap tor cash. J laving had mar;;,
years experience hi the mnnufae
Hire of watches and eh-ek. in Ku
rope, I ;.m jw.e prej:nr"! to repair
watches niid elm ... s, matter how
have been alm-ed. by hriayina VA)VS
hfom to me, yuil can ha'. e!hea W. jJsL2-3feCs3j
mtjrood running order a
ee satislaci
bt3&& - Li?
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas. Aaron Jones, ot Rates Ctv
ty, Missouri, hv his certain deej of tn
dated iareh 17, iSSj, anj ri,Cord J
the Recorder's office w ithin ami tor !?
coaveved t K. Walton, the ur'C
signed trustee, the following dccril
real eMate, situate, Ivin- ad being
bates county, Mi-sonji, to-wjf v
northwest tjuarter of section ten (10
tvwuhi: thirty-nine (.;,). of rWc ,hi'R
two (3.') containing 1(0 aces ,or ';
less, in tru-t to secure the payment ni
three cci t.uii promissorv notes', in k, "5
deedot trut describe,!: and, herc
one 01 said notes is past due and unpaj .
Now, therefore, at the request of the U
gal holder of said note, and hv hu.e Z,
tiie authority in me vested hv" the term'
ol said deed ot trust, 1 will, on '
Wednesday, October S, A. I),
between tbe Iioursof nine o'clock in the
forenoon and live o'clock in the alte
noon of that day, at the east front ,W
ot the court house, in the citv of Dut'er
county of Hates aforesaid, sell at pub!i
vendue, lor cash in hand, all of jj re'
estate, in said deedot trust and ttu& no.
tice described, or so much thereof a rrav
be necessary to pav said debt, inters
and costs. WM. W.m.i ox, '
Butler Academy,
Will open for its eleventh yc.-.t on
SEPTEMBER, 8th, 1884. p
A. m&mJkm
. A, AT
A large new brick building wii!
be erected this summer which
will afford facilities far superior
to anvthmg before enjoved bv it
patrons. 'I liorough work, 1,-V a -a
ex:ie rieneed
orps of Teachers.
The Newest and Freshest Line of
all ran to McIIncdi and
Papa' pulled out a handkerchief
and wiped his brow, The situation
was jjettin decidedly desperate.
My husband has beautiful teeth,
remarked Mrs. St. George.
Mr. McIIugh caught at the words i
as a drowning man at a straw. He !
lifted his huge mustache and showed '
that his were black and broken. I
Mrs. St. George screamed, blush- !
ed scarlet and turned away her head. !
Then she looked again, and this !
time she was pale. 'Xo,' she said, j
slowly, 'those are not my husband's '
teeth. I do not understand it, but I ;
must have been mistaken.'
Mr. James Healy, a master car-
. 11 !!
pemer ana DuiKier at JSo. zo jJast
One-hundred-and-fifth street, for
whom St. George worked tor four
years until a month ago, was in
court prepared to s.vear that Mc
Hugh was St. George.
'St. George had a peculiar twitch
ing ot the muscles about the eye."
said Mr. Healy, 'as has this man.
and a habit of arching his eyebrows,
which were very bushy. This mans
eyebrows are bushy and he arches
them. The rlnoer was the only-
thing that puzzled tne. I have talk
ed with St. George a dozen times
day for four years, and oiitxhr
know him pretty well."
A seventeen-year-old son of Hea
was the only person acquainted
with St. George who did not feel
sure that he and McIIuo-h were
identical. Pauline Smith
.... ..,IV4 A i
McXally, who have lived in the
same house with St. George for sev
eral years, swore that he was Mc- s
Hugh and McIIugh was he. I
Mrs. St. George finally admitted I
she was mistaken. She "is searching I
the hospitals and the morgue for her '
1 1 . i
nusoantl, who disappeared some'
i f5t
Sign of the Horse Shoe, East Side Square.
ample facilities in Classical,
scientific or Normal studies and
a healthful location are sorr.e of
the attractions offered to those
desiring an education.
Tor particulars, address
3 -3 Under, Hates cour.lv, M-
The above represents the cele
brated James Means three dollar
shoe in allsty Ies. The best shoe
ivi tfitj money in tne woria.
U Miiio HiM E!ilobl
All wool both ways and guirauteed in everv
particular are those handsome and latest su'le
w itii reb tin ta; liose Leaf fine cut chew
inn; Naw clippin,;., and blatl, hrowa,
and veil w i-nuffs are the best and cheap
est, quality considered?
fir All fsicmere n. rrui r 0
It is a Spec f!c for the cure ot Falling of t!
womb. Leucorrrura. I'aln in the Back, Tslnfd
or Supr-resst-d Menstruation, Floodiug. Faint
inj; Sseiisntionn, and all the varied trouhlf it
tcbchng the period knoirnas Chance cf Lift.
and 1STKEN;TXI to the Utebixk rvscnon
t-xcitinz lie.-dtliy action, and reitoricf them to
tlieir normal condition. It Is pleasnbttot:
tait,)ny r.RTAxity ataxy timk, anSf
truly a "Mother's Prlend." IFor further d
vice read Merrell s Almanac Full dirfrtionl
with earn bottle. Prire. tLoa ftvprHl by
JACOB S. HEBBHiL, Bt. Iato'b. Ha.
Sold by aa Iruggials awl Ixtalen in iiedlci
fiOff A enftWvAUMrrc Or ITftHCA MTV MA
4 am ma jyf r Wi yTJ, AUUlUriiVU KV a
Chronic. Karmam and BpacUl PI
di uMxuir 11 om of Mntl l ummi
OtunmrCurcc mnnrj nfundtd. Chr
low. Ax Mf czpriraof rtinpoftot
irtnnm . ; 4 kr. ..R Ii finM
ciimiteiy bIm-h fr from li at Unakmr. lutef
ewe nd arad for termc Cmmu.lmliy fir mrJl AftMtc
A BOOK to bow uo.illiMtd, Kstanicdl6rfciawi
- .litfltfllU
OMtiin tRmtmrnl fajj to cursor htn. C I lM
MiiiMiioi wniH iw tjo mum giw mv- iw
frrer and pia m Joint. ; Car oompMaA to f "Jf
rad Matctaeiit of cam w:ta Mamp for Ciiruian.
Dr. Haadertoa, 600 Wyurtfotto St. Kmm C rtJte
M 14
y 3
r 15
w .
eof A tM i a ? Store.
Out throtiorK !, - ' .Never was such a rush mad tr,r om- r..
""- our curt,-- ; ... - "j ' --i i . . . . ,
increase.1 urfil ue Km V j ron? a row at F. M. Crumlv & Co's. since. Mcriugh was in jail
crazWrom r T- ' Kl KlnS,sS days. He admit, he nad a nar
We "dune t',V r, - huner ! r D,scover-v for Coasomption, Coughs t row escpe from oecomir- Jr
U e dun- together, hke msanc men. ' and cpld.-AI! persons affected with" a th- ? Geor
vur very condition m:i,?.. hr 1 r-a. bronchitis. lln.m,n. . t ! "
, - - liiore i .i.., ttic cuuirr:s ; - .
. v Meet on otir-eTr-rcvit . -r - , . .
can et a Trial Bottle of thi jreat remedv J iun we wiil send rreor Vha P-
i tuj :ore. K?" : a j cured tt:e sa
complaints in other eaes. Vddre
44 E. T. Hazei.ti.ve, Warren. Pa.
clear :
e 11
various- That niht v.ns
and we all c-nt a. ... ,
. i' ...iu tiien.
' c uia not sleen ill . , -
tCP aU at once, but i nlar size :oo.
. Re
Xo 5
On the fence or on the ground they will
last the year around.
Buggy Tops, Trunks, mi felises, Colars,
--.- .
- 3rid!s- and H'hip-, al! Wd o enea? it tri!! ntafcc the '
.. . tear tricEie 2own your cheeks. Come and see me oa
the southeast -orner ot the square.
i:CM. T.l-r.,-!. Crt. TV ".ry -:!rat rjrt
. 1 -
' . rr - . r or .U
. L 7-.
L ,ii..;,(, a i r j: r'i A-:. i ;;. .-.
j wii -:vt u.u'. "u C. Spno jfie'iil,r?I'aOori
I eev
It nn
ren i
idc i
corn i
H f.
and i

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