Newspaper Page Text
-v vol. vr. RT7TLER. MISSOURI, WE1XESDAY OCTOBER 20. 1884, NO 48 Have They Repented? r..t -,!-.;!.. .,.-...... suuulu jjuwi.e.uu-. Ola radical ieauers in .Missouri hide their diminished heads in shame. They have not brought forth works meet tor repentance. Some classes in Missouri, at least, cannot yet quite forget the scoundrellsm of the old regime leaders. We wonder it the Irish priesthood have yet iorgot ten the infamous treatment they re ceived from the Drakes, the Filleys, the Van Horns, the William War ners of twenty years ago. In 1S65 the republican party of Missouri framed a constitution In this constitution they prescribed an oath of loyalty to be taken by bish ops, priests and ministers before they could teach, preach or solemn ise a marriage. Win. Warner, chairman of the republican state committee, and now running tor congress in the Fifth district advo catee this infamous constitution. It was made a criminal offense to preach a sermon, teach a parish school or solemnize a marriage with out first having taken this oath. The priests '-and many minister refused to take the oath. Father Cum mings at Bowling Gieen. Pike county, was indicted for solemnizing a marriage ana preaching u sermon, tried and convicted. An appeal was taken to the supreme court of the state. Judge Wagner, chairman of the late repulican state convention, that by solemn resolutions willfully, maliciously and falsely uttered libels against the state, delivered the opin ion of the court sustaining the con viction ana the priest appealed to the supreme court ot the United States. The court discharged him and de clared void the provision ot the state constitution as an interference 1 with religious freedom. Perhaps there ire lovers of religious liberty outside ot Missouri who would like to read this indictment ngai nst the good father for preaching the word of God. It was in words as tol lows : State oe Missouri, County' ok Pike ) In the circuit court, March term 1S66. 1 he grand juror? for the state of Missouri, impaaneled, sworn and charged to inquire in and for the county of Pike, on their oaths pre sent, that heretofore, to-wit: On the 4th day of March, 1S66, at the county aforesaid, one J. A. Cum mings, being a priest of the Roman Catholic persuasion and sect and de nomination, unlawfully did preach too and teach divers persons, to the jurors aforesaid unknown, and did act as such priest aforesad. without having first taken, subscribed and Sled the oath of loyalty, in the clerk's office of the county court of the county, ot the residence of him, the said J. A. Cummings, against the peace and dignity of the state. TSigned I E. P. Johnston. Indorsed : No. 03. Wm. Warner, CtafcXWcey I. Fil fey, the good V. Uora and - Wag- tier, can stop itside and wait awhile j in MisStfuYS.' ' They haye had a pretty fot pull at the post offices ami other federal plunder. Hut they Nvill soon lose this, and then Bi!l their condition be pitable in- tteed. St. Joe Gazette. Mr. Hartwcll was in the' city to day and reports that work is going on as rapidly as possible on the Gult branch. The company has purchas cd the lino running from Pleasant Hill westward. This will reduce the number of miles of railroad to ; be built to reach Kansas City very '. materially, as they will have onlv about eight miles from Ilarrisonville to build to reach this line. They mil then be in direct communication Wth Kansas City, by the way of Olathe on the main line. The wet j weather wc have been having has put the bottom in a very bad ccrul:- 1 tion ; in fact, has made it impossible to grade, and i t will Take it some 4ne tv dry out enough to vi k. Outside of this there : . .i s naj, to pi event tne rapia ouiUimir j the road. Clinton Advocate. Jchnstown Items. Everything about Johnstown is all O. K., except the republican party, they are all broken up over the speech of W. J. Stone, and think we will gain a few votes from their party, if Mr. G. W. Shelton and A. 13. Maupin the leading republicans of Johnstown, does not give them too much of the bloody shirt. Saturday being the dav appointed for W. J. Stone democratic candi date for congress, from this district to speak, preparations were made accordingly by the club at this place ami by the club from Deepwater who came to Johnstown as a club. So a: about 2 p. m., the line ot 1 1 11 . marcn was lormea ana we escorted 1 the speaker to the school room, and Mr. Ediior, when your reporter looked upon the vast concourse of people, ladies of every age, old men whose steps were feeble, whose eyes were dim, and whose heads were silvered o'reforthe grave, all imbu ed with the principle of right as against wrung, (as practiced by the republican party), to listen to, the words of truth, as uttered by our able and eifiicient candidate. He could not but hope within his own heart, that for the sake ot right, for the sake of truth and justice once more, that those silvery haired vet erans, who have stood the heat and burden of the dav should nor have their hones to end in fruition, hut that they should be made happy upon the dawn of the 5th, by the welcome news that right had tri umphed once more, that Grover Cleveland had been elected presi dent and that the republican party were among the things of the past, and the young men and even the boys wers imbued with the principles of iheir sires and after a talk of more than an hour, Mr. Stone bade us adieu, amid one loud and annua- tea cneer tor Cleveland, Marma duke, Stone and all the entire ticket. Mr. Editoi, the Democrats of Spruce township are true, though like Lochiel of old, their "spears may not be a thousand yet, their J)osoms are one" and on Nov. 4th, they will descend to the polls like ''reapers of death" and cast their votes solid for democracy and right. Last Sunday quite a large atten dance from Johnstown, attended Sunday schocl at the Oak Hill school house, where we hope they well le?-rn the good word of our Savior. Ve would like to know where ho se two cups came from, it you will .How us a guess, we think they come from the north. More ar.oti, Viritas. Birth on Wheels. Lttst Friday a wagon stopped in the floret part ot town and a man i was rrcn running frantically up tow atU a doctor. Alter finding one he hastened back and was soon Vnade the father of a bouncing boy. The party was from Saline cesnty and were on their way to Chrsron, Mo., to take charge of a tai.ii and feed cattle. The fellow wis very thank ful to the doctor, imd showed his appreciation by "driving off after night and not paying his bill. Green Ridge Enterprise. VlKGiVtX, Mo., Oct. 20, 'S4. Ei. TtTTEs: As I m a reader of youT jrper, and seeing no news from this portion of Dates, I will try te- :gtve 'vou a tew happenings. Health is better than it was some time ago, consequently our doctor is not kept so busy, though he is gone most ot the time. G. W. Short's two hiv- V een vrrv sick, but i - :n g-.- mv tr ; oldest sons a:e improv- . ie::d, K. P. It ot has had a Ion" sie"e or inn" , 1 . ... iina'.or rheumatism. Farmers seem to be very . bu3 preparing for corn husking; some talk of commencing in about ten days. i A protracted meeting commenced j at the church on the 17th iist. Dro. U rignt, ot tne Christian church. giving U9 some good sermons, and we understand that A. J. Park is a candidate tor baptism. Some real estate changing hands, W. B. Arbogast sold his farm near Virginia, a short time ago, to W. C. Uensley and he sold same to Mr. Hall, of Tiffin, O. Sold first time for $3,700: second time for $3,000. G. W. Short intends shipping two car loads ot cattle and hogs, and W. 1. Arbogast, one car load of hogs, on Tuesday. is., j. i art s Day windows got there Eli, but they were a long time making it around. We understand that the good work rests for another season. Alton Park says it is all a mistake, that the culverts are not washed out on tiie north side of the Miami. I am reliably informed that Messrs. Pierce and Arpistrong are offering their buildings and stock for sale a good chance for someone to cniae in tiie mercantile business. We un derstand that Mr. Pierce wants to 1 . ..1 ... . . . , , . cii.ujye e-miaie oil account OI Ills wife's health. No fights nor law suits since Old lien chopped Dan Smith with a corn knife. Chaklk. Adrian Mo. Oct. 21st, 'S j. Ed. Times: Our burg still con tinues on the prosperous road , with the usual business a ctivity, which promises to increase as our business men are endeavoring to keep every thing th at is useful and ornamental, or likely to be in demand. Messrs. Satterlee & Gilmore have just placed in their large Drug Store, a lull stock of notions and fancy orna mental goods. On last Thuisday evening a fire broke out m the furniture store o' O. Satterlee Sc bon. and c onsumed nearly the entire stock with the store house and O. Satterlec's residence adjoining. Cause ot fire unknown. Loss about $5,000, nearly all cover ed bj insurance. It is another time ly watniag to proTide against fire through the protecting agencies of being insured, and having proper water reservoirs at hand. The political outlook is very cheer ing to the democratic Da rty and if a couple of months were to elapse rc tween nOV and election instead of a couple of weeks, manv mala Would get over and join our ranks. From the amount of labor the re publicans aha fusionists are put ting forth here, they must feel doubt ful. M Warden spoke here Thurs- I dsy afternoon and Mr. Sheldon in ths evening, and from the formers i remarks the humiliating position of being astraddle of the fence with out knowing whether to keep the roost or on which side to fall, was plai.nly shown. While from the lat ter, careful observers could easily deduce the fact that they too, felt doubtful, but m encofsing the fu sionists none of their timber would be slaughtered. But last evening was their big effort, and it " may be said that "the party of progress" fully capped the'ehmax, by making the evening hideous with their hol lowing mtersperced with profanity from rumor, it was their exulting veil of victory over the wdiskev plank they were wrestling with which downed some and made oth ers feel a greater degree ot man hood. SEWARD A. HASELTINE, PATEHT SOLICITOR & ATTY AT LAW, SX3ES.XTX3H"X33XX, MO. fAssodntsd at "Wri-htna-an. D. C.) CnTreondmca iwioesKii Iuv:-:rir .'.o mod promt. of s fc-W V I 0 yum 11 win uo ou good to look through and save you lots of money on all fall and winter purchases' in jUg, Dry Goods, Boots, loee7 late and Saps, Carpets, Gloves, Hosiery, Xotions, Trunks, Valises, Groceries, Jueensvrare, in fact the largest combined stock of goods in Bates r "Vernon counties iiammotii store. orner Park Ave., Ford and the Saloon Keepers. Two weeks ago, September - ' 5e unronicie exclusively puomneu -. irmnnf nf n mpp.tin f t hr nnW.-d . 0 . . rotherhood, tormeny the saloon No. 3;, j.age 13, cumcvcJ to the under t eners' protective association, at ' d truee the ro!lovin:.j described "inner hall, before which meeting 3ich Ford appeared and assured the sscmbled members that he never ocouraged the prohibitionists nor nthorized any one to pledge him as ivorable to ptohibition. Further 1 ore he said positively that he did ot believe in the wisdom of the Movement and was not in sympathy titb it. Upon these assurances he tceived the endorsement of the aembers present at the meeting, iince this publication, his friends ave taken occasion to deny its eracity, even claiming that Ford ;ever attended the meeting. It is aid that Mr. Ford himself, before a neeting at Hannibal, characterized he account as a He. From these jromiscs, friends m the northern fart ot the state, especially Schuyler lounty, hold ford Forth as a temper aice advocate. To verify the state nents made by the Chronicle, a re porter this morning called upon Charles Schweickhart, iS South Tenth street, who was instrumental n obtaining the Presence ot Mr. 7ord before the saloon-keepers' neeting referred to. Mr. Schweick kart said: "Understanding that Mr. Ford was in the city I called togeth er a number ot the brotherbood,both democrats and republicans, in order that they might have an expression ef his views on the liquor question. Mr. Ford appeared rfnd we were satisfied with his remarks." "In what respect? Did he pledge himself to your interest?" "1 have no right to tell what he said. But from what he said, every republican member ot the association will support him. He tokl cs enough to let us know that we would be justified in supportine him. Oh, pshaw, he's not favorable to prohibit ion. Everybody in St. Joseph knows that he is interested in the whisky trade." "Why will you support him?" "On accodnt of what he said in this meeting. He assured us that he was not m the interest of prohi bition." r w-k c t . h x Bitot t" vfBffV' " - rf3! aaai goods in all departments at 3 a Ml IJ Everybody cordially inviteo to visit our M. S. COWLES MERCANTILE CO. and 6th sL BICH l-JL'llx. Tiustee's Sale. I hereas, John XV. jr.ckson and K.oa ! Si in Hook I I.K KMlll. his wife, hv tlieir -irt:iin . trust, I's.inn- dute .September 17 and dl,,v recorded in the Recorde . lice ot iiates countv, Missouri, in Hook real estate, lvinj;, beinand situate in the c-ountv ot Dates and State ot Missouri, lo wit: All of lot three (3), in the south east quarter ot section thirty-tout (34,) township thirtv-nine (39) of ranj;e thirty one (31 except five (5) atret otl of the east side, containing torty-eiirht (4S)acres more or less, in trust to bee u re the pay ment ot a certain promissory note, in said ueed ot trust fully described; and, where as, the annual interest on baid note is lonj past due and unpaid, and bv the terms of the said deed of trust, should default be made in the payment ot the annual interest on said note when the same becomes due and payable, then the whole debt becomes due and pavable. Now, therefore, at the request ot the legal holder ot said note and by virtue ot the authority in me vested by the terms ot said deed ot trust, 1 will, on Thursday, November 13, iSS.j, between the hours of nine o'clock in the torenoon and five o'clock in the after noon of that day, at the east front dor ot the court house, in the city of lSir.Ur, countv ot Bates aforesaid, sell at public vendue tor cash to the highest bidder, ail the land in said deed of trust and this notice described or so much thereof a may be necessary to pay said debt, in terests and costs. .S. W. 1each, Trustee. Trustee's Sale. Whereas, John T- Henshaw and Mary M. Henshaw, his wife, by their certain deed of trust, bearing date August 2$th, 1SS3, and duly recorded in the Recorder's office, of said Bates county, Missouri, in Book No. 32, page 122, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following de scribed reat estate, situate, lvin? and be ing in the county of Bates and State ot j Missouri to-wit: 1 he soutnwest quarter of the northeast quarter ot section seven teen (7), and the west half ot the north west quarter ot the northeast quarter ot said section seventeen (17), township tottv-one uO ot ranire thirty-two (32), containing sixty acres more or le in j 'trust to secure tne payment ot one cer- 1 I tain promissory note in said desd ot trust fully described; ana, wnereas, tne annual I interest on said note is long past due and unpaid, and by the terms ot said deed ot trust, it default is made in the payment of the annual interest when the same be comes due and payable, then the whole J - . -. J- ! 1 payable. Now, therefore, at 'the request f ,K. wl holder ot said note and b v the , , . , : - j;,..i authoritv in me vested by the term of said deed ot trust, 1 will, on Thursday, November 13, 1SS4, between the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the after noon ot that day, at the east front door of the court nouse, in the city ot Butler, countv ot Bates atoresaid, sell at public outcry, all the land in said deed ot trust and this notice described, or so much thereof as may be necessary to par aaid debt, interest and costs. C. C. Dcki, Trustee. I Secure Healthy action to tiie "Liver &cd relieve all bil Jrmp trorcbiea. tsCs Tfr.-'C; s Z:2S. A- trs!-A ifl IMK .JO! Commercial College! ! O 421 N. 3d St., St. Louis, Mo. Opoa. -511 tlio Vcarl All the liranches of an English Mathematical and Commercial Course taught. ffcJfSpecial Teacher's Course for those who desire to Learn and Teach Business ami Ornamental 1 'en man ship, etc. Refers to thousands ot former stu dents who have completed under our instructious. JfeJA Full Corp of Experienced Professors. Write for Circulars, Specimens of Penmanship and Catalogue of Stu dents and References. Address: Prof. J. W. Johnson, .St. Lous, Mo. PRESIDENT. The Largest Merchant Tailoring and Clothing House in America. ' WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, Philadelphia. A full Hoe of card arr plei of tfie great piece foods atoca will be found with J. M. McKIBBEN, SALES AGENT, Butler, Mo. Notice of Final Settlemen: Notic is hereby given to all creditor : ana omen ini-reftiea in me l.1 tamest deceased, that I I. ,V. I Rort Administrator of said estate, m- tend to make final -e?tk-roent thereof, at the next term ot the Ba countv Probate court, i.i Bate countv, State ot Miouri, to be held at Butler, on the loth da ot November, 1SS4. F.VV. Roberts Administrator, Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given to the creditor and other interested In the estate of James H. Hughes deceased, that I, A too J. Hughes Administrator of said estate intend to make final settlement ot aaid estate at the nert term of the Bate coun ty Probate court, to be held in Butler Bate" county State Jot Missouri, on the firt Monday in November 1S&4. Amos J. High, Administrator. Fred Doro Barber Will give you a neat shave, shasr.-j- at hair-cut. He keer ntjuc but exprSe : id ben. Will aiw rind razor. :actor ciJ.-;