Newspaper Page Text
it' olm ill S'f mi rrrors tay. BMMrr k.Uf phf isimk. rasH f'ora fddiLfal I .-disc re ad fr krala C - tot temporz wbiUt ur 1 tew. Ar'Al bdrt fitiyi'M a p-fntRlAoua e)lm f mat-lie tut tfc'.'js tr-juble. S csr tra Ckri Ir I triftt pftctarfv e 4 iesra im-jof-rast fuu k ??-- i:iiisj ucat,ut ueVr3. Tafc tr-adf tfcitktJOr.l ?hti'& !, aU4 d M ill- if.;' re u5 uecioa to bitl k?s f ceo. Uaon j'.-sinc. Kouait4 cr. tlr- tiircctapptkrmUooso tta etUef 4:-ae tt-sfceU 4p- & Bailed! Cura PERSAiOIlRnSJL AJTB iMPOTJsGT. ?-:!"T':tfi5 for OTor O r.Ss iai!u Ici vumu S f ar gives bate. a&a uu -VT?t5 TEWIEtVf CO., M'fS Chemist. ; r.r.; ; ftb I'J.h MM fet. Lov. Ho. SUFFERERS from Hrrons,C1ironle and Blood Dlistset, (train and Heart Affections, Weak Lube, rer.uu Debility, BrohCB Down C'onatl taUanond Weakness ol liie 14 Id Bay a, B I ad aer A Vrluary Orgaaitk your Orufgltt lor Ux-. CKAB. "W". SCOTT'S WORLD RENOWNED SPECIFIC NO. 13, COCA, BEEF! IRON A BLOOW, BRAIN & SERVE TONIC. If Tour IraagUt does not kee i ""ll him to order it forroa. I. per bottle. Cufii.Ufff and Iron b th Gretet Mndioml l;iw ry oi modern tunes. For uamphlat. wtth full part'oulirs. addrem CHAS. W. SCOTT M.a., Kansas City, Mo. Pie Dr. SCOTT S LITER F1Z.Z.S. CURES ALLDIStASESOFTBE LIVR KIDNEYS STOMACH AND 8 B0YEL3. ALL DRUGGISTS .Tartrndieo, IIr.ittal Con3tir tion, .Lives- Caiaplaiat, Sicii IXs&xlaoIts, Diseaserl Kid.- E.t Etc. Itoontalna only tba rarest Drags, .hlchroarbssnnmenrodrsicn? ASS Zi."i iU3 BtZSISS, liiaJZiU, TZlTtJi. r . I'; clcanaas t&o eyutcB llioroi.'gWy, anA. .i UKIi'IEX. OS TIIE liUJj- It is r.oS SB IstoxS'MStls bavurag, bs used as sues, ST iioa f CaVurii. xprtlss. BICSI-Y ASK BITriERS . SI bUUik AN! NAflJ' Wit 1. DIES ..., n!iiir to th!r atx will And la KTBR'B . jitOJf TOKIC afe and apeeity a, ' I .l"L,'K,"AVi-:vwi;lrel.VaIu I .ad four addnwa o Tha Pr Sloi; l -Loala. Mo., for oir "DRKAK BOOK. J -llol .irmiv. and aarfal atrstron. fraa. I Arrrtn'a iROti TOiiic :s ran aue by AU. - COOI6TA? DSAi.f ERYWWHt. RELIABLE SU-F-Clif; infM tH.vmaaa af . atf' i C aOSt Bl J 1H .' I .iprrilli" f- (now rutirrdi fr tnaanrw f li'i m . 1 toa .MarMfevoa'. re.fc ai.e Sr r- laplalBaaaiaarBTclBtVa. Ini llilW AdsVaw 9. WAR & . Lsa 8EWARD A. HASELTINE. PATENT SOLICITOR & ATT'Y AT LAW, BPazirGrX'ZXiXjJD, mo. (aaaoclatad at Waahlnfftan. D. CJ Corraapoadaiia iQBeaol Iaijulrlee uii fraa aaa proawa CR, STRONG'S PILLS! The Old, Weil Tried, Wonderful neaith Renewing Remeoies. ttfinllC'C CtlllTlUC DM I C For the Uver. yinurtB OfUIHIilC riLLOA epeeJT care lor er Complaint. Kealatinr toe Bowels, roruyin 1 "Blood. Clean sin from Malarial Taint. A prr. , &3h1eZiSS-Ca'"r l STRONS'S PECTORAL PILLS! rawaacoia ; ) I riLLOaDrapepaia si ( . itM.i iTri. 'lra.i.iHMia u . . l.MMk..ltK.anMt1t.lmM(11CM I ? Srllpate iVnaalea, aoothin and bracms ttoe cf the body, holaoy Drugtista. ForPamphlata, I .aaoreaaC- E. HUIJ. A Co., WOedar fct... K-t-iw T V driaT. To oat;rl vsos- tioni of It bttiaan ora S ?5 lim are MiMrt4. ?t ll Ip BITTERS rrrrJ 05 S i Jri K X PAST6 RECARDIHC " 5a0 ( Msjier's Iran Tcdi 111 nsrt.V nrleli is BLOODt rajrulato l.Co .n.l KIDNEYS, anil KaSTORK T1IS -"a ".Tirfa a carlainand fiiclun TON II, :ura;iVsnlrAl.p.llt..lndlres. .. a af Slrrl, .' ! markeS It uimm a alrar Sa iaii"7 i-wniiiai""-i ".i lm i; l ovic s ksfrslMttlpW - IT T l- ..Ina.t to tht)ll(Uiir W5 ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken or your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain ot cutting teeth? It so, send at once and get a bottle ot Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup For Children Teething. Its value i incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imme diately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysen tery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, sottens the gums, reduce inflammation, and gives tone and energj' to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup For Children Teething is pleasant to tke taste, and is the prescription ot one ot the oldest and best female nures and physicians in the United State, and is tor hale bv all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Mav 2.S-'S4-ivr WrTAR1UM. BlTersl!. ".-.!. Tha drr edlmala euros, Soas TbroatLoass. lull ions, 6 p., route, ooat, traa. MARRIAGES AND HEALTH jioe. xog pes. Illustrated. f AU that tha doubtf ol anrSona or tboiutbtf ul want to, Ckoow, Clota and frailt bindiiuSO cu.paper 25c,Mr Iriaaa Onide. 1 U p 16a, ant tled, money or stpa,bj' IltD UfUITTICD BI7 Bt.cnanei o. tun. irniiiitn st. J the jrreataperliUlat, Marrona iJer,u7.inipeaui MarrlaKe. Oonoltntioo and i'wnpMH ire. THE ACME PULVERIZER. CLODCllUSIIEPv AND LEVELER, For Sale at the H.V.PENTZ1CH EKALKK IN LUfaNlTURE, BABY OVVXl 1J T .V Ci K ni all styles and pr.oes. Qqol Heans Always n Hana narB?,irl3N" Kiid liiriiili-a on eliort nof.ict Oiders may lie lelt :t F. Fans' sri!.hh altor niarht or 011 Sunday. Butler. Ho; LYon &. Williams. (North Main St.; Two Doors Seuth if th POSTO FFICE Dealer in gkoceri es1 A.VD - QUEEKSTfARE .BUTLER, MO. no J The fee f; crow stron; lis W v . , v when Hosietter Stomach Bitters r?. is used to pro- 'u.,k mote assimiia- r a ' v . ., 4 . ., i aV lion 01 uic imju - Z S v-T blood. ' teV!T stacle t. r 'T-i . a-?. - : f blood. Indijrest- v- i inn the -h,.trH- to an ac- '?-T' quisition of ft'VSSN. V strength by the weak, is an a?i- i-ront which in- & atTO" A.Vt K' falhblv succum- bs to the action " ot this peerless ... a .mn inir ovi.Vnrc ot I Premature" decay, a s?eeSi!y counter- h.,- ihi m-i-at inviorar.i. wnicn i - .,;c ir A inrii- UliLlC t. L tile l.'Iil 9il.tli Hi i i.s' I ... ;nct Hias ,. , . - , -,1- ,-,.n. 1 rai In His Mind. There mav be more beautiful sights, perhaps, than the quiet beau ty ot the French capital sleeping in the moonlight on the Seine, but 1 do not remember at this moment what they are. Looking down from the mighty fortifications to where nearly two million warm-hearted, hot headed, loval et rebellious, peace ful and stil! beligerent people are slumberine, what memories ot nlood and riot and rum come trooping up in the brain of the beholder! Again the air seems filled with the wild roar and rush of the riotous canaille, the beautiful boulevards run red with French blood, anil the glorious ar chitecture of forgotten centuiies crumbles and yields to the mad tide ot revolution and revenge. From the early days of the infant Paris, known then as Lutetia Parisorum, when the French capital was simply an outfitting point, down to the days ween she dictated to the world in the matter ot national uects and over- skirts, we trace the wonderful career of the great city. Asrain we see Caesar rebuilding the city. In fancy we see him being about with his ! coat off and his red suspenders flash- ing in the warm southern sun. I lis noble head is thrown back proudly, and across the horizon ot his panta loons there is a dash of pale light that shows where he sat down in the mortar-bed near w here the Pavilion de Saltpetre now stands. Rapidly the eye sweeps down the Seine from the Louvre, along the Tuilieries, the Rue Riyoli ai.d the R.ue Eolderol, to where the glistening mass of the Vendome d Charlotte Russe raises its pale facades. In the foreground stands the Hotel ties Invalides, an imposing pile, crowned with a gild- ed dome 105 metres high. Imme diately under it stands the sarcopha gus of Napoleon I. This sarcopha gus was first used by Napoleon. He was proud and exclusive about his sarcophagi, refusing to use a second hand sarcophagus, no matter how cheaply he could procure it. Moving towanl the background we come suddenly upon the Bourse, the imposing coup d'etat, the Palis des Beaux-Arts, the Bon Bon and the Champssde Dofunny. Further on rests the Grand Boulevard de Parleyvoo, silent and abandoned, while down the river further and still beyond the Palis de Livery Stable stands the historic Rue de Crazy Woman's Fork. How fresh in my memory still rests the picture of Paree, and what pleasure it is again and again to bring back its tender outlines! Im perfect though this pen picture may be, I know it will be read with much ri!asm-e bv those who see it, and if there should, at first blush, appear to be a vagueness, and, as it were, an incompleteness in the description, I hope the gentle reader will bear in mind that Tie Siding Wyoming is about the nearest I ever got to Pare, and with a broken leg and the long, damp walk that stretches out be tween myself and France, I am afraid that I may be delayed in reach ing there this fall. My next letter will be from Rome. For a cripple, 1 intend to 6ee as much of Europe this fall as possible. An Answer waolfd. Can anr one bri 13 rs a cr.?e of I"dney or L:ver Complaint hat Electric Di: ers will not speedily cuie? We sav they curt not, as bousands of ci-es already pe" 1 urrt and who are da;l, re OK mencing E'c,-: c Bine.-s, w:ll prove Erih-'s Di-eae, Dabete", Weak Ba k, or ?y r.; :nary oTpla:nt qu'ck'y cu ed TI' -y" purity Mie blooo, regr'ate he bow els and a't"d''recilv on Ihe d-'seaed pans Everv bo;de guaanie?d Fo.-sale at 50c a boT 'e bv FM Crumley & Co. 1 The Campaign QnwU, The D.iily Gazette will It mailed Ulress outside the city of b,. Joseph from now until the No vember election for $1.00, if paid n advance. The Weekly Gazette will be mailed untd at:?r the November election for 85 cents, if paid in advance. General Grant, in wt""g his auto b;og nphy, says -hat the things he remembers most vnidly are4hose of his early '-""e and ht "the Mexican vur seems more distinct to him han ih rebellion r throat lua-n iui r lnnrs. we will send prool tnat i-iso - " . . . Turf for Consumntton his cured tee sassc rnmnlainfi in OtiSer cases. AdviFOs. 44 L.. i - JiAZEi AZEtTXSE, Warreo. Pa. Napoleon's Legion of Honor. Since 1S04, when the Legion ot Honor was instituted here by its founder (Napoleon I.,) this reward has, m spite of its political changes, continued to be the reward for dis tinguished civil or military services. It is sometimes said by foreigners that the Chevaliers are far too many, their numbers befng unlimit ed, but foreigners do not alwavs understand the manner in which the cross is granted. It has been cus tomary at the close ot the autumn maneuvers every year for the Min ister of War to a certain num ber of officers to the order, and to make promotions in it. There is now a tendency toward more sparing autumn distribution . At the close of a campaign nominations are as a rule granted to tho.e privates of regiments whose personal vaior would in the English army have been rewarded by the Victoria Cross. At the close of the Crimean war a num ber of English officers were admitted into the order, and in like manner her Majesty created a certan num ber ot French generals and officers honorary Knights and Companions of the Order of the Bath. Appoint ments to the Legion of Honor are at intervals gazetted in the Journal Official, and on the 14th of July an exceptional number is proclaimed. In times of plague or revolution, when female heroism has often been consoicuou .. lady Knights of the Legion have been created. Notwith standing t ie persecution to which the French religious bodies have been subject ot late veari-, the mind of the Minister of War is quite un biased, and this summer he has made two appointments ot women from those sisterhoods which have faced the ravages of cholera in the South of France. At the present time there are not less than seventeen lady Knights, and of this number, nine are Superiors or Sisters of orders which attend in hospitals. The senior ladies of the Legion ot Honor are Mile. Regis tie Clamccy, which came to the front in resisting the revolution of iSio.andMme. Abicot w ho took upon herself to defend the mairie ot a village against an armed force during her husband's mayorahty. In recognition of her exertions on behalf of the wounded in the Franco-German war Lady Pigolt was presented by M. Thiers with the ribbon m 1072. Loulogne Letter to the London Times. Near Enough. During the campaign of the First regiment at Santa Rosa, the pickets found considerable difficulty in pre venting the men from absenting themselves without leave a circum stance for which the mint-juleps of the town oar-rooms and the large contingent ot nrettv Santa Rosa jrrls small blame to them were chiefly accountable. One particularly sultry evening. whi'e the sentinels were pacing their beats with their tongues fairly long ing out ot their mouths with heat, and wondering whether Jthe p'rates in the mess-tent would d nk every drop of beer before the "rebef" came, one of the guards observed a private approaching, who was stag gering along under the combined load of much conviviality and an en ormous watermelon under each arm. "Who goes there?" 'Er hie er fren," responded the truant. "Advance. -5end, and give the countersign.'' "Hain't got no hie counter sign," amiab5y replied the priva'.e ; "but I'll 'er h'C give yer er hie var.Tie!!in." Prellf soon the officer ot the day came round and said to the sentinel, who was absorbed in munching: a huge piece ot watermelon sucks on the end of his bayonet ; 'Did Perkins pass you just not "Yes sir." Did he give you the counter srgn?" inquired the lreutenant, tak ing a bite himself, as the man pre sented arms. "We'l, no. sir," said the se itinel confidently. The as Cholera but he said "Watermelon, so I passed b-m and put the other j half in your terrt." "Did eh?" mused the officer. , , . , 1 3 vi1 T Hum!, eh? W ed I jjuess tnat was near cjjuuu. Francisco Post. . a 1. Vin Why It Hurts Business. In a village up m the mountains of Pennsylvania a New York drummer came across dealer in general mer chandise who complained hict-rly of the state of trade, and laid it all to the Presidential election. The drummer remarked that a campaign ought not to affect trade in that remote region, and the deal er replied; ''It's ten times worse here than in your cities. l he nominations were hardly made when about every man of any consequent around here be gan to bet. I'm stakeholder ot 114 different wagers." "Any very large sums." "No, they range from $10 down to a quarter." "i should!! t think such tets as those would bring about hard times, 1 hat s oecause you don t know I tfl - a VI 1 us. ny, sir, oquar Jopiison net Deacoa Smith six shillings that But ler would De elected. 1 Ins was more'n two months ago, and ever since that day the Squa" has cut himself short on plu tobacco, and the Deacon hai sprinkled his table butter with kerosene to make it last longer. The betting is all right, but this hedging is death 011 trade." Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancero, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, 1 eter, Chapped 1 lands, and all skin erup tions, guaranteed to cure in every in stance, or money refuuded. Pri"e 25 cts per box. For sale by F. M. "rumlv & Co. 6 tt n i i i 1 3 aovi, 1 : A MILLION OF PliOF. CLILETTE'S French Kidney Pads. Have already been sold in this couni.-y and in Fiance; every one of which has given perfect satisfaction, and has per formed cures every time wiien used ac cording to directions. We now say to the afflicted and doubting ones that wc will pav the above reward tor a single case of XVTMI BACK That the pad fails to cure, This great rem edy will positively and permanently cure lumbago, lame back, sciatica, gravel, di abetes, dropsy, bright's disease of the kid neys, incontinence and retention of the urine, inflamation ot the kidneys, catarrh ot the bladder, high colored urine, pain in the back, side or loins, .ervous weakness, and in fact all disorders of the bladder and urinary organs whe her contracted bv private disease or otherwihe . Ladies, if you are suffering from female weakness, leucorrhoea,or any disease ot the kidneys, bladder, or urinai y organs, you can be cured without swollowing naireous med ecius, by simply wearing Prof Guilmette's French Kidney Pad, which cures by ab sorption. Ask your druggist tor Prof. Guilmette's French Kidney Pad, and take no other. If he has not got it. send $i and you will receive the Pad by return mail. Testimonials from the people. Judge Buchanan, lawyer, Toledo, Ohio says: "One ot iJrot Ouilmette s trench Kidney Pads cured me of lumbago, in three week's time. My case had been given up by the best doctors as incurable. During all this time I suffered untold agony and paid out large turns ot money Georse Vetter, J P Toledo, O. says: '! suffered for three years with sciatica rnd kidney disease, and often had to go about on crutches, I was entirely and perma nently cured after wearing Prof Guilmetts French Kidney Pad four weeks" 'Squire N C Scott, Svl.-ania, O writes: "I have been a great sufferer for 15 years with bright's disease of the kidneys. For weeks at a time was unable to get out bed: took barrels of medicine, but they gave me only temporary relief. I wore two Of Prof Guilmette's Kidney Pads six weeks, and I know I am entirely cured." Mrs. Ilellen Jerome, Toledo, O savs: "For teais I nave been confined, a great part of the time to my bed, with lucorrhfia and female weakness. I wore one of Prot. Guilmett's Kidney Pads and was cured in one month." II li Green, Wholsale grocer, Findlav, O writes: "I suffered tor 2$ years with lame back, and in three weeks was per manently cured by wearir" one ot Prof. Guilmette's Kidney Pads." B F Keesling, M D druggist Logansport lnd., when sending in an order tor Kid ney Fads, writes: T wore one of the fiist ones we had and I received more ben efit from it than anything I ever used. In fact the Pads give better general satisfac tion than any kidney remedy ever sold." Kay A: Shoemaker, druggist, Hannibal, Mo., "We are working up a lively trade in your Pads, and are hearing ot good results from them every day." ?a(V i . Ma Will positively cure Fever ad Ague, DumbAgue, Ague Cake, Billiou Ferer, Taundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseae tf the Liver, Stomach and Blood. Pi ice $1 50 bv mail. Send for Prot Guilmette's treatise on the kidnevs and Livei, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAP CO., Toledo, Ohio 4 T)"DTr1!7 nd wx ce X. J. -Jl-JfoT postage, and receive free, a costly box of goods which will hela all. of either sex, to more mon- i ve rht away than anvthing else in the JJf1 awai-t the"worker ab- - a. f T k - I t Isoutelv sure At once aacrcs xruc j Co., Augusta, Elaine, 17-Ur j BATES COUNTY National Bank. OF BUTLER, MO. Oldest Bank in the County. Capital paid in, - - $75,000. Surplus - - - - $27,000 Large Vault, B urglar-Proof Safe with Time Lock We are prepared to do a general barik, ing buhincfa. Hood paper always ia demand. Buy and sell exchange, receive depositt c, ,Vc. DIRECTORS. Lewi Chenev, f. C. Clark, Dr. KHiot Pv'le Hon. 1 It. Newborn E. P. llenrv, I.N. Slain, Dr. J. Everingham, J. I. Edward, J.J.Kvan. W. I. Hard, Dr. D.'D. Wood, J- .M. I'attv, (ico. W. Miers, F. Coleman Smi(. 1 J--KarJ-OFFICERS. LEWIS CHENEY President Vice President. Cashier. I.C.CLAUK - - F. I. TYCi.V AliD - BUTP.ER L IN- Opera House IMocTv, BUTLER, MO. Cash Capital and Surplus, $5;,So. JOHN II. SULLENS Prtshh nt T. W. C1II!S Vice President. Wm. E. WALTON, Cashier. C DUKE, A't Cashier, DON KINNEY Clerk and Collector. Dr. T. C. IJoulware, Booker Powell, R. I). Williams. Green W. Walton, Judge f. H. Sullen, Dr. N, L, Whippfr, A. L, Mtllride, T, W, Child. Frank Voiis, Wm, E, Walton, C, II, Dutche. J. Ku Jenkins. . OTHER STOCK HOLDERS: G, B, 1 lickman, U, C. Duke, John Deerwester, O. Spencer, John H. Ellis, J, R, Estill. S, Q. Dutcher, J, T, McKee, llenrv Donovan, A, II, Humplixay. Large Fir and BurglSr Proof Safe with time lock. Receives deposits subject to chsck t sight, Loans money buys and sells ex change and does a centra! Banking bfl tness. Your buslneaa is respectfull? ollcif&l. THE HORNS Uroceiy House OF C. BIEMIS TT' At their well knows and popalar stand on the Km: L t ; im square, ftftt leading tbs GltOCEUY THADK irv t&- HUTLEH, JP4 Their itock i vrnpo--I o Feed Flour and the lest qualiy of Staple arul bancy Groceries, Class, qneemware and Cttlery. THEY ABE AT LESS EXI'ENSI-: Than any house In the 'ity, and there fore do not fea.- competition. The- . liberal prices for produce. Tber sJ i: a continuance ot the patronage ot t cir maiv cutomer, and will glad'r attcAa to their wihes at any and ail r-mes. f Goods ( promptly Goods delirered In lbe cltj lifit r- Chas. Dennei IT1 il