s s a
z M M M
t4 5.so-:A'.i.-rsrt
I '-ST
Gift books,
Jewel cases,
Music folios,
Work boxes,
Scrap books,
Writing desks,
Whisk holders,
Juvenile books,
Standard books,
Christmas cards
Collar and cuff sets,
Glove & llan'chif nets
Comb & brush sets
Autograph albums,
Photograph albums
Nice lot ot new styles of lamps at
The late rains have damaged con
siderable hay.
The agony is now over and let us
again settle down to business.
We are having heavy trosts and
leaves are falling fat.
Geo. Miers has repurchased the
saloon and fixtures formerly owned
by him and sold to John VV'illis.
Charlie Lewis sold his model b"o
acre tarm last week to Mr. Rich of
Butler for twenty-tour hundred dol
lars. Now the election is over, we look
for our merchants to wake up and
make Butler lively in a business
The fire works exhibit by the
Flambeau Club, of Kansas City, was
the finest display of the kind we ever
The republicans worked nobly at
the Dolls vesterdav and. we believe.
succeeded in voting the coons with
out an exception.
T. C. Copeland, of Rich Hill, has
been appointed internal revenue
store-keeper and ganger for the sixth
district of Mo.
Geo. W. Dunn, a prominent at
torney ot Montrose, Henry county,
and wife were visiting the family of
Mrs. Kent Sunday and Monday.
Lexington, Mo., will have a hang
ing shortly. W llson, the negro wife
murderer, has just been tried and
found guilty of murder.
Corn gathering, not considering
the condition of the fields, is the or
der of the day with our farmers, and
the yield is immense.
A railroad war is raging. You
can now go from Kansas City to St.
Louis for one dollar. The people
can stand it if the railroads can.
Ike Ellis and another young man
killed ninety ducks on our lakes
south ot town, Friday morning
:tty good forenoon hunt.
finiini Wf
J. II. Sisson's little son is quite
R. J. Starke's little daughter Gor
rel, is on the sick list.
IIow do you reckon old spoon
Butler feels about this time?
The democratic boys failed to take
the itch this year, as desired Dy Bro.
We will give a tabulated state
ment, next week, of the vote in the
How about the itch, Bro. Beach?
The democratic boys did not seem to
have it very bad.
There were 935 votes polled in this
cit) yesterday. It is the largest vote
ever polled in the township.
Old Bates and poor old Missouri
continue in the democratic column
with the usual majority.
Hurrah for the solid democracy of
old Bates! Once more she comes
to the front, nobly, grandly.
Not a drunken man on the streets
Tuesday, speaks well for the morali
ty ot this community.
Y. J. Stone swept this county
in a gallop, the Rockville Globe
and Dr. Churchell to the contrary
So far as heard from in the county,
A. Henr-, candidate for representa
tive, is leading the ticket, with
Marshall Wolfe close on his heels.
A wreck of several coal cars,
about three miles south of Butler,
made the north-bound passenger
train late Monday night. Xo one
was hurt.
The round trip ticket from Rich
Hill to New Orleans, after Nov. 1,
good for 40 days, $22.30. This is
all the way by rail. By boat from
Memphis, S30.00.
Bright's disease ot the kldnevs, gravel,
diabetes, catarrh ot the bladder, lame
back, sciatica, leucorhoea, and female
weakness are cured by Pror. Guilmelte's
Kidney Pad. Try it and be convinced.
Sold by Butler Drug Co.
Queensware and lamps, new and
of the latest style at Denney's. Call
and see.
I liii
ia i it s-s i
i Sk Jl
y hv
Mil ais
Ever Offered to the People of Bates
early in the season from first
Oty rug Store
The rock-ribbed, iron-bound De
mocracy fought a good fight in this
county yesterday.
R. Weil & Co., will sell you boots
and shoes this season cheaper than
any house in this county.
R. Weil & Co., will give you the
nicest boot, the neatest fit and loyyest
prices. Try him once. North side
R. Weil & Co., are offering their
mammoth stock ot boots and shoes
for sale at bottom prices for cash.
North side square.
From a detective flue, the colored
church came very near being de
stroyed by fire, Sunday night last.
The timely apprehension by some
of the brethren saved the building.
Mrs. Lillie Culver, nee Sherwood,
who has been living in Iowa, return
ed to Butler a few days ago, and is
Iving seriously ill at the residence of
her parents in northwest Butler.
Loyn & Williams have a Califor
nia squash or pumpkin on exhibition
at their store, which weighs 93 lbs.,
and Badgley & Gipson have one
weighing 90 pounds.
The Mound Branch iron bridge,
which was swept away by the floods
of a few weeks ago, has been repair
ed and placed upon the abutments
by the contractors, and is now ready
to receive travel as before.
The whereabouts of Miss Emma
Lane, daughter of Judge Lane, of
Rich Hill, who lett her home some
time ago, is still a mystery. Her
father's efforts to find her have all
proven to be of no avail.
Jas. McGhee, is selling out for cash,
hi entire slock of tancy candies, groceries
and queensware, at the very lowest prices.
Give him a call at the Opera House.
We sell a good all hard
Wood Bracket rail Bed
Stead for $3 50. This is
the best article that has
ever been offered in
Bates county tor the
money. P. J. jewktt.
Organs to rent at W . E. Walton
& Co's.
.1 1 f-ii
p jJu -i.
listless M9
Judge Ballard says every republi
can but one in Spruce township
voted, and all but five democrats.
There was not a scratched demo
cratic ticket. Hurrah for Spruce!
The select knights of the A. O.
U. W. order hnd a grand drill in
Rich Hill last Wednesday and ended
in a dress parade and review ot the
battallionby the commanding knight.
The knights drilled like old soldiets
and made good showing. They
gaye a grand ball at night. A large
number of visiting knights were in
Drapiers "Uncle Tom s Cabin"
which delighted the people of But
ler so last winter m that old but ever
new drama, will appear again at the
Opera House to-night. Drapiers
impersonation of Uncle Tom is per
fect, whether indignantly resenting
the abuse ot the slave-boss or being
playfully lead by his little mistress,
ami afterwards praying for the life
of his Miss Eva. He is well sup
ported and all who fail to see him
will miss a treat.
We would call attention to the
advertisement of Franz Bernhardt,
our live, wide-awake jeweler and
levvelry merchant, on the north side
of the square. He has recently
added largely to his already large
stock and is now offering his goods
at greatly reduced prices. His stock
is first-class in every respect and
anyone desiring anything in his line
would do well to give him a call
before buying elsewhere.
Died in this city, Satuiday last,
for the want ot an appreciative pub
lic, the infant '"Dailv News." The
life of the poor little thing was of
short duration and full of trouble.
It lingered for two or three weeks,
hoping, trusting, but with all the
skill and pluck ofN its managers, it
turned up its little toes and put on
the golden slippers. The boys who
had so enderly nursed and cared for
it from its hirh to its demise, wept
bitterly. The tyio m the city will
please put ;n the usual badge of
mourning for thirty iav.
Fair View Chips.
Rev. Mr. Anderson preached his
introductory sermon at Fair View
Last Sunday week. He is a brilliant
Marion Shcddrick says he wants
all ot the young folks, to come down
and lake dinner with him now, for
he has a new stove. All right Ma
rion we will come.
William Smith has been very sick,
but we are glad to know that he is
improving. William and James
Williamson, have bought part of the
Willoughby farm at $40 per acre. I
wish a tew more such young men
w ouk! locate in this vicinity.
Last Monday evening was made so
norous, by a party of jubilants who
had assembled at the residence of Mr.
S. G. Parker. Everybody had a
good time, notwithstanding the ram.
Ask Al'ie S. how she went to the
party at Mr. S. G. Ps.
James Moreland has returned from
Kentucky. He reports a good time
George Dejarnett of Barton Co.
is a guest of Stephen Rhodes this
I. J. March is very sick of fever,
this week.
P. M. F. says he thinks there is a
chance for him now, as his hair is
corning out and leaving him Hald
The prohibition question was not
settled last Saturday night on ac
count of rain, but will be next Satur
day eve.
Born Oct. 33 to Mr. and Mrs.
Heart, a son. Mother and child
doing well. J. P.
The mott sensible remrdr, and the on
ly safe, sure and peimanent cure for all
diseases ot the liver, blood and stomach,
including billious fevers, fever and ague,
jaundice, dyspepsia, &c, is Prof. Guil
mette's French liver pads, which cures
by absorption. Ask vuur druggist tor
this notd cure, and take no other. So!d
by Butler Drug Co. 49-im
Robert McWade will appear in
that tamou.t drama. Rip Van Winkle,
to-morrow night at the Walton opera
houe. See notice ot the plav in
another column.
Itch and Scratches ot every kind
cured in 30 minutes by -.' frds
Sanitary Lotion. Le no other. This
never fails. Sold by W.J. Lr.nsdown.
druggist, Butler, Mo. 49-ivr
tiJi U d &I u
few 4"
: 4 . irjry 1 tS w ". V- v
V., ,1 V?:iSllJ
Odor cases,
Card cases,
Papeteries, '
Brass goods,
(Ash receivers,
Manicure sets,
Dressing cases,
Fancy mirrors,
Ladies satchels,
French gik goods,
Photograph frames.
Smokers sets & tables
.Backgammon boards.
Stereoscopes A: views,
Butler Mills.
Having lately overh. nlfd and jn,t in new
and improved machinery, we are now
better than ever, prepared to make the
very best Flour in this market.
Tower & Bro.
To loan at lowest rates of interest. The
Philips decision does not effect the Mo.
Loan Co., represented by
15U J. K. Bruglkr,
liutler, Mo.
For Rent.
The handsome Humphrey residence,
including 5 acres ot ground, just south
ot city limits, is tor rent. Is one of the
prettiest homes in the country. W. 11.
Walton, Agent, Butler. Mo
S. It. .EUII1U,
Does a general Insurance business In
sures property against Fire, Lightning,
Tornadoes, Cyclopes and Wind Storms.
Also insures Plate Glass against break
age by accident. Call on hitn tor a
policy before it is too late. Office in
Onera building over bank, Butler, Mo.
Farm for Sale.
I will sell my farm, situated in
section 1, in summit township, 15
hundred acres. Divided in lots to
suit purchaser. Terms easy.
A. Hamilton.
Dick Hurt
Guarantees all wotk done in his
shop. It you wish a clean shave,
shampoo or hair cut call and see
him. Also trv his bath rooms.
! Southeat corner square.
Laclede New Eai Line.
Always to the front, the Laclede Ho
tel has bought a new bus, fine team, bag:
gage wagon etc. Will attend all trains
and carry pasfengei to and from ail
parts ot tne city. Leave orders at La
clede,, so
Ladies' Medical Adviser.
A Complete Medical Work for Women,
handsomely bound in cloth and illus
trated. Tells how to prevent and cure all
diseases of the sex, bv a treatment at
home. Wortn its weight in gold to every
lady sufJering trom any ot these diseases
Over io,ocx sold already. Postpaid only
50 cents. Postal note or 2-rent stamps
Address Nl vda PvBLIshi.vg Co.. Nunda
N, V. Ay
Fcr Sale.
Several head of fine thoroughbred
Pol M.d hos pedigreed lien. I.
Ii;ir.ft. Siiiuoiit township.