Newspaper Page Text
Is J)jC ffltsfkr vol. vr. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDXESDAY NOVEMBER 12, 188. NO 50 North Side of the Public square, will show you the if u 1 it AO. f If! i KB R i rata 1 ilfifi ijlllll 1 ll 0 IBP II Hp illii lit When we bought our new and seasonable Fall and Winter Stock, U i anci are now reiiase& gWJ fiDrpTMo nnmmnM mfmnfl hi? k MiPi I 1 Hi; HIP i mm riillTTz um &kMm fey I & mu h mulmu Um . ira tee u. s- ea a -' h x !i n I S . W i",5l 1 Of II m if never before offiercdL isa! wbII Esaar&aafee to save yon EtBOBiey. asr st&ck of Bsf Fsaa'iafsiasEss i5-ools eouiBirises ggJETOTwreWre-:w. liniiu-.. .m..i ... liiu uust m iiiaiivi. vui imi uu uuuu.m uu cm, (uuub mai-Kua in j)iain iiguios. W e solicit it on strictly business i)rincii)los viz: 1 Fill 1 lilJ. 1 0 iifllf Prfecs Give our stock and prices an inspection. Respectfully, us! I iifji Iteilf COY. COUNTING THE COST. The Expense of Bjng Elected or De feated m Kew York City. New York. Nov, 5. In the gray dawn of election day about 300 ex press wagons rattled over the pave ments of New York, carrying little Punch and Judy boxes to the elec tion precincts. As the ticket ped dlers are not allowed close to the polling: places these stalls had to be furnished by the candidates for of fice, that their workers might be on the spot. To accommodate the several parties and factions required about five booths in each election district, which made a total ot 3,560 for the citv, and, at $5 apiece, the cost was $17,800. Around these were gathered the party workers, who numbered twenty -five for each box, making a total of 17,800 men. They got $; apiece, which called for $89,000 for their services alone. When they found an undecided man they did not lead him to a tree and talk him to death, but took him di rectly to the neatest saloon, and gave him all he wanted to drink. The good man was grateful, and did as he was directed, but the heeler drew on the candidates for the monev ex pended. Fifty dollars was not . a very big roll yesterday, and, sup posing that each of the 37,800 wo:k ers hd that much, the tot 1! fund was $890,000. Each worker had a handful of ballots, aim it was estimated .that the fost of printing them was $230,000. This was arrived at by computing that fortv-six candidates of each of the political parties expended about $t,ooo for personal tickets to he distributed at die polN. Vh' com - bined candidates had to meet the following PERSONAL. EXPENSES : Boxes for ticket peddiers, $17,800; services of workers, $Sg,ooo ; fund for the heelers, $890,000, cost of printing tickets. $230,000; total, $1,226,800. This was the cost ot the go-as-you-please race of the republicans, democrats, Butlerites, prohibitionists ant! iactiomsts, anx ious to be congressmen, mayor, comptroller, aldermen, judge, cor oner, district attorney, civil lustice or Assemblyman. Each candidate was in the hands oi" his friends, who spent his money for him, his only trouble was drawing checks when the several committees made their demands. The expenses varied greatly for the several candidates, being createst for mayor, congress man, comptroller and judge. It is said that Grace and Giant were call ed upon for about $100,000 EACH, and Gibbs for $15,000. The judges ot the court of common pleas were assessed $10,000. Congressmen had to pay according to the closeness of of their districts. Some were as sessed $50 for each election district, and there are seventy-seven in some congressional districts, making an item of $3,850, which some had to pavto one faction ot their party. It the county democracy had the most power in a particular district, ln- ;;i-esed the candidate for con g..?-s verv heavily. Tammany being c . I 'ented with less, and Irving Hall ith stiil less. The same was true or the republican faction, and this money was placed by the commit tees of these several organizations m -.1; ,;t,vrU M trusted workers, who Med it to the best advantage. TALK THAT TELLS. The printing bills were paid by the candidates m person, or by their r;jht hand men. who had charge of the canvss for them- The boxes were paid tor by the party or faction! interested, but with money collected j acelkhratio.v proclamation'. from the candidates. Assembly as-i liv inm-.orri,, , ... Ttift Democratic Manager Issue a Sound Address to the Victors. Besolutions ofEespect. . Whereas, The dreaded messen ger of death has once more invaded our ranks and taken from our pres ence our esteemed brother, Edmund Cope. Therefore, be it resolved that, in the death of brother Cope, New Home Lodge No. 326 has lost a brother who was always zealous and ATION- 1 piums paia uoouc 400 into tne j al democratic Committee, general expense fund, and aldermen! " W. 24 st. New York ? paid the same, except the would-be I -Nov. 7.1004. j Dresideuts of the aldermamar hoard. To t,ie People of the United States who were assessed $1,000. The . , ... ,;t!ie nrcsiHpnfiil .-!r-.-t h .n rirvr ! J-ujLinis community lias lost a ii.HM.yi LailUIUdiC9 111 I I 1 . Cleveland and Thomas A. Heh- I tlu'cn wi'ose cnaracter was Dlame dricks have a majority ot eighteen m j ,ess' and one who enjoyed the re spect and esteem ot all who knew him ; 1 There can no longer be any ques- ! atti:ntu'e J" the discharge of his tiou concerning the actual result of nic duties ; Trustee's Sale. the electorial college. It is not worth while for our adversaries to claim the electorial vote of the state of New York. Ir is absolutely cer- i warm sympathy to the family and - ' .-..1 -. . . 1 , T .1 ici.imcsui our tjeceaseu oroiner in That this Lodge tender their other favors were also great, so that tew escaped with less than $2,000 expenditure. The mayoralty aspi rants were put to the additional ex pense of lithographs ot themselves. The city, county and state ber f h.. ..v-r-..inci. rs -..;.-;., 1 ttein that the returns of the nroner w. ,..Ki..-v. ...i.nji; ..,,1, . ,- . tUtc (liI. I f. :t.t .OTT-.- j officers of the election on the night i "tM u -v-.-...k ., I Resolved, That a copy of these decisive plurality in the state for the ! resolutions be furnished the family electors supporting Cleveland and ! of our deceased brother: also that Hendricks. it any uiriersnt er ;U- , they he soread unon the Records of the county pa- es for pubh- flip st it." t New York, and the men cation; aiding or abetting the makintr of ! That the Lodge be draped in such reports are criminals. It i not mourning and the members of this expected that you will tameb .hm.t weaf t)e u b, of to the machination of such men. j . ..... Let them understand that you will j mourning for the period ot thirty i dav. all of which is fraternallv sub- The total amount of money neces-jthrou2hout-hc UnUe(1 StalcS the miUcd A. B. Wilkixs, COUNTING THE VOTES. At each polling place are four in- pectors at a salary of $7 O each lor live days, or $150 for each booth. Two supervisors ot election at each polling place are paid $5 a day, or $50 for each booth ; two clerks at $7 50 for one day makes $15, and the rent, which is $5 a day, increas es the total expense of a polling place to $220. For New York's 712 booths, the cost was $156,640. riennncKs- ir any uintrsni r ;u- . tnf-y he spread upon th tered returns are now being prepar- the LotJ and that th( ed or are promulgated, thev are cor- ; ,,-,, rupt falsifications o the records of pers be furnished cop. Whereas, Mary tl. Rogers, (rormeri Mary E. IJeian,) and Tavlor Rot-r, her husband, by their certain deed or trut, bearing date Xoveubcr 3d, 133, dulv recorded in the iccordcr' otTice or Bates county, MUsouri, in book No. 52, pje 1S7, conveved to the undersigned trustee the foilowin described real estate in Hates county, state ot Missouri, to-wit: 1'he norttieast quarter ot south west quarter ot section thirty-three ($1), township (40), of iane thirty-three (33), and 13 1-3 acres off of the wett end ot Jot No. 32, in section nix (C), townohip thirty-nine (39), ot ranjje thirtr-three (33)t in trust to secure the payment ot one certain promissory no :e in faid deci of trust fulir described, and, whereas, the annuaJ interest on aid note is pat due and unpaid. Now, therefore, at the request ot the legal holder ot fcaid note and by ot the authority in :nc vested by the terms ot said deed of trut, I will on Thursday, December 4th, 1SS4, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and hye o'clock in the after noon of that dav, at the east front tloor ot the court house, in the city ot Butter, county of Bates, and state ot MUaouri. ?e!! at public vendue, tor czh in hand, all the real eta'e in aid deed ot trust, and this 'notice described, or o luuch. thereof as may be lieco.sary to pay j,aii debt, interet and costs. C. C. DUKE, Trustee. sary to worry through the day was 1 as follows: Expenses ot candidates $r, 226, Soo Kxpense to the state and county 156,640 Total $1,383,440 Previou.- to the election, the Na tional, State and Local Committees and candidates probably expended $100,000 for printed documents and fostaire st.r.rps. which were sent to New Y rk v. -iter's, making a grand t il! ot Si.J-S.-J40. r nearly ;t mil lion a ;mx: of ilr.Har.-.. actual election of CIevelanl and Hendricks by firing national salute. Meet to-morrow night throughout i the country and express your opin- ! ions in a manner that cannot be mis- understood- The men of New York j are resolved not to submit to the S. R. McCowv, W. A.WlLT.lAMS, Committee on Resolutions. gross outrage attempted to be perpe trated upon their rights and will speak for themselves. Wm. H. Barxcm, Th Honsewife's Favorite. We will send free for one entire year, to every ladv who sends us AT OXCE the j names of ten married ladies, at same ad ; dres, and 12 'wo ct. stamps for postage, i our handsome, entertaining and intruc- ... - x-. .1 n.n,nrii;r i live loumi:, flsvoiea w rasnions, raiit-T Cha .r.r.;.n N ational Democratic , ... J Decor-ting. Cooking aud Hou- Committ-.. . hold matters.. Regular price, $1 .00. Send A. P. Gorman. i ut-uav, :xi secure aext number. Ad- Ch-iir ti ' Nat:on -1 Executive dress", T)'mctiz.: TocaxAt, Xunda, X. Cn-nmirve. 4 .Stray Notice. 'i"ake:i upas ktray,, by Marie A- Eiiis, ot New Home township, Dates county Missouri, ."sept, nth 14. and ported be fore the underbigned Justice ot the Peace ot Mt. Pleasant township, county ar.d Sute aforesaid, Nov. oth 1M4, the follow ing desciibed animals to- wit- One noi rell marc 6 year old, 16 hands high, star in the face, light mane and tail; alo one gray mare 3 vcars old 14 hand high, dark mane and tail, with wayed back. The former appraised at $oo,'and the Utter at $15, by S. vv. Frederick, A. L. Badelf, and T. D. Rafter. Dated Nov, 6th 18S4. S. B. MlEK, J. P. IMEI0)nBuainB 8ecor Ze&Itbr action to th I-lwr S relieve all bi- Isros trontiea.