Newspaper Page Text
II is 1 1 MISSOURI, Vol. vi l BUTLER. WEDNESDAY -JAXl'Ain iS8. '"v no ; mm m arbbsfsj VeII, how it., m l I finally? I --lie !'-- ev ery c 2 C frr' strong m Ieth. A YU!r..i of th-.: CcM-t Kind cf -;... . . rr;.:ur Situation. lid the inveterate o.:t. " ' ' in .!-! lory, cine lie w... v.'....iiu ! .-.v.i :. street. ' i::t ' ' -:':t' ":,:i'. cd the n.;.-.V.':-.T. w;th a !!.. -i grin ; .,v I :ee. u he it c-,!'- : " v " ' ""'-' ' ; K? ESsSa si u n 5c Ml .: .sm, '. !i .i-;!!i:i;, l.e'td m- ' " ... f;, . 1. 1 ....! t f i i .. ,. of h: - si-.,-. .J the Lite I Ie.; . ... .- i,- .....':.;..,.. i --ii i - ' ,He :re:it! :i! "; A -nts. "lost cveiv cent nuci . ;r.!!v was dm jecesMlv ot going to the College iospital when he was j.ttaeked with iitctypii''''' '-'vcr- 1 uc" "u Xbt-night before he died there we I Urral of us wno h: 5js :.IIji'.-s i rlore present. a:td I will sever h-:vt the scene. There was . Mi'iilktj-r iitnl thiee of (our sporting men standing about his j ' ; iiiii (-or ... . ... . . .i... . ...... f,.i . ' - ' 1 (u: !i::vr . was w; it,1... ih- , ..... , lowe'l Uj OV a ::,:;! : i i:o:n. -i v : i wile an! I h-ivcn ' !. .eu !! ); ! -. tor . . . . - ; . ... . ; hv? Iat vrar am! sl.v h:- riinU: vp : ... : , , , , oprx" te i-:!v- -ti-.. a i i at v. - .it- s lier 1 1 1 : :i 1 to app.y t..r a Ir.o i-.-. . . . . . , t 1 I not hciitrt o? ,u..v i i y j S If B 1 r!ie tv,, c.-L-.'h:;-'-. ti !.i: .v. Mie !- ; t;. ,.nrt;r Siu:h ,i Jb s"W ,:i :i;v part j t!u,. t;u.y prcv-e.! ;::. n . !e j .... t. . --r; i . . . .! .. .. ? ''i-m woy?. u;i se t: - 4o l:o .v tl.'.- j ,v. .;!:. -. : . r : honiict 3 : ; -! : jT( . . ;C : ., a (, ; , : halls. AiU" .... . ; sho.v what a j tll. p;trtk... h.Ml rc,:!:!.:,.i p.,; j 11 1 1 1 ?H )U J . She's - sit ttonji. in hatid untl triev.ef. j JUOIIPV or taov cvtrvthmif hcintr a.s a ; I jury :u -w0'"" j aJi . Prentiss (iierv f-;i a little .' . j ;,re via --veiai j v.i,0 !inv.,,.K to e -the i'l'.n," ! ,,,e c.t her cor- ;,, , ..Mv;.a ihe' IMSfeilSa i ! . .. . ? pJSII.M 1 I i :er:a,-:. are :(,e!i.,e.t, : K- j a cioui'.ed cr.rt rooai -Tt . r.a . j i TUt-M- an Solid V itSs. . ! ... ,..!... t I I ; -ur'torhi.; lutiaar.ity, iruiv i l-.ieciru i j ttii'.er-. ii!::c:i..:y or tne ner, h!..hi:.- I of potls in all (lopailiiiciUs at l 32 U OBC b 2 til tl.e wanJ. When I came 'Gmnk. old hoy, hiw U'-'!' ,tr I J;,rv- nc s ,,,! ! '"Allriht, Tom,' avs I. 'hov.- : will h... t!ie j-'1'- "'Well, 1 feci prttty Nil.' as jT-..-.i ..ff a -lu- he -anti I v'.oti't knr.w whether I :m iu court : s .n evr jjoin to pull through r not ' C:hv' -('; !- 1t''!("'t it . . . . .-.:,, t. . , ... ! ! i r i ' ! tiiar I t u ca'eii-o ko J1C i.imv.i. ... , - rv 4iil the minister, 'ami I have trying to impress upi: ii'm: t!;e ne- cesMtv of pteparin'h.r the-next :v.r. M.'l.nv. ' he ..i... : , ivHI trli vnn that von i an ''ood to look tln'ouirli ami save voii ' v on all fall ami winior ju, );. lit i ' been j occasions, an ! she's in remember H:! .'.rinvjs w: t o a th.e ' s i"" s e:; 1 . o i -H: --e; .! vMt.p';tS. r.'r-T 1 1 A cannot 11 e.' 'i isimot itvc: .sa:o i o.o . j 'No.' said tlie physician, "1 I i ! ha!" 'tut where : t. i . . .!... ... trnf ii uiin.; tt out nioii " ir ' v"u - ,v i i you cannot live an hour longer.' ., "'Now look here, s;.;l Tom. li.siny in thebeJ ami lookiut; like an animated "host, hh eves as hig as nirii iris, .'ill: 1 the hand ot death plain- in"' " ' V'y marked ipon his face, 'yon tel -ovvk say I cannot live an hour. I'll tell von what we'll no. 1 d put up my pants over there against anv par of pants in tlie house that I live two k tours.' K "I knew it would please hun, so I yi: 'All riht, Tom; it's a i'o.' " I ' tTf, -in li.viir stv his lost hour had come, and I made his head tisier on the pillow. When we I were expecting to see him drop off, A he rose and said: 'Lost again, by- pnsrer! I should have coppered that 1 lkt .r,l K.. cinl.' 1v:irL- fin thr nilliiw dead." Minneapolis Tribune. Haw Prentice Wrote r Poem. V ; One evening while sitting in XWalker's wine-room in Louisville, cnau.pagne. vjcoige u . rrenttce. the great editor of the Courier-Journal, told Col. Joyce, then a oung oHicer in the iederal annv stationed at the Kentucky metropolis, how he came to write the tamous poem, "The Closing ot i)e:;-sen it "Whv. I s!;ll) tiu ver and she'll have to pav her lawyer ami et her bill whheu sition. Tlie papers won't -ive three lines there'll !e no jury to see the scars n ladv spectators to xvi ep no boo n to iloat her into the ! market on. It yon want to see tiie ! . -v r i niadest in toe sta.e or .wun- i i ian lust tirop aiotnuno nmnun .nvi j r'-'ulater c er placed witiiin the reaeli ot sii'?tt:ri:i.; humtiitv, irelv is Kieclrii 'tiiters.' li!::c:nity or the liver, liiiiioi:-.-nes, iaiuiviiee, i ur,-ti jiation, vea&. Htte ucs, or aav dieae ot the urinary or - ins, ,,r -.!-.r.L'er reijuires an :.ppct ier, "onic or miU .stimulant, will tin it Klcctric Hitters the best and only certain euro known . They act mreK am! emd. Iv, eierx hi tl'.e guaranteed to j;ive entire satisfaotioa or monev retanded. Sohl at tit;, cent- l-ottie lv I. M. C:e.'.i :v vV Co. 4 W e have a!w ays known that the world is chock full oi eassedncss, rhig my front door bell he! he! and that meanness pre vads to a cer r .s ii ' i itn rv!,.ni or-iono- ttn? luemherN of he . Detroit I-ree i ress. humanity. Y e have tried our oesi Tidings of Comfort aui Joy. Hoise City, Dec. 22. The bill prescribing strong anti-Mormon oaths tor county officers throughout the Territory passed both Houses to day, and will be approved by .the Governor to-morrow. Tt will into immediate effect, and will pre- I vent the qualification t all the ot- ficers-elect in Bear'Lake county, ami 1 t,,r preacher only one dollar a year, part of those in other counties. Tlie j JS a Vff.ry rM cu5.s. u-ith wlsom thi bill provides for the tilling ot such 1 an;;ejs vdl never desire to associate vacancies by appointment by the j man who will live two weeks on Governor. The bill has been care- j soup ,.Kld- from two horn buttons is fully prepared, and there can tie 110 mean, nijrgarolv doubt of its constitutionality- The only question now arising is the 1 power ot the peodle to enforce such to find out from all sources within our reach just who is the nie.-.nest man in the world. Lately we have solved the problem. A man who will kick his wile out ot bed on a cold winter morning, when the ther mometer i-s -O degrees below zero, to build a lire, is a mean man. A church Member, w ho is worth om i hundred thousand dollars, and ;)3y 1 -x' . rn 1. t " . t ! '. . ioves, isoMorx. ouon. i i umun nr.-. ji?i. sr. . OucoHsv, an in fact tho larijvsi coijilMiicd slock of pMuis in ! .att or Vernon roiTiiti(is. EvorvlKxh cordially invilco t vii(. on; manniiotli store. M. S. COWLES MERCANTILE CO. Corner Park Ave., and 6th sc. IfcKlll I-ITJL.J 'JVHllI j t ; i 1 i THE BEST LINE EAST IS THE Ohio & Mississippi R'y The Ohlest Established From i1 Route a law. in the conviction of persons m, Closing or , commk pen;,jrv in tak;ng 'That poem," said j ; T, . . . become conii- I ,aw restrictins thc pnvdees of had ranked it.,,,, j mtl,.t,c , the Year." rientice, who had become confi dential atter Joyce ; (lit ilO II lOI l. HU "' " ; with "Thanatopsis" as the greatest j h;sto.v (f the Terntorv. j poem in the language, "was written ; . j . . . ?reial eredit is due Hon. L. on Hie sum- nt !!x innmpnf. and 1 ! l . . mean, mggaroiv cieaauc, whose bones the devil will never care to feast. The man who wili beat his child for sticking its finger in a pail ot water and hum in up what became of the hole, when it took its finger out. is a very mean man. The man who loafs on tlu street corner for the sole purpose o! making vulgar remarks about the la to be stretched up on the spur ot the moment, and i i . , , x- v- ui Poa-'e, Cott;ciimnn trom Idaho I Wretch who ought uashed it oft one New eat s mght ' . ... . , ! countv. and a prominent Democrat, i l,v the necls till th )ust y the ilawn began to peep into i : ... that nart ot the heac , . . . . , ' -,! who supported the bill in direct an- ; where the brains ought to be, . ml i the wiiniows ot mv thrty eu'tonal 11 . j , , ' ', , . . tunmism to h s associates, and the ; cd with blood. But the incane-s. ,irofms. Mv naper had lust gone to 1 'uni i , , , . ,- ,., t. . . , , ! tiaitv leaders. He is a gentleman j man the i-ord ever iet live on tut press when a crowd oi newsboys t . i - , , , . u , .. ;u ,.. . ... i hidi moral character, and a iegis- i ace nt the globe is one v ho . l.l it- am into the oliice and asked me, . , ftu, . . .. . . j lator w ho ath ' cates right and princi-i fuse to take his paper out ot the to write them something toracanei -s ! . , , . . i pie in preference to the promotion of . 0flice when he owes two or .i.iee address. It was the morning ot 1 i v- , . . . '.. 1 party interests. 1 dollars for back subscription. Lk New i ear s. and ttiev had irotten L nothings yet. and were desperate.; Let this be Idaho's Christmas j ridge Star. 1 told them I would do the best 1 ; .v,.,-. ... ny boiv who has dlsease ot throat could for them, and scratched oft : ''-" that poem. 1: went to press with TO Dinciaaati liouisvillo A M ALL I'OINTs BEYOND, -k ni lXATI and LOLIS UXL. With Throuii I)av Cars. smd Palace Sleeping coaclic. J Dissolution Notice. ! The partnership heretofore cxist- ing between S. J. (Jroves and Nath- i -in ('.t,.,' under the firm ll.lllie of : . - ' ' , 1 J . iv . 1 1 .1. t jroves iro s. iris oeen ov muiuai consent dissolved, Nathan Groves retiring. S. I. Groves will assume all liabilities of the firm and will collect all outstanding accounts, and he earnestly desires a speedy s, Itle- ! mcnt without further notice. Ilusi j ness will be continued at old stand j opposite postotlice. North Main St. j S. J. GltOVKS. j -. N!1!AN (jHOVI. Su'c-lnnt lor Everybody. ' A neat monthly puolication called i The Sunshine Magazine, is becom ing quite popular among the ladies, and has readei s in most every tow n, t It is a laro-e Illustrated Magazine ! devoted to Fashions, Fancy Work. 1 Cooking. Farming, and Household : Matters. Its low subscription price I to new subscriber, nly fifty cents 1 a year, gives it a huge circulation. Sample coppics ten cents. Address, j The Sunshine Magazine. Fillmore, ( Allegany Co.. N. V. Go and -ee Maynnrd's plush goods J.T.GRAVES &S0N South'-a-'. Corner Square, Kr-! ?o r Ka't Orange Store, (?v! ."'hn J Haiii'4 j.;;ri !isc i KF.LLKU fc rn., .!..! coir.t' lie '.m!i J and fancy articles. ADVIt'i: TO MOTHERS. hardly an intei iin ... I,,.' u-i. mil send troot that I'iso Ji luuo, .... i Cure tor Uonsumption iumuicu oie arren. Pa. i; wem u press wun - , ,; -1u.i i , complaints in other case?. ltei iineution, ami I was '. Htaps of Stuff for One Man 9 Ecljciia- ! ' jr. T. Hazeltine, rather surprised tt find that it was so j tion. j .J well received."- , .......... vc nan a giciii uuuu'i itit j j Palace Sleeping Cars Without Change from ft. Louis in tO HOI KS TO LOt'lSVII-I.K. IO HOCKS TO CTN'CTN N'ATI. yo HOURS TO WASHINGTON. ?I HOURS TO BALTIMORE. 3S HOURS TO NEW YORK. X :Iiange of dars for Classot I-assense.s. - . vou tiUtur!,fd at ight and broken ond-Cla Pa?c??,er are ad rned on HUjttfri and rust Expres Trains, riinmng 1 HKOl OH i . , ct cut.,., , tec-th? It -o, WITHOUT CHANGE. . "J. -f , bott!c Mrs. TnF 1 Winslow's Soothing Svriip For Children j !.,.-.!,: id lain., iiu-.-itridiihie. It! . lctli.Mii;. ' , ! ' will relit-vc- the poor little bUtierer 1 diatelv. Depend upon it, mothers, there :' n?oi!t' it. It cures dyen- 1 tervand diarrhoea, regulates the stomach . . ? 1 . .....-- j and t.owets, cures uinu turn, ski" Is the fhortest and quickest route, and j gumt., reduces inllammatior, :.nd give rot, ear. o via Oincinati or Louisville; for-e and energy to the whole system, a ehoice'of routes offered by noother line j Mrs. Vvinslow' Soothing S; .-nip rot '.Children Teething is pleasant to the " 1 . . -i n.i.. riniion ot one ot The OHIO K MISSISSIPPI RAILWAY j the oldest "f;Jn I.-, NOW Rl.NMNG A I. - .... r..Tcrifits throughout the ' world. Price cer.ts a ooxuc HARNESS & SADDLED. - ;.re prepared do I wt' and G u a 1 a n tec S-a t i sfc c : u . n (iixe us rr". . wm.-- "-j5TJIV SHOP SOUTH MAI' fi M Doubled Single Barrel Gun Hon t e t ter' nier Urooks .v; Mair.s, the enlei jm imi tins morning." gleefully remarked i r4 1 --suiteii nuters m jl . . is thf artirlA -. i . ... an editorial agriculturist to the busi- ; Onerchant of Pleasant Gap, recently - , . .... nrss nvi:i;i?er. "It tilled mi eight mportea over two hundred calves - from Michigan. They were a iuie j j -t, but unfortunately over fifty have "V-. it tacked up petty big.'' ! i-,-oed the b. 01., as moughts ot : .i.iiO"s;ti.'u bdls ilit'ed through his ; Made to irar. tt. r.ofoi. died recently. Mr. Main informs as that he does nit know the name of tlie disea-.e, bin that it is m n h i i;iirPst th- :.s.:iih . i ome lung diflicultv. At last ac counts, Heie iiad been no deaths for i everal dy. nml it was hoped th- j continue ! the editor with a s't ruriiwi: u .ri. ,....,. .i T?-. v.-, : :.c..i T - .s -,VIV V tlvV 1' . . - ( oss so ; tvifif d ar has been onite scvese. in dohars . 1 J ud cents, and vr hope l he ws-i-st ; over. It wu a great i-.-(.! which will u." v iii. i:-," s;tt- te.-. "iioxv m.oiy firup.e o vvtvi .-.c"- ' v ' ii :'o. igii r" "T'.-.e . J '. fe.nlc1."' oh:" vou, it stimulates ihf t.ntincr n- S5- invigorates tS r. K s. the bod - and tt- x'-IT1 cheers the mind. enables the y'Vyi.- svstem to throw r V-."' " thedebilitat- f)f .ri4. r&& effects ot u n .efe due tatiae, gives rencweo igcr to the organs of di ns, arous !ix er m hen inactive, renews r-srrl? e-jhe hv, '-1 R I die jaded i.ppe ti:eas:!er.eoerages heahh iu" repose. Its i:igreciier are sie, ana ii.s credent iaU, which' cot i in the hear tv endorse :ner.t of pero? of eterv class ; :i societv, ave most eonviucini-. Kor t-ale tv all ."re iitts aud.ieei genevivlly. JA1 TY 1 .TE OF- Palace Sleeping Coaches Mav 'j4- vr ; JfSS f.M'KA rvv.M.L. O OA h T IM:.-ivIv'wi: jrif fvAir 0?'t VtTf-:, !HOHT IIORX Bl'IX St. Lt u'. to FSSIM jw York W iihout Change. 1-1 tin Viv which vou can vtet through cars from St. Louis to Ciucinatt without paving extra fare in addition to monev paid for ticket. r or Tickets. Rat-. r any pjrtxctuar j information. cii on Ticket Agents or connec'-itT line-, r!, .-.uivnwcv Southwf't. Or in St Louis at 101 and !!., Fourth St. I 1 i fjf iMcREYHOLDS & SCHWENK Boo ttfe Shoe Makers w. w. im: ahody. w . r.. si 1 atti c. Preset & Jen'i r. 'gen! 1 a agt. Ciucinati, Ohic. j G.-I5 HACON, (ier't Agent, T.-.r underpinned, living i-i mile ot Kutler, Mo., otters lor sale - sew e j ood short horn bulls and heifer-, il eligible to record. Thev are ot.crta -;K ut. .... :ve '.-. n i 1 aifl- ti invited. Vaster ra-e'"s--" '. ' St. Louis XU. ' nriiortkth? times. i"spevt.'f ;-4. j si v. M. C ;-;n . c ? i. r.i. 1 f r-.i -.'re .