fret thc rights id'evcrv citien
out distinction of race .? color :
this I wi'l T;dra ..- --. ,,. v."
regard to :; vu.md ,:".:!..!
to ?ht- pro,'j! ictv of any parti
The peopk; of -f : iSOUM Law.
period i.i til:- hi-?".
1 D UftP-l E.
i' i;n or
cat n v.
0 7.! li
ft, . John S. STariKHdukc t-; t:
-iiors yii'i J4cjrccntitivca:
'tis proper upon assuming Uic.m-
whicli devolve upon the chief ; carliv-
kcutive of a great ccmirioii-wealth i '"c sa;e
acknowledge our dependence up- l'"AVO!:!;,)
the supreme ruler of the universe !
the manifoIJ blessings wc enjoy. Laws were passe! from ;-e
-n.ke Ilis aid for a renewal of i -boe setting .;:? nvuu-ys :o"r-
seWessings, and to indulge the i frt-"" various sourer-, fcr the i.-r.rp...
e that peace and prosperity may ' ui --st.hh -hiug a perma:-.-r.i ! h
Kn:e, the faculties tor the acquis- i -!t mP'' t of common s "-o-o--. j!
not knowledge be extended, and statuary enactment in 1S73. ! r
a wise and careful administration j crur -be entir e r-tatc revenue.- -a -
iX- filfalrs. the S.-i.-ni!i!w or I annua. iv f-et npa; r h r t:i;- m::i--.!'."
, ----1-1 i
whole people be promoted.
il.ninir heen nominated for the
fee of governor bv a convention of j P'v
l.o-i.wl-iitir". ilrti: 'inri it'ti Vi r I St.l
qualified voters or the state.
0 :
W. . Hai.-
New i,i 2 General;
1 I Hancock received a f, !Lrani this j
L . morning announcing tne dcatn or j
; his onlv son n.--i., on
I Tuesday, on hi-, plantation near i
jClari;stl.,:e. Miv,. Mr. Hancock's
- wife mid children, the eldest a bov
M m g& ira m si ess a x?- m
iliiiiilifflii f iSSrli F
of oovl iii ail (Irj)anintMils at
or io. have hi
: o , ri:0
n :".l'i--g t!f g
I do!i ll
Tllat '
i i
Mtatr in
'.?" !if Ci iT)S! iO't 1 r 1 1
in 7-.. Ii:
tl'e 2 per ;:t :ini;i..i
w a s
-. r
' '
! .' V Dlgi.t. '
a a v ot St i . -a .--.
Oiit 1 a. 1 Iancoo.v )
o: !:' .-- ' - .U-at
a t!n. ;iI in ; t ;
:(!! t'H-at; ti.e .id
The hodv of Mr.
wiil he si nt to Sr.
! , III f ,
: ,
- 'gr 'v
and a Oi n a
ect ; veil the r.cu
a- i.-.-grap'ae! t
- : meet t'u-i;
news to them.
Hancock, whici
Loui ffr burial.
yy if mm
Rff? R
B I C fta
! Miss
vviS! !e:-.h there about the same tinn
umsm j
will do you good to looisi tiirou-li and save you lots of
money on all fail and winter Muvhases'iii
otn : ii i- perm uvr
W i ! ! C ! I i
a hi
lout the aid oi Cliques or ring-,
iaf-pite of their potent and per- ! in bond?, stet, conuiv an !
nt cpnnsition, I enter upon the ! school fmuls, amounting
.hjt5e ol the duties of the office I $!0.?00.0.io. the interest of
'tout pledges oi any kind and ah- asmtiaiiy co.ifi-.v... n:u usc.i .-: w.- , . , ; ; -j
itclv bee to perform every duty jsPP' con-mon cii. 't o ....i-,,,;,;.
ich may devolve upon me with j bicrease the sum br aunurdh tx- i u M1 c,; ;o
n-f t.i the w-f-lf in- i.f ihr .T,. i pt-Riletl, tne people ot tee vinte I
pie of the state. In the j voluntarily ta:: thei.elv
3,ocx.ooo men ear l..r
videil for thr
v. i iow and ehildren.
. 1 1 :!!Cock timvei!,
I-icnr. Ij..bvr. o: his per
t--ir t:;i . ci'v lorS'. Lui-j-.
The .-ua-e ..j' Mr. Uan
s ! -.-t know;-..
ji-i-u he pneumons.t. a-
i '--t time he wrou- t- !iis ito i -.plained
ot a cold. Mrs. W. S
ch die constitution and I
a .v's oe- i
purpose. Separate -ch.oo! arr pi o-
chitilren of cohreil
naiKoci. is coir.p'eteiv orostrated 1;
unexpected death
ft ml ram
is uuali'i: to leave her ned.
, .-. i... r .... . .. i '...!...,!. ..r i . a , I
Ive upon me, 1 shall appoint per- j ,., . , , J l,('!U,':,; ::n'! -V,J
1 1 1 iiliUf m tip- lw'wlitc -ancimy tiinu twit i .
j oth. r ciiild, a ,
excellent system oi common sci.oo:. : , , , , , , . , ...
....... . . ; mci, died after a brief dhu:
Lncotate university, locateil at j
son. at
is who in my opinion have the
icssaty qualillcations, and w iiose j
n i i.. ......ii . '
" " : Columbia, togetner with the scnoof
uncc that they will honestly of mines and ,rulliirgv located at
hlully discharge the duties of their j Rcl;u have jj..,,, ;nvestieilLli ot
poctivc oflices, u such banner pcrnjan.lU t iiaracter piovkkul for
k there shall be no just cause ol j th smn30rt.
P'ail,t J The state has established three
nu are called upon to perform j ntJl mai schuols, located in different
lative iluties tor more than t wo , sections ot the state, tor l he cdnca
1 - ' t -
I!:.ncock's onh
;hter, iS years
h:dF milhcMs oi people, occu-
tion of the teachers of our common i
!ga territory ot more than6;,ooo j schol,Is, and the Lincoln institute at
iiire mile., with a salubrious cli
ite almost every variety oi soil.
Jefferson City, tli; latter especially
devoted to the education of teachers
skcing all the grasses, grains, j toi. thc coolcti schools throughout
its nJ vegetables in great per- tne st:Uef which gives assurance to
Son that can be grown m a fern the coiorctj citizens of Missouri that
tc climate, extensive lorests ol the education of their children will
sable timber, thc soil underlaid ; not t)e neglected.
lh mines ot coal, lead zinc and! When to these are added a large)
phus fever. Since then Mis. Han
cock has never taken off mourning,
and her health has been delicate.
Eighteen months ajo Mrs. Han
cock's mother, Mrs. Knse'I, died,
and now comes the death of her son.
Rusjcll Hancock was 31 years old.
He was horn in St. I .ouis, w here his
father, then Lieutenant Hancock,
was stationed. After completing
his education lie married, at an early
age, the daughter of Nicholas
(iwynn, formerly of Lexington. Ky.,
but now living in this city. .Since
his maniage Mr. Hancock has lived
on his plantation in Mississippi.
Carpets, Gloves. Hosiery. Xorions. Trunks, Valises, roeeries.
Queenswai-e. in fact the largest combined stock of noods in MaUii
or Vernon counties, ftvorybody cordially invited to visit our
numunoth store, M. S. COWLES MERCANTILE CO.
Corner Park Ave., and 6th st. HICH lOU,.
Opera House Furniture Store, i
per, in vast abundance and of sii-
or quality, bosides many other
aMc minnerals ot great utility to
: arts and manufactures. Vou
venearly, 5,000 miles of complet-
number of colleges, academies and j 0:u chicasjo Editor Wfia hit, Kerve
schools, supported by private means.
the people of Missouri are
Enough to be Honest.
j The thirty-third general assembly
1 l .1. r- l . I . . t 11
nilroads, with nrospects of lar-e ! i,,,:uu lnc UI eoucauoo ; 01 .m.ssou. 1 mens i ,enei son v.n.
wnu sucu ampie proxisions inns ; v eunesoay. it nas seveniv-iiye
Jitions thereto. Tlies.e and many
;or advantages w hich might be
amerated should .stimulate vou to
ve nothing undone on your part
ich may be proper to develop the
ntlerful resources of our great and
'wing state.
on are assembled here, not to
fce a new code of laws, but to
end such laws as time and expe
nce have shown to !e defective or
Muted to thc age m which we
!i and to pass such new laws as
increase of population, the
wth of agricultural, mining and
nufactunng industries, and the
l extension of the internal xacili
' for travel and transportation
fee necessary. Laws which have
a found to be unwise cr incxpe
nt, or not adapted to the wants or
ditions of our people, and all
ninal statutes which are practi
y disregarded by courts, grand
I petit juries, and utterly disre
iled by the people generally,
old le either modified so as to be
-enforced, or repealed, as the
'tual disregard of any law tends
'sen that respect which all citi
a should have lor each and evrrv
of the state. My own opinion
bat people are best governed who
e few laws, o::ly those absolutely
ssarv, plainly expressed and vig
osly enforced.
twill ,ry tj?v ;n st,.jot j.cconj.
with the provisions of thc con
tion, ar.d in c.m; iianee there-
made, every child in the state, with
out regard to race or color, imry
acquire a common school education.
Financially Missouri stands among
the foremost states composing the
federal union. Under the provisions
ot the present constitution the debt
ot the state is diminishing from vear
to year and the counties, cities and
farmers, sixty-one lawyers, five doc
tors, five newspaper men. ami five
clerks. Xo other calling is reure
sented by more than three members.
The people ot the United State have
hardly any conception ot the pro
gress Missouri is making. Xotonly
does the state possess the great city
of St. Louis, but the new town of
mimm ana rair rims
& .1'
1 laf P. J. jewettJ
j l rustee s Sale.
towns are also rapidly liquidating j Kansas City has possibilities wfcich
then debts : and being forbidden bv ' arc not less than those ot St. Paul
the fundamental law of thc land to j and Minneapolis perhaps even ot
contract new debts, the day rs not I Chicago. The geologists and sta
far distant when a new imperils will j tisticians declare that the first place
be given to the material prosperity j in the L-in lies between Missouri
and Alabama. The Current is hap
py to make these remarks, because
the people of Missouri have been
angered by the wit of the humorist,
j Whereas, M, A. Kellar, oi Bates cvua- J
ty, Missouri, bv htr deed of trust, dated I
Uctoser istn, i&m, anu rerorueu in trie
recorder's otrice of s-.iiJl Bates countv, in
bool; 7, at paj;c 103, did convey to V. j
E. Wi lton trustee, :.nd in ease ot his i
absence or refusal to act, the then acting j
sheriff of Rates county, Missouri, for the :
purpose ot securing the payment oi u i
certain promissory note in said deed or j
trust described, the following described !
real e3te situated in the county ot Bates i
snd state or Missouri, to-wit: The xv-st 1 -rni fT M AO M CI ITDTC!
tide of lot No. two (2), ot block No. two ! J-JUU U IJ6 UliUu lll&J.UlO
(2), in Harper's addition to tne citv at j mj'T LEK, MO.
Butler, Missur?, containing in ail three
fourths ( 3.t), ot an acre. And, whereas, ; -
default bavins; been made in the pay- J
ment of said no'e and interest thereon. ' Bot- :tnd Shoes made to order Thc
ot the state; the citizens will not be
taxed annually to pay interest and
their entire earnings cn be devoted
to increasing their own comforts ud
aiding in developing the hidden re
sources ot the state.
In conclusion permit me to say
that it will be my duty as well as
m3' pleasure to co operate with you
in all measures that will redound to
the advantage and promote the best
interest ot" our great and 2row,n?T
state, and it will be n.y pJea.sure to j
communicate to you mv view from 1 Srt'
time l tvmc C-u questions w hich I sion il is Ji,vtlv that the seventy-Fve j at public cry for cash in hand all ot ;
feet '.be puo.ic w e.farc . abouf raUvi wM JciisIaUon t! tic described or o much thereof I
Citv o J-ffemn.Mo.. Jan. "S;. 0,1:1 1.. , . "... iJw. I a tr.ay ce nece-ary to pav sS,u debt,m- ,
' - 1 f " - " w k . m 9 v UUl MIC ..fk.l;
prov!s?on of t;c
Ohio & Mississippi
The Oldest I'sfablished U,i-.r
xi. r 1 1 i
Cinciaaati liouisville
AM) AM. I'OIKTs llf.VOM).
I.t l.ATI atj.l I.Ol lsvn,,..
Willi Through Day C'ar Paior
I'aiacc SIeepin; Cou ;it-s.
I'alace Sleeping Cars Without
Change from t. Lou in
t Uauze of dam for ny
tlassof J;isv ugeis. Fi ri a rwJ
ond-CIass Passengers are a!! earned
Fast Expres Trains, running THHOl'd"
cTri ia V. K. Wylrri. thp truwfe n;im- i bel of leather uied.
who, thoughtlessly playinr upon the ; ej jn said deed, having refused to act, at i Sbor nrth side ot rjcuare. 40 u
different phases of the robber-hunts i the requ-s-t it the leal holder of said :
Of a few years ajro have worn bare ! note J w- r- Hanks, sheritt of Bates!
the good nature ot a great common- ?ouut'V' !?ls"' ?l T VT'
v, . , . . J m me vested bv aid deed ot tiust, and at
wealth by constant and tiresome iter- thc requert or the legal -.wider ot ..aid
ations ot Jesse James jokes. Mis- nou, I will, on !
souri is a inagniticent .state, and lias !
nearly 52,000.000 m her treasury.
Tbnrday, Fibruafvih, 18S5,
j Ninety-five pel cent, of her taxes I between the hour ot nine o'clock in the j
! are collected and the school svstem torenoon and foe o'clock in the after-.
f - , . . , , , ... I noon ot that uv at the eat trout tloor ot 1
is iHimirah.V. and backed with ...:rt hrt-in fh, ntv nl rt.tvJ
As thi? wuitei's ses- jCO tntv 01 H e.,'afoteaid, expose to sale j
FOB rMMAria w
85 UifJi
Win t mailed CDCP-rZ
ordering it It eoatkina liliurtkm, prteec,
dewrripuens and dirertiooi tor flan ting "
Veertatae and fTtnrer REDS, WVL.B,rt
O. &) M.
Is ttic fho:-let and quirkcet route, an!
Jim cin go 1 i ('inrinati or Kowisviile;
a choice of routes offered by r.oeter li'..
is Nov ae.vNi.vG A
Palace Sleeping Coaches
St. Lonisfi NewVurl Witricu. i-'.'iai. .
nrov's-nns r.f fl .-- m.l!hilun'.l I
A king is wanted for the Congo j amendment creatinir aooe'date "courts i
country. Mr. Keifer of 0 -.: w ill f and otherwise reorganizing the iu- i
. - . . . . t .1: . . 3 -.T . - 1
W.r HANKS, Trustee.
be disengaged after March a.
From oresent ai''-. ;-cf - ,
; diciai mmchi. Xanas City demand
a new charter. Important street and ! , TJtJV. 1. ' . J ' .ul
, , , , , ma 1 x.atu n uicauiui auu uuio
to O.ui-e .;'t !
It law s ro if. faithful- til a :-:.. :
I road statutes are also to be added to . sIeep at nie-nt. The
j the laws S- i-if.'- Vr-it will he re- had consumption and
e'eco-.j Oi ti-.. , .... ; ,mrtr It .! 1 talcen -is ti -.--r 1';
UANovkk. rcr 11. l4. t , .. . ...j . t . .
;iiici iiiHiiisiiiiis inti i ,-.. .; dzc-c , that I. T. M . Cat
The or.;,- line br which vow can '
through car Iron 5t. Iouis to Cmcinat
without pa-r:r e tr fare in addition r
monev paid tr ticket.
For Tickers. Kate-, or any ;it..k.
lir.fonnatior, c.. on Ticket Air-t M
conncctinji..:ir.es, Wt, Noihcl a 4
'So'huest, Or in S: Io-is at s.-a and itj
Notiee is hereby given to all creditors Fourth St.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Xecutu! .iinI
'!ip.iliaHv pro
rust is tor-.v ",b -.
C-e.. .1 !.! Il.ii!
the p1'oi:i -.. ,r tour
ing entirely vanished.
upper h ns.... ; taken -is
years ago ha . - cou
! erer.
not i
doctors told me I
would die. ! i.ave i
li-co Cwre and my
. e :. a.l ! ..rn v!i as
12 -o i.: N l i . RII.
r..niiniArator ;r slid elult;, intend W. W. Vi:lJi W.m.hilKTn
to -r.a'se t nal sett'ement tnereof, at tne pr,
r,..-M '. ot the Bates County Probate
Court, ir. Bate countv, Sta'e or 3iiouri.
t ! -e held at Bailer, 'on the 9th day Ct
rehr!-a-.v,is;S;- j M, Catterlx.v.
"t .V ieri'1 manage r. er.'S apt.
Cijci-ati, Ohio.
(i. I 1. .v:r;N f :..-rJ Wter ?a-e-