Newspaper Page Text
if An Independent Democrat. So TYesident since General Grant :it his first ejection, hits come to the chu-t inngisti acv j cntii'-iy irce from persona! an ! party oh;igatioris as Hovi rnor (J level mil will lie when lie !;is taken t!.c oath o'oilict. The ilerhocratic i'-u:! convention nom-;:i;i-tlli:ii l'f. or his strength . : . . ... i V 1 i : 1 : : i e it-. j ne politicians were obliget! to take him in order t-; wiii. Their virtue was the virtue of necessity. The democratic party alone couiu not luce eltcied a pres ident. It tk'ti'cu the help of the in- dependent and disaffected republi- can voters. The Irish defection to lihtine would have been nearly, if not quite, as gr. yt with any other candidate whom the democrats could have 110:1. iaated, while none other, not even Mr. Uavard. would have I rcCLived so rn any voles from outside the party. No Loss or clique or .'action oi the democratic paitj cui sr y to Gover nor Cleveland, "We made you pte.s dttit." Not tvcii the whole patty can truthfully say it. I Its obligation is there fore tirst to his count: to all the people and afterward to his own party, as furnishing the bulk of his support, and to the hide pendent voters who made tins sup- " port successful. The president-elect rccognized'this tact very plainly in his recent letter- He reminded Ins party friends that though the couimg administration is to lie democratic, "a due regard for the people's inter ests does not permit faithlul par'v work to he always re wan led ly ap pointment to otlice." This remind er distinctly places country before party in the management of the pub lic business. Mr. Cleveland like wise says that, "while democrats may expect all proper consideration, selections lor offices not embraced within the civil service tides will br based on sufficient iiuiuiry as to lit nessj instigated rv those charged with that duty, rather than upon per sistent importunity or self-solicited recommendations on behalf of candi dates tor appointment." In other words, no one has -i "claim" on any office, or a 1 ight to demand it for another. The offices are agencies tor transacting the people's business, and appointments are to be ileterm s ned by fitness tor the work to be te, and the tenure regulated by lay lelitv to duty. No one but a man .ware of the entire independence of his position, and conscious of strength to maintain it, would make such a declaration in advance ot his inaugu ration. It makes a great difference whether a president feels bound to i order changes because his party friends demand their., or appoint ments because thev are asked by f those who "made his nomination possible," or whether he leels per fect freedom in consulting first the public good, leaving the political consequences to himselt to take care of themselves. This we understand to be Mr. Cleveland's position. lie has found ill his brief public career, that not only is it true that "he serves his party best who strves the people best," bnt that a public servant w ho p acts conscientiously upon this prin- ctple need have no fear of the result m to himself. Independency in poli tics has been to long confined chiet Iy to the republican party, or found - just outside of it. It will be an agreeable and helpful change to have an independent democrat serve as an example to his party. Proof-Snom Troubles in Omah. The Omaha editors are sympa thizing with each other and swear ing at the proof reader in chorus. One of them wrote 'sound democrat' and tt appeared "loud democrat." Another wanted to say that a man was barricaded 111 his office, and the types made it "bareheaded. and a little further on, when he tried to speak of Cuban sympathizers, the printer made him mumble some thing about Cuhan "syrup-eaters." Still another made a praiseworthy attempt to say that a young lady was "charming in her simplicity," but the matter of tact compositor would not have it that way. making him say that she was "damning ust der secrecy." Siioclce. the Head An Associated Press reporter having called (jovernor attention to ti e story circulated to t!i'.' effect thaf ho was once elected president of a tree trade clu! hi J Jut fa I c , the governor said : "It is not true. I have never been connected in iitiv vvav v:th ;s:;v such f.raiiiza tioii. ' " During the campaign somebody started ;i story that Governor Cleve land had written lettei s urging r.iein ners to ote for the Moirison tariff foilv. Silted dow n, it appears that ! : congressman, who proved to be Mr. Dorsbeinier. had significantly tapped his pocket, looked wise itd hinted that Grover Cleveland want ed Ids friends to vote for the Mor rison bill, which another congress man construed a that Mr. 1 Dorsheinicr had a letter of Governor j Cleveland's to that effect in hispock- et. i V hen asked for a confirmation of i j the 1 epos t that he had wi itten such a 1 lel'er. ( Jovei :; j '"It is not true . said : w rit- I !" ;i e never ten anv letter To anv per 11 on the subject of the Morrison bill So the story was disposed ot. So con :;-0111- : ien.i essman. It is .singular iuit every. oay, eve: an imaginative tr b' this time disco -trade: has rot cd ! ilal V Jl 'over Cleveland is a U::tr . . 1 I ' : ished ruthfubiess. and tliat when he wrote that he indorsed the demo cratic piaitorm r ivornu revenue form witii in-.rrd-.mta! pro'ectioi Ameiican !!!i'ur;,' and labor, meant every word he said wi! e to i:t; "it i'eservafioii or. e'.jmvocattou. A Dak ot. L:?.r's V ry Worst. I'.dkin' about liigii witi' is," said a seedy siianger t .1 cioWvt who vere di.scussi:!r the' R.ches;er disas ter "Talkin' about high winds, that wasn't nuihin'. i: qnt ar on he Tongue R''. . -. in 'i 1 s;. ed it blow so hard that it pieled the bark oti'n every bush an' tie;- in the val ley. It actually blew evci drop o' water outen the river, ami for three days the catfish laid around under the stones with t!u-ir tongues lolin' out a pantin' an' prayin' fur ram!" When he had ceased a small man advanced toward him and said: "I'll bet that I prove you the big gest liar in America '." The stranger drew him aside and asked : "Are you tim Clay county. Mo?" "I am not." "Ever lived in Coflee county, Kas?" "Never did." "Then ver assertion that 1 am a liar is entirely based en recent ob servation and not on previous knowl edge o my acquirements ?"' "Entirely so." "Then, pardner, I'm disappoint ed. Von spoke so confident like that I thought you might o' knowed me down below and that 1 might get some late home news trom you. Come up ar. drink, with the worst liar that ever helped to swell the tide o' Dakota immigration." l.ismarck Tribune. How the Ivy Clu- g to Him. Air. McCauley, of Georgia, stood beneath the window of Miss Elvira Ivy, at Augusta, on the evening of December 12, and made her two propositions : To accept i 1 ,500 and run away with him, or refuse and be shot. Miss Ivy had no desire to cling to an oak of the McCauley va riety nor did she wish t the just as the Christmas festivities were ripen ing. She pretended to accept the first proposal, and handed out several packages, as a small box, a pair of shoes and a load of buckshot, the latter striking Mr. McCaidrv in the head anv! entirely eliminating him from the further proceedings, which included the arrest of Miss Ivy on the charge of murder. The cold letter of the law has been vio lated tn this instance, but it will be long before a gallant Georgia pary will bring in a vet diet of guilty against a girl who knows so well how- to take care of herself. Louisville ! Times. Is not the municipal muddle in New Vork a 'vrmuun' exhibition for ; the country. 1 A Delicate Question. One a:irnoon as the lion. W. C. Raines, a "avvver well known in Western New was tiavelitig o er tne V. ,; , .. ,- .. !.. -t. ;-. was an'.Mvuu'iieu 1". v.,;u was OiH it:s innumerable friends, and who announced that he wattle 1 h.s advice on a rather delicate matter. V. e!:. -.vh,.t is it?" .."d the law yer. Well. Mr. Raines, the tact i-. there's a big two-fisted i.Ilow ior watd in the smoker that won pay ins tare-.' Well.' "Wen, u Slat I want to ask '.on is: IIai I bettei let him tide free, or take a licking?' Drake's Magazine. Sncklen's Arnica Salve. Tiic greatest nn-dica! wonder ot the world. Warranted t jspeedilvcure Hums IJruiscs, Cuts, fleers Salt Rheuir., Sores, 'aticer-, rile, t.'hilblains, Corns, Teter, Cnapi-cd i i.t:u?, and ad skin erup tions, guaranteed to cure in everv in t'iiKe, or r.ioncv letuiided. Pri";e 25 ct per i" or .-.uc or F. M. CrinnlvvS: Co. o tt i.ti'UM'i :s slo. strivn.g to run .mocratic pat ty. pathetic in 1 1 a I - Cleveiai..: ami 1 Tht I e ! s..,i,..:t;i:n- stead's rehusal to count himself with the "outs." aame i. ie., lui.e S, :j, I have been selii.ig drugs and medicine i:i i'exas tor seven years, during which iittiss I have sold Mei reh's Family Medicines to hundred- o; ;.oi!ihes, ta u'd ot ulwin thev gave ctttirc s;vtf,tatton, more espec i.djv- did .!r:vi:;. i emale Tonic. Ague cee eou,.i a. id iivcr pihs ;;icc: a!! that was claimed t'r them. 7-mi II. IJ. Williams. 11 V 1 not to and H Utli :nrcn CutiCiiuleu out. tecc;.er. tor tur- Il ls CO'JC".!'. clmic'i out read rivmouth ; Have n-ed Tongaline a, a local appii i cation to an inila nicd anJ swollen knee I joint, r.nd 1 never knew pain and & '.veiling I s: :...u:.- n:oic rapidi.v. i'hiio. tj. Vah-ii- line, M. 1 ., t hiiais. ivv ! 'i here vv hi lie a democratic secie- tarv oi the treasury presently, and 1 we shad sL-c v. bethel he will sue- cmni) to the .swag oi the vvhisev ring. I'pvvard and onward i, the motto that Mishler's Herb Hitters has used ever since tite presentation ot the medicine to the American people, and in all cases or !iv ver complaint, Jkidnev diseases in their multiplied and intricate tor 111 and de rangements ot the stomach and bowels, it has proved its titje to be the best rem edy extant. Uryne Stamford, ot 'i'roups burgh, Steuben Co. N. V. writes: "The testimony ot all who use it is, that it is both beneiici .1 and reliable." NO SURPRISE Thn (iovernment Eudoises '1 he Vmeriean Agriculturist From the tenth cencus, vol. S, just pub lised. "The American Agricultnrist is especially worthy ot mention, because of the remarkable success that has attended the unique and untiring efforts ot its pro prietors to increase and exjend its circulation- Its contents are duplicated every month jor a germ an edition, which also circulates widelv." . This tribute is a pleasing incident in the marvelous nearlvt -i ALF A CEN URY C AREER ot this recognized leadhig Agricultural Journal ot the world. WHAT IT IS TO-DAY Six months ao the American Agricult urist entered upon a new year ot prosper ity, and to-day it is far superior to anv similar periodica! ever produced in this or auy other country. Richer in editor ial strength: richer in engravings; print ed on finer paper, and presenting in ev erv issue 100 columns of original reading matter, trom tne ablest writers, and near ly ifx iihistiations . Dr. George Thur ber. tor nearly a quarter ot a centurv editor-in-chief ot the American Agricultur ist, Joseph Harris, Byron D. Halsted. Col. M. C NVeld, and Andrews;. Puller, tne other long time editors, together with the other writers who havejmada the Agriculturist what it is to-day. are still at their posts. WHAT, FREE ? ? ? Every ;ubcrioer, whose subscription is immediately torwarded us with the price, $ 1 50 per ear, and 15 cents ex tra tor postage on ycIopaepii. making $1 05 in all will receive the American -Agriculturist (English or tterman) for .1!! or 1SS5. and be presented with the American Agriculturit Family Cyclopae dia, (just cuti. 700 Pages and over 1,000 Engravings. Strongly bound in cloth, black and fold. This entirely newvolume is a remark able storehouse and book ot retereace tor everv department ot human knowl edge, incidding an agricultural supple- j ment bv Dr. Thurber. ; Send three ;-cenl stamps tor maiiinp j you specimen copy American Agricult urist, au elegant torty-page premium list, with ;oo iHustrations, aud specimen pag e ot our tamilv oyclopaedia, Canvass ers wanted everywhere. Address Publishers ci American- Agk:cl-ltl-rist, Dav id W. Judd, Sam'l Burcham Pres't. Se; 751 Brocdwav, New Tork. 'iSM . -Or---"''-'i''--:'''v"v''-v PnVants and Children V.hat ctvps o"ir Cb'1-Jra r -.v oh-e. yvjiat turtrd Uicir ;Trs, liickes th-ui sttvp; "'stori . Vin t fr't, p. 1 cry tr trims, What cures Uif- colic, kiiis ihfir worrr.S. What qraW:"- ' r Const f pat ion, Sour Su-uxacii, Colds, Indijjostion : Oil acd IVreoriC, ar! IlailCaKtoria. ' Castoria is o well adapted to Chilirea ; ;'aat 1 recomir.ecd it aa eurcrior to any msdi- cia known to me." H. A. Ar.cHEP.. IX. V.. ; riT',r ?.. r.-onklvn. 2.T. 59 ra , - . , mO "a Ail aoaoluto euro for Fdien- u -uitirai. Sprain. Paia la tho Back, Bonis, GaU, uc . Aaia g ' n tantntocus Pain- relicvor. mm If m si felll9 rrali tsm it-. tvia atA s-jXtm. -tTtl. ffWk Wk h 34 mm mm m r m m ' 1 We desire to say to the farming community that we are now prepared to receive Corn in any quantity. We have recent ly overhauled our Machinery, and now have ample facilities ior handlin"- Corn easily and expeditiously. Our H$!iKiigs Are Convenient Grade very easy and perfectly safe. To those who have in the past so liberally favored us, we return our hearty thanks, and respectfully ask a continuance of their patronage. To those who have not heretofore dealt w ith us, we desire to say that we earnestly solicit a trial, believing that our mode of doing business will meet vour approval, and, if so. shall en deavor to merit a share of your patronage. We have a large quantity of GZlttBl&D BLCZTSS: IF jTL.iSLS IB BE3HI specially selected for sowing purposes, to loan ior the reason of 1SS5, and we invite all parties who contemplate sowing Flax next year to come and see us before making their ar rangements for seed, as we Knov We Can Do You Good. ' Wliat a until le in the thins, not wlnit he Bay. Come and see us. LEFKER, GHILDS & CO. WANTED. GEEM MD DM HIDES, FT7HS, SHESF PSI-TS, TALLOW, Beeswax, Wool, Feathers, Rags. Spot Cash Paid and no Grumbling. LEWIS HOFFMAN, North Main Street, BUTLER, MO. VM. E. WALTON, President. JAS.M . TUCKER, Secretarv. The Walton k Tucker (INCORPORATED.) Moary to losn on Keai Estate security at lowest rate m amoun suit borrower. Thi- Company owns two complete srts ot Title and town tots in Bates county," and wi'ifurn;h ab-tracts at usca. sell Rea! ?ats and deal ina'd kinds otsecuri-;os. Dra.v deeds. Moarv to !osn on Keal Estate security at men :k; viu sl cci cral convevancin OFFICE IN BUTLER ! UHHETOJIOTHERS. Are you disturbed at v.itihi and broken I 01 vour lest I v a sick child surterin-' a-J j -? irij? with oain or cutting teeth? "it j ;'nJ ?' bottle ot Mr,. I lOr0 t V'l"h -s the stontach i i '-'ue!s, cures wi-.i . -:-o, , nitons the s i,t. re..;a-es tm:..:;:!u.itior aad gives ; ; :.e and ctiergv ; t..,- vvue-ie v".era. j Mrs. V ir.slow', smoothing Svrur F.r i b.i.dren Teethir.g is pieasaat , the ' : taste, and is the y: eei ipiiou ot one t j ! t!:e oldest and best temaie m;r.-es and j : physicians in the Tailed States, ..-.d i, j 1 tor sale by all druggists throughout the i j world. I'rice cetlts a bo't'e. Mav - -1 v r HOItT lllt tl I.I.V. Ft--sv ' i 1 5. .s. r--..-. x.iSfr .... V: .. v.t d ig".it i MS ; Tb.e undersigned, living six tni'es east I ot llutier, Mo., otters tor sale a ;cw extra ! I I.,.,-,. I,.,!' om,1 t...Or !' i "II IU Sill JI l lllll I. I'Ul.s ,tiiu lltllvir, , eligible to record. 1 5ov are ottered at j prices to suit the times. Inspection v stock is inv ited . --4t S. McCi I c 11 KV j v:-? til tl m lmd Hi jm y fartiS II p (7 JXO. D. PAR KINS N Attorney. Land Mortgage Co. lowest rate in amount rani oh thr.e to ual price?- Ruy and bsinos - NATIONAL. BANK. II T E H i I Li 1 f n O O RKAVARD! of mi mum Pds. nou uuf h Have .u ready bfen so'.d in -,!, , ,niuti v ar-,di:i Fiance; everv o:;e o! vvl.ivii given pertec! satist actk-p, and has pe: ionnei! cures everv ti've vv'nen i:,rd .ic curding to i!irectiips". We :;ov s.iv to the studded arui doubt ing ones we wil! pav t!:e above vev..,'.d f..: a s ng!, case of I .A1 Id Vttlv That the pad tail to cure, Thisgreat rem edv will positively and s cr!n.i;it-n I , , ure lumbago, hunc hack, sciatica, gravel, di ahctcs, dio;, hri-ht's isease.u the V id-iu-s, ineontiiu'iu-e i'.:ui ii ;.-iitii!i ot the urine, intla-nat ion ot tho l.idtu's, catarrh .t tiie bladiior, hh;h i num d mine, ;.iin ir. the hack, side or l.ii , r-.-i v oirs weakness, and in tact all di-in!o:s t the hhiddei and i.ri nai v ti i;ans w ho! lior 1 ii:t r.u toti h v private di-e;;se ir o:':ei w ie . I.a.lio -, i: (,u are sutleriiv ln''i torn. do woakiu--s, le in "or 1 'hoea.or an v ,!ioa-o n ; he k id:se s, !laddo:-. or nrin.11 v oi vjans, oi: ( an be cured without svvidl --w i-.:i;-i'i 1; ins. by simply we. 11 i" :.; Pr r ( iiiihui re--'rj!'!'. Kidru". I'.ui, w'ti h , ;.'o-- I ali--orpiion. A.-k Vi ,.r -t V if I'lol. thiiiiiietie's Tietli 1: Kid:u Pad, and take IK) oil. or. it he ha-, imt .ot it, send j and vou wiii receive the l'.,d i v ictiiifi it:.. I ! . I'o.-t i :;..) iii.d - t ' ., : : '1 ji;i.;e liiu hauait, i..,v v : l'o ioil' , I d 1 . -a-: "One ot Prof C 1; i i'fenol. Kiilney Pads cured iuo ut h'.udiao, in uooks time. M ti i n up h t !'.e he -t .:i. I u.i n 4 ad this tture I ...:', .itid J'atd out hu ;.; i .iso u.u! t eon n a - i.4 uiaiile. Mi!! ' 14 i! Ul.told M.n.s .1 UKMH't i k s otter, . 1 io!e;o,. ,,u; ! Miiroi'j 1 -r t!.ie;r vtni's wiili soi.ith i and kiuue;. di-ease, and ojtot, iiad l. ;. ahout 0.1 1 ut.-t.c-, 1 w ,o- 1 : u ! .. : 1. ! po- mail- 1 - rod ai ter w o.. I . -r ( . u i ! : . ,ot t iti.u. rvidnev P.ut u.i.r weeks" . .,,..(,e .i c. oo;r . I I : : I C 1 : lior ir ior 15 : in- kuluovs . e i. :c out oil-, '-.1 I iio Kl 1 1U1I4- .0 . IV.d . m' 1 a '. : I scon a , 1 o . . 1 . 0.1. Hi!:, hri'.it'v .. 1 o.. 1 .a' ,4 ; 1 k - a' a ! i 1 .4 .. a....; t ,,k harrels 1 :.r ,.v . ! ut uiilv tetup. ..1 v-.. 1 i'n.l (fllihlii'l ' .sl:.0'. 1U1 , .io.d 1 k:;ov .0111 u: 111 i 1 1 ' - iioien Jeroiii4-, i'.'i,.-..,. O , -.!: . to .o.ol i ; irv 4 ; 1 c 11 t or , u : ii-i 1, .i . cat .1 ! ''nil tilllt' tn Mil i!4-il,H I I i ... I r.ioc o.ii . -oO VOakilei-, i .I.H; o .4 ol Plot 1.1 o:t' kidae pa..- ......1 w i. in ..;e i. .01. 111."' 11 I. .en, noi.r- :10s 1 , . 1 i -1 i : " 1 sulk 1 4 .1 i . ; ill.; k, and in luroo t U iii.ii . ..r. cured by miiin; . ( i.i.ii.o't 's Kidney i'.; aii.i v. : mm. iv. o s a ith a i- per 1 hi f . is 4 ured II U.U- tllOlltll." ii ii tin-en, whois.tio fioioi, iiiihav, 11., v. r a-; "I hiUtere.l lot eari, with .aiU4 i);iok, ami in throe week-. na- per manently lined l woarniuio ol 1'rot. i iiioriii'tt's Kiilnes . .,! 1; i Kecslir.g, .M l ui ayisi l.ani poi t ind., when soiKiiu ; in .01 onicr lor Kiiin i Pads,wi'iieh ; " 1 woi 4-o:u-ol the first 01. e we Had auii 1 oil more beii elit lium it than anvininy J ever iisod. In tact the Pads K'vc bettor genrtal s..tistac 11011 than anv kidney remciU 4-iri to!d." CJ.4 a. shoemkoi, dru'ui't, 1 lannilial, Mo. "We are working up .1 hveiy trade in ynn Pads, and are heating of gwxl results lrom them eer day.', Ihiizette's Will uubitively cure tevct. ;iyue, dumb atjur, ai;uc cake, billious fever jaundice, dvspephia, rnd all discas tit the iiver,Ktom aeli and blood. Price $1 50 by mail. Sjnd lor Piot. Guihnetti 's trcftie on the kidneys and liver, free by mail, Address FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Oh"jw. GREAT STORY' Bv Mr. a m e t a v n i o w- be ing published in our family, weekly pa per. Alwj earh wtek we give a sermon bvRCV. T. I)E WITT TALMAGE, a feature alone worth the price we charge for the whole year In addition to the continued frtoriek, weekly sermon by Brooklyn's mot noted Divine, and gen eral literary miscellany, everv issue con tains the following: Illustrated iVetche of prominent men,- letters trom ail part ot the world, newi of the week, happen ings of interest in Missouri and Kansas, full and reliable market reports, political goings-on, Washington new and special departments carerullv edited for Farmer Little Folks, the Fatnilv Circle and bui nes men generally. The present pub lishers have couducted THE TIMES for 15 years and have learned by experience that eenuine merit win more friends than anvthing else. The public can therefore rely on us to add ever im provement desirable, and to spare no ex pense in keeping our paper at the heaiJ. we are encouraged by our largely in creased list ot subscribers, now nu be ring over 63,010, to continue the Reduced Price ot $1,00 ayear, and will therefore receive subscription at this low price. Every Democrat, Every Western Man, Every Farmer, Every Housekeeper and Everv Intelligent Newspaper Reader in this fcection will find ometrsing every weck in The TIMES worth our price ot $i,cjoayear. Specimen copies free. Re mit bv postal note, money order or regis tered letter, to tf. TnrTiv.s Kansas City, Mo. A PRIZE Send six cent jtor potage, and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help a!!, of either er, to more mon ve rizht away than anything else ir. the world. Fortunes awai't the workers ab Isoutely sure. At once address True & Co., Augusta, Maine, lj-iyr To any body who ha disease or fhroa ,,r hints' we will send vroot that Pio' Cure far Consumption his cured the -I-it'i in r,ther caws. AddfC 44 E. T- Hazeltxxe, Warren. Vt r 1 i franco m