Newspaper Page Text
11 L Jhlrli if TO $ 1 tittle it 13, i f5' y 2 f -r xr y !UTTLi:C. -MISSOURI, WHDXESDA Y JAXl'AliV 21. ISSj. VUJ,. v ! SO 8 o!i, koxv: ih) t: I ;: ki ! i I -! 'l'd : !;. :-! t . . 1?. - .:! G G -. ; t f,,r . or. iicip hi'; U' ;1 5. Farmer I ' I - , . ft !' & J : M J. $3 '.Viif. i is. s isfifr ir ehb jjSlic 1'on-n! Hrr Nephew 'i Shoot; TliiMiSlmt Him II cr ifter Wliicli Si riionjM! Hi Head Off and His Hotly lo .1 ', i . f i" L Disposed oi the Whole by ! a " "Mv nskt-d i then told vr. )! :!,'. , 'h HI K k : J.!. !f to!.i ti;-.' ) t; ). . if f ;-or !!')!' RiCiiFii.i.; Sim: X. Y Jan. id'.' "-ill' r : . ! . : .- H'V';iV('i ' lie -.v..v s tnn ....1 ';, , I Inu,- . . . irnicr in moacraie tiauiM.iua-, , s 1 ... VV'-in-.Mi H. i'kh:1!T Mlli' V : v - ! . .1.. . .ii r i... jiff Hires noiii lui im-it:u i t i , ....... -a ci c made, and Mib. i)ru-.t. i ... i. fiiV nr-.-K v. ':" !i vt-t i :it t::j '1 hf:! -' tf ,-1 :: 1 M I. ! - i ; - -If t.,r V f. 1:C ;:. , -....u't! : .i-jFiL- i if ci: : i i -l- i' ujixxSs in all tltj;irimiMits w i f i t V II E S 1 e ' vt Ufa n fcfl II ?" 4 fon! i ! f 1 : v" .i - i s. ; ; v i r, -i i ,'i t ' ' . ,: . ii pu: ;' ti.;.t , . . , .i , ; i:i.;'.u -t.oiH, . V ! f't-L-- (i :i. Grunt sci::: tor fmni Xfv York .state hv the un:ii:.i!iii;s Vu'c uf its republican and f: i lit' 'i ir tec &&k siii - s rmTn''US-t i r rrr r- -,,r n n ,mt n " 1 r..- p .-. v C M B is tie J she Mippose'.! her iut!;intl w ; t,.v Viirl; vv!i--( -iu- ll uI a hr -LIl . , 1- tvlv. tvr.rk-? in ;. VVv't street l'V:- :i!uce -i Mi's i )'.:-;.' .aiapp-irentlv uM'!rd -v hi- aiiil a').sciice, .Hid l- if . ;i :p!:.:-i n v.tnoii direction u iou inns. L.iing' ih- past week iiiflv l u nors e kv clrcuKi'cd. Ne'ii!Kr I of fc-in; ll.ick siiiol.e uourid chimney and s-aciliii,; itemble smell as of au-t hui uin Thecxeitcment sjrckV a:id nei-'iihors Unci.- Hi!' :i;.!: Si k ? hi :i C'l' I n i ;'0t me and ('-o :t ti'.i vs tii !,. :-;fd .; ..... I i !::;). Si. c;:!!fd Dfi iiic ii Lri!.i!ors is a question as lVt I ctii funded thiouh i'r.!!cs :uul f orr:tloi U will '!o yon iCM;1 io look ilirouuh ;mo ol! j0(s ol' ;norov on :-M full an.! w inlr r:; i-naos in r) a 1 1 ::fK pi: -i. vt-ral i ican-. an-.i ' i : if .1 .1. . i , ilik- ! o i;Oi:n' : ! A sri.Mfl KXK. f !d"i h.-i ' .!-.: OT !ie sent Hie ..;,! ( j..'- ; I'Mi-h !t :fu r .;-.i V' HI il r iecf hae! sh ' tM.,1. i? in l:;iiiii.; fi : ! fiiln-.W. son no i -uc .. .-:i. re!;u:Yi !-.r;s:u fe iVoni I he e:i : .itttet! a- p: i -iiii ;.: ad-,:.;- ,. pwcrtica 1.-4 Si i U .. , . -1 ll) i Vti KV' i h ' :, H JUMITt jut-; .Olf.l.JUt Kn.y; to the If'fnd-i -f r i 1 1 j t-i the ol lit-r liiom mid hnt t! e dor. v r .i. . .if ! She fold me and George t lt tu I'jMrs. DruM of the tone tlut " " X.k :tt ut about htT lltldi.lild's !;,- Anoiher Swindle. . stairs, and tl e:i c:nifi: ;i..;j:n A dtv et V:'un k r , I-.. , . :!ii! sent us t' the hLr kmi alter s!iif : liiiii"" -siiuiil p:ifk:r(' ahoiit i!!ie inch rupearance. Mrs. Ui ue icsenteu " 1 I .. i ,. , i . : .shiiii'U-s. Sh- built uii a hot tire us i square ant; la.iuietl "Hed V.u jtosreute anyone Iinders about her. who fiiculated lUrMOUS UKVIVKU. flic matter died away .somewhat, 'suddenly grew again to greater oportions. It was said Mr. Druse id been burned; his body boiled in " and the bones burned. The fjhbors called again and noticed r I. t. . ci i... i i i v jJiiuu on uie uiHir ami woouwoi k 4-iieroom. Search for the remains a made with increased vigor. The family consisted of William I jox sse, lus wife Roxy, a daughter j id Mary, aged iS, a buy named je, aged io, and Frank Gates, n. ruuii up a nor me in anti i:u i ;t;ii i;f(.. i,ug ;;nci ; both stoves anil then had me watch I Roach Exterminator. " lie filters at the north window and Mary watch I the packages for sale to !!e hotise j at the south window. Then sne took wives, and manages to sell quite a I a block and a board into the parlor j number of them. lie state- that I and chopped bun up and then put the "exterminators." to he cflicient the pieces into the fire. She told me j must be kept m u warin place for to crowd the kitchen stove with twelve or fifteen hours, and must, shingles. Next day all I saw oi him ; on no account, be opened more was a large hone. Mary had that than five minutes befoie using. He and put it in the other stove. It ha .1 claims that if used properly all the flesh on each end. Xext morning ! bugs in the house could be killed in U'nrpots. rUovps. Hosiery. Xotion, Trunk. , YuYim s, rtcerio&. j livj('n n !V-t Uie largest conibiiiiMl stui-l; of oods in Hates oi ci-non iMUilics. Kvcryotxlv eordiallv invitee to visit our linanntioth lmv. M. S. COWLRS MERCANTILE CO. Corner Park Ave.5 and 6th st MCH inu'. she took up the ashes from the stoves, put some in a bag anil some in a tin III KNINC; Till: TKM- KS. twenty-tour hours. For this bless ing to the housewife he only charges 25 cents. A number of women bought the "exterminator" and fol- She told me to the horse ' lowed the letter. congratulating 1 v. mm IE 5 THE BEST LINE EAST Opera House Furniture Store. is Tin: hew of Mrs. Druse, aged 14. I bouse was an old one. ten rods sikh-om the road, with large barns ss she was going to my father's. When we got inTo Mr. Talls swamp we went two roils into the ! swamp. I took tue ashes anil tnrew themselves that they had at last found a wav of riilding their beds ot a nuisance. Thev were somewhat chagrined when on opening the o sules, Charles Iett, a neigh- j on Wc , p;,ckae prcpar,rorv to coninlclK-. i!ncs ot ions west; eiiiiiau er, about 100 rods northeast. ! ! to father's and 1 was taken sick and i ure both substantial farmers had to stay at home a few days. C( good citnrens. Tett and the iler family believed that there had !ifoul 0l.1v. Mr. Pett had noted smke and fearful stench When I went back she told me tc i get the new ax and :iv the handle J off. Mary took the handle which I I had sawn in two pieces and put it m to. .MIS. IvCMCI and 1 Cll j ! the stove. Thee we hitchel up iiT-iin fr. 111 vl Qlinf :ntd T Hrm'P tfi RiK)ued the bov Gates, a stolid j ""V .... J. . ' , , i Ritehhcld Springs. W hen we were tie finally weakened and j , , , . -uiiiuico uie crime. 1 ne uis- . . , . .. Ii-. . .. , into the pond as we passed over the yt attomev. A. H. Steele, was j , . . 1 ,T , . t orit'.ge. xneie was :t newspaper tor and arrived last evening. As; , . , .... Jfcsas he arrived he questioned the j : ,. , . , . ... "wno then told of the burning of ! " , . , , .. , , . . . . : to take the revolver and ato the 'body and went with hirrt and!, , . . . . , .... . i knife and throw botli into the potid. what was left of the remans, ., ... . . T . . ... I .lilt ;uu i IltusL liu 11 im X flii lie j rJ l 1 ). 1 T 111 I. l Jv..l-..x., ing the war of extermi!iat;u, they found two wooden blocks, an inch thick. On one of the blocks was written in ink: "Place the bug here and press gently with the other block." Parsons Daily Sun. To The People of Missouri. The womans Christian Temper ance Union of Missouri have Jisrrib uted over S,Ooo petitions to the Leg islature, askins: for scientilic temper ancf instruction in the public schools ot Missouri. These petitions have been sent to temperance workers be longing to all the different organisa tions in the state. Over 2600 of our ministers were Splendid Stock and Fair Price Ii- r j COME AND SEE fP.J.JEWETT, f Ohio S.I 4 .1 I t & Mississippi The Oldest Established VL Established From T( ) Ci33.cin3a.at1 Xiouisvillo A M) ALL I'OLNTm BEYOND. : 2 m S P it fjh... linfra.l Vit.o . lll.l 1 su UWU1.1. ,, , , 1 1 1 1 , . . . j sne inrew me razor oiacie outagamsi j sskcci to neip us :n me work, ov tie- IOW IT was DONE. tJie jcncc. jlc toti snc sjic. ot tj;e j hvering appropriate sermons, by coroner arrived to-day and revolver last tall. It was a nice circulating petitions, by writtir.g let- 'pJanelled an excellent iurv of ! narl-handled one. She said no one 1 ters to their legislators askinf them Jersin the neighborhootl. After should know where it came from. I j to vote for the scientific instruction bill. Every Senator and itepresen tative has been appealed to, both by printed and written letter, to advo cate our bill 4,as a representative ot the best interests of the people of Missouri. All the preparatory 1 ie resiaents'iiiaa testmeu : know the revolver: tlie one touna in vj.ics was put 011 me stand the poml is the one that Airs. ime Id under oath an astounding 1 T t. nnrl Hdl with I Er is given here almost m his knew it by the stamp, handle, and M-as: My unc!e was killed the hy the cylinder. It w as loaded when ll45(laT before Phrkt,,,:,.. 1 : 1 .. iu.. ft V C A t1 to kill him and dispose of his : ;.nd Mary were in the room w hen j work has been done, that can be j done. It now lemain for von. the "H. Last summer mv aunt m,.-',. itiVwahnt. 'sdto hire me to shoot uncle ; - . I people of the state, to express tour She said she would give ? Vie lY.ainc organs luive ksued, a j wishes on thi matter b- personal ?ood many dollar for doing it. i drc ot Xi.wilvliuieiit' vviHcli cier ' letters h votrr seniors and reorescn- her would not do it. There 'all the indepeiulent republicans, j utives. Let evc;y tnother and fa:h rjining more said then, hut this 1 This hotv thst the Dlainatics are 1 er . anxious t umi ct ilair ehi'd I my aunt and micif Kill hat? a i.rAnnrinf t.i o out of business. lHanir - . .1 f I jnuius. v,i uc iiiurs ; Trustee's Sale. Wlitreaa, M, A. Kellar, ol IJatcs coun- tv, Missouri, bv hex deed f trust, dated I October iStli, 1SS1, and recorded in the i recorder's office of said IJatea countv, in bookJ7, at page 105, iid convev to V. j E. Walton as trustee, and in case ot his i absence or refusal to act, the then acting j st.erift of Bates countv, Missouri, for the 5 purpose ot securing the payment ot a certain promissory note in said deed ot trust described, the following described real estate situated in the county of Bates and state o" Missouri, to-wit: rhe wst side of lot No. two (2), ot block No. two (2), in Harper's addition to tne citv ot Butler, Missouri, containing in all three fourths (?4), ot an acre. And, whereas, default having been made in the pay ment of said no e and interest thereon, and said W. E. Walton, the trustee nam ed in said deed, hair.g refused to act, at the request ot the Iejal holder of said note, I, W. F. Hanks, sheritt of Bates countv, Missouri, bvirtue of the power ia me vested by said deed ot tiust, and at J the request ot the legal holder ot said j rme, I will, en Thursday, February th, iSS, ! between the hours ot nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the after noon of that day at the east tront door of the eoi-rt hovc in the city ot Butler, countv or B.1 cs, aforesaid, expose to sale at public on. cry for cash in hand all ot the ieal estate in said deed of trust and this notice described or so much thereof as mav be necesarv to oav said te rest j.nd cots. : W. I" HANKS, Trustee. ! McREYNOLDS & SCHWENK 1 ,l l I.VATI and I.OLIM VICIJI. With Through l)f Cars, i'aior jr,t, I'.ilace Sjlecpir i'caciitb. Palace Sleeping Cars Without Change from sjt. Louis in IO IIOLKS TO laUISVIM,K. IO IIOI.KS TO CINCINNATI. 30 HOUHS TO V.ASIIINtriO.V. 31 HOUKS Tf IIALTIMOKK. 3S HOl ltS TO N'F.W VOW. o cliaiige of dart for amy classof PassfUeis. Firtt rxl .Scc-tnd-Class Ia-cnyer.s art ail urilcd o.. Fast Fvpre Train, running TI)L'fi, WITHOUT ClIANtiK. Boo t& Shoe Makers HCTLEK, MO. Bot?. and .Shoes made to order The bet ot leather used. Sl-.on r,rth std-; otirfjuare. j'j ti -THK O. & M. Will be laailed PB CCXfl to ll pplien urnUb WJ axul to cuctomeis of Urt yer wiuuct crdrtnit. It fontAtni lUmtratiOBa. prteM. Is the shortest and quickest rout", ami ou can go via "inrinati or Ioui.i:). a choice of routes offered by noot'tcr 'i't The OHIO .V MLSSISSIPI'I KATLW.W IS NOW Rl'N.VINO A Ol' Pal ace Sleeping Coaches f'WM- detcn'mioni acd Iireeti for pUntinf J1 Vmteble and (lower IUW. WVlMn. O.M.FERRY&CO.DIJ,2llr St. Lou i ? N'r-w YofV. W'i'.fai The only line by wli:Ii toii aa 14 r. through c;ir Irons hi. Iiiis to C:ic:na.'-i without paving extra far;. in a.W.t 1 money paid tr ticket. nefore Christmas, i lacleH lh and J , from this growing evi! ni internpet - lance, write to their legislators and ;i tK tnnrn i 1 ll? IV Is HPthliU: H ttlC COnStltll- 1 nrTi- 1'ni'iii vntr ir- K?'! cle Bill asked me tu sret up ;ticn that make :t o:!igatoiy upon a! Mrs Claka IIofpmax a fire. I d?d so. Aunt r eslcut f " select departmental Stau- Pres't. Mo . V. C- T. I". Mary, her djiifWr. r-at ' "dvises r-r lto. This interesting : Mi:s. ll. E. Wcrtihxgtox lTnclc Hill wr-itout and did the ' taci should not he overlooked. I State Snot of Set. Ins. 1 IIaxovei:, O., Feb ; 1SS4. 1 Aftti hnvinj; lun rever and pnpnnio- i nia I had a dreadful cough and rould no -leep at night. The doctors told rr.e I ' had consumption and would die. I . ave ' taVen siv bottlcot Pico's nnd mv ; Ci..'.:!' i er.tiri-iv ' ne anil i air, w.l; ever. H-lr Emki.ine F; -,:. '. j For Ticket. Rate-, 4r ny nnaU.- . iru'oruiation. r--:! n- Tk '.ci A r iconnectinttne-, V,' Nor'hwn :rt Southwest, Or in N; tui. at 101 A 1 ; (Fourth Sr. Notice of Finn! Settlement. Notice Is hersbv "tveti tr. ill cred a.nd otheis intereed in the estate nr S tr!i:i,Adt!:ini,..rat;irf -id eta!, i;.;e::J ! W. '. make lioal etrleraent tnercr.t, the :scv term or tl.c B-'-cs County i'ij?at: i ;- rr -..i-,' 1 . Mi.. :...' . ., . " i.- ..1. r. ... .1 1. 11 (lit fl. (1. r W- criK. V'epriiarv.inr- J M. Catterijs ; 's1 ' ; I'n- t I'.IAJ'tiDV . V.:ii.SJA . O-r."; mai.-.ger. gel : Ciurtrwf. Ohio. II' V ! -1 ft s . - - - -j