Newspaper Page Text
. r.hiln. Pacific II. It Illlir a a " - Lexington & Souther v Branch. Train leave Butler daily as follows: GOING NORTH. feras Express (daily) 4:52 a m r C & Texan Express 7:45 p. m Accommodation Freight 2:00 p. m Texas Express ( daily) j, C. & Texas Express Accommodation Freight. . . All passenger trains make teclion tor St. Louis and all M -It - . . . , ... I. . .S:oo A. M ..9: 10 r. v.. .9:45 A. M. direct ron points east Tela ana an imjiuls jum, ..v,. California and all points west and north- Colorado, VCit. ror uit aim jpplv to K. r. Cakvp.s. Agent. MASONIC. Butler Lodge.No. 254, meets the first Siturd.iy in each month. .Miami Chapter Royal Arch Masons, So. ;(', meets second Thursday in each aionth. rimtlev ommanderv Kniirhts 1 emplar neet the first Tuesday in each month. i. o. o. FELLOWS. Bates Lodge No. 1S0 meets every Mon day niht. Butler Encampment No. 70 meets trie jnd and jth Wednesdays in each month w .-. THOMAS J. SMITH. Attorney .-it ' aw Hu'lerMo. Will practice in the courts of ' tes and adjoining counties. Office over Bates count v Nationnl Bank. 7-tf. f. S. FkAN'CISCO. S. I. Fit AVfl.-CO. J-lrt.NL'lS() BROS. Attorneys at I. aw . Iluticr, Mo., will practice in the court- of Bates and adjoinina tounties. Prompt attention given to col lections OlTiceover Wright V Glorius' harJ-vare store. ?.j 1) M'KINSON A: Aill-KNATIIV, At torneys at Law, IJutW, Mo. (J dice wes' side of 'he scniare 12 k I IK N BY, Attorney at Law, Butler, I Mil V. ill attend to cases in am eou't t record in Missouri, and do gener al collet ting business. DV. I'ROWX, Notary Public But . ler Mo. Will draw am! acknowledge eeK, contracts, leases and all papers re quiring the acknowledgment or ii.rat ot an o Reer. I'll VWMMM i I .. IU K, M. !., Eclectic Phvsi Ijm cian and Surgeon. All calls prompt ly attended t'. Office up stairs over Crumly'h Drug Store. J. M. . intisTV, W. II. Ballako, DRS. CHRISTY & BALLARD, Ho moeopathic Physicians and Surgeons Offi e, front room over P. (. All call answered at otlice day or night. Tele phone communication to all parts ot the sity. Special attention given to temale incases. 11 C. BOULWARE, Physician and . Surgeon. Office north side square, Sutler, Mo. Diseases of women and chil ren a specialty. OF.'RI NI K, M. 1., Physician, Sur- geon and Obstitricjan." Office, east side square, over Levy's store. Residence corner Main and Ft. Scott streets. Butler Academy. Will open for its eleventh year on SEPTEMBER, 8th, 1884. A large new brick building will be erected this summer which will afford tacilities tar superior to anything before enjoyed by its patrons. Thorough work, bV an experienced Corps of Teachers. ample tacilities in Classical, scientific or Normal studies and a healthful location are some of the attractions offered to those desiring an education. For particulars, address J M. N'AYLOR, 34-3111 Butler, Bates countv, Mo- THE ACME PULVERIZER. CLOD CRUSH AND LEVELER, For SjV 3t 'rrta mental JZoxiq AND Sif? Painters I SPECIALTY i i ACIJESTlPlirJS! "1 ache all over!" What a common ex pression; and how much it rrjeaqs to rr.any a poor su'ferer ! These aches have 2 ciase, and nqore frequent' than, is gersr a'ly suspected, the cause is th.e Liver or K'.dre--. No d.sease is more pa'nful c serious than, tqese, arjd no rerr.eda 's P'rnpt arjd effective as ryiisHLER 1) I ITERS remedj has yet been, d eco hit is so effective irj ail KIDNEY . JVER COMPLAINTS. MALARIA, DYSrr. i'A, etc., ard yet rt Is s mple end ht?.r--i::. Scierice aqd rr.edical sk-i!l h; -ciTibined vith vvorjderful success thor crbs which nature has provided for - j re of disease It strengthens ar d ' orates th,e v. hole system. Hon. TliaddeuB EteveDR, thn diKtinpiiitbr .1 ' . unmimui. once wrote to 1 fellow mem ber ho i-. 8'riiir from luditrestion and kidney di.:i ' " Try Mmhier's Herb Bittern. I believe It will you. I hMve used it for l,tii iudi(Htion and a:: turn of the kidneys, ami it : tlwj lunat combination of meciicnia! ! rwt I ever saw." MISHLEB IIEHB 3ITTEHS f 525 Commerce St.. Philadelphia. Parker's Pleasant Wo: SyruD Neyei-r.J Continued fntm !at week.) How Watch Cases are Made. Tlio many groat improvements jniro daceij in the raan;i i:irt; ire of the Jas. Ii';s' Oold Watch Ciise, have led to similar im provements in the making of silver cases. Under the fid methods, each part i.f a bilver case was made of several pic-ccs of metal toldereil t'igether, requiring a proat amount of cuttii; and soldering, which s-oftcneii the metal an 1 gave it the plial ility of lead rather than the elasticity of sihvr. Unuer the imjiroved methods, each part of the Keystone Silver Watch Case is made of one solid, piece of metal hammered into shape. The advantages are readily appar ent, for every one knows that hammering hardens the metal while soldering softens it. To test the superiority of the Keystone Silver Watch Case, take one of 3 oz. weight, press it squarely in the center when closed, and it will not give, while a case of same weight of any other make will give enough to break the crystal. The Keystone Silver Watch Case is made only with silver cap and gold joints. lira t evat .tup U K;iUa WaUk fw FrtrW, rail. aVIpkla, I'a tor kailM lllatnl r.ataklrt kwia( k. tmmm Utm' mm KmjmUm Wwk lmm sr aiadn. (To fc continued.) THE HORNS rV. Grocery House OF At their well known and popular taml on the K&st 0. tue square, are leading the GKOCKKY TRADE I Their stock is eonipo-eti of Feed Flour and the besl qunliij of Staple and h an ( 7 ( h-oeevi es . ;ias. (jiieciiMvareaitd 'it!ers J ULY AKK AT I!-:. KXPKNS! : Than :tnv noue in th. i?v, and thore- tore do not tear; ilion. Thev pa liberal prices tor produce. i":ev solici' a conrimsap.ce ot ti'.e patrimasre ot thei manv customer, anvl will phjdle attend to their wjshe at anv und ah ttme I I OH! ( I ! CHn. De;nv. DO YOU KNOW i i! AT LORII.LARIVS CLIMAX VIA'C r w ' , . m j v.:''i v.' 'i;' l.: R.e I."-'.T i - - cut chew i vt :: v. -nuit . - . he;:: - Diet o: ine axons. Stunlev Iluntlev. editor ot Drake's . .- . . . .j .iaa.ii,t., iiu ju-v Tanctti to the Dositian ot chief of the Teton nation, having been adopted lv them vtars t ijt when amonj the Indian? in tlu- capacity of correpond ciit, i; prrp-irln;! lenve tor the ; SimiK country. ! Ic !oit jht 10 cent vvof tii ot ur ij.u a pair ot moc casins veMenhiy, and will start a- : J i oon mn the walking improves. He j had the moccasin charged in the ' name ot Waukpev W ankati. or Hoiv Leaf, a-, lii name unifies in the Sioux laniruac- Th- innir wade ilVcd tt'om tile lacl tli.i' lie cured . a out idi ii I I i, 1 ! 1 n f cdied I Jltl .1 . a ii I 1 1' 1. K ii lie I'V io -U'lla i-k. d Ki 1 1 1 1 ; I rt r t c s ,1'Clo !h !- heid s -pu "I t) III to ,'llh i'i-," 1 luntlev, s in! "l prisoner bv Sitting Hum' t wa-i cti'e Litth- Kiii cure, ro life. .The i f -ons. Or-- u a k:!!cd ... . a nd Vounr -rr , !(.;. ha As 1 V ;s adopted "V L :t h l two le K: I i " ' sK'I't'i i a rv lMU i of ' i Ii! ! i. i . IK.i l Mi. I. t i - , l he tiik Iudiar.s regard tails !.) t . I 6S M i". I i u . 1 1 ! c v i iie pi esidcin : New Voik, lh. C). Tii.- II ; Chester A. Arthur, I; cidcut ot t IJiUU'U States D-ar S,i : A .;u wd! i ! c h d ssi rciiv in thi moi'riiuvi. Xciv 'oi k paper. I nave succeeded to the chict taithsp ot the Tetons, and wait to ak whether vour nation ami iiiiiu are to live on term of t'ticnd'v t-qu ahtv i whether you want strife and en nae. I would like to remark that we will have war on tap for anv ma raudmu; republican form of vrovein ment that comes foolinnr arimmi om congressional district, while we wi! be on a neace footing toward yotn people so !on; a thev conduct them selves with due regard to the preju dices of civilization. Anv deviation from this course of procedure will result in your heinrj sent to the tow er tor the the first offense and to two towers tor the second. "Please speak to your secretary of the interior and have him brace up the rations issued to mv tribes so a to include an occasional ham and a mackerel for Sunday. Any cast off war mateital, plus hats, or Ii;ht lit erature now on file in your state de partment will be gracefully received as a guarantee of your good faith. "Hoping to hear from you sorn in a spirit of peace around the reser vatious and good will toward the un dersigned, I have the honor to re mam, yours, "Stanley huntlkv, Rex." Mr. Huntley allowed his eyes to wander to some Irdian relics on the wall above his desk. Among other hinsjs was a featherkd coronet thai lie wore w hen a voting buck among his new found friends. He contin ued: 4,I am afraid to assume the emblems of the new dignity while in th.e citv until Mr. O Donovan kicks out. because h-i don't want kins or chiefs outside of himself; that's whv von see these o!d plume rftid moccasins there. It .vouhJ take me four days to teli ail mv xoc neiiccs among the Indian, besides. I have fot gotten mof of I: v.uw " "Have you been orliciaily uotiiied t your iidvancement r" "Th? first I heard ot st was hen i the morning nape? lo-da. I -hall ' -treet .-a- me cigar man across Along with me. ! Ie ha l tie i list ent me a bid, and I suppose I must n :.e kirr. chief of o'le of she tr;!"- " l"; v e dui Mr. Iluiitic "Ut un i bncks. an i placed C.J i ? h's chai!" a a .'! tcpu: u-:- ; .'- -s !:?.'. 1 h i' : a i k ! . I.. c; - v ae a r.ior , y?'S,ff7 ; 'yl IC Bv the ue of Hostet'ers Stom ach Bitters the haggard appear ance or the coun tenance and sal low ness of dys peptics are sup planted by a heaithtui look, and as the tood is asimi!ated, the huJv a c cui' es substance Appeti'e is re stored, and the nervous svMern ictrehed with much needed siumber.ihiouih the use ot ihi- n eoicir.e. which i !so beneficial to pi-rv:i ot a rheumatic tedenev, and an estimable preventive ot cut and aue. For ;.!eh-. a-l tiru'4f!st. and dealers gen- BROWN, OAK HALL, Philadelphia. A full line of card sample of will be icuad with .l:n, Hutlcr, Mo. Wlklm PcTLetratingLinlmant SSA- II! XH EWORLD. P1- h A powerful tireriaraUon Focon-eifrteil lhatarew lirojn applied to the eur f3 5T'.S vi.'W y rv! almot Ix ril Rheumatism lame Dack, V Tooth-Acne. ach or Bowels, 5 Jf($ u'ni MrrsiiiLCLOiHino VJ"m2;J5 ayJti? v K,,r aiscolor thekhi. It f-S- svrif' Y xv S i hi:! iii constant oao rT-S2Stit Vy Physician and other (ma vS&Xa K.r : 'years. Price OUC iSEOSSSSrflviT4y prepared only by JACOB 8. MEHRELL, St. Louis, Mo, FOB fiAI-E BT ALL DRTJOOIBT8 AHB at 0 Tbcy describe every aymptora In your case. Especial attention ftven to case of Nervooa Ut ility in every atace. tylt makes no difference what yoo have taken, er who baa failed to care you. Attend at once to thta, for It aaps UrCaVlaorandleave Ke.Uieraia Hop)." Writ ten, warranty of cure given in every cate undertaken. Consult tha Old Ooctor. Offlcc and Parlore Private. A fneadly lter. or call may aave future auf- f0ru, and bame. Meaicinea, WWmZ Book. &cs?fnt everyone i n- cure iiuiu dipw.mi 1 .. (; Sunday, 8 to 1- Addraaa lettera F. D- CLARB.B, M. O.. . 811 Ltcutt at.. 6t. Ltiil. Jf ta.-.H arplicaTit? J i iZmmSJ i?3 Xi's; aixi uo c"s"omt7j &' vttr Win.o'Jt rdori.-f It c::ti;:s jilustrationa, prics. oefcr'Tit . r i direc'aons for pianting !: Vertat.:e an i Klawtr SEEDS, BULns, etc ferry tStCo.OEaeiT nt.xnt m 4 P $ H V'. " - i .' ... - . : tr Merchant Tarloring and Clothing House v ia America. Vr J WANAM AKER fj pa I? 1 Pnfferera from any Ncrrooa. fc lOcllcte, or Chronic Ulcao gpAJji),! twoKlnmp fur Dr. Clarke a l'...k!.. mi. ,' Work a. FKKK. CO NO SURPRISE . Thn Government KuJorse '1 he Amerieait Agriculturist From the tenth cencus, vol. S. just pub hscd. "TJie As;rieultri.t i especiaUv o;thv ot mention, because ot the retnarkahk- success that has attended the unique and until -tin; ettorts ot its pro- pneror.s to iiu reae and evjend its circulation- Its contents are duplicated every tnoiuh ior a jjen:. an edition, vthich also circulates wi :el .." Tl'.is tribute is a ple.iMnsj incident in the marvelous nearU HALF ACEN DRY CR,ER ot this recognized leadi.i- Agricultural Journal of the world. WHAT IT IS TD-DAY Six n.onths a,o the American i;ricu!t iirist cnte ed upon a new ot pifper 't.v, and to-dav it is fur supeiicr to anv siniilar eriudical ever produced i i this or auy other country. Richer in editor ial strength; r:cher oi cnr.iiiys; print ed on tiner paper, and presenting in ev ery issue io co'nmns t oi initial reading matter, Irom the ablest writers, and near ly l'-o illustiation . Dr. tieorge I'hur er, tor nearly a quarter of u ce'dtirv ed itor-in-chiet of th.e American Agricultur ist, Joseph Harris, r roti i). IlaUted. Col M. C Weld, and Andrew s. Fuller, tne other long time editor.,' together with the other writer who have made the t:riculturi&t what it i lu-Jav. are still at their posts. WHAT, FREE ? ? ? Every uhs;-! ii;cr, !-,-- subscription is tmmediaelv li-rnarded us with the price. $i 5i per ve.o, and cent- ex tra for postage on i viopaepii. making $i (; in ail will receive the American giK ultuiris! (la ur (leriuan) tor ail ot 1S.S5. and he presente i with the 111erican Agricuh ai it Fa-nil v Cyclopae dia, (just out 1 . 71 k lae and over :,o lCngr : ing. Strongiv bmin.l i'l cloth, black and sn!d. This entirely' newvoluine i a remar -able storehoase and hook of reference tor every department ot human knowl edge, inelddint; an agricultural supple ment bv Or. Tliuroer. Send three 2-ceiM stamps tor mailiiii' win specimen eijpy American Agricult urist, au elegant iorty-page premium list, with 200 il'ustrations, riud specimen pag es ot oar tami.v ovclopacdia, ( anyas ers wanted every where. Address 1'ublishers of A M Kit IC A N A OK ici;li XI! 1ST, David V. Judd, Sanri Iiurchatn I'res't. S 7;i Broudway, New York. THE BEST LINE EAST IS THE HAIIAVAY. The Oldest Etablisliel Route From TO Cincixiziati ZiOialsvlllo AND ALL POINTS BEYOND. 4 I4II,V TR.4IS TO 4 IM l TIaiiil LOliII.L:. With Through Day Cars. I'aior and Palace Sleeping Coacncs. Palace Sleeping: Cars Without Change from tt. Louis in IO HOURS TO LOUISVILLE. IO HOURS TO CINCINNATI. 30 HOURS TO WASHINGTON'. 31 HOURS TO BALTIMORE. 3S HOURS TO NEW YORK. o cJtHiise of daM for ny class of i'aseiieei a. First and Sec ond-Class Passengers are all carried on Fast Expres Train, running THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. THE O. &d M. Is the 'horte-t and quickest route, and vim can go via 'incinati or Louisville: a choice of routes oftered bv no other !i:ie The OHIO & MISSISSIPPI RAILWAY IS NOW RLVMVG , Palace Sleep-ng Coaches IK'lM St. Lou:., to New York it;- '. Chfe. The or.Sv line by which v,;i can .e tiirough cars troi-.i St. L u?s to Ciucir.n'i without pay extra t;.re in ad'.'itson to money paid tor ticket. For Ticket'. Rate, r r ar.v pr--ticutar Information. e:I vn Ticket Agents ' r'f.rirL'C'ir,.' lines, V.'et, North we t r. Sou-hvvsst. Or ir. St L'sui at ioi a ad 1 1 - t Fourth St. .-. v.-. rjiAUonv. v. n.-;: .tt ;. re-'t k Gen'l man".;.-;.-. n'i . - - : Ci-cim-i, OVo. G. D :;AC" '. G-.-.i'i V'e-:er: Ohio k Mississipp Louts Mo BATES COUNTY National Bank. OF BUTLER, MO. Oldest Bank in the County. Capital paid in, - - S 7.000. SlirplUS .... $27,000 Large Vault. B urlar-Proof Safe with Time Lock We are prepared to do a general ban) inj- uusuiesh. t.ood paper alwaj is demand. Buy and hell echange, receive depotti c, Sic. DIRECTORS. Lewis Chenev, I. C. ClaiW, Dr. Klliot Pvie lion. 1 It. Newtri K. P Henry, I. N. Main, Dr. J . Kvei iniih.ini, . P. Kdwardk, J.J. Ryan, W.I. Hard, Dr. D.'D. Wood, J. M. Patty, Geo. W. Miera, F. ' Smith. F. J.Tvgard. OFFICERS. LEWIS CHENEV I.C.CLARK - -V. 1. TVGARD - Prenidenl Vice P.ekidfnl. Cashier- BUTLER L IN- Opera House IHouk, Cah Capital aiul Suijilu. $5;,.5V JOHN II SI LLENS Pield- nl T. W. CHIL')S Vice Presi.lci. Wm. L. ALTON Ciifliiet. '. . DI KE A'l t ashie. DON KINNEV lerk and oUrcl Dr. T. Houlware, R. D. William. udie L H. Sullen, A. L, MrMride, Frank Vol i, C, II, Dutch?. Hooker Powell, (iteen W . Walt'ij, Dr N, L, W hippk, T, W, Child, Wm, E, W alton, . Rue Jenkin. OTHER STOCK HOLDERS: G, IS, Hickman, J', C. Duke, John Derrwester, O. Spencer, John 15. Ellis, , , EMII, S, Q. Dutcher, .1, !, MrKee. Henrv Donovan, A, H, Humpl.r Large Fir and Burglar Proof Safe with time lock. Receives depoMt subject to check at sight, Loans money buys and sells change and does a prnrral Banking bn ness. Your nuiries i repectlull olirltrd. FINE SUITS, In every fide price and quality Made to Order X guaranteed a fit In every cas ( all and i-ee me, Kouth room grange store. J E TALBOTT, 47 V. Merchant TiWr .ICIlaNlSOi'S Commercial College! 421 N.3d St.. M. Louis. Mo. lOpoa All tlio TT-ar! .VI the llraotiie ot an EoIi't M .'lie ii aihica! af 'l C'i marrof' C'-nrvj U'i;;h- L-:J' Sjieciji Tti.c!.cr' Co"re ft ?hoe vvlai ilesire to Learn and I J'.iint s Ot iiainertal I'ennn f i;. e'c. ii ter. !- ;i cu- iixi ' t fotnier Ju i!etit: vfir h ive c 'ntj'e'el u!t iof ructiou. Full Corps oi rixp'.n.-ru-' I'rolessori. Write for Circular. jchi-en- f Penmanship and Cafa!r.ue r,f S; rJentsar.l Reft reuce. Ai''' Sr. Lot is. Mo. SEVARD A. HASELTIKf ATEHT SOLICITOR 2c ATT'Y AT Lktf, . . -- r. a. ;rw y.t w i r-Cv- ..J rv.:-.H";aT!-.; ' i.-aaii i--.' c.v.rt5ried,f?ia a Tin J : II