Newspaper Page Text
lie Sutler J L IL iinl WV HI M II ill FX. TIT. BUTLER. MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY MA1JCII 25. 1881. NO 17 A .SPECZ OF WAR Irie Gorcrnor of Iowa Calls Oat filitia and Invades the Capitol. Pes Moines, Io., March uj. For jepast week the State Auditor af- has been in statu juo, ami all iiibe"n quiet about the old iokery j which the Auditor's office is still Mr acated, and public interest has lull- silW in viewr of the legal proceedings Slicing on in the Court. Out the jOVCIHUl wttn ui.Mit nic itai uc triined that his order suspending iJie State Auditor should suspend. He has held the matter in abeyance pending the hearing' before the Court in the case of Cattell against Brown, in which was raised the legal author fii , i M State officer. That question havm? Iv been decided, sustaining the author- itjr of the Governor, this afternoon I, about 4 130 the sheriff served a war- rant of arrest on Auditor Brown and ha deputy, Stewart, on the charge ofrefusmg the Governor access ti tie books and papers of the Audi- !J tor's office, and which was issued March 7. Then the trio were in the rooms of the Insurance Department, on the south side of the hall, in the second story. The north side of the hall contains the Auditor's office, ithe rooms ot which have been kept locked continually, and while they ere parleying over the bond to be jiven a squad of State guards, head sl by Adjt. Gen. Alexander, came marching down the hall DOORS BATTERED DOWN. Brown and Stewart met them at !he door, when the General de manded admission into the offices hich Brown refused, w'neH the or 1 . . . xt was giTen to the n,,iitii, to Q through the door, A bir sledRe hammer was quickly swung in the lir and after sevMal vigorous blows he door succumbed and the soldiers iegan to fi'c into the oft ce, when Brown am) Stewart attempted to top tliew, and a lively scrimmage rasSiadfora tim. Both Brown S 1 . - ffl btewart being forced into the 11, they were deposed to regain atrance, when the Sheriff interpos al and induced them to peaceably ttire and save farther trouble and wssible bodily injury, which would Xrtainlv have followed. The sol Cers were there on business, eve-y artrkSge box being full aad each pn loaded. The clerks employed n tte ofiices were notified to leave, Jutwere disoosed to hesitate, when the were informed that they must ?, peacefully it they would or for sbly if necessary. They donned beir wraps and retired to the hall ad other ofhees on the floor, but vere followed up and ejected from loorot the building. PH WVO.NET AS A PERSUADER. During the attack the occupants ot he other offices rushed into the hall, ut a sternly presented bayonet en Sneered them each to his own place rith orders to stay inside, the ortW eing supplemented with a guard ad fived bayonet at the door. So Kn as the Auditor's 100m had been j on the Augean stable. He made a eared of all attaches. Zvir. Cattell, j visit to the cue attached to the White e Governor's appointee as Audi- j house and found it rilled with horses r, was brought in and given p$ j of no service save to air the employes. ston. Investigation showed oks or records visible. The sup u given orders to open the sa te. .1 . 1 6 o'clock all officers in the v; iices were ordered from the build- ! vet in ashingtoi:. but V. Toe sentiment is divided, rown claims it to be a high-handed fragc upon his rights. It was ru tted this evening that some of his end sj would mob the soldiers t -iht, and should thev attempt s-- wise and to-hh an act there ' trouble. vv; Supreme Court Commission Bi'I. Intelligence reaches us that on the ; vefcterdav t'nr i,f.c . - , , - ..... ...u- jl J CUI CltlllilH C ! 1 , 1 uereateu the senate bi?l the -supreme court coir mission. This C ...... ",u" " me nouse wiil afford mat- j ter for reret in all quarters of the I state except where the rich am! trie powerful are ena-'ed 111 Hn.rati-m, hope, by cutting off a portion ,.f t'e machinery whereby litigation is ex pedited, to cause their opponents who are, very often, the poor, the weak and the helpless to keen y feel the d.nt of ''hope de'erret'" and i Of "the Jaw's delav ' anrl h,. fore more ready to yield to almost any terms of compromise or surren der ot their rights w ;;ich their more wealthy adversaries may dictate. The supreme court commission has worked well. " The commissioners have done nobly. Their work has challenged the admiration of the members of the bar throughout the state, and amply vindicated the wis- 1 it- tiom ot their selection, and of the Jaw which made tl.eir appointment possible. By iheni hundreds of cases have been disposed of in the space of two years, during which they have acted, and hundreds of opinions, the work ot their brains and of their hands, have adorned and will continue to adorn the paes of our state reports, adding a fresh lustrt to our judicial annals. Such was. the .mportance ot the continu ation of the commission to the people of this state that Governor Manna- duke, soon after his inauguration, ip a terse and timely message, called the attention ot the legislature to the matter, and urged the passage of such a bill as on yesterday met such an untimely and unmerited defeat. It is idle to speculate on the cause which led to that defeat; some ot them have already been hinted at, others of them may perhaps be found in that pride ot opinion as to the un constitutionality of the bill which passed two years ago creating the commission, and the cherished desire to vindicate that opinion at the pres ent session, and also that insatiable j thirst for office, which doubtless, hopefully looked for the establish ment m the near future of a third court of appeals amid the mighty mountain tops of the Ozark range, in the event the commission kill could be defeated. We learn that over 1,000 cases will, at the next April term, await decision at the hands ot the supreme court. When to this large numler is added those criminal cases constantly coming up to swell the list, &s well as original applications without number, the prospect of poor and needy litigants whose little all is frequently wrap ped up m a single suit, is by no means flattering. In view ot all these things may we not in all can- dor ask what has become of legis- ! lathe regard tor the public welfare J and of that constitutional command j hat "justice shall be administered 1 without delay?' Mo. Republican, j The Clerks Must Hoof it. The president i at lat-t at work i:o ; In all there were seven. He directed two to be letained for office use. and Mtion is that they are inside the j the b-Uuce to be turned over to the e, and an expert was summoned j quartermaster's department of the , j army. where thev belonged. The ariou i president has no horses of his own! proposes to ! and the soldiers took posseM.i, ! buv a pair soon for driving purnoses. 1 in guards at ad entrances. i here ; During Mr. Arthur's administration j intense excitement throughout the ! the White house st-iides were well ; tilled. ns. m a.Kbtioi. to th- seven ! horses n Jeried to. he kept ten horses j . 1 - . a 1 ins o-. a cpcMsC, among tnem four big bav vvnicr were often I driven i'nr :u Arthur Icfr :.r : ::e Cievel!!! ss long d. These Mr. ie or President , ' he might de- ; sire. Presii ut drvrhuul intends ' keeping but two carriage' horses for his own private use, and will shortly Durchase a suitable pair, but, until .. .i men, nui continue to ue tnose j placed at his disposal by Mr. Arthur ! Liked H m. fudge Muilen of Nebraska passed through the city yesterday on his wav home. 'How do vou iiie the new presi dent? was a-kr i. Oi.. I lik.- r. : I him. Still. i:e's just ;i 1,-t-it,. mi v fresh. U democrats from Xtbru-ka go to gether in Washington last week, and after discussing the whole matter wt decided not to bear down very hard On the president to begin with. Th- next day we called on him, and afte passing tin- tn;ic of day I said: 'Mr. President, we hae concluded to d. notning hout the offices at present. imiiKsiig 1 u jsr !cr nim Know. vu know, and he looked up kinde' solemn and says : 'So have I.' Now that was a mean remark, and the more I think ot it the meaner it gets Still, I like him. lie's going to givr the republicans h Minir.g Horror. Berlin. March iS. A terrible dis aster occurred in a mining villa : near Soarabruecken this morning. t which it is believed 200 111. litis lo-i their lives. The explosion occurrc. in one o the l uge mines. Th mmets had hardly began the da' work when a fire damp became nited and exploded, causing a heavy cave-ii around the shaft and entrance to the mine. Over 200 men weir known to be m the mine at the time All efforts to reach them have thu tar been unsuccessful. It is feared all have been eithci crushed dead or asphyxiated. Scenes in and around the mine are heartrending. The wives, mothers s xd children of the imprisoned men are flocked around the entrance sobbing and imploring God to help them and spare the lives ot the dear ones entombed be low. Xir.etv-two bodies have thus tar beet, taken out of the mine near Cowsen, m which an explosion oc curred this morning. They were all found m or near the main shaft. It is supposed that many others will be found in the less accessible part of the mine. The explosion destroyed the air shafting, thus making the survival of any of the miners almost impossible. A Dying Woman's Propbetic Vmon. New York, March iS. Mrs. William Nelson ot Brooklyn died this morning. She had been suffer ing long from an incuraole disease, and was frequently at the point of death. On Sunday afternoon, w hen apparently dying, she awoke as from a trance and said to her husband : "I see two funerals going from this house." On Monday afternoon she made the ame remark. After her death this morning, her husband, a tall, broad-shouldered powerful Scotchman, went to an undertaker's to make arrangements for her funer al. When about to leave he sudden ly dropped int a chair and asked for a glass of water. Before it could be brought he was dead. Heart disease was the cause. The hus band and wife will be buried togeth er. Thes were constant attendants jot Dr. Tabnage's church. The Vernon Vendetta. Vernon. Tex.. March to. The excitement over the discovery ot the assassination society in Wilbarger county and it- alleged vendetta work here in the killing ii a trumbcr of citizens is unabated throughout the Panhandle. All ot the twenty-three . peisons arreste i on the exposure made by W. II. Xev the detective who : i 1 - i tiie -letv and then Vriv its allege- members over to the hands ' : r- l:;v. are wrll-known C!ti.?en - . 5, , them engaged in I the 1 ive stock industry and able to command large sums of money, and j their prosecul i , - . ion promises to be rrimrui oi exceedingly intei estuv and pei haps sensational feature. 1 he preliminary examination has, closed, resulting jn aji )ut sjx 0f t,e : arrested uatties being he.M to answer. ! their bul being fixed at sums vary- : ing from $1,000 to $10,000 each. I Much apprehension is felt that ! more bloodshed will follow as the esult of the exposure and arrests. 1 nd the prediction i inaac ti1Jt a Mgn "i tenor if nothing else will ! prevent t'ml and full disposal m court of all the cues. h'ate rangers re stationed in the portion of the Panb.,nd!e trit.utary to Vernon. ! Magr is a Many ; ' ness 10 not tcl! : 1 Balm to beauty, hrfresh- : r.i.thor THE CLYDESDALE STALLION JIVtAU GRAY. Vivian Gray No. J494, Scotcii stud book No. 1507, American C j j ) win inaKC inc season ot io5 at the stable ot Frank I. Lee, two mites north and one mile nctt 01 Foster, in Walnut twnship. Hates count v, Mo., RiPTioN" and PeniOhEt:' lilood Bay, Black mane, tail and legj;s, vry lit tle white next to hoof on right hind pas rern, 17 hands hih, and weighs 1,70s. t'oated May issi, hied by George Arm strong, KirkUnd, Wighton, Cumberland, Scotland; imported iiiS,5, bv Robert IIol toway, Alexis, IU. Sire Youny Clansman (94) , dam Fanny (974). Mred bv Iord Cliae, (4S1). grand dam hired by bir Valter Scott, (797), VounifJ Clansman (94J), the Kire ot Vivian Crav (2494), waskired bv Clansman, (150), 'who won the premium tor the Weighton district: he by Prince ot Wales (670), who won tirst prize at C!ascow Agricultural Socie ty, in 1S65, and (irkt at the ilighland So ciety Show at Inverse Batnr. year. lx)rd t lyde (4S1), the sire os dam was f-ired by Farmers' Fancy, (300) ; he by Blithe (Si), he by Lotty (455), who won first prize and silver medal at Glasc w. He traveled Paisley district in 1S54, Dalkeitkni in 1S55 and Clascow in 1856. Vivian Gray is a hore of the kindest disposition, a ready server and a sure getter. He is a clean, sharp, rlat kone horse, ot great power and beautv, and wifh all good action. He has a beautiful head, well arched neck, verv deer chest, is also heavi lv quartered, with ;overtul back, fwel! sprung ribs, and round barrel a hor&e of two good ends and a good mid dle, with good bone and good leet pro portionate to his great weight a verv choice horse. Terms : SS to insure colt to stand and suck, $20 to insure mare with roal, $ig the leap, nionev due at time ot service, insurance March 1st 1SS6. Anvone leav ing countv or parting with mare after service has been rendered forfeits insur ance and monev mun be paid. Care will be taken to prevent accidents but will not be responsible should anv occur. Mares from a distance can be accommodated ! with pasturage at reasonable rates, j Would be glad to have all nee this colt be fore making breeding arrangements for the season. Respecttullv, j Julv 4th S5 FRANK P. LLX. ! Wivts! Mothers'. Daughters! 1'e Your (hu I'hvsi ian! A ladv who for ears surfered lonnents wrse than death rro:n L'terine Troiible, falling of the womb, leucorrhoea. suppressions, ice. and who had despaired ot being cured, , found a remedv w-nich completely cured j 1 tired j ,can I self, ( ner. Anv uirerer irom Mica trouoiea use the remedies and thus cure her: without revealing her condition to anv j one, and without s-uivecting her womanlv tnodestv to the shock of an examination : bv a phvsician. The prescriptions and j lull descriptions for use. sent tree to anv 1 address, secureiv sealed, enclose one (two cent) stamp. Address, naming this paper Mrs. W. C Holmes, 65S Broadwav 17 1 vr New Vor. FOR Man and Beast. Mustang EOJt rtjcn. r.r ' c.otj every ;-"C--. s IITELECRAPHiC INSTITUTE! tortile- AOTKUR J. BHMES, ' iwH Rpe- unnTuaiir mini llWill EXTRA INDUCEMENTS Are Being Offered by us on CLOAKS, BLANKETS, AND ALL OTHER TER GOODS 0 BEFORE RECEIVING SPRING GOODS. It will save you Money to see our PRICES BEFORE BUYING. CALL AND SEE US, J. M. McKIBBEN. c THt GREAT MflV 1,1AH RET: OUR E8 Rheumatism, neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Hiadacto, ToothadM, Sr Throat. wl 1 1 ncs.Hrsl (.BralMS, Barai, Scalda. ProS Blt. ATHt ALL VTH EH BMDILT F4IXS Al JKTTW. f : Y-j PrCTtgtf T1 " - rtMy CMbM4fc IMraftLM In 11 UnfVtm. THE Oil KI,K A. VOUELKH CO. (IraHMtiTi A. vor.ri.r.B CO.) hlUatn, 3., t.ft. A. Important. When you visit or Irav New York City, nave ItaKKK' Kxj.rcBiaK and CarriaiTH Ilirnand utop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Cen tral JOepot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cot of one mil lion dollars, reduced to l.iX) and upward per day. European plan. Klevaior. Kestaurant supplied with the Dent. Horsf car. HtaKea and elevatei railroad to all depots. Kamiliea can live better for leBs money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other fir?t-cla hotel in the city. JUST WHAT TOO WLST. LOOK HERE FARMERS! y "VTT CA I K' l V I . 14 AVV A 9 he- OLD PLOW SMITH, Is back to Ei tier and has started a e AaV I articles, is 25 e Blacksmith Shop!s On lirst street e't of baptist church. Bring in your plows to him. He wil! put on a share of first class soft center plow steel, and wrill harden it as good as the est- Shoeing and ohbin alio d.-ne. Will be glad :o see all r.iy 'J ni-tomtr-and as many r.ew on-s as possible IRA VTlr5VZS'rJL,. TO REDUCE STOCK, MISSOUR! REPUBLICA N A tliaiK-t (o ilrt VHlimblt- Houoeliold Articles for but a Fraction of their Talue: Every Article in the Following Li-: (Juarantteil as Represented lv the Old Reliable M Republican. We wiil ie the Weeklv MlsMiml Re publican, the regular subscription pric ot which is $1, with the io!!owin rti cle at the price named : The Waterburj' Watch, an cxcellerir, reliable and good looking watch. It i manufactured by the Waterbtirv Con panv, espcclallv for the Missouri' Kepub lian, and i seut to suljscrihern tlirouj' the mail in a fcatin-lined case. The reg ular price ot the watch is Si but W send the Weekly Republican, one yea and the watch and chain for the price rl the watch, $3 50; with the Tri-Weelclj one year $6 50. An elegant Sew ing Machine warrarte.t ror five years. Thia machine la tully equal to it not better than similar nva chines that have been telling all oe the country for from $35 to $60. Our is onlv $18 and Weekly for one year thrown in. Wi.h the Tn-Weekly for or -year it is $20. Farmers and Mechanics' Blacksmit! shop, $o worth ot tools for $25. This set of took consist of 40-lb anvil and vise, 18-inch tongs, j-lbs hammer, with handle, I'-j-lb. hot chisel, with hand',?, No. 34 stock and dies, Farrier' pincers, Farrier' knife, Shoeing hammer, Blacksmith' drill, Forge will heat iK inch iro I j These tools are of the best quality, an:i Iwill Jast a life time. I'rice f;o. Tr-i- sii 01 ilis anu inc vveckiv i one year, $ ; witn Tri-Wi i eaut::ul Familv Ckx-k, i Thomas Athcns'patent : 1 kit ol tools and tne Weekly Republicar, . cemv fll. made by .St'.; patent: height, 17 in. : Solid walnut cae : spring-winding; rr.r S days: strikes the hours. ( iuarantee'i" ro keep perfect time, ifetail 01 ice, f . -We give thi clock and the Weekly Re publican one year tor $5; Tri-Weekly tor 9; Daily tor 14. Family scales ot two kinds: The Li: tle Detective. Thia scale weigfis accur ately any article ranging from on quarte i ot a pound to twenty-five pound. fV' j the Weekly one year, $3; with the Tr - Weekly, $. The same scales, with i scoop, tor the purpose of weighing lvoc articles, is .25 cents higher. or Fami'y Scale, is a plai- ar.d wrigh up to $40 poundr . onevear,i4, 2:; withTr The watch gfe bv mail, postage rfl by tne Republican.' Kach of the Other . ifir will be shipped bv treiiht. or tx- pre, a the subscriber mav direct at ri:s epene. CLUII LIST. Ar.vore sending with u ciub ci week! v subscriber will get a Wa'ertv.' vat h.and chain tree. Anvone sending .?t; witha c!i"r ot " AjiVlv subscribers will get aSeth Tbfy - . s ' n'k tree. T!IK MiSMH lil KKfUBLICA:, St. Loi-'-